Heart for 2

Worlds Apart

“Heart for 2” by ZE:A: http://view.aimini.com/?fid=pxoaxIdLl9c17ixkBctW

Translations: http://youtu.be/PJsDppZsrfE (Why don’t they make a full MV of this…sadness…)




“They’re so perfect for each other!”

“Look at them, oh, it was love at first sight.”

“I’m so jealous of her!  She’s so lucky!  He’s so hot!”

“I heard he makes good money, too.  Of course she’s rich anyways.”

“Match made in heaven.”

I smiled to myself brightly.  I don’t mean to brag, but all their “whispers” were 100% true.  I live the life every girl dreams about.  I was born with beauty, brains, and wealth.  My parents gave me anything I wanted.  They dote on me like a princess.  I was always at the top of my class.  Guys at school fawned over my model physique.  I have a great group of friends, who I can always count on to have my back.  And of course, the one thing all girls dream about…I’m married to my perfect prince charming.

Speaking of my hubbie~

He pecked me on the lips and entwined his fingers with mine.  “What are you smiling so widely about by yourself, Yeobo?”

I giggled at his sweet talk, “Nothing~ I was just thinking about how absolutely lucky I am to have you, my Jagiya~”

“You two are absolutely disgusting, naw wha I’m sayin’?” I turned and laughed as my husband glared at the new voice.

“Thank you for coming, JiHo-oppa!  I know you guys are really busy,” I greeted with a smile as I felt my waist being engulfed against the warm body behind me.

“Hey, it’s not every day our princess gets married to the dancing king,” chuckled JiHo as he threw his arm around “the dancing king.”

“Well, yeah!  If they got married every day, it wouldn’t be special anymore!  I’d also get sick of all the mushy romance stuff they always do…” someone else joined, laughing by himself.  The last statement made JiHo stare at the newcomer blankly: a common occurrence with this one.

“No, JaeHyo-hyung…you still aren’t funny…stop trying,” interjected another, who stood next to JiHo and shook his head.

“Yah, Park Kyung!”

“HaNeul~!” my cousin cooed as he walked over and hugged me.  I laughed warm-heartedly and returned his gesture.  “I’m so happy for you!  MinHyuk is a good guy.  He’ll take good care of you.  And if he doesn’t, I’ll be sure to beat him up for you.”

“Oppa~!” whined I in embarrassment.  “Of course, Minnie will take care of me~ you have nothing to worry about.”

“Noona, if you guys go on a honeymoon, be sure to wear condoms when you have , okay?” a low voice suddenly stated in complete seriousness.

“JiHoon-ah!  Get your head out of the gutter for one second!” MinHyuk shouted at the magnae.  I blushed and covered my face at the thought.  Immediately, the other boys started to gang up on him and trying to wash his mouth with soap.




“Aish, those guys are seriously a pain sometimes…” MinHyuk complained once we stepped into our new house.  Throwing my arms behind his neck, I laughed at his grumpy face and kissed him on the lips.

“They’re just supporting us in their own way,” I comforted, knowing that the boys mean well…even if it was a bit unorthodox how they show it.  He smiled at me and returned my kiss.

Just as we were going in for another kiss, the lights went out.  I held onto MinHyuk as a reflex.  “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know…that’s weird…come on, let’s go check out the fuse box…” he took out his phone and used as a flashlight to the basement.  I followed closely behind him, attached to the back of his shirt with both my hands so I didn’t lose him.  Grumbling, he got to work on trying to get the power back on in our house.  I looked around the basement, realizing how creepy it is when it’s dark.  The only light source (MinHyuk’s cell phone) made everything look much creepier from how it only lit up portions of the room so it was partially visible, creating the same atmosphere as in those scenes in the horror movies.

Suddenly, I saw a pair of shiny eyes between the crevice of a wall and a sofa.  I gasped and pulled on MinHyuk’s sleeve, “Minnie!  There’s something over there!  What is it?!”

He stopped what he was doing and shined the cell phone in the direction I pointed at.  For a split second, the eye shine was visible before it disappeared behind the sofa.  It was just enough that MinHyuk saw what I was talking about.  Afraid it was going to get away, he darted forward, causing the creature to dart out from behind the sofa.  I yelped in surprise when it did, but tried to help MinHyuk catch it.  Pests in our house already!

