dancing photographs

dancing photographs


He was Do Kyungsoo and he enjoyed taking photos.

His passion brought him to many places, made him experience a world like no other, even made him feel real and alive almost all of the time. From the littlest complex details of minuscule objects to defined broad panoramic landscapes of his favorite places, Kyungsoo couldn't ask for more. To put it simply, it was his life.

The reason had been Jongin and Kyungsoo never knew. It was the early week of February when Kyungsoo stormed out of his studio out of the frustration he was getting from his lifeless and uninspiring work place. His stubborn self didn't want to admit it but he was lost. Really lost. And screwed. He needed outputs for the photo gallery he had scheduled in two months and he had nothing.

Kyungsoo had half a year to prepare for the biggest event he would be hosting yet and he hurriedly started to work on it. He brainstormed with the theme and decided with the simple inanimate objects and landscapes. Kyungsoo felt that something was off as soon as he begun but simply shrugged it off. Although now, he never felt so stupid and thought that he should have pondered more on the strange gut feeling he had. Kyungsoo wanted to hit himself hard on a tree.

Enter Jongin with huge headphones hugging his head along with weird foot works that Kyungsoo couldn't help but ogle at. Kyungsoo thought it was fascinating how the student could do such complex movements using only his feet. He continued staring at the young high schooler who seemed unaware and oblivious of his surroundings. Out of habit, he reached for the left side of his body to grab his camera which slung around him. Barely a minute passed and he was positive that he had taken a hundred shots of the young man in front of him. He continued with the clicking until he found himself staring at the face of the kid through his viewfinder. He then realized that the high schooler was staring at him and his heart jumped out of shock thinking that he was too obvious and rude for taking such photos.

He was frozen and the dancer was walking. The kid was walking towards Kyungsoo. Closer. He was getting closer. Run, idiot! But he couldn't. It was embarrassing when the man stopped standing a few feet away from him and he was in his photographer stance, camera planted on his face with his left hand controlling the focus and a finger placed over the shutter. It was very awkward and he couldn't move. His heart was pounding fast and he knew he had to unfreeze himself from his spot.


Kyungsoo heaved out a sigh a bit too loudly out of relief since he was expecting a response that bore something along the raging line. He slowly put down the camera from his face, positioning it back to his left side as if nothing happened.

"Were you taking photos of me?"

And Kyungsoo started sweating– body still twisted a bit to his left side with his head bent down (because he was still fixing the position of his camera, as if it needed more time to be positioned). Kyungsoo decided that he wouldn't face the man and proceeded to dust off invisible dirt from the flash hood of his most prized possession.

"Earth to mister camera dude! Your camera looks clean enough."

The next thing Kyungsoo saw was the young man's hand waving up and down his face as if testing if he was blind or not. He finally looked up and saw a pair of eyes staring intently at him with lips curved up into a smirk. Kyungsoo was flustered. Never had he experienced embarrassing moments like these. It was new and foreign and he didn't know what to do.

"I... I'm sorry," Kyungsoo being his dramatic self started to feel the whole world judge him hard for being selfish with his actions. Moments like these made him realize how much he liked the idea of wearing an invisible cloak that will allow him to dash off somewhere where selfish people like him, Kyungsoo emphasizes, are welcome. A light chuckle broke his thoughts almost immediately and he lowered his head more. "I'm Jongin. Kim Jongin. I love dancing."

Jongin's face didn’t seem like it will leave Kyungsoo’s head soon. He could vividly imagine how the man looks with his distinct eye smile and daunting smirk. His thoughts were, again, cut off by a certain right arm of a Kim Jongin who was asking for a handshake. The photographer took a minute or two until he blurted "K-Kyungsoo. Do Kyungsoo. A photographer."

And little did Kyungsoo know that his life was just about to begin.



"Would you stop worrying already, hyung?"

Jongin knew Kyungsoo had a week left until the opening of his art gallery but the smaller man was all around his studio worrying too much about small minor details that Jongin thought was ridiculous. Knowing Kyungsoo though, the word drama will never leave his dictionary.

"No, Jongin. You don't understand. I have a week left and I can't possibly screw up on my own gallery," Jongin sighed and stood up from his seat. He walked towards Kyungsoo and placed both his hands on the man's tensed shoulders.

