



   I wasn’t really sure why I had decided to go for a walk at this hour of the night. Something inside of me just told me that I needed to go, that I needed to be here. The park is quite scary at night. And even though I usually don’t scare easily, the dark is eerie. Okay so sometimes I can be more than my share of a wuss, but still.    

“What did you say?!” People? Why are there people this far into the park at eleven at night? I’m not even sure why I’m here.   

“I said you hit like a girl.” 

What’s wrong with hitting like a girl? Ugh, this guy! But the scene in front of me was not what I was expecting.

“What the hell…” I made sure to whisper, not wanting whoever it was to know I was there. They didn’t look too friendly. I stayed in the shadows of the trees, watching with widened eyes. 

Why are they beating up on that one guy? I need to stop this. I had only taken two steps, still concealed by the darkness, when a loud sound rang through the air. My heart stopped as four figures fled from the scene, leaving the fifth motionless on the ground. I bolted to the unmoving boy under the flickering lamp post. Honestly, it wasn’t helping at all by doing so. It just made this situation more tense and creepy. Two points for you, electricity. 

“Hey! Are you okay?!” I already knew that answer. Of coarse he wasn’t.  But then he twitched and opened his eyes. The bloody mess of a boy grudgingly sat up and wiped at his face, not once losing his scowl. He hadn’t even noticed my presence until I was kneeling down in front of him, my eyes staring into his dark ones. 

“What do you want? Go away. You’re bothering me.” I just gave him a warm smile and said nothing, still kneeling in front of him. It made him slightly uncomfortable, I could tell because he swatted at me clumsily. I wasn’t having any of that. It shocked him when I caught his large hand in my own. 

“Aggressive much, hmm.” He just grunted and shook me off. I gave him a sad look. I don’t think he fully understands what has happened to him. Poor guy. 

“What the hell are you staring at? Are you crazy or something?”

“Crazy is a matter of perspective. I thought it pretty crazy for you to take on four guys twice your size.” He scoffed.

“If you don’t mind, it’s past my curfew.” I just sighed, not really wanting to tell him what I knew I had to.

“I don’t think your curfew matters much anymore…”

“And why the hell wouldn’t it?” Okay. I have had it with his attitude. No more nice girl sympathy.

“You’re dead.” Stick that in your juice box and it, grumpy pants. He snorted.

“Boy, you really are crazy. Alright. Humor me. If I‘m dead, prove it. And how would you be able to see me?” I usually wasn’t so mean to the newly departed, but this boy was asking for it. I don’t like his attitude.

“Because I’ve always been able to see ghosts. It’s called being psychic. And look there. That’s your proof.” I pointed at the ground behind him, where his body lay motionless. I waited patiently as his face turned from confusion to shock and then completely mortified. He started rambling nonsense then and I stepped in, feeling kind of guilty at the way I had told him. But when I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him, he jerked away and spun towards me. His face contorted in anger.

“Don’t touch me.” It had shocked me for a moment, but then I grew angry as well. Yell at me for trying to show you kindness? I don’t think so.  

“You know what? I was going to help you. But you want to act like that so you can just figure things out on your own now. I don’t have time for this anyway. Do not come to me when you’re having a fit and don’t know what to do. I’m going home.” I spun around and walked away. Good riddance. And this is why I don't go for night walks.  



"Hey, I'm talking to you!" 

"I don't take well to aggression. Please address me kindly or not at all. I'm quite a welcoming person but being rude and intolerable is going to get you nowhere." 

"Why do you speak like you're fifty or something?! You can't be much older than me! It's annoying." Again he was met with silence. He growled and then sighed, trying to calm his anger. Then he blocked my line of vision, forcing me look at him.

"Look, you may think I'm just some punk who's looking for a fight every chance he gets but it isn‘t like that. It's not my fault that I was born with a nasty stubborn streak and anger issues."

"Not to mention the lack of a filter on your mouth." I smirked and his brow twitched in agitation. His frustration made me laugh. But then I cleared my throat, becoming serious again. 

“I thought I told you not to come to me with your problems. And here it is only three days after our first meeting and you show up. In my apartment none the less. How the hell did you even find me?!”

"Okay. I'm sorry I was rude. But can you please explain what's going on."

“Way to ignore my question, but whatever. You’re dead. What more is there to explain?”

“Well I thought, you know. The whole heaven and hell thing. Why am I still stuck here?”