“I’ll get the power first,” MinHyuk informed me as he left my side to the fuse box.  I looked around to see if I could see any movement in the dark.  Cautiously (and a bit anxiously), I searched where we last saw the mysterious thing.

Just as I was about to give up, a black figure pounced on me.  SO…I did what any normal person would do.

I screamed.

“HaNeul!” MinHyuk screamed as he got the power back on.

I peeked down at the creature that attacked to see a pair of large golden eyes looking back at her.  (http://kittysites.com/deluxe/alexyabys.jpg)

“Oh my goodness!  He’s so cute~!” I squealed as I petted the friendly cat.  “What’s a pretty Abyssinian like you doing in our house?”

The sleek reddish-brown cat purred with its eyes closed as I scratched under its chin.

“It doesn’t have a collar.  Maybe it’s feral?” MinHyuk suggested as he also the cat on the back.

“Jagiya, it’s an Abyssinian.  People PAY to get these cats.  They’re a highly regal breed from Egypt.  It’s not possible it’s a feral.  Look how friendly he is,” I reasoned back.  “Maybe he’s lost.  We should put up posters tomorrow to see if we can find his owner.”

MinHyuk nodded.

“Let’s get it some food first, okay?”




“Kitty~ kitty, kitty~ where did you run off to now?” I huffed with a pout. “Stop playing hide-and-seek! Minnie is gonna be back any minute now to take you to the vet!”

I suddenly heard a hiss from underneath the bed.

“Ah ha! I found you~! Kitty! Come out from under there! We need to get you checked out just to make sure you’re healthy!” I whined, trying to coax the uneasy cat under the bed. With all my intent on getting the cat to the veterinarian, I unwisely reached all the way inside as far as I could to catch it.

“Ha! I caught y-AHHHHHHHHHHH!”

Instead of pulling out a furry cat, I come face to face with a shocked guy…

…who was .

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE, YOU ?!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, grabbing a pillow and immediately thrashing at the man, hitting him with all my might.

“Ah! Stop, stop! HaNeulie~! It’s me! ‘Kitty!’ Although my name is actually YooKwon!” the man screamed, trying to run away from my vicious hits.

“…Kitty?” I paused in shock as I looked down at the male I was hitting. True enough, he did look like the splitting image of the Abyssinian I found. Don’t ask how I knew, but it might have something to do with the yellow reddish ears that were attached to his head. I could tell they weren’t fake because they were rotating back and forth…

…and because I pulled on them and he yelped in pain.

“So…your name is…YooKwon?” I asked curiously as I continued playing with his ears. I couldn’t help myself! They were so cute and soft! He didn’t seem to mind either.

“Yup~ and I’m so grateful for you taking me in and feeding me~” he smiled widely and giggled.

“KYAAAAAAAH! YOU’RE SO CUTE!” I squealed as I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly, cuddling him.


“Omo, and your ears!” I gasped, caught in the moment. “They’re just the same as when you’re a cat!”

I started scratching them which made YooKwon purr in content. He stopped purring suddenly and shook his head.


I continued squeeing over everything.

“Wow, you’re even handsome as human! But I guess that would be expected for such a pretty cat like you, huh?” I laughed as I cupped his face. He pushed my hand away and blushed at how close I was because…

“HaNeul…why is there a man in my house that’s not me…”

I gasped.


His eyes promised death as he looked ready to strip YooKwon’s skin off piece by piece.

“Ah! Oppa! You misunderstand! This is the kitty we found! His name is YooKwon! Look! His ears are attached!”

“AHHH! S-STOP DOING THAT! IT HURTS!” cried YooKwon, thrashing his arms around without actually hitting me like a kid throwing a tantrum.

“…he…he’s a…person…?” MinHyuk questioned in confusion.

“Of course I’m not a person, I’m 100% cat. I just happen to be a magical kitty!” he exclaimed happily and threw his hands up before he looked down. Before I could realize why he was looking down, MinHyuk turned my head into his chest and threw a blanket at YooKwon.