"Hyung, a week. Relax, please." Seeing Kyungsoo like this once in a while is definitely an understatement. Everyday he would worry about the slightest details and Jongin could just see himself face palming every single time. Kyungsoo's works are breathtakingly beautiful and Jongin remembered the first time he was brought to the older man's studio.

It was an impulsive offer and he immediately accepted it. Kyungsoo needed a model reasoning out that it was for his art gallery and all Jongin had to do was to dance. That is definitely a piece of cake. So he did and everyday he would turn up at Kyungsoo's studio and they would begin shooting. Either inside the studio or outside, Jongin didn't complain since he enjoyed it. He enjoyed the older man’s company and seeing Kyungsoo also brightened his day.

They became closer in a span of weeks. How could they not after spending everyday of their lives together since the offer was made? Totally disregarding their first meeting, all their meet-ups consisted of conversations and actions that made them look like they’ve been friends for such a long time. It was weird but they didn't ponder on it much. This made them work faster too with their shoots and no one complained.

Jongin felt the smaller man relax a bit from his hold and he heard a faint sigh. Who would blame Kyungsoo though? Nerves can be a . "I know. Sorry, Jongin."

"Don’t be," Jongin needed something to distract Kyungsoo's trail of thoughts and dinner sounded appealing. “Let's get food?” As if on cue, Kyungsoo's face immediately brightened up, nodding happily in response. The light creases on his forehead were gone, his brows were back to normal, and his lips curved up to a smile that Jongin always liked. Jongin thinks that he knew Kyungsoo's mind a bit too well.

They were on their way out when heard Kyungsoo voice out an audible whisper of thank you, Jongin and he resorted to mentally patting himself at the back.




It was the day Kyungsoo had been waiting for and he was ready. His art gallery opens on a Monday and he was forcing Jongin not to skip school, urging him to attend the gallery after his classes. Kyungsoo received a nod from the boy but little did he know, Jongin already decided. Besides, who would even listen to Kyungsoo.

Jongin came to a decision of skipping school the whole day since the art gallery is a lot more important. Well, it is since 75% of the photos displayed were of him varying between colored ones, to monochromes, to silhouettes. Jongin was no doubt the main model of Kyungsoo's gallery.

It was eight in the morning when Kyungsoo heard a loud knock on his door and no one knocked except for Jongin. That brat. He headed straight to open it, ready to exclaim an impromptu sermon for the young man.

"I told you-"

"Good morning, hyung!" Jongin casually cut him off, entering his apartment with a huge grin plastered on his face as if it was the most natural thing to do. An obviously pissed Kyungsoo slammed the door and turned around to follow the young man to the living room.

"I told you not to skip. Go to school, Jongin," Kyungsoo pleaded. Jongin had skipped a number of times just so he could reach his own deadline and until now he still felt guilty. He didn’t want a repeat of those again and he most certainly didn’t want the younger man to be in trouble.

“If you’re still thinking about those times, I told you that it’s alright and it’s not your fault. Besides, skipping’s never new to me anyway or my records,” it was apparent that Jongin will never listen. Kyungsoo sighed in defeat.

“Just this once. Promise me,” Kyungsoo’s tone was sincere, hoping that Jongin would get his message. Then he saw Jongin wear the smile. The smile that always told him that he could believe. 

“Just this once. I promise,”



Jongin kept his promise and he never missed school. His friends were just as equally shocked as his teachers since it was an unusual thing to happen. Random teasing was inevitable and would arise once in a while. 

“Not skipping, huh? What was his name? Was it Kyungsoo?” Scratch the once in a while part. He wanted to punch Sehun for being the sole person who would constantly about the promise he made with the older man. 

“I have to meet the guy who changed you, Jongin!” Scratch the sole part as well since he was mentally adding Luhan, who is just as annoying as Sehun, to his list of stupid people to beat up soon

“Stop believing Sehun and no, the both of you will not meet him.” 

He could see Sehun and Luhan totally not listening to what he was saying at the same time completely disregarding his presence. They continued to gossip about Kyungsoo changing Jongin and Jongin swore that if looks could kill, he might have committed homicide already.




It was supposed to be a one-time thing since Kyungsoo’s still on about Jongin being a high school student and skipping school is bad but Jongin insisted and Kyungsoo couldn’t say no since he desperately needed a model. Kyungsoo’s art gallery was highly acclaimed by the press and media, earning Kyungsoo commissions from renowned people.

