Our Role Reversal

A Place Called Home


Our Role Reversal


“What are you doing?” Jaejoong deadpans when he sees Boa munching on breakfast by herself at the dining table in none other than her white wedding dress, veil pulled back on her head included.


“Eating cereal.”


“I mean, what are you doing still in your dress?”


Boa looks down at herself, pouting at the wrinkles of her wedding gown, and then back at Jaejoong with her inner eyebrows raised sadly. “But I don’t have any other clothes to wear…”


Jaejoong approaches her and flicks a flake of cereal off the corner of her lips. He then grabs her forearm and pulls her up. “Come here.”


Boa’s eyes grow wide when Jaejoong opens the wardrobe in the bedroom she slept in last night.


“There are clothes in here, stupid.”


“How could I have known that?” Boa argues, but a twinkle appears in her eyes when she sees how trendy the outfits are. They are just her style. “And why do you have so many girls’ clothes?”


Boa slowly turns towards him with her jaw slightly lowered. “Do you cross dress?”


Jaejoong inhales. And exhales. With a locked jaw, he explains, “They. Are. My. Sisters’.”


“Oh. You have a sister?”


“Ah, sisters.”


“And they all share one room?”

“They don’t live here.”




Jaejoong stops short, watching as she puts most of her attention on the clothes. “Tell me why I am having this pointless conversation with you?”


“Hehe,” Boa giggles and sticks her tongue out cutely.


“You are a lot stranger than I thought,” Jaejoong mutters in a low voice, and watches Boa enthusiastically throw clothes onto the bed, like he isn’t even in the room. That bothers him.


Does she even know that I am handsomely standing here?


He soon notices the clock. “Well, you do what you want, I have to head out,” Jaejoong tells her and picks himself up from leaning on the doorframe.


Boa looks up, seeing Jaejoong’s hooded back figure walking off. She quickly follows him to the front door and watches him tug on his shoes. “Wait, where are you going? You’re going to leave me alone here? What am I going to do by myself?”


Jaejoong finishes tying the laces on his boots and sighs at her. “You’re just like a puppy.”


Boa sticks out her pink lower lip even further and gives him those puppy dog eyes he was asking for. Please take me with you.


“You can’t come,” Jaejoong argues and swings out the keys to his motorbike from his jacket.




“I said no.”

“I said please~”

“No means no.”

“Please… master!”


Jaejoong’s eyes double in size. “What. Did you just. Call me?”


A shy kind of rosiness forms just under Boa’s gleaming eyes. “Why? Is it bad?”


“You are unbelievably innocent,” Jaejoong shakes his head as he warns her, “Don’t you ever call any other guy that. Understand!” A command more than a question.


The way that Jaejoong’s face turns red from embarrassment gives Boa confirmation that he is not a total playboy type. She tilts her head watching him fumble with the keys for his ride.


Jaejoong takes a quick glance at her and breathes out ever so slowly as he ponders. He shakes his head.




“No?” Boa repeats softly, not getting his rhetoric.


“NO. You can’t come! Stay home! Goodbye!”




Boa stares at the shut door for a few seconds. “Ha,” she gives up a light laugh-slash-scoff.


How cute.

AN: a short chapter~ hope you liked it!
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DearIC #1
Chapter 9: I finally got to read your last update~ BoA is such an amazing character being all clueless, while Jaejoong is turning crazy by himself haha...hope you get to continue writing this story~ :D
sweets! *add oil* i know you'll come back with a continuous good plot~ anticipating all the time. ^_- if this one doesnt work out. im sure u'll be back with another GREAT story!!! supporting you all the way, all the time. <3
sweetsweets2 #3
Sorry that the plot is slow and/or the chapters are too short TT
I will try my best to gear the storyline in a better direction.
Please look upon this story nicely, readers :3 Thank you for reading!
Chapter 9: hm, dont think i understand the point of each chapter anymore. the plot seems a bit undeveloped. boa appear out of nowhere and she staying at a stranger house. and having feelings for him after talking to his friend? i hope to see more action and fun as in PTKTMH. thanks for the update. hope to see more in the next chapter. thanks!
Darlovejae #5
Chapter 9: Why JAEJOONG is acting like that..?
it's been 2 weeks :( hopefully this week? *wink* ;)
sweetsweets2 #7
Hi all! Thanks for reading. I will hopefully be updating sometime next week^^
DearIC #8
Chapter 8: I was laughing during the entire chapter~ BoA is so clueless and Heechul just want to gossip~....hahaha....it was so funny to read about the frustrated Heechul don't understanding the point of the conversation haha..
skkyyul #9
Chapter 8: omg omg uri heechul aaaahhhh please update soon
skkyyul #10
Chapter 2: nice story author><