“Please have the decency to cover yourself,” growled MinHyuk. “Now could you please get the out of my house?”

“B-But I’m on a mission! From my kingdom!” YooKwon whined, while wrapping the blanket around his neck to cover his body.


“Yup, I was asked to bring back a human,” he nodded enthusiastically as his ears perked straight up.

“For what purpose?!” hissed MinHyuk, causing YooKwon’s ears to droop in fear. He had a bad feeling about this.

“I-I don’t know! It’s her dream!” YooKwon accused with a pout, pointing at me. “Why do you always make me the bad guy?

“What are you talking about making you the bad g-KYAH!

Before I could even finish my sentence, YooKwon darted over with inhuman speed and slung me over his shoulder. MinHyuk didn’t even have a chance to react as YooKwon disappeared with me being carried like a sack of potatoes.




When I woke up again, I found myself in another world. There were cats everywhere. Some of them looked the same as the domestic cats back at home, but others looked more human with cat-like features. YooKwon gave me a tour of his world and explained to me all the differences between this world from my world. YooKwon was apparently the prince of this Cat Kingdom as there are many other animal kingdoms in this world. Though he never explained to me why he needed to bring a human back…

Every single time I tried to beg YooKwon to take me back, he would pout at me so cutely with his ears drooped and everything that I couldn’t do anything but give up with a blush. I couldn’t help but fall for the charm of this kidnapping little thief. In fact, I had even forgotten about my husband, MinHyuk, at one point.

As YooKwon let me into his palace, I tripped on the last step up the stairs. Before I could land painfully on my shin, YooKwon caught me in his arms right in time. I gasped in surprise as I looked up at my savior.

“…Are…you okay?” he asked with a sweet smile. I blushed and stared into his mesmerizing eyes with a mindless nod.


My eyes widened at the shaky voice. It couldn’t be…

“Guards, remove the intruder,” YooKwon commanded immediately and hugged me closer to his chest.

“You ing bastard! How dare you STEAL someone’s wife like this?!” MinHyuk cursed as he clawed at YooKwon from a distance, prevented from moving further forward by YooKwon’s guards.

“I cannot. Our kingdom needs her!” YooKwon spoke regally.

“Screw your kingdom, I need her! I love her!” MinHyuk growled back. “And she loves me back!”

“Hearts can be easily swayed when given choices one was not aware of the existence of are made known,” he spoke in riddle with a smirk. He let go of HaNeul momentarily to grab her hand and bow before her. “My Princess, I give you my kingdom in return for your presence. I fell in love with you from the moment I laid eyes on you. What to do you choose, Princess?”

I was frozen in shock as I stared down at YooKwon and his amazing proposal. My choice should have been obvious. I’m married! I should pick MinHyuk over anyone!

But my mouth didn’t open and voice the reasoning in my head.

I looked over at MinHyuk to see him completely astonished at my indecision. He was certain I would have picked him instantly. I was certain I would have picked him instantly. Yet here I am, just standing in front of YooKwon, mute as a goldfish.

“HaNeul! Are you really so easily swayed?! After everything we’ve been through, you have changed your mind so quickly?!”

I was snapped out of my trance and stuttered, “N-No, it’s…it’s not like that, Oppa!”

“Then why can’t you tell that kidnapping demon that you love only me?!” he yelled back in fury.


I looked down at YooKwon and then back over at MinHyuk.

How could a decision I was so sure about merely a few hours ago become so difficult now?

Is my heart really so easily influenced by another I never knew existed?




Yeah! As if you guys aren’t confused enough as it is! :D

Things will make sense in this story eventually…really they will…don’t you guys trust me? :)

I’m sorry that this chapter is so bad…I had so much trouble writing it…so it ended up choppy and too fast…and…well…it’s a dream, so that’s my excuse…heh…


Woot! Block B’s comeback is awesome. I am completely obsessed with their new album. U-Kwon…holy , I don’t even. I have nothing to say to the two-faced kitty.

Also happy birthday to Cho KyuHyun! He’s so OOOOOLD NOOOOW. :P Kekekekeke….his birthday celebration in Taipei was great