Chapter 11

Can you be my little bro even though you're older?

Minwoo's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" Honey~" My mom sings as she comes into my room and pulled aside the curtains, I groaned as the harsh sunlight hits my face. I don't feel so whole body aches and my head is throbbing, it was because I stayed late at the dance studio yesterday to practice the new dance moves.I got so caught up that I came home really late, my mom was a panicking wreck when I came home. She told me that she was about to report me missing, come on! do I look like a 5 years old?

 " Honey, it's time for school" She shook me softly and I pulled the blanket over my head.

" I don't want to go today" I whined

" But education is important" She says all mother-like

" Wells not today" I answered

" Ok, but that means you won't be able to see Nini" My mother says teasingly and I open my eyes, yeah that's right....I won't see Nini....

" Fine" I said and used all of the energy I had to pushed myself off the bed to go get ready.

" Yay! I know my son so well!" my mother says happily and stroded contently out of my room. Sigh...

After I got ready, I went to eat breakfast and then my mom drove me to school. She's worried that if I drive I might get into an accident, so she barely lets me. What's the point of having a car then? just look at it?

" Bye Mom" I said and slipped out of the car

" Bye sweetie, Have a nice day!" She chirped and pulled away, as I was walking tiredly and soulessly into the school when I feel a pair of hands covering my eyes. I was shocked and surprised but my hands immediately went up to touch the pair of hands. Nini?

"Nini?" I asked joyfully and turn around but my happy face quickly turned to frown and my mood fell when I realize it's NOT Nini

" Oppa~ I'm NOT Nini" She says with aegyo, maybe TOO much and pouted.

" Hey" I replied and attempted to escape her by speeding up my pace but she stopped me by holding onto my arm tightly. Oh..GOD...

" Oppa, why did you think I was Nini" She asked seriously furrowing her brows and looking up at me.

"" I stuttered while trying to find a legitimate reason so she won't blabber.

"Don't tell me you LIKE her" She gasped with her eyes opened wide. DANG IT! It is that obvious?? I didn't want her to know since that would only mean trouble for Nini, but this is one mess I do not know how to get out of. 

" Uhh, Oh! Hey Kwangmin!" I yelled and waved to get his attention as I see him and Youngmin walking into the school entrance.Thank Goodness.

" Hey dude" They said as they walked up to me and eyed na eun, I gave them a SAVE ME look and they nodded.

" Hey Youngmin, Kwangmin oppa" Na eun greeted 

" Uh..Hi" They said awkwardly 

" Listen Na eun We're gonna him to borrow Minwoo from you, there's something we gotta do" Kwangmin says and Na eun pouted 

" But I wanted to go eat breakfast together" She whined as I tried to get my arm away but her, but Dang! this girl got some tight grip!

" Sorry maybe another time" Kwangmin stated and pulled me away from her, I can hear Na eun yelling something behind us but I couldn't hear it clearly.

" Uhhhhh..Thanks guys" I said and rubbed my temples, seems like my headache is getting worse.

" No Prob" Youngmin answers

" Hey have you seen Nini or Haylin??" I asked while looking around searching if they were here yet.

" Wells Haylin is with her BOYFRIEND and Nini I don't know" Youngmin emphasized on the "boyfriend" and we all laughed.

" I'm happy for Donghyun, they're FINALLY together" I said and they nodded.

" I EXPECTED this day to come sooner or later, I knew that they liked each other from the first time they've seen each other, let me tell ya it was love at first sight" Youngmin says cheesily.

" HEY!! what was that?" Haylin appears next to Youngmin and pinched his cheeks, and Donghyun also appeared next to her.

" OW OW OW, LEH MEH NO" ( Let me go)Youngmin yelled but it came out funny since Haylin was still pinching his cheek

" HMPH!" Haylin says and Youngmin rubs his cheeks grumpily

" Donghyun Do something about your girlfriend" Youngmin stomped his foot angrily.

" Sorry I don't think there's anything I can do" Donghyun then intertwined his fingers with Haylin and she smiles and Youngmin rolls his eyes.

" Haylin where's Nini?" I asked curiously since they always come to school together.

" Ah, Nini came early today to make up some Geometry homework" 

" Oh" was I managed to say to conceal the disappoitment I felt, I wanted to see Nini....

*Ring Ring* The school bell rung and we all parted ways to go to our classes.

Kwangmin's POV~~~~~~

YES! School felt like it went by so fast today! ^_^ and I don't have soccer practice, then I can go wait for Nini I thought as I walk over to my locker to put away my books.

" Kwangmin" I heard someone says and I turned around to see IU.

" Hi?" I said but it came out sorta like a question since I was curious why she was coming over to me.

" Kwangmin you know Nini right?"She asked and I nodded while looking at her questionably.

" Is she and Minwoo going out?"  I was taken back shockly by her question, What?... Nini and Minwoo are going out? No, No that can't be right...NOBODY SAID ANYTHING!! 

" I don't think they are" I answered confidently and IU smirked

" Wells it looks like they lied to you since clearly Nini told me that Minwoo is hers now and that I should stay away" IU says slowly as if so that I can hear every single word clearly, I was so confused and shocked I didn't know what to do.

" Then sorry for bothering you, I'll see you at soccer practice" She then walked briskly down the hall and disappeared down the stairs as I was still left there stunned.

