Life Is About Choices [APPLY ^^]

I want to post a teaser but then I know I can't since this is like a role playying

I want to say Please apply...




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wookhee #1
1. Name : guia dela cruz<br />
<br />
2. Age : 17<br />
<br />
3. Birthdate : march 2o,1993<br />
<br />
4. Personality : well. im just a typical girl i love reading,musics and fanfics. well. kinda talkative but knows when to shut my mouth. im a very friendly person. <br />
<br />
5. Background : well. im a girl with big dreams. i love my family, friends and of course super junior. im an ECE (Electronics and communication Engineering) student at a private university. im well-mannered person. i love texting, surfing the net and of course READ ! :D this is why im hooked up with dozens of fanfics especially with super junior as the characters :) <br />
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6. Appearance :!/photo.php?pid=30939478&id=1598324131&ref=fbx_album<br />
im 5' in height. 36kg. long black hair. <br />
<br />
7.Trivia : <br />
-i love super junior.<br />
-addicted to kim ryeowook.<br />
-loves music.<br />
-happy go lucky.<br />
-lazy at times.<br />
-i love to act.<br />
-i love dancing.<br />
-i always go boy watching with friend :))<br />
-i always want to go shopping.<br />
-im fun to be with.<br />
-addicted to sweets.<br />
-i love talking.<br />
-i always daydream at any place at any time :)<br />
<br />
8. Email : [email protected]<br />
<br />
9. extras : i kinda want to heechul's ex gf if its ok :)<br />
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10 Your Crush : KIM RYEOWOOK or CHOI SIWON <3
silverbellz #2
1. Name : (eng)geovanni michaella; (kor)ryu geonyoo<br />
<br />
2. Age : 17<br />
<br />
3. Birthdate : december, 22th 1993<br />
<br />
4. Personality : im a girl kinda boyish, humorish, wishy washy, less of confidence<br />
<br />
5. Background : i am a japanese girl. my father works as a chef at one of the most luxury hotel and my mom helps my father. i have a 8 years old little sister and a brother 3 years older than me. we live happily in japan. my father always makes something new for our meal and we usually help him.<br />
6. Appearance :<br />
i'm not really feminine. i like using hoody shirt. my height is 160; weight 45 kg; short brown hair.<br />
<br />
7. Trivia:<br />
* lisp<br />
* hate being ignored<br />
* i'm good at sports especially table tennis and basketball<br />
* i could play clarinet and piano<br />
* i'm picky eater<br />
* i like hearing music n song<br />
* i like reading comic<br />
* hate action movies n ghost story so much<br />
* i don't really care with my cleanliness<br />
* i act cool even i hate the insects n reptile in front of me<br />
* i can't ignore others<br />
* humor is the best for me<br />
* i like drawing fashion item<br />
<br />
8. Email : [email protected]<br />
<br />
9. extras : if it possible, i would request to be 2PM junho's sister and eunhyuk as my neighbor<br />
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10 Your Crush : donghae
1. Name : (eng)vania michaela; (kor)ryu geonri<br />
<br />
2. Age : 18<br />
<br />
3. Birthdate : march, 16th 1992<br />
<br />
4. Personality : feminime, hard to say "no", always smile, keep problem for myself, look down everything, care about friends and fams<br />
<br />
<br />
5. Background : my father is korean, but my mom from taiwan. now i live in korea with my older brother aaron to study. my parents live in china because of business. manny ppl said that i have nothing to worried since my parents are rich, beside that, i'm a girl who won't show anything when i faced difficulties. but my brother aaron know everything about me, that i need to be loved. so he loves me and i'm affraid without him. i have a brother complex. i'm active on many organizations and my grade is good at school. many ppl like me and envy me because my life looks perfect.<br />
<br />
6. Appearance :<br />
i'm sweet and like fashion. my height is 155 (really short); weight 43kg. with long, staight and dark brown hair, white skin.<br />
<br />
7.Trivia :<br />
* left handed<br />
* have gummy smile<br />
* i like tea<br />
* o+ blood type<br />
* i like shopping (especially heels)<br />
* i like making prank<br />
* hate hospital, sick, doctor, bla..bla..bla...<br />
* hate being sweaty<br />
* hate being ignored<br />
* i love to sing and dance<br />
* i can play piano and viola (different from violin) well<br />
* i'm a quick learner (easy for me to learn something new)<br />
