Chapter 7


Author's note : kchingu- please don't be a ghost reader, we'd like to hear what you like and dislike about our story and any of our chapters. if there's anything you'd like to say, we'd love to hear it in the comments! :) thanks for reading!

"He's just a guy I met at the complex."

"How come you let him into our apartment?"

"I trust him."

"We will just have to see where this 'trust' goes then. Be careful Sandrah."

It felt like you were getting into trouble, for making a friend. 

"If your 'friend' finds out about me and our parents, actually no, WHEN your friend finds out, what do you think will happen Sandrah?"

You didn't know what to say.

"Will you trust him then?" 

You started to regret having friends, meeting EXO, taking care of them all, hanging out with them all.

"Yah, you have to let this girl have some dignity. She's in highschool Woobin, it's when she can learn from her mistakes. She says she trusts him, let her be. " Taemi said.

"Well my highschool life didn't turn out so good did it Taemi?" Woobin snapped.

"At least you met me..." Taemi cautiously said. 

"I treated you like trash Taemi, I'm just lucky I saw you again to--"

"Yes, Woobin-oppa, I'll be careful with who I make friends with. Don't worry too much about me." You finally butted in to break the tension.

Suddenly, Taemi froze. Woobin and you went on and on about how living alone without eachother was like and how much you missed one another, totally not realising why Taemi wasn't speaking.

"Sandrah-shi... you.. know them?" Chanyeol's voice said. 

The three of you froze.

Breaking the silence, after staring at Chanyeol's face as if trying to figure him out, Woobin spoke up. 

"Just tell him Sandrah."

"Ay?" You said surprised at what Woobin had muttered.

"Just tell him, there's no point in lying now."

Now, you could tell that Woobin just gave in. He either felt like it was going to happen anyway, or the fact that he didn't want to lie or finally, he might've began to trust Chanyeol as well.

"Chanyeol-ah.. this is my brother.."

"Isn't he from..?"

"Yes, he is. His father and mother are rich. He is wealthy. And I'm his younger sister."

"Is he going to run the company when he's olde--"

"NOO. HAHAH, sorry, no I am not. "Woobin butted in, giving Chanyeol a handshake.

What surprised you the most was the fact that Chanyeol was not shocked nor disappointed or angry in any way. 

"How come you don't live with your brother and your parents.." He asked.

"I'll tell you later Chanyeol, when we're alone." You said, just in case he was angry at you for not telling him.

"AHEMM, annyeonghasayo. I'm Taemi. 21 years old from Australia, it's nice to meet you Chanyeol. I'm Sandrah's aspiring sister-in-law.  " Taemi said feeling forgotten.

The four of you all laughed as Woobin gave an apologetic hug for not introducing her.

"Annyeonghasayo Taemi noona."Chanyeol said.

 "Are you two going to stay here for a while?" You asked.

"Yeahh, about that. Chanyeol-ah." Woobin began.

"Yes?" He replied politely to his Hyung.

"Is it alright if Sandrah stays in your apartment for a few nights. Taemi and I want our alone time, and I want to show her around this place."

"Uhhh, if it's alright with you and Sandrah... yeahh." 

You were lost for words. If Woobin was doing this on purpose to make you and Chanyeol closer, it wasn't funny. But nonetheless, you had no choice. It was Woobin's apartment after all. 

With that, you found yourself on Chanyeol's bed whilst he slept on the ground next to the bed. You had never made a proper friend before let alone have a sleep over with them. 

As you woke up, you could feel another warm body against yours, motionless. The only part of your body that woke was your eyes. As they opened, you were greeted with Chanyeol's arm on your belly, leg on you legs. 

You liked to sleep flat on your back with your arms laying up past your head beside your ears. You had used his sausage-hugging pillow as a foot rest as you slept. Somehow though, during the night, cause you were sure he was sleeping on the ground before you fell asleep, he had got into the same bed that you were sleeping in. 

As if trying to use you as a hugging pillow, he laid on his side, sleeping with his arms and legs almost wrapping around your body. You couldn't help but smile at the funny but cute situation. The big friendly giant turned back into a young kid who likes to sleep with a hugging pillow.

Astonishingly, it was quite comfortable. You shared the same blanket that circulated the body heat coming from the two of your bodies. If someone where to walk in, they would've thought the two of you were husband and wife.

Chanyeol still asleep, you took the sausage pillow that you had been using as a foot rest and put it inside of his arms and legs, replacing where your body used to be. For a while, you lay on your side, staring at Chanyeol's pure perfection as he peacefully slept.