  No,No, No, NO!! it can't be right! Yeah it's not true. Yeah IU could be lying, but why would she have to??? and besides I knew, knew from the very beginning that Nini loves Minwoo. But I, also love her too so I hoped every single that maybe just maybe I can change her mind and make her fall for me instead. But now, I shouldn't had EVER hoped at all because now  I have to face the pain of disappointment. What if IU was jsut playing a joke on me? it's just a cruel, sick joke Yeah that must be it...I tried to convinced myself as I run down the stairs with my heart hurting so much that I never knew that it could hurt this much.

Nini's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"UGH!!!! Mi-Hee, I'm missing so much math assignments right now, I don't know what to do!" I said frstratedly and scratched my head.

" Haha Nini You could I don't know START DOING THEM" Mi-Hee suggested and I sighed

" But Mi-Hee they're SOOOO boring, and besides from that I'm not doing very hot in P.E either, I failed the swimming tests"

" Awww...sorry but shouldn't she go easier on you since you can't swim?"

"No she didn't I almost drown and she didn't even cared"

" Can't you make it up or something?"

" Yeah I litterally had to beg her and she told me she'd give me ONE SINGLE chance, so now I have to stay after school to practice in the pool" I said grumpily when I looked up off into the distance. I see a guy running towards us, I couldn't tell who it was but as he came more into view. It was Kwangmin and he looks really hurt. 

 " Kwangmin!" I yelled to him but he didn't replied but just ran past us. What's happened? Did something happen to PIKACHU?

" Kwangmin!!" Mi-Hee yelled after him worriedly

"Mi-Hee can you go after him to see what's wrong? I can't since I have the stupid swimming practice" and she nodded as she runs fastly after him. I sighed heavily as I trudged toward the locker room to change into my swimsuit which are shorts and tanktop since I just can't wear the other kind. Just too...uhh uncomfortable, I walked tiredly out of the locker room then accidentally bumped into someone. I thought I was going to hit the floor but that person held my arm and pulled me into their chest and hugged me tight. WHO THE HELL IS THIS?, I don't have time for mushy moments I thought frustratedly

Minwoo's POV~~~

 I was changing in the locker room, since I had sweat a lot from my after school dance club practice. Sigh..I haven't seen Nini all day long.. I miss her. I was coming out from the locker room when some girl bumped into me, I quickly held her arm so she wouldn't fall. But it turns out to be Nini, and without a second thought I pulled her into my chest and hug her tightly. Unconsciously  I kiss her  hair gently and take in her sweet scent while closing my eyes.

" Hey! Hey! I don't have time for cheesy,fluffy moments" She says her voice muffled but it sounded so cute even when she's angry.

" Can I have one more minute please?" I pleaded cutely

" Minwoo?" Nini asked but she slowly raised her arms and wrapped them around my back.

" what's with all this hugging?" she asked and I chuckled

" Because I miss you"

"Pffffhh!! liar you saw me yesterday"

" That was 24 hours, 56 minutes, and 30 seconds ago" I explained and I heard her laughed

" I might just have to super-glued you to my side so I can always see you" 

" Tsk, you weirdo why would you want to see me so much?"  Because I love you, you silly girl..

" Sorry but I have to go Minwoo" Nini says and broke the hug.

" Go where?" I asked curiously following after her.

" Swimming practice"

" What? why? and besides how are you gonna practice when you don't know how to swim?" I pointed out and she stopped abruptly in her tracks.

" UGHHH!! you're right! what if I drown!!" she panicked a little and I laughed

" Hehe, don't worry this is where you have to be thankful to have such an awesome friend and a GREAT swimmer like me" and Nini quickly turns around to face me after realizing that I can swim.

 " Yes, that's right I have an AMAZING friend that'll help me when I need him to righhhhtttt??" Nini says and came closer to me.

" But you have to do something for me in return" I smiled cheekily and Nini looks at me like >>>>>>>O^O

" Fine, what do you want?"
" Hmmm...I'll think about it" I say while tapping my chin with my finger.

" But right now, we're gonna go swimming!" I exclaimed and pulled Nini along with me while running to the swimming pool.


Update ^^

Hope you guys like it and comment and subscribers xD

School is in 2 days from now, Im so bummed out..T^T
But ENJOY ^_^

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ILUVmango #1
@LovesYoseob Not yet maybe later ??*O* xD
ILUVmango #2
@B2STloove HAHA ^_^ I'm happy you liked it and yeah I'll update soon and yes DIE SCHOOL!!!!xD
ILUVmango #5
@Singmeasong hahaha i know but nobody gets what they always want in life right? ^_^
ILUVmango #6
@Thank you and I will try to :D
Cheesy minwoo, LOL XD<br />
I hope they'll end up being together<br />
But I don't want to see kwangchu hurt too O.O
AHHHHHHHHHH that wasn't really a CLIFFHANGER but.. I'm really anticipating the next chapter ><" Good luck at school, and more importantly.. updating.. LOL :pp
ILUVmango #9
@LOVesYoseob really??4 WEEKS already???:O over here my school starts on Thursday, T_T I don't wanna go....but yeah he might :D let's hope thx for commenting xD<br />
Aisssh. I've been in school for like 4 four weeks now. Wait.. YEAH FOUR WHOLE WEEKS. >.< <br />
I hope Minwoo is going to be erted and greedy and ask for a KISS! Or a hug that LOOKS like they're kissing and IU sees. :V