* i love to be embraced<br />
<br />
8. Email : [email protected]<br />
<br />
9. extras : if i can, i would request to be yoon eunhye's younger sister or to be eunhyuk's younger sister in the story<br />
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10 Your Crush : kibum
uncreativelol #4
7.Trivia : (13 random facts)<br />
~> Amazingly good at gambling<br />
~> Can change from harsh to sweet just by feeding her sweets<br />
~> Home is littered with things that remind her of her life in Europe<br />
~> Loves to play with her guitars as they were gifts from her friends<br />
~> Had dual citizenship but prefers herself to be more of a European than Asian<br />
~> Speaks Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian. She can speak Cantonese and Mandarin, but neglects to. Her Mandarin has a very thick Cantonese accent. Korean still has a few mistakes here and there.<br />
~> Has a blog, but updates in Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian<br />
~> Is a devout Catholic but doesn't attend church<br />
~> Has a sliver cross attached to a necklace with five gold stars<br />
~> A lotus is tattooed on her left shoulder<br />
~> Still has somewhat of a crush on her Hong Kong "brother"<br />
~> Hates Taiwanese people(a Taiwanese girl stole her Hong Kong "brother" away from her)<br />
~> Loves to play football(soccer) and is quite good at it <br />
<br />
8. Email : [email protected]<br />
<br />
9. extras : (request or anything) Henry(Super Junior M) as her sort-of-but-not-really friend and some cameos of her friends from Europe(not needed, but appreciated).<br />
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10 Your Crush : (from super junior) Hankyung
uncreativelol #5
*Application*<br />
<br />
1. Name : Rosario "Rui" Peixoto<br />
<br />
2. Age : 19<br />
<br />
3. Birthdate : 20th December 1992<br />
<br />
4. Personality : She can be a little bit of a punk, but can be very sweet to those she opens up to. She considers extremely close friends "family". With family she is sweet and a little clingy. Strangers describe her as uncaring and harsh. She doesn't know how to deal with new people and often scares them away. She claims to be self-sufficient, but is always a daddy's girl at heart. Can be a little of troublemaker and hates to be restricted. As such she loves to speak in a different language and confuse those talking to her and surprise them with her proficiency in the language spoken to her. She completely dependent on her friends and can't stand to separated from them for long. She loves sweets to point of diabetes inducing and anything that reminds her of home.<br />
<br />
5. Background : (be unique)She was born to a Portuguese father and a Chinese mother in Macau. Her mother died of birth complications and her father ran off. From then on she lived in a foster family with other children. She met her first love there, ironically it was her Hong Kong "brother". When she turned three her father found her and took her back to Portugal to raise her. She loved being in Europe and met a Spanish boy, two Italian boys, and one Portuguese boy who would soon grow up and become the best of friends and the beginning of their makeshift family. When she turned 16 she was to be returned to China as per the agreement on the mother's will. She returned unwillingly and began rebelling as soon as she returned back to China.<br />
<br />
6. Appearance : (links and short description)A fringe towards the left eye and a pierced right ear. Hair is down to the nape of her neck and somewhat messily cut. A small braid hangs from the left side of her head. Slightly tan, (devilish) green eyes
LeslyeAkira #6
7. Trivia: <br />
-alergic to cats/dogs/bunnies/animals with fur(LOL ironic?) but LOVES them<br />
-Vegan<br />
-NEVER uses the word "hate"<br />
-blushes easily<br />
-kinda rocker/girly type of girl<br />
-Reita from the GazettE is her biggest celebrity crush<br />
-loves to bake<br />
-bursts out singing when she hears a song she likes<br />
-sometimes even dances :B<br />
-ostriches, her biggest fear<br />
-dislikes bugs(especially cockroaches) but never kills them<br />
-loves languages(fluent in spanish, english, korean, japanese, currently learning french)<br />
-pouts/frowns & sticks out her tongue a LOT<br />
<br />
8. Email : [email protected]<br />
<br />
9. extras: I want to meet Sungmin at school & become bffs :B & youuuu want to be my friend? :3 (I'll support your story even if I'm not chosen)<br />
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10 Your Crush : Kim Kibum♥