Chapter 9

Can you be my little bro even though you're older?

Haylin's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  I heard someone move, so I opened my eyes and saw Donghyun getting up and out of the tent. And where did Nini go, I looked back and forth but I still can't see her. After Donghyun left, I sneaked out after him to see where he was going. Mind you I'm not a stalker I'm just worried that something might happen to him. I hid myself behind our oak tree, and see Nini and Donghyun sitting at the fireplace. The fire was about to go out but Donghyun gave it more wood, I heard Nini said something. But only vaguely, Donghyun was quiet but then he turned to her and looked at her intensely I can feel Nini also tensed up and tried to pull away but Donghyun grabbed her hand. Is Donghyun confessing to Nini? suddenly I feel breathless. What if he is? before I know it tears were already falling down leaving trail of salty water on my face and the stinging sensation of it. I tried to hold back but my heart it hurts too much, I've never felt this kind of excruciating pain before so I'm inexperience of a solution to make it go away. Huh..the person I love loves my sister.

  " WHAT? But I  thought you like my sister" Nini says raising her voice so I was able to hear it, so he really did....

 Donghyun started to talk, and the look on Nini's face soften and a smile started to spread out on her face. And she looks happy, almost relived. So Nini you like him too? I couldn't take this anymore, I have to run far away. Go away somewhere, Unconsciously I started running. I didn't care where I was going but at that moment I was trying hard to stop crying. I pounced at my chest as if it would help with the pain, I'm stronger than this, I can take this, I kept repeating in my head.....

  Donghyun POV~~~~~~~~~~~

  I said those words that I've been keeping in my heart for so long, the three words that has always been on the tip of my tongue but was never released. They kept me up, thinking, hoping, and fearing. Would she feel the same? would she accept it? I wasn't sure. Every night I would practice saying them, I decided to confess but just like every other day my mind was earsed. I couldn't find them, the words that are so familiar to me and let the chance slip away. 

 " I love you" I told Nini and I could tell she was shocked and confused, but I feel much better, lighter, like a rock has been lifted off my chest.

" WHAT? I thought you like my sister" Nini raised her voice, but I put my finger up to my lips indicating that we need to be quiet or we'll wake everybody up. Nini nodded and looked away.

" Nini, I'm sorry for saying something so sudden. But please understand it's not like that, let me explain" I said trying to get her attention and Nini shifted herself to look straight at me.

" I do, I do like your sister, or I think I love her even. But all these time I couldn't get up the courage to tell her, I wanted to tell her so badly many times. But I'm afraid that she won't like me back, though I decided now that I would tell her no matter what. So I thought if I say it to you, then I would be able to tell it to her. I wanted to practice saying it and since you are her sister, I figured you're the best person I can practice saying it to. So maybe then I'll have some experience and more confident and courage then I'll be able to tell Haylin what I feel, maybe it won't be as hard anymore."

I explained and Nini's face softened and a smile started so spread across her face, and she looks like she's really happy after hearing what I said.

" Really? that's great!I'm soo happy for you too " Nini says and clap her hands together and I can't help but chuckled

" Oh, don't worry I think the feelings are mutual" Nini  winks at me and smiled.

" So when are you guys getting married??" Nini asked and I feel myself blushing hard.

"Nini! I didn't even confess to her yet! and you're talkin about marriage" I said embarrassed and Nini giggles but then gave me a hug.

" Ahh, goodluck to you okay?" Nini says and I nodded and rufffled her hair.

" Thanks" I smiled

" So wanna go wake them up?" I asked and Nini shakes her head.

" Nah just let them sleep, we stayed up really late last night, and I'm pretty sleepy too" Nini yawns

" I'm going to go sleep in my room, do you want to sleep in the guest room instead Donghyun?" Nini asked while getting up from her chair.

" Yeah sure, I can't take Youngmin's mumbling anymore. He keeps talking in his sleep" I complained and Nini laughed and we both went up inside to go up into our rooms.

" Goodnight Nini" I said even though it's almost morning already but oh wells.

" You too" Nini answers and went into her room


Yay! update ^_^

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ILUVmango #1
@LovesYoseob Not yet maybe later ??*O* xD
ILUVmango #2
@B2STloove HAHA ^_^ I'm happy you liked it and yeah I'll update soon and yes DIE SCHOOL!!!!xD
ILUVmango #5
@Singmeasong hahaha i know but nobody gets what they always want in life right? ^_^
ILUVmango #6
@Thank you and I will try to :D
Cheesy minwoo, LOL XD<br />
I hope they'll end up being together<br />
But I don't want to see kwangchu hurt too O.O
AHHHHHHHHHH that wasn't really a CLIFFHANGER but.. I'm really anticipating the next chapter ><" Good luck at school, and more importantly.. updating.. LOL :pp
ILUVmango #9
@LOVesYoseob really??4 WEEKS already???:O over here my school starts on Thursday, T_T I don't wanna go....but yeah he might :D let's hope thx for commenting xD<br />
Aisssh. I've been in school for like 4 four weeks now. Wait.. YEAH FOUR WHOLE WEEKS. >.< <br />
I hope Minwoo is going to be erted and greedy and ask for a KISS! Or a hug that LOOKS like they're kissing and IU sees. :V