Perks of being HIS LOVER

Perks of being HIS LOVER

“Nae Sarang! Palli ireona! Ooooy! Ireonaaaaa~ Joohyun-ahhhhh~” he was tickling me, giving me butterfly kisses all over my face and neck

“Stooooop! Oppaaaaaaaaaa~” I was already panting hard

“Wake upppppp~ don’t make your boyfriend waiiiiiiiiiiiiit!” he whined childishly, but his words made me smile ear to ear

Namja Chingu


Nae sarang


No matter what they call it, at the end of it all I still own his heart, ALL OF IT.


Since We Got Married days, since the first time I saw and get to talk to him face to face, I felt my heart turned into a weird beat. The way he smiles, how his eyes sparkle that day, especially when he told me that he’s my real husband. A part of me became ecstatic when I heard that, I can’t distinguish the exact emotion I was feeling that time, because amidst of all the things that’s happening around us, there’s this one happening that made me think that I really made a good decision.

That moment when our eyes met, and caged us into our own world where it’s just the two of us existing.

We we’re gazing at each other’s window of soul, having a silent conversation, a mental telepathy which is very rare on my kind, the ones who haven’t experienced anything about the word love yet.

Seconds, Days, Weeks, Months have passed my feelings became deeper, it became crazier. It’s like when I met him for the first time, I’m just like a blank paper, while he serves as my very own pen with different ink colors. Why? He gave color to my dull life, different colors that sometimes he even gave me those dark ones. He’s the first guy that made me happy, the first guy that comes to my mind when I fall asleep and wake up. He’s my prince charming, yet he’s also the antagonist of our own story. He’s not perfect, nobody is, but in my eyes, he is, he’s perfect in everything he does. As my pen, he also shades dark colors in my page, he’s also the first guy who made me cry, although unintentional, yet, those feeling that doesn’t exist when I haven’t met him yet existed now that I welcomed him into my life.

As time goes by I became in love with him deeply, I love him, I love him, I love him.

I love the way he smiles at me, looks at me as if I’m the most interesting work of Art that he laid eyes on. I love the way he listen to me as if I’m the most beautiful song he ever heard. The way he takes care of me as if my dad bought him as my very own private guard/protector. He treats me like his princess, tho it’s fair since I look at him as my prince. He takes importance of me, as if I’m his air that he can’t live without.

WGM is really a great help to idols like us, we can move freely even tho there’s always cameras that surrounds us. Why? Because they are torn between believing what they are seeing and believing that it was all scripted. But for us, what matters the most is we both know the real answer.

That’s why when WGM ended, it broke our heart especially mine. That time when we filmed our last scene, I badly want to tell our fans that our show will still continue. But sadly, it’s off-cam. And yes, it’s private.




We continued seeing each other, whenever there’s a free time even for just an hour, we’ll see to it that there’s no time wasted when we’re together. I’m amaze with all the efforts he’s exerting, since day one that we met until the present time that we’re still together, AND going strong.

He’s not just an ordinary boy, he’s extra-ordinary in his own ways.

That’s why when I moved to my own apartment, few months later, he surprised me that they also moved to the same villa as mine. He even said that it was only coincidental, they just randomly picked a villa and voila! We’re neighbors, oh wait, I can even count in my 2 hands how many steps is our room’s distance. Even though it costs that much, he still pleads for his brothers and manager to just stay in that place. I asked him why, and his answer made me tear up.

Since the day you stepped out of the SNSD Dorm, you made me worried. I even stayed late at night just by thinking about your safety. Although you told me that the security here is tight, but still, there’s still danger that awaits you, especially that you’re one of the sought after artist. I am your bodyguard remember? I’m your Yongwall, when there’s your fanboys looking at you with those predator eyes that I badly want to poke. I’m your clown that makes you happy when you’re sad, and nada nada nada. But among all the things I can be just for you, I AM a boyfriend who worries a lot about his girlfriend, call me overprotective, but still, I’m just protecting you, I’m just protecting my treasure.