“You’re supposed to be studying and not modeling,” Kyungsoo placed down his camera on the table beside him, worry and guilt adorning his face.

“Hyung.” Please. He knew what Jongin was thinking and he sighed.

“I know, I know. I’m sorry just- let’s just finish this and don’t ever volunteer yourself again or else I’ll feel more guilty and you’ll have to deal with my attitude,” he could hear Jongin chuckle and he felt the mood lighten. He liked how the younger man would make everything better. Jongin was still grinning.

“Whatever you say, Kyungsoo,” and the photographer didn’t even notice that after that day, Jongin completely dropped the formalities and started to call him with his name. It’s a mystery how Kyungsoo didn’t complain.




It had been six months since the day they first met and it was clear that Jongin liked Kyungsoo. Thanks to a certain Sehun and Luhan, he would have never figured it out.

It was just a typical day for Kyungsoo, doing his usual routine inside the studio. Jongin, however, couldn’t help but gaze at him. His small actions, like changing the lens of his camera, unfolding and assembling the tripods, arranging photos he just developed from the dark room, sorting out portfolios, all seemed to catch Jongin’s attention. He felt lightheaded and happy just seeing the photographer pleased with what he’s doing.

Next thing Jongin knew, he was in front of the two most annoying people on earth to ask for advice. True to the saying bffs should tell all their secrets to each other, Jongin spilled the beans to Sehun and Luhan who in turn, gave him an all too knowing grin.

He liked Kyungsoo.

Or so that’s what Luhan had been insisting on during lunch break. And it was weird since Jongin didn’t even protest thinking that it may probably be true.






“I have to tell you something.”

“Yeah? What is it?” Kyungsoo lazily replied sorting out his old portfolios on the table.


“What?” Kyungsoo was still sorting, not giving much importance to what Jongin was about to say. But then he heard the younger man reply “Look at me.”

Kyungsoo was getting impatient and it was showing with the tone of his voice. “Just tell me already.”

Jongin was at it again. “Look. At. Me. Kyungsoo.” And Kyungsoo finally did at the same time stopping what he was doing, showing Jongin that he had his full attention. “Fine, what is it?”

There was a brief silence that Kyungsoo didn’t particularly like. He knows Jongin. He was frank and direct and would honestly just say things that went through his mind. Kyungsoo thinks he knows where the conversation is going and–


Jongin said it and Kyungsoo was right all along.

Jongin finally said it and Kyungsoo felt stupid because he couldn’t say what he wanted to say.

Jongin said he liked him and Kyungsoo felt infinitely more stupid when he didn’t stop Jongin from leaving.




Sehun, Luhan, and Jongin were on their way to the nearest milk tea place from their school when he suddenly heard the two simultaneously utter “You’re stupid.”

It was the last thing that Jongin wanted to hear from the two but he acknowledges his fault. I deserve it anyway.

“How do you just blurt it out to Kyungsoo-ssi when you yourself just realized it?” Luhan irritably stated complete with hand gestures that emphasized his choice of words.

“Like what we’ve been saying. Jongin’s stupid,” Sehun countered apathetically, a complete opposite of how Luhan had been reacting.

Jongin had the urge to strangle the two but he did it upon himself. He thinks he deserved it anyway.

They were about to enter the store when they saw Kyungsoo leaving with hot tea on hand. It had been a month since the day Jongin told the man of his feelings and he realized he missed the photographer. Jongin stopped visiting Kyungsoo’s studio thinking that the man needed space. He also stopped answering his calls since he, Jongin admits, was a coward.

“We need to talk,” Kyungsoo firmly said, interrupting his thoughts. Sehun and Luhan were suddenly nowhere to be found and it was only him and Kyungsoo. He needed the chance to patch things up with Kyungsoo and he wouldn’t dare miss the opportunity. “Let’s walk?” Jongin hesitantly asked at first, promising himself that he will explain everything to Kyungsoo later on.

“Okay.” Kyungsoo muttered. It was nearly inaudible but Jongin still heard it.

Kyungsoo’s mouth was positioned above the cup he was holding and Jongin could see the fumes of the hot drink rising whenever the smaller man blows on it. Kyungsoo tried offering his drink, which Jongin kindly declined, and just then did Jongin realize that Kyungsoo had been observing him as well. Jongin suddenly felt conscious that maybe he was staring a bit too much.

