Looking Beyond The Horizons

Looking Beyond The Horizons

      Life only comes once. That’s why I won’t settle for less. What I would want to be and what I would want to have needs to be worth it. “Don’t dream small, but dream big”.  That’s what I think when talking about this kind of stuff.  Dreaming is alright. There is nothing wrong with it. But if you dream too much, then that’s the time when it will become bad for you.


       I am a kid. I am bound to daydream the impossible. I would consistently think about such things as going to outer space or becoming a superstar. And time only adds up more and more ideas.  What I would want to be and what I would want to have would always change as I grow up. So, achieving what I want would be much more complicated than expected. Others might want to become doctors or architects, but not for me. I want something big, something that I consider worth spending my life for. To achieve that, admitting that I am interested in those kind of stuff would only be half as useful. Without hardwork and willpower, dreams would only be a figment of my imagination, mist on a windowpane and a spec of dust in the air.  I don’t want to be one of those who would let their limits set a barrier on their dreams. That’s simply cowardice.

The journey would be rocky but if your dream is big, then it’s worth it.  First, there’s high school, then there’s college. It sounds tiring but one needs to endure it if he or she wants to become something. Right now, from what I am experiencing, it’s indeed that hard. There are times when I wanted to give up but I didn’t. I just can’t. What’s the use of starting it when you’re just going to stop in the middle. Studying helps a lot in achieving what you want in the future. But studying too much to the point that you’ll miss half of your life isn’t good. I want to become successful years later. That’s why now, I work on my studies. So I still get to enjoy my life as a kid, I balance studies with leisure. If it’s something important, then I’ll give more time to studies. Temptations sometimes overcame me especially since I can’t control myself over my excitement towards K-Pop. It’s really that hard. To avoid temptation, prayer exists. When rough times come, prayer always helps. It gives you strength thru’ God. It gives you something to hope for. It gives your mind that kind of mentality in which you think that you’ll pull through these predicaments. If focus could no longer help me, then I just pray. It’s the only way.


        To dream big is fine but too much will cost you your future. Mix it with hardwork, willpower and prayer and you have nothing to worry about. Not giving up is already a success. If you even think of giving up, stop and try to remember why you even started it in the first place. You’ll realize after all of this that impossible is just a word and you could just erase the letters “I” and “M”. After all, the sun isn’t really found on the horizon.

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PauSungRa #1
*mapuslan.. Sorryy.. Keke.
PauSungRa #2
DIYA, HARIN!! Wala man na-pass di dinhi nalang gibutang!! Para maouslan pud ba... Keke. ^_^
Pag shur jah Pau? *Insert yeobo's fes here*