 “I’m not an expert on these things. I just see ghosts. Sometimes spirits stay here. Sometimes they vanish after they die. And sometimes they are stuck for a while and then end up disappearing. I don’t know where they go. Maybe you have unfinished business or something.”

“What a help you are.” 

“I wasn’t trying to be. Now if you will excuse me, I need do some work. Please show yourself out.”

“What? You think I’m going to leave? Hell no. I’m going to stay here until you give me the answers I’m looking for.” This guy is really getting on my nerves.

“Listen, Mr. Rude Ghost, I told you I don’t know.”



“My name is Sehun.”

“Good for you. Now be a good dead guy and disappear.”

“I would if you‘d just tell me how.” I need to change the subject before I kill him, again.

“Why aren’t you more upset about being dead, huh? Usually ghosts are somewhat grief stricken and mourning alongside their family and friends. But all you are is a pain in my rear end.” He just shrugged. 

“I don’t have any family. Or friends.” 

“Oh no! How could you possibly not have friends?! You’re such a charmer.” I deadpanned. Which sounds like a cruel pun at the moment. 

“Ha ha. So hilarious.”

“Can you leave now?”

“What do you think?”

“Okay, fine. But at least stay quiet while I work.” 

“What do you even do? It can’t be that important. You‘re only like two years older than me.”

“If you must know, I am an interior designer. It is a very important job in which I was lucky to get at such a young age.”

“So you just draw things?” I rolled my eyes at his ignorance.  

“Hardly. Now zip it!” He made the motion of a zipper against his lips. 

Yeah. Lets see how long that lasts. 



Four months. It has been four months since Sehun has shown up in my apartment, and he has not left it since. Its odd to say this, but I actually enjoy his company now. When he’s not being annoying purposefully while I’m trying to work, that is. 

“Whatcha drawing?” Like right now.

“Does it matter? It’s for work. Go take a nap or something. You’re giving me a headache.”

“Can’t. I don’t get tired anymore, remember.” I just ignored his reply. He looked around mindlessly.

"You don't have any family or friends either? I've been here for a while now. And you don't really talk to anyone." I shiged. Boy is he overly chatty tonight.

"No. I do not have any friends and I'm not particularly close with my family. If you must know." He just nodded. 

“I’ve been meaning to ask you something…When you’re away, I walk around a bit. And I found that people just kinda pass through me. I can’t even feel them. So why is it that I can touch you and feel it?” To emphasize his words, he reached out and lightly caressed my cheek. Well there goes the last bit of concentration I had left. I felt my face heat up and my heart beat quicken as I looked up into his eyes. 

Okay, so somewhere along the line I had fallen for a ghost. No big deal, right? Wrong. This is so utterly wrong and not how my pathetic life was supposed to go.

“I-I guess it’s because I’m more in touch with spirit than everyone else. I don’t know. Look, I told you I’m not an expert on this stuff. I’ve spent most of my life trying to suppress it.” He nodded at my answer regardless. I glanced down at my watch, now aware of the foggy state my head was in. When did it become so late? I groaned. No going to bed for me until I finish this. It’s almost done, I can do it! 

“I take back what I said before. You work really hard for this job, huh? I can see how tired you are some nights but you never stop working until you finish. But…” I rubbed my temples before starting to sketch the finishing details on my designs.

“But what?”

“You don’t look so good. Maybe you should stop for tonight and head to bed. You said it yourself earlier. This design isn’t even due for another three days.” Don’t look good? I gave him a sour look.

“That’s just my face. Stop staring at it if you don’t like it.” I continued to work. That was until his hand grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him again.

“You’re face is beautiful. Even when its sleep deprived. So don’t tell me to stop looking at it.” I nodded mechanically, eyes slightly wide. Where had that come from?! He smirked and grabbed both my hands, forcing me to my feet. I shrieked as he threw me over his shoulder none too lightly.   

“You’ve got some nerve, Sehun!”

“Anyone going against you has to at least have some courage.”

"Ya! What is that supposed to mean?!"

"It means you're stubborn, have an even nastier temper than I do at times, and are pretty tough for a girl. No wonder why you don't have any friends, or a boyfriend for that matter. You intimidate them." 

“That’s it! When you put me down, I’ll show you what dead feels like!”

"See?" He just snickered and proceeded to walk to my bedroom, me flailing on his surprisingly muscular shoulder. 

“Put me down!” 