Jongin didn’t know how to start and the silence was getting uncomfortable. He got the chance and had a lot of things to tell Kyungsoo but everything was stuck on his throat. Jongin was failing miserably.

“You weren’t answering my calls,” It was as if Kyungsoo read Jongin’s mind.

“I-I’m sorry.” Jongin didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know what to do. For the first time, he didn’t know what Kyungsoo was thinking.

“Why?” Kyungsoo’s voice was muffled since his lips were still placed on top of the cup. It took Jongin some time until he muttered, “I was scared.”

Kyungsoo stopped on his tracks and it alarmed Jongin. Stupid answer, Jongin. Great.

“You don’t have to be scared,” Jongin considered mentally slapping himself. “You also don’t have to be sorry. I should be sorry,” and now Jongin was taken aback with the photographer’s reply. Kyungsoo turned around to face the dancer.

“I should be the one sorry, Jongin. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” now Jongin’s confused.

“I didn’t realize it sooner and I didn’t tell you. I was scared as well. I’m sorry,” don’t tell me…

“I like you too. I like you so much it hurts. I didn’t see you for a month and it hurt so much, Jongin,” Kyungsoo stared at his cup. “What else could probably explain the hurt I was feeling?” Kyungsoo was now facing him and Jongin could see the tears welling up in Kyungsoo’s eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t even realize it. I’m so sorry,” Kyungsoo’s voice was starting to quiver and Jongin held a longing gaze at Kyungsoo.

Jongin abruptly cupped the man’s face, wiping the tears that started to trickle on Kyungsoo’s cheeks with his thumb. The dancer hushed Kyungsoo’s sobs almost immediately. “Shh, it’s alright. It’s alright.”

Everything will be alright.




Ten months passed and the chilly December air reminded Kyungsoo that it had been a long time since he met Jongin. Nothing much changed after coming clean with their feelings towards another except that they were a hundred times more inseparable, or that’s what Luhan had been telling him.

Kyungsoo remembered the first time he met Sehun and Luhan at the milk tea place the same day he confronted Jongin. The two were leering at each other telling Kyungsoo everything about Jongin; from his embarrassing moments until the day he was so lost about his feelings. The photographer tried his best not to laugh so much since Jongin had been sending daggers with his stare at the two men and Kyungsoo obviously didn’t want to be a victim. The two still went on completely ignoring Jongin’s presence and Kyungsoo gave up letting out a small chuckle. It felt nice to know Jongin’s best friends.

Kyungsoo was in his studio arranging the flash stand and the back drop for a new commission he was going to be working on with Jongin. It had been a week since he last saw the younger man because the dancer had exams and Kyungsoo, not wanting to be guilty, prohibited him from visiting his studio until his tests are over.

Kyungsoo heard a knock on the door and his face beamed knowing that it was Jongin. He excitedly skipped towards the entrance, opened the door, and hugged the dancer without any delay. “I missed you!”

“Missed you too,” Kyungsoo felt Jongin’s arms snake around his waist also leaving a soft kiss on his hair.

“Oh, you finished setting up the studio. Let’s do the commission?” Kyungsoo heard Jongin say and Kyungsoo quickly shook his head.

“That could wait.” Kyungsoo voiced out with a huge smile on his face.

And Kyungsoo knew that Jongin knew what he meant.

We have all the time in the world.




a/n: because kaisoo should be adorable and i’m all #teamfluff for this pairing ahhhh tell me what you think guys! comments are highly appreciated and they will surely help me improve!

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omg guys 480+ views! i know it isn't much but i think it's fairly good for a first post hahaha but thank you.


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yangbyunshim #1
Chapter 1: Yeah me too #teamfluff #teamnoangst ^^d good job authornim
baka_ming95 #2
Chapter 1: My Kaisoo feels ohmaigawddd it's so fluffy and sweet <33
I think that.. maybe you could add some Kaisoo sweet moments .. moments that show us Kai's feelings toward Kyung (and Kyung's feelings toward Jongin~).. The story will be more fluffy with the sweet moments^^ that's my suggestion since I really love fic with fluffs overload ahaha
Love this story! ♥♥
Chapter 1: i love this so much ;;
thank you for writing this
Chapter 1: that was really adorable :) and I just love a student Jongin and a mature Kyungsoo <3
Chapter 1: Aaawww ♥♥ that was so sweet! ^^