Chapter 1



“Kim Sandrah, please wake up.” You faintly heard in your right ear that was facing the ceiling as you lay on your forearm, half asleep, yes; you just faintly heard the voice.


“KIM. SAN. DRAH. WAKE. UP. NOW!” OK, well this time you heard it loud and clear.


You slowly sat up, careful enough to not bump your bruised elbow on the desk you were slouched upon just a few seconds ago. The first week at this new school is well… just the same as Yoosang High, only firstly, the fact that no one knows you in which therefore means that secondly, no one is willing to bully you, yet.







“You are transferring form rooms. From today onwards, your classes will be with a different group of people. I will you to your new room, please pack your books.”


Of course, standing up, you managed to put too much pressure on your rolled ankle, resulting in a little stumble getting out of your seat but, not enough for anyone else to notice, thank goodness. Not like you needed anymore attention, with being the new student and what not.


As you made your way into your new form room, you found that there were less people here compared to your old class with somewhat 32 students. This was good, less people, less fuss. You introduced yourself for the second time at this school wasn’t easy either. You could feel the stares people gave you as you let everyone know your name, exchanging glares that you knew asked “What’s with her foreign name? Is she even Korean?” This was normal. The new teacher sat you between two flawless boys.

When last period came, you were exhausted. This school has so many stairs, you don’t even joke. Thinking back, you didn’t have any food either. Too bad, it’s probably just one of those days. Not once during the day did you open your mouth to speak other than your introduction to your new class because, you just didn’t. Words are bad things, you thought. Recalling back to your old school, words were what hurt you the most, after the obvious physical pain as well.

Throughout this day though, you had eyes on you a lot. You could always feel when people stare at you, maybe it’s just instinct but definitely today, a few extra pair of eyes were on you. Maybe the two boys on either side of you were staring at you. No, they wouldn’t be. Would they? Like most of the time, the lessons being taught were already stuff you knew and everything was just revision so, a few naps in class didn’t have an effect on you. Waking up from one of your naps, you sat up to properly see the rest of the students in your class. What did you find? Exactly 12 boys and 9 girls which, from what you could calculate in your head at the time was 21 students in the form class, not including you and surprisingly, every single one of them was good looking. The nine girls which sat on the left side of the room all were very thin and pretty whilst the 12 boys were all handsome and again, flawless. Is this normal?

Anyhow, the day finally ended and you made your way to the bus stop to catch well, the bus to go home to find that the boy sitting on the right of you all day was also at the bus stop.

“Uhh, hi.” You heard him say as he sat down on the bench beside you. Honestly, really, no lies but, you did not realize he was talking to you until he said your name. “Sandrah was it?” From then on, a memory came back of the time when you got bullied at a bus stop, just like this one. You remember getting pushed onto the road when a bus was about to hall up, getting back up multiple times and yet still getting pushed back onto the road. Wasn’t a pleasant thought. Because of this, you didn’t end up answering ‘the boy who sits next to you in class’.

The bus came, you could feel the awkward tension between you and the boy when he kept trying to talk to you but nothing came out of your mouth. Yeah you hated being lonely all your life but suddenly having someone bring up conversation, it just felt unusual. Guess what? This boy is also riding the same bus home as you. You sat in the first seat from the front, where all the so called ‘goody two shoes’ sit. Really though, this place was just a lot more quieter compared to the back of the bus where everyone screamed and shouted. And plus, you wouldn’t have to stare at the back of someone’s head when sitting behind them throughout the whole bus ride. When your stop came up, you got off in the means of 2 seconds and without making a word to the bus driver, started the walk to your home.

“I’m home.” -were the first proper words that you managed to say all day as you walked up the stairs to your bedroom. As you shut the door and went to lay on your bed, your door once again slammed open, revealing the loud intruder who ends up getting out a few sentences at you. “Yoooou. Get out of mah house now. I’m telling yah, if you don’t get out of mah house, imma shoot you.”

