Chapter 1.

Trying to Re-Love

            “Yah, why are you taking out your camera? Is the view that pretty?” Jin asked me, looking behind her where I was, taking out my camera and cleaning the lenses with the hem of my shirt. When I was done, I sat next to her again and tested out the camera on the large city before us. Once it came out, I smiled and turned to Jin where she was happily her ice cream I had bought her before we came on the rooftop.

            She looked so innocent with her cheeks puffed up and her pulling her calves to her bottom. I chuckled, and she slapped my arm slightly while pulling the camera to her. But she didn’t know I had the strap around my neck so she pulled my neck along with the camera. “Yah, I look so ugly—omo! Are you okay? I didn’t know they were attached!” She softly rubbed my neck, and I took this chance to rest my head on her lap.

            “I’m okay now,” I whispered, and closed my eyes while she clicked her tongue but continued to soothe my neck and now my whole upper body. We spent the rest of the afternoon like this, before she had to go back home around eight at night. Of course, I dropped her off at her house with a goodbye kiss in the car. I watched her enter her house, but before she did, she blew me a kiss and I pretended to catch it.


            “Lu Han?” Jin wondered aloud, “Are you in here?” She the light, and I heard her gasp when she saw the box I was hidden in. She slowly walked to me, and when she took the top off, I slowly arisen with my arms out. I was dressed in a tuxedo, and I had styled my hair so I could look my best to cheer with her during this precious time. She squealed, and hugged me tightly while I returned it.

            “Merry Christmas, sweetie!” I cheered, bending down in the box and passed her a brown box that was neatly wrapped in golden string and a small tag that I had drawn a Christmas tree on. She took it, and opened it to reveal a silver heart-shaped necklace. She smiled, and gave me a hug again while giving it to me to put it on for her. Once I did, I got out of the box with a tumble, and hugged her for a long time.

            “Merry Christmas, Lu Han,” She said in English, and I kissed the top of her forehead while we walked to the Christmas tree I had set up in the corner of our small apartment house. It wasn’t the best tree, but it was enough to decorate it and call it beautiful. She started to unwrap the presents under the tree as I went into the kitchen to make us some hot chocolate, and I stared at her from afar she looked so beautiful and cute discovering the new presents I bought her and some of her friends and family.

            “Thank you, jagiya!” She called out, holding out the sweater I bought for her. It was the sweater she wanted when we went window shopping in the mall, and I also added a pair of shorts because it had a deal; “Buy 3 for the price of 1.” She discovered the shorts as well, and squealed while pressing them to her chest. “How much were these?” She asked.

            “Cheap. I actually got them at Goodwill!” I lied with a laugh, and she literally threw the pair across the room while backing herself against the wall. I started laughing hysterically when I fell on my , and she figured out I was lying and came into the room just to slap me around.

            “Yah—did you lie to me? Seriously where did you get them?” She said, hovering over me as I laid on the kitchen floor. She had her top loose in this position, and her s were in full view. I almost had a nosebleed, but she caught me staring and pulled her shirt up.

            “If you come closer, I’ll tell you,” I told her, and she leaned forward, “Closer,” She leaned closer, “Is that what you call closer?” She put her face next to my ear, and I took that chance to flip her on the floor. She shrieked, but calmed down when she saw my pinning her down. I bent down and kissed her on her lips softly, and she seemed paralyzed.

            “I got it at Forever 21,” I said with a smirk and got off her before she could hit me. When I walked to the tree, I felt her wrap her arms around my waist and I smiled.

            “Thank you, jagiya,” She whispered.

            “You’re welcome, beautiful,”


            “Alright class, I’d like you all to welcome our new student who came all the way from America to study here. Please show some respect when she comes in, alright?” Mrs. Jung announced, making sure her room was as silent as ever. It annoyed me that she was so strict at everything, like, if I raised my hand for something she won’t even pay attention and just play on her phone.

            The teach walked out of the room, and everyone started to talk to their neighbors while I just rested my hand on my palm with boring written all over my face. I felt someone poke me, and I turned my head to see this girl with curled hair holding out a letter with a heart drawn onto it.

            “Please accept my heart?” She asked trying to be cute, but I just let it fall out of my grasp and onto the floor. When her face dropped and when she bent down to pick it up, I kicked her hand “on accident” and went back to staring to the front of the class like nothing had happened. She started to sob back there and I just scoffed as she whispered what happened to one of her friends.

            “Silent!” A voice shouted, and there stood Mrs. Jung by the door with a stern look, “Alright, now, I’d like you all to meet our newest student, Kim Min Ah!” She stepped back, and a girl with stiff hair that looked normal for some reason that hid under a woven hat and a teal dress and cardigan walked in, hiding her face with her hair.

            “Introduce yourself with some information about yourself, hm?” The teacher said, standing next to her. The girls’ head was down, as if she was ashamed of something, but when she put her head up, my heart stopped and my brain froze. I-it can’t be…her, right?

            “You sure you drowned her?”

            “Yes, Boss.”

            “Good. Now let’s get out of here before we get caught.”

            I kept hearing voices in the back of the building, and I was getting more and more nervous with each sentence they said. Being the curious 15 year old boy I was, I couldn’t help but walk behind the wedding building and see what they were talking about and who they were. But when I got there, their cars were just leaving, and I had no clue what to do then.