“Okay.” I wasn’t anticipating him to give in so abruptly. And because of that, when he tossed me forward I had immediately grabbed onto his neck with fright, pulling him down with me. We landed on my bed, him hovering on top of me awkwardly as my hands clung to his neck and shirt. He was a little shocked and didn’t seem to be breathing. At least I wasn’t the only one. In the four months he had been here, we had never been this close. But then he cleared his throat and stood up.

“Sleep, okay?” I nodded again, my words lost somewhere between my throat and racing heart for the second time within five minutes. 

“Good.” And then he had left the room. Oh, this was way worse than I had thought.



I had to stay late at the office today. Usually I would get out around dinner time, but glancing at the dark sky had told me that I wasn't going to be getting a lot of work done tonight. I fumbled with sevral rolled up paper tubes that I was carrying as I dragged my feet to my apartment door.

Poor Sehun. He's probably pacing the floors wondering why I'm so late. I sighed as I took my keys out of my coat pocket. Fumbling for the right one, I had accidentally dropped one of my design papers.

"Oh!" I leaned down to retrieve it but a hand had grabbed it before I could. Looking up, I saw one of my neighbors. He was around my age. Attractive and tall with a slightly shy disposition. I stood along with him as he handed me the paper.

"Thanks, Jongin." I smiled at him. I saw a light pink tint his tanned cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck, looking down. I had only talked to Jongin on sevral occasions. He was always polite and respectful. 

"No problem." I turned back to my door and unlocked it. Just as I pushed it open, I heard him speak again.

"H-hey, um. You're home from work kinda late. You must be hungry..." He looked flustered as his eyebrows knitted together and he shook his head. I stared at him confused for a moment.

"I mean...What I'm trying to say is...Would you..." And then it hit me. Was he trying to ask me out?

"Oh...OH um. Thats really kind of you. But I'm kind of tired from work." He looked a bit dissapointed but then waved his hands, laughing nervously.

"O-of coarse! I'm sorry. That was stupid of me. Forget it." He smiled at me. Ouch. I feel really bad right now. I bit my lip, nervously glancing inside my open door and then back at Jongin.

"But you know, it would be nice to have some company. Would you like to come in and have some tea? Or I can make something quick to eat of you are hungry. I hope you don't mind instant food..." His smile brightened and he nodded.

"Instant is fine. I'd love too." Curse me and my good heart. I just smiled back at him and motioned for him to fallow me inside. He did so happily. I turned the corner, entering my living room.

"There you are! Where the hell have you-" He paused as his eyes landed on the man fallowing behind me. I gritted my teeth, regretting my decision to let him in already.  

"Who the hell is that?" I ginored the slightly aggrivated ghost.

"Just make yourself comfortable. I'll be right out with some food." The man nodded, sitting down on the couch a littly shyly. I walked into the kitchen, Sehun hot on my heels.

"Are you not going to answer me?!" My eye twitched slightly and I spun to face him.

"He is just a neighbor of mine that I decided to invite in for something to eat. Please behave!" I whisperd agressivly. He glared at me.

"Yeah, but why does he have to be male?! I was kidding last night, you know. You don't have to prove that you can get a boyfriend or something!" I ignored him, making some tea while the instant ramen cups were heating.

"Oh, real romantic. Cup ramen and tea. Who's the charmer now?!"

"Quit it! I'm not trying to be romantic. This isn't a date. I was just being friendly!" I whispered again. The last thing I needed is someone finding me talking agrssivly to what seemed like thin air. Sehun just huffed and went back out to the living room area. I was getting more anxious by the second. Who knows what Sehun could be up to in there. Finally the microwave beeped and I took out the cups, putting them on a small tray along with the tea. I sighed in relif as I entered the living room. Jongin was sitting there patiently, while Sehun just sat across from him, glaring. I took the spot next to Jongin, ignoring the huff coming from the other couch.

"Oh, it's not a date huh? You're a bit close Miss just being friendly." I so badly wanted to snap at him to shut up, but held my tongue.

"So I hope you like chicken flavored. I didnt really have any other kinds. Chicken is my favorite."

"Oh! No, I do. I m-mean...Yes. Chicken is good! I like C-chicken." Sehun snorted.

"You serious? This guy is lame! He's so awkward."

"I think it's cute." I mumbled. Jongin looked up at me.


"Oh! nothing...I just was thinking out loud about how cute your studdering is." I smiled brightly at him and he flushed deep red, choking slightly on his bite of ramen. I glanced at Sehun from the corner of my eye. He was staring at me, jaw clenched tightly. At least he was being quiet.