Meet your brother.

"You're drunk again.."

"Whooooo says I, Kim. Whoohooooooooo. trash-BIN. is drunk? Who says?"

"Go get yourself cleaned up before-"


With that, you stood up from your bed to go help your brother. The smell of alcohol was dead strong. He was a mess today, in fact, he's a mess everyday nowadays. With a 6 year difference, Woobin and you had a weird relationship. Nonetheless, you still cared for him. You took him to the bathroom to wash up.


"Sandrah, why do you never ever ever ever ever call me oppa?"

"Don't change the subject Woobin. Now strip."

"You want to see ME.. ? OHH my little sister is growing uppp. Still. IMMA SHOOT -"

"No. I want YOU to take a bath while I make you hangover soup. STRIP ALREADY."


While you got the bath ready for him, you felt him slouch down on the ground behind you, acting like a child who didn't want to go to sleep, eyes wandering everywhere because of the alcohol.

"I don't call you oppa because I feel like I'm older than you. Ohkay? Come on Woobin, our parents will be home soon."


"Ohkay fine then."

By now, the bath was ready for a human to jump in.

"I'm going to go make you some soup, the bath is waiting for you, oppa."

As you made your way out of the bathroom and closed the door, you saw Woobin starting to strip down with a smile on his drunk face, mumblingly repeating 'oppa' to himself.







Walking downstairs, you began to hear voices. Your parents are home. Doing as you always you, you walked to the kitchen as if they weren't home. This time though, your eyes were given an extra glance at your parents to find that you had guests. Your eyes met your mother's as she made a threatening head turn to signal you to get lost. Even so, you kept walking to the kitchen. Making sure to see who were these guests of yours. In a matter of 10 minutes, you made seaweed soup for Woobin and carried it upstairs, passing your mother and the guests a second time.

Arriving at your brothers bedroom, he already lay flat on his bed with a smell of chocolate and fresh clean clothes. It seemed as if some of the alcohol had worn off because, his face turned back to his usual face that matched his real personality and age.

"Who do we have over today?" he asked with his deep, toneless voice.

"I don't exactly know. The daughter of her is in my class though."

"Did she see you?"

"They all saw me."

You see, you weren't meant to be the daughter of the biggest company owner in Korea. Kim Woobin was though. HE was the one the guests should of seen.

"You need to go introduce yourself, your mother is waiting for you to come down."

"OUR mother, ohkay Sandrah? Our mother."

"Ohkay, but still, go!"

"I'm not going. She's already brought home ten other company owners, mother only wants money. And I just happen to be her son."

"You're the first son though, you need to be down there."

"They're probably going to make me get married to the daughter, I don't want to go down there! And plus, I'm half drunk!"

This was the type of argument that you and your brother always got into. The only type of argument actually.

"You come with oppa then."

"WHY? I'm not even a proper Kim! Your mother ushered me to get lost before when I was making your soup!"

Woobin is strong. He carried you all the way downstairs and right before you reached the area in where the guests and your mother sat, he put you down. The two of you stood there quietly and secretly listened to the conversation.

"Jessica-shi, do you have any questions about my Woobin?" Your mother asked.

"WHAT. They've already mentioned me?!" Woobin whispered to you in rage.

"Actually, no. But I have a question about the girl that came down before. She's in my form class at school."

Oh no, she recognised you. Why did she have to bring you up in this conversation!? You took a look at Woobin to see his expression. As your brother, he too was worried for you.

"Yes, I'm sure she's in my form class. Sandrah I think it was."

"Uh yes, she's well..." your mother stuttered. "She is our house maid."









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stephanie1994 #1
Chapter 8: omg this was so good ths chapter was even better!!! waaa PLZ UPDATE SOON!!
Nice story you got here :D
I hope you check out my Kim Woobin fic too ^^
Please check it :)
dzeny4 #3
Chapter 3: pease more more