With your fingers, you slowly brushed away the hairs that were covering his eyes. You cherished this moment because you knew something like this may never come true for you, what, friendship, relationships, marriage, happiness. It felt so weird that looking at Chanyeol sleeping next to you could make you think about all these things.

You finally decided to get out of bed. Like all the other times after waking up, you thought about food. This time though you thought about making breakfast for you and Chanyeol.

After making some eggs and bacon, you lay back in bed, on you side facing Chanyeol like before. His skin was flawless. You began poking his cheek for fun which made him move a few times but he didn't wake. You made your way to the end of the bed where his legs just fit the bed frame and began tickling his feet. 

"AHHH HAHAAH"he screamed. He's awake. 

"Morning Mr Park."

"Who are you..." He said as he sat up in his bed, rubbing his eyes.

He finally realised it was you and began looking at his bed and the make shift bed he made himself last night. 

"How did I get here?"

"I don't know.. Hahhaha it's ohkay, I slept great last night."

"I slept the best I've ever slept in ages. Other than going to the toilet once, I didn't have any interruptions." he stated. 

"Hahah that's probably when you decided to sleep in the same bed as me huh? "You said laughing.


"Hahahha, I was joking Chanyeolie. Anyway,  I made us breakfast."

After finishing dinner, the two of you decided to go hang around the streets together. You walked out with black jeans and a large hoodie when Chanyeol came out of his room with the same outfit as you.
"I liked your style from the moment I saw you Sandrah-shi." He said handing you a pair of black sunglasses like the ones he was already wearing. 

You were glad because now, no one could possibly recognise the two of you. Bad things would happen if people saw you with him. 

Watching a movie together, you both took your sunglasses off to enjoy the movie. Sharing popcorn and sharing the same drink, you were happy, he was happy.


Now, he basically knew everything about you and even though you didn't know everything about him, you were happy.

As the movie nearly finished, you felt stares. You knew someone was looking at the two of you, maybe even more than one person. You felt stares.

Ironically, as you turned around, you saw them right behind you two. 


"Mmm?" He said munching on popcorn still paying attention to the movie.

"Who.. are they?" You said as you felt someones breath on your neck.

You saw Chanyeol turn to you as his eyes widened as he saw them.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?" He exclaimed as he stood up from his seat. 

He immediately grabbed your hand and pulled you out and away from your seat as you turned around to see a group of fierce looking boys.

"We're back, aren't you glad Park. Chan. Yeol?" One of the boys said with a wide smirk across his face. As if there was no one else in the movie theatre, a boy with messy, blonde hair dived at Chanyeol.

"YAHHHH! STOP IT WILL YOU?" You said desperately. 

The rest of the boys gave you a glare that read 'get lost' as you heard Chanyeol struggling to get out of the boys grip.

"SOMEONE HELP US." You screamed in the theatre, aiming it towards the movie theatre security guards that would be standing just outside the entrance.

You could hear the boys stomping on Chanyeol. The lights were too dimmed to be able to see what was happening but it hurt you just hearing it. The sound of Chanyeol's moans only just broke through the audio of the movie that was still playing. You could see the dark figures of people watching the movie leaving without helping you at all.

Almost instinctly, you took your phone out and sent a short text to all of EXO-

" Getting beat up at hongdae movies by six boys. help. "

Putting your phone back in your pocket, your body unknowingly threw yourself into the midst of the fight. Chanyeol lay on his side on the ground hopeless. Just seeing him like that, you kicked the boys away from him, doing whatever you could to spare Chanyeol some time to stabilise. 

Obviously, a girl like you couldn't do anything. 

As soon as you kicked the third boy away, another one approached you and gave you a big hit in the cheek with his fist.  

It felt like you were getting bullied all over again but unlike the other times where you'd just give up then and there, having Chanyeol's body next to your feet hopeless made you get up and try again. 

Making eye contact with the one that punched you, you gave him a smirk, mocking their infamous smirk that you'd received multiple times already and gave him a big kick in his stomach which made him fall to the ground. 

At the corner of your eye, you could see the blonde guy approaching Chanyeol again. Cheek burning, you turned around to cover Chanyeol from whatever he was going to do to him. 

"B.A.P. ONE LAST HIT." All the boys chorused together. 


Then and there, you saw Chanyeol get stomped on for the last time as you felt a foot kick you on your back from behind, making your fall face first towards the aisle of movie chairs. 

Before completely blacking out, you could hear his weak voice.

"Sandrah why ... didn't you just leave?!?!" 









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stephanie1994 #1
Chapter 8: omg this was so good ths chapter was even better!!! waaa PLZ UPDATE SOON!!
Nice story you got here :D
I hope you check out my Kim Woobin fic too ^^
Please check it :)
dzeny4 #3
Chapter 3: pease more more