"T-thanks...I guess." It was mostly silent for the remainder of the meal. We would chit chat about trivial things here and there. After we finished I walked him to the door.

"Thank you, Jongin. I really do apprecate the company." 

"No probling. We it agin sometime?" I nodded.

"I'd like that." He smiled widely again.

"G-great." I waved and he waved back as I shut my door. Turning, I came face to face with a not too happy Sehun.

"I'd like that?!" He mimicked me, glaring.

"What's your problem?"

"My problem?! My problem is jongin."

"Why? Jongin is a nice guy. I don't understand why you would have a problem with him." He rolled his eyes.

"It would take an idiot to not notice that he's completly in love with you. Thats the problem." I tried to walk past him but he just side-stepped in front of me.

"What's wrong with someone having feelings for me? It's not like I feel the same way." I tried again but he repeated his actions.

"Sehun, move. I'm tired."

"How do I know that you don't feel anything towards him? You looked pretty friendly with him to me."

"Just what are you implying?! And why are you so mad at me right now? I didn't do anything wrong! I was jus-" I was cut off by his strong grip on my shoulders, firmly pressing me into the wall. I looked up at the taller male, cursing inwardly at doing so considering the intense look he was giving me.

"S-sehun..." He leaned down close to my ear as he whispered.

"I'm mad...because you don't belong to him. You're mine."   



The past few days were filled with odd and awkward encounters. I would find him staring at me more often. And when he wasn’t staring at me, he was initiating some sort of small physical contact. I didn’t really complain, or show any signs of acknowledgment towards them. Mostly because I had enjoyed each brush of his arm against mine or the way he would lean over me from behind, a bit closer each time, while he watched me work. But something had to be done about it. I couldn’t concentrate on anything but him anymore. The words he had wispered to me a few nights before still ringing through my head. I was falling behind on my work. Not enough to show, but not up to my personal standards. 

I growled in frustration for what seemed like the hundredth time today as I stopped drawing and put my head down on my desk. Calm breaths. You can do it. Just confront him about it. Then either ask him to stop or jump his bones. No, no! That is not going to happen. Can ghosts even- stop that thought right there! Awe man, it’s too late. I know where I was going with it. Cue awkward blushing. 

“Are you okay?” No I’m not okay. Stop being so attractive! I looked up at him. And stop giving me that y smirk.

“Y-yeah. Tired I guess.” He traced my cheek with his finger lightly. The contact made my insides melt. 

“Maybe I should carry you to bed then.” I was going to protest but he had already picked me up, bridal style this time. Ow, my heart.

“Y-you don’t have to carry me. My legs work, you know.” He didn’t reply, just smirked again and continued to my bedroom, where he slowly set me on my bed. After lingering a moment, he turned to leave. It’s now or never, speak up woman. I grabbed his wrist lightly.

“Sehun…..Will you stay?” Bad mouth. What am I talking about?! That was so lame. I couldn’t look at him, due to my embarrassment. Or the fact that I knew he was giving me that attractive smirk. My face was hotter than I had ever felt it. It only died slightly when I felt him climb in next to me. But still I couldn’t look at him, or move. I’m pretty sure we were both thinking along the same lines. Even though I was unsure of why I had asked him to stay, and even embarrassed by my words, I couldn’t deny that it had felt right that he was here. 

Something told me that once I looked at him, it would be all over. That something was going to happen in that moment and I would not be able to turn back. I was right. As soon as our eyes met, his lips were on mine. He kissed me deeply, as to convey his feelings. And I kissed him back, just as strongly. That was surprisingly where it had stopped. After we had both run out of air, he had rested his forehead aginst my own and softly pushed me back on the bed. He held me to his chest tightly and I had never felt happier. I had fallen asleep while he held me, feeling like my cofession had been spoken silently. And that is where everything had fallen apart.



The next morning, I had awoken to Sehun sleeping beside me. For a second, I thought that maybe he was just closing his eyes in thought. Ghosts don’t get tired. But when I tried to talk to him, he didn’t respond. And then he started to fade out a bit, like he was going to vanish. I gasped and shook him slightly. And then he had jumped up, eyes slightly wide. We just stared at each other for what seemed like forever. And then he cleared his throat and pointed at the clock. 

“You…you should get ready. Or you’ll be late for work.” I nodded and got ready. 