            I looked to the ocean where I heard my name, and saw hands reaching out to me. They had the same nail polish design as Jin’s, and her voice sounded the same. My brain finally clicked and I reached out to her hands right as they were about to give out on her. I was right; Jin…my beautiful Jin was in my hands. She was deathly cold, and her pulse was barely audible. A crowd started to circle us, and I yelled at them to call 911.

            “Jin,” I whispered, holding her face to look at me, “It’s going to be alright, so just hang in there. Don’t give up on me, okay?” She showed no emotion, and her face flopped back to its original position when I moved my hand to adjust.


            I was shoved from Jin, and a group of medical staff began carrying and laying her on the board they carried. They told me to follow, and I entered the ambulance with Jin in the center of the large car.

            “You are the guardian of her, yes?” One of the doctors said, trying to distract me from them shocking her to make her breathe.

            “Boyfriend,” I corrected, and their face changed from nervousness to concern, “Is there something wrong?”

            “She might not make it…”


            “Hello everyone, I’m Kim Mina nice to meet you all. Please treat me well,” She squeaked, and I found it cute like how Jin introduced herself when she transferred to our school. The teacher told her to find an empty seat, and the only empty seat was in front of me. She looked in my direction, and I saw Jin all over her and that made my heart clench.

            “Could you please move your feet? I need to sit here; teachers orders,” Jin said, matter-of-factly. She pushed up her glasses on her nose, and I just snorted at how dorky she sounded.

            “Excuse me, but the teacher said to sit here so could you move your feet please?” She said, pointing to my shoes. I just looked up at her to mock her, but I ended up studying all the features on her face that were so similar to Jin’s, they could be lost twins at birth.

            “Whatever,” I coughed, finally catching on to what was happening. I put my feet down, and she happily sat in front of my while taking off her hat and placing it on the compartment beneath her chair. She started to take out her things the teacher asked the class to take out, and then I realized I had no notebook paper to write on.

            “Here,” The girl tried giving me one of her folder paper. I was about to take it, when I noticed the pink lines and Rilakkuma drawings on the top and bottom that were printed on. I shook my head, and she sulked in her seat with a loud pout. This Mina girl looked at her to see why she made that noise, and I took that chance to poke her and reach forward to grab the paper on her desk.

            “Thanks,” I said pulling the paper by her face, but it took me by surprise when she grabbed my wrist and pulled me forward again to look straight into my eyes.

            “Don’t you think you need to ask before grabbing things, you jerk?”

            “Don’t you think you need to ask before grabbing things, you jerk?” She said to me, and it was almost like Déjà vu. She said the exact thing Jin said when I tried taking the paper off her desk; only Jin punched me in my sack and was sent to the principal’s office for assault.

            “Do we have a problem over there, Lu Han?” The teacher coughed, and everyone looked at us. Her deathly grip was still on my wrist, and she didn’t even acknowledge everyone’s stares or even the teacher; her main focus was the folder paper I was about to take.

            “He’s being an ignorant prick, and I hardly doubt that this is the first time he’s being like this,”

            “He’s being an ignorant prick, and I hardly doubt that this is the first time he’s being like this,” She said, and everyone seemed to gasp; not at what she said but how the person who she looked like so much said the exact same thing years ago in the same seat, same classroom. Even the teacher was surprised.

            “Aha, well, don’t touch her desk anymore Lu Han. And I’m sorry for him bothering you Jin—I mean Mina,” She saved herself before she called Mina Jin, but everyone knew that she was mistaken for Jin a long time ago.

            The rest of the class went by slowly, and I poked and kicked Mina when the teacher wasn’t looking, making her fidget and slap my hand every time I touched her. She would look back at me with anger in her eyes, and I’d just poke her cheek when she did. My brain was so use to seeing Jin everyday and I guess when I saw Mina it accidentally recognized her as Jin so I was playing with her like how I did with Jin.

            Once the bell rung, she quickly packed her stuff away and tried to get away from my bullying, but my brain still thought she was Jin and when everyone left except for us, I pulled her back to me by her wrist and hugged her from behind. She yelped, and squirmed in my grasp, and my brain finally snapped out of its illusion and I let go of her.

            “I don’t know what your problem is, but could you please stop harassing me? It’s weird and annoying!” She whined, and I, like the awkward self I am, stood there with a blank expression. She was about to leave the classroom, but I called her name and she stopped on the spot and turned her head to look at me.

            “I don’t usually say this, but I’m sorry. It’s just that I had an ex who I miss a lot and you and her look like twins so my brain just thought you were her. If I hurt you emotionally or physically, please tell me and I’ll stop,” I said quickly, and she smiled. It was just like how Jin smiled, and my brain was about to fall in its illusion when she left the room.

            “You don’t usually say sorry to girls, huh?”

            I looked back, and saw Kris; my rival in school for some reason. I don’t know why we consider each other enemies, but I wouldn’t call us friends since we glare at each other every time we see one another.

            “What’s it to you?”

            “Oh, nothing. I just know that you think she’s Jin—I’ve been watching your actions. But wouldn’t it break your heart—again—if I took the second Jin away from you?” He sneered, before chuckling evilly as he left the room.

            Stupid brain.





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