Don't Go.

Don't Go

Title: Don't Go

Date Started: January 31, 2014

Date Finished: February 9, 2014

Genre: Romance, Drama

Rating: General

Characters: Lu Han, Oh Sehun


Don't Go.


"Yah! Lu Han! Where do you think you're going?!" The mentioned lad ran as fast as he could but unfortunately for him, he was too fast for the redhead to outrun. Oh Sehun grabbed Luhan by the waist as he pulled him in an embrace but the smaller struggled. Luhan knew for sure what was bound to happen. If he would hear the words come out from his lover's mouth, it would surely break his heart into two.

"Hannie...? Why are you crying?" Sehun called as his hand moved to Luhan's chin and lifted the smaller's head up. "Luhan... why?" He called again but the brunette couldn't hear anything but his heart breaking into pieces from every word the taller would say. But knowing Sehun's personality, he would not easily give up on the lad. He wanted to know 'why'.

Why Luhan had been acting all weird for the last few weeks. Why his lover was not as lively as he was before. Why he would avoid Sehun's gaze. There were more questions he wanted to be answered but, Luhan would not tell him the answers he wanted to hear.

Sehun was confused; he was scared of what will become of their relationship. But Luhan was terrified. He was depressed. He would not lose Sehun for he was someone very important to him. Luhan would not be able to take it if the other would leave him now. He didn't want to take that risk. And he wasn't ready to let go of all their memories and hardships together. It was his precious treasures.

"No... please. Le-Let go, Se-Sehun-ah..." Luhan whispered as he pushed Sehun away. The brunette covered his face so as to not let the other see how terrified and hurt he was. "Hannie-ah... when did I ever let you go?"

In that brief moment, Luhan's heart stopped. "You will... won't you...?" The brunette raised his head which made Sehun flinch at the sight he saw. Luhan's eyes were red as if he'd been crying all night. His lips were trembling and swollen. His skin color had changed from milky white to pale. The bags under his eyes were dark and big. His body was trembling and his hair was a mess. What had happened to his cute little deer, Luhan?

"Hannie-ah... wh-what's wrong...? What happened? Why are you like this?"

Sehun tried to convince his lover to explain his thoughts but Luhan couldn't see through it. He knew the other would leave him. He knew Sehun really wasn't homoual... he knew Sehun fell in love with another girl. He knew the blonde wasn't his anymore... this broke him. His mind had gone blank.

"No... no, no, no. Sehun... no..."

Luhan shook his head endlessly as he hugged himself and fell to the sand. Waves of water drenched his pants and the moon slowly showed itself as the sun's rays waved goodbye. "Luhannie, please tell me what's happening. I don't understand you. What's wrong? What had happened while I was gone?"

Gone... that word echoed in Luhan's head like a barking nonstop. "No... please, Sehun. Please..." Sehun was confused as hell. He slowly started approaching the brunette as the other shook his head to no end. He held his lover's shaking shoulders and tried to meet his eyes but Luhan would avert his gaze.

Eventually, Sehun got tired of trying to convince his boyfriend. But he had to try once more. He held the elder's chin and lifted it up but as soon as Luhan was about to struggle again, Sehun pressed his lips against Luhan's. As their lips molded into each other's, the elder's tears fell. It fell like the rain would; noticing uneasiness from the other, Sehun's eyes fluttered open just to see Luhan's pair staring at him, half-lidded and clouded with tears. With this sight, Sehun let go.

"Luhan... please. Tell me what happened. Tell me what had gone wrong. Why are you like this?" Sehun couldn't help but be saddened by his lover's actions. It was breaking him and with his lover's actions, his plans had been ruined... Or maybe not. Maybe he could convince the lad. Maybe this was the time to act out.

"I don't want you to go..."

Finally, Luhan's inner battle whether he'd tell Sehun the reason why he had been so depressed or not, had stopped and he decided to just tell his tall lover the reason why he had been depressed the past few weeks. "Go where?" Sehun asked, confused. He didn't know a thing about 'going somewhere' and if he were to go somewhere, shouldn't he be the first one knowing so?

"I know you're going to leave me... for that girl. I know you aren't homoual but please... give me a month and I'll figure something out. Please. Just... not now. Plea-" Luhan was cut off by Sehun's heartwarming embrace. "Shhh. Calm down, Hannie. Let me talk first. It seems like you're misunderstanding something." Sehun whispered at his lover's ears. Luhan had no energy left to struggle and so he did what he was told and waited for his lover to do the explaining while he returned the hug.

"Look, Hannie. That girl you saw... when was it?" Sehun asked. He had an idea of what made his boyfriend this depressed. And the girl he was talking about, it seems Sehun had finally realized what this big issue was all about and he swore if Luhan wasn't feeling bad about the situation, he'd laugh so hard right now at the big misunderstanding. "Two weeks ago." Luhan whispered, loud enough for Sehun to hear.

"You know how our fifth anniversary is tomorrow, right?" Sehun asked while placing his chin on top of Luhan's head and tracing circles at his lover's back with his long slender fingers. "Ye-Yeah..." Luhan started tearing up. He knew Sehun would leave him right on their anniversary and just by thinking about it, the brunette couldn't bear it. He couldn't afford losing the blonde.

"You saw us inside a jewelry shop, right? Where I was with a co-worker of mine as we looked for rings." Luhan's grip tightened at Sehun's shirt. He noticed this and how Luhan tensed up when he mentioned the word 'rings'.

"I was with her because I wanted to know what ring would suit you as I described you to her for I believed that girls were much better at picking jewelries." The answer made Luhan's heart skip a beat and a smile was almost visible on his face.

"I was going to give it to you tomorrow. I was..." Sehun pulled Luhan away from him as he held onto the smaller's shoulders and faced the brunette eye to eye.

"...I was going to propose to you."

Luhan's eyes doubled in surprise as his tears fell and, Sehun wiped them away and smiled the sweetest smile Luhan had ever seen in his entire life and, he loved it more than anything. "A-Are you se-serious?" Luhan asked, unable to process the sudden surprise he felt.

"Of course I am! Why would I even kid about marrying you, Hannie-ah?" Sehun giggled as he lifted himself up and helped the other up as well. "If I would ask you now..." Sehun took out a small box and opened it. There, inside was a small silver ring that had 'My Cute Little Deer, Hannie' encrypted on it. It was obviously custom-made and the presence of a silver ring in a red box made Luhan's knees weak but he gathered his strength so as to not fall and embarrass himself in front of his proposing lover. Sehun kneeled down and took Luhan's right hand and kissed the top of it.

"Will you give me the permission to be with you until our last breath?" Luhan's big smile was clearly visible now and his tears hadn't stopped falling.

"Yes! A hundred times yes, Sehun-ah!" Sehun smiled and placed the ring on his lover's hand and pulled him in an embrace that made both of their hearts flutter.

"Thank you, Sehun-ah. Thank you." Luhan whispered as he tightened his grip on Sehun's shirt. Sehun smiled and rubbed the smaller's back in circles.

"From now on, don't ever think I'd leave you, 'cause only death could break us apart. As long as I’m living, Luhan, you'll forever be my first and will always be my last. Do you understand?"

"Yeah. I do, Sehun. I do."


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BieLaBie #1
Chapter 1: OMG! THIS WAY TOO LOVELY *^* this is sweet... hurting my gums~ xD ♥♥ just LOVIN this!

You did a good job on this author-nim ㅅㅂㅅ
Chapter 1: Awwwwww!! So cute!!! <3
Chapter 1: That was cute
Chapter 1: Woahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Incredible, I loved it! PERFECT!