All day my mind was elsewhere. I had never really given it much thought before, but now I was wondering why some spirits just disappeared. Could Sehun disappear? Was his time up? I was afraid of this from the start. Now I was in too deep. I had fallen in love with a ghost. And he was quickly slipping through my fingers. He knew something. I knew that much by his reaction this morning. Man was I dreading walking into this apartment, but at the same time I just wanted to see him again. I shoved my key into the door and unlocked it, quickly making my way inside. I found him pacing in the living room, his hand running through his hair. He looked too deep in thought to notice me. Which I remember inwardly laughing about, since he was the ghost here. Oh the irony. 

“You’re going to disappear, aren’t you?” My words were quiet. But I could tell he heard them by the break in his pacing. I didn’t have the courage to look at him. Mostly because I knew the answer already and it hurt. Far worse than I had ever thought it would. Then his large hands were on either side of my face and his lips were pressing against mine. And I cried. I cried silently as he kissed me because I could feel the urgency in it. I could feel his apology. And then his lips were gone but his arms were there. And he was hugging me so tight. 

“I wish things could be different.” But they weren’t. 

“I want to stay here with you.” But you can’t.

“I love you.” I love you too. I knew he had somehow caught everything I was thinking. He understood what I couldn’t say. It had always been that way. 

“You’re just some punk with an attitude problem I met in the park. And it just happened to be that you fallowed me home.” And then he was giving me that attractive half smile and wiping my tears away with his thumb like you see in those romantic movies. 

“Yeah…I’m just some punk.” He was kissing me again, and this time I kissed him back. It didn’t last long though. Because all too soon I was the only one left in my apartment.  


Third week of loneliness. I wish I could say I was doing better, but I don’t lie. I had been avoiding Jongin. I knew it wasn't fair to the poor guy but my heart was still in so much pain. I’ve taken on more assignments at work, practically drowning myself in it. That’s where I was headed back from now. Looking slightly disheveled with about six more paper tubes in my hands than I was able to carry. But I somehow was managing, even though once in a while one would slip from my grasp and Id have to pick it up. Man, I just wanted to get back home and curl up in a baggy t-shirt and my underwear. It’s late October and too cold for this walking thing. Oh finally, my apartment building! 

I rushed inside and up to my floor. It took me some time to open my front door, but I got it none the less. As soon as I dropped the work on my desk, I had headed to change into that desired outfit I was talking about earlier. I was none too happy with life today, and in a bad mood. Hopefully some ice cream and dramas would put me on a better track. But curse my luck. As soon as I had settled down on the couch, the doorbell had rung. Furthering my luck, I was in such a bad mood, I had forgotten that I was only in a baggy shirt and underwear. So I had answered the door in such a state. The person at the door raised a brow at my lack of clothing and scowling face. But once realization hit me, it had turned to complete shock. He cleared his throat.

“Why couldn’t you have dressed like this when I was staying here?” I didn’t even react to his slightly dirty comment as I was too busy staring at him with a slack jaw. Catching my shock, he elaborated. 

“For once, I am glad that you are such a ty psychic. It turns out that I wasn’t dead. I was just in a coma that no one thought I would wake up from. They said it was a miracle.” He caressed my cheek lightly.

“That I must have found something to live for.”

"Sehun..." And then I was throwing myself at him like he would disappear again and he was kissing me with need I hadn’t known someone could possess before I met him. And just like that, everything was alright again. 


~The End~



Okay so I was going to end it with him disappearing. But I wanted to cry. I couldn't leave it like that. It deserved a happy ending. So here you go! Haha. It took a lot out of me. But I hope you enjoyed.      

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Check out my other one shot 'Charming' feat. Kai.


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Chapter 1: i love it!!!! what a twist!!!!
miakay #2
Chapter 1: I'm reading this story....again. kekeke ^^
Authornim jjang!
ayrie08 #3
Chapter 1: I like it! Being in love with a ghost? If its sehun, why not eh? Hahaha! But this is really something. Thank you for this.
Chapter 1: OMGOMG!!! BEST GHOST LOVE STORY EVERRRR!!!! I was actually searching for a Jongin oneshot and this came and I saw Sehun's name and I was like whatever I'll just read it, and I never knew that it was this interesting!!!! Love it so much!
Chapter 1: Yes! the feels !!!!>~< im so glad you brought him back... i was so sad already it was really good :)
Chapter 1: That was really good
Chapter 1: So good :D
Chapter 1: Amazing!! I thought he ending was an angst ending... Gosh.... Undescribable!! Daebak!!
This literally the best foreword ive ever read,i cant wait to see what youre going to come up with:)