You're My Valentine!

You're My Valentine!

The teacher whom was dressed in a well-ironed grey suit dress, and hair pulled neatly into a tight bun clapped her hands to get the attention of her class.

The ruckus in the class died down. Satisfied, she nodded her head and continued, "We have a new transfer student today-", she paused and waved at the door, beckoning someone to come in. The entire class turned their heads to the door curiously, and subsequently, they heard the soft shuffling of footsteps against the wooden floor. A tall but slightly hunchbacked boy, wearing oversized uniform moved slowly into the classroom with a huge backpack on his back.

The teacher smiled kindly at the boy, "Why don't you introduce yourself to the class?"

Upon hearing that, the boy seemed to tremble a little, he glanced uncertainly at the teacher who nodded at him encouragingly. Taking a deep breath, the boy lifted his head up to meet the curious stares of the entire class.

"H-h..H-hello..! I-I am C-Cho..K-Kyuhyun-n," he stammered nervously and quickly ducked his head down again.

Seeing her new student's uneasiness, the kind teacher continued for him, "He is a very smart student from XXX high, but he is a little shy, so please take good care of him, understand?"

"Yes! Seonsaengnim!", the class responded obediently.

Smiling, the teacher looked at the boy who was still fidgeting uneasily, "Kyuhyun, where would you like to seat?"

Only wanting to get over being the center of attention quickly, Kyuhyun quickly pointed at a random spot in the classroom without even lifting his head up.

Then, he heard everyone in their breaths loudly.

Puzzled, he peeked up and saw that he had pointed to an empty seat beside a boy who had golden brown hair, not knowing what is wrong, he looked to his teacher for help. However, she only returned him a warm smile, "Very well then. Hyukjae, Kyuhyun will be your seatmate from now on. Please take good care of him!"

The named flashed a bright gummy smile, "Sure!"

 For a moment, kyuhyun stood rooted to the ground, dazzled by the almost blinding shine that emanated from the hyukjae-boy. He shooked his head to shake off the weird feeling. His seat was at the second-last row, so he had to pass through four rows at the front before reaching his seat. Keeping his head as low as possible, he started across the room. He didn't know whether it was his imagination or what, because he felt unfriendly and even spiteful stares digging into his back. But he didn't remember doing anything to deserve such hatred.

Kyuhyun was too immersed in his thoughts, and failed to spot the feet that has crept out sneakily to the walkway. He tripped and fell hard onto the floor. "Nerd!", the voice hissed, and the entire class laughed loudly at him. Tears welled up in his eyes, as he felt his knees and elbows scraped badly and they were burning with pain. His thick-rimmed glasses also fell off when he fall flat on his face. Kyuhyun could only around blindly for his glasses as he was severely short-sighted, thanks to his addiction of videogames. 

"Here, your glasses.", a nice and warm voice spoke. 

Kyuhyun looked up thankfully to his saviour and saw a fuzzy image of someone with golden brown hair. Was it hyukjae?

He hurriedly put on the glasses handed to him and saw that indeed, it was his new seatmate. "T-thanks.", he blushed.

The hyukjae-boy helped him up and put an arm around his waist to support him to their seat. Kyuhyun had to keep from squirming with embarassment at the unfamiliar touch.

Kyuhyun breathed a sigh of relief when they finally reached their seat. "I will accompany you to the nurse's room later!", hyukjae grinned at him. 

"..o-okay.", kyuhyun felt his cheeks heat up under the beautiful almond-shaped eyes that were gazing intently at him. He immediately dropped his head and rummaged through his bag, to hide his face. Oh my god, why am I acting like this?

The school bell rang, signifying the end of class. "C'mon!", hyukjae turn to kyuhyun excitedly, "Let's go to the nurse's room, and then I can show you around the school!", and he grabbed the latter's hand, pulling him out of his seat.

"Hyukkie!", a group made up of good-looking boys and girls block their way, glaring at kyuhyun unfriendly, "aren't you going to have lunch with us?"

"Oh, sorry guys! I can't join you today, I have to show him around!", hyukjae held up their hands that were still clasped together to prove his point.

"Gosh, hyukkie!", a pretty-looking guy flicked his stylish long red hair, "Just dump him!"

"No! I won't do that!", hyukjae tucked kyuhyun to his side, "he's my new friend!"

Kyuhyun jerked in shock, gawking at the boy. He's not being serious, he's just being friendly.