Since that day, the gogumas raised higher and higher.

You’re a perfect boyfriend, and with that it scare’s and pressure me. I’m always thinking, am I good enough for you? Am I repaying all the things you’re doing for me? All the sacrifices, am I being selfish who only knows how to take care of myself? Am I making you happy as much as you’re making me? You’re so perfect that it scares me, you became my world, that’s why I’m half scared that it might get stolen and worst? I’ll be homeless.

You can’t blame me with all the insecurities I’m feeling. Because of you being a good hearted sunbae and hoobae to those other artists that gets to know you, you gain admirers. It’s not that I’m expecting you to just easily have a change of heart, I bestowed my trust upon you, that you not need to be scared of.

As much as you’re worrying about my fanboys, I am twice worrying about those fangirls surrounding you, especially in music shows, awards night and nada nada nada. Although you’re doing your work as my yongwall, I’m also doing my best to be your Seowall, even though you don’t know it, but sorry to say, I already beat twice your fangirls than my fanboys you beat. It’s childish yes, but as your Girlfriend, I want to have you ALL, all of you, as possessive as it sounds, but hell yeah, you’re all mine Jung!

My thankfulness of having you as my boyfriend won’t end here, because the list would go on and on and on. I promise not to let go of your hand, to be understanding, to be the best girlfriend you would ever have. To the point that no one can overcome me in your heart, I’ll own it until it’s very last beat. I’ll own it, as much as I own all of you.

I may not be as showy as you in public, but allow me to be the most cheesy girlfriend that only you can see privately.

Nae Namja,

Nae sarang,

My love,

My aeyin,

And the one whom I want to spend with the rest of my existence here on Earth,

My Jung Yong Hwa

I love you! I love you! I love you!

Be with me forever, because I don’t see my forever with anyone else but you.



She closed the letter and looked at him slowly, he was teary-eyed, no wait, a tear escaped his eyes! she saw it! 

“Omo omo! Wait! I’m gonna get a tissue box!” she teased, she leaned her forehead to his, their nose and lips touching intimately.

"Happy 4 years to us" she kissed him lovingly

he cupped her face and stares at her lovingly

“You, my Angel can’t seem to stop surprising me. You’re the only one who can make me cry without hurting me. You’re the only girl that makes me cry with just using her words. You made me feel that you’re the most lucky girl because you have me, but you’re wrong. I want to make you feel that I’m the luckiest guy because I have a true Angel Goddess beside me, that’s willing to be with me until forever.”

He smiled and leaned closer to kiss her lips. She pushed him, and laid him back to their bed

“There’s one thing I forgot to tell”


“That one of the best perks of being your lover is that,






THIS” her forefinger traveled from his forehead, to his perfect nose, tracing his lips, down to his neck and deeper. A moan escaped his lips

“You can make them moan with just your y moves, but I












THIS” she unbuckled his belt and his trouser

“Seo Joo Hyun”

“They can drool, but I’m the only one who can make you drool.

and most of all baby

they can look, but I am the only one who can touch you, every part of you”

She smirked triumphantly, feeling all the insecurities had been washed away as they went all out that night, giving them another reason to be proud of each other.


The next morning, he woke up first. She saw him staring at her with those loving eyes.

"Seo Joo Hyun" she stared back

"I may not be able to answer back all the things you told me yesterday morning. Because all I can offer you,



is this."

She gasped, her eyes widen, as she saw it sparkle as the sun rays hit it, making it glow more beautiful, just like how their love glow's beautifully and beautifully and beautifully. 

=======================================================THE END===================================================







and my bitterness towards the luckiest couple stops here. Mehehe!

sorry for making you quite emotional on my ICFYL update! 

keurigu! here's my Anniversary fic for yongseo! Happy 4 years! wohoooo!


Please leave comments! *puppy eyes*



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Chapter 1: Sweet <3
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Chapter 1: beautiful!!! thanks
nice nice~
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