"Ugh. Whatever. We will still leave a place for you.", then the red-hair guy, who kyuhyun later came to know as Heechul, added, "But only you."

And the entire gang left the classroom.

Kyuhyun tried to struggle out of hyukjae's arms, "I-It's okay, you can join your friends. I can go there myself."

"You are also my friend.", Hyukjae tightened his grip around the struggling boy, "If they don't accept you, then they're not my friends. But don't worry, they are just cold to newcomers, they will warm up to you soon, ok?" Kyuhyun's heart skipped a beat, nobody has ever wanted to be his friend because he was a nerd, and he was always getting bullied. Hyukjae was the first.

Kyuhyun smiled gratefully at his first friend, "okay!"

Hyukjae led kyuhyun into the nurse room, but the nurse was out. He frowned, "Well, I know had some first-aid training before...maybe I can attend to your injuries.."

To his surprise, the boy nodded shyly, "Okay! I trust you!"

He chuckled, "You're not stammering anymore!"

Kyuhyun scratched his head, embarassed, "I only do that when I feel uncomfortable."

The latter laughed and winked at him, "So you mean you feel really comfortable with me now?"

"Y-yes..", kyuhyun blinked behind his thick glasses and stuttered again.

"Hahaha! You're soo cute!", hyukjae squeezed the other boy's cheeks that were pinkening.

Kyuhyun felt his heart beating faster, as the other bent down in front of him and started to apply the cold medicine on his sore knees. With the distance between them so close, kyuhyun could smell the sweet strawberry scent wafting from the silky golden brown hair. He froze when hyukjae blowed gently on his knees, trying to relieve his pain. Kyuhyun felt feverish like when the first time he received a limited edition Starcraft tee from his parents.

Could I possibly be falling for him? But I only just met him!

"Done!!", hyukjae exclaimed as he stood up to admire his handiwork, he had tied a neat bow with his handkerchief to kyuhyun's bruised elbow.

"Let's go!", he urged, not forgetting to hold the other's hand.

Hyukjae then brought him about the school, and showed him where the canteen, library, gym and tennis court was, as they chatted along the way. Then kyuhyun learnt that hyukjae was actually a few months older than him, his favourite hobby was dancing, he was the president of the school's dancing society and the Student Council president. He gaped at the other in awe. He already guessed that the other was very outstanding, but he never expected the other to be so popular, smart, and all-rounded. No wonder so many people were staring at him with jealousy when they passed by the corridor hand in hand, they must want to be in his place badly. 

" you want to be friends with me?", kyuhyun asked hesistantly.

The older cocked his head to the side, not seeming to understand. Kyuhyun sighed, "I mean, we are so different. You're so outstanding and popular..and I'm just a ugly nerd, who everyone dislikes.", he mumbled sadly.

Hyukjae knit his brows. He lifted the younger's head, "I won't allow you to say such things about yourself. Like what seonsaengnim said, you're smart, and cute, and-", he grinned, "and I like you!"

Kyuhyun widened his eyes at the older's direct confession, "Y-you like m-me?"

"Of course! Why do you think I'm so nice to you?" Hyukjae giggled, "Don't tell me you think I'm this nice to everyone I see-", he rolled his eyes, "puh-leeze, I'm not the Nightingale!"

Kyuhyun felt his heart do leaps and somersaults. He likes me!

Hyukjae nudged the younger, "What about you? Do you like me?"

The latter blushed like a bright red tomato, "I-I.."

"Why are you so cute!!", the older cooed, the kyuhyun's head.

"I-I'm not!", kyuhyun attempted to frown but ended up pouting adorably.

Just then, a group of girls selling flowers passed by. "Roses for 10 dollars! Give it to your Valentine today!"

They stopped when they spotted hyukjae. "Oppa!", they squealed, "Would you like to buy some flowers for your valentine?"

Hyukjae looked at kyuhyun, beaming widely, "Sure! How much is it?"

"10 dollars, oppa!", a girl with really large s pressed herself against hyukjae, to which the latter dodged immediately.

Kyuhyun snickered secretly in his mind.

"Oh ok, hold on.", hyukjae smiled casually as he reached to his back pocket for his wallet.

Oh crap, hyukjae cursed himself for forgetting his wallet, he turned to them, "Hey sorry, I think I left my wallet in class. I will go back and get it, can you girls wait here for me?", he flashed them his most charming smile. "Y-yes!", the girls stammered dizzily, captivated by hyukjae's smile.

Then he turned to kyuhyun, squeezing his shoulders, "Wait here for me 'kay? Be right back!", and he turned and ran towards the classroom.

After hyukjae left, kyuhyun felt extremely conscious of himself. He hid his face and tried to make himself seem invisible to the group of girls. 

Unfortunately, Lady Luck wasn't on his side.  

The girl with large s approach him menacingly, "SO, Kyuhyun huh?", she shoved him. Not knowing what to do, he retreated backwards. Normally, he would have ran away, but hyukjae told him to stay here, and he was afraid that the older would worry if he dissapeared. 

"Only the first day of school and you managed to steal Lee Hyukjae, our school's prince, from everyone? Even his friends?", she shoved him again, harder this time.

"N-no..", Kyuhyun managed shakily, retreating somemore.

"So ugly and useless, yet you dare to steal the place beside him(both figuratively and literally)?!!", she shrieked into his ears.

"Tiff! Don't talk so much, just beat him up!", another scrawny girl whom he later knew as yoona screamed.

Kyuhyun yelped in shock, as a blow from Tiffany sent him flying into the pond behind him.

"...Ah!'t..swim..", kyuhyun frantically waved his arms to keep himself afloat, panicking. He swallowed large amounts of water as he struggled to scream for help. Hyukjae! He felt his strength seeping out from his arms quickly, he was slowly sinking further and further into the water. Hyukjae! Save me!

Kyuhyun slowly lost conscious. 

The girls on the edge of the pond screamed, "OH NO! What should we do?!! He's drowning!".

Then, one of the girls recovered from shock, seohyun yelled, "I-I will go get hyukjae oppa!"

Hyukjae thought his heart stopped when he heard seohyun telling him that kyuhyun is drowning. Staight away, he tore towards where he last left the younger. He felt his heart sank to his gut the second time in the day when he saw no sign of kyuhyun struggling at the surface. Without second thoughts, he dived into the pond. 

Minutes later, the girls sighed with relief when they saw hyukjae surface with the unconscious boy. Hyukjae lay the boy on the grass and immediately started to do CPR, he thank the gods that he knew first aid. After the fifth try, kyuhyun spluterred out some water, and slowly regained consciousness.

He opened his eyes weakly, "...hyukjae?"

"Kyuhyun!!", hyukjae scooped the boy into his arms and hugged him tightly, "Do you know how scared I was?", his voice trembled, "I thought I was going to lose you!"

Kyuhyun smiled brightly despite being exhausted from drowning, "You won't. I will always stay by your side.", and he raised his hands to caress the older's cheeks.

This time, the girls cleared their throats. "Umm..kyuhyun?"

They both looked at the girls.

"We're sorry. We didn't mean to push you into the pond.", they all looked down guiltily, "We're very sorry."

"Its okay. I know you all didn't mean it." He was actually rather grateful to them, if it wasn't for this accident, he wouldn't know how much he meant to hyukjae.

The girls looked startled that he forgave them so easily, but they recovered quickly, and handed them the entire bouquet of flowers, "Here, for you! It's free! Happy Valentine's Day!"

Hyukjae smirked and took the flowers, then presenting it to the blushing boy.

"Can you be my Valentine?"

Kyuhyun's heart raced at the speed of light, he felt faint suddenly, "Y-yes!"

Then hyukjae leaned down and sealed the younger's lips in a kiss.

Note from infatuatedloveKH:

Happy Valentine's Day! heart

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heyitstheduff #1
Chapter 1: Love is in the air people! Love it so much!^^ so innocent! Kkkkk
leevalentine #2
Chapter 1: yay!! Nerdy Kyu is so cute! and Prince Hyukkie is klasjdlñkahfkashdkj
hyonalee14 #3
Chapter 1: I love your story :) sometime I always wondered why, in every KyuHyuk ff I read, hyuk always the clumsy and nerd one, and kyuhyun the popular one. but you make this not like usually and this was so cute :)

but actually I always still love and support kyuhyun to be the top and hyuk the buttom. maybe like kyuhyun is seme but he's so clumsy and the uke hyuk is so naughty, cool etc. just share my tought ㅋㅋㅋ
thank you for share this and also I upvoted your ongoing story already. I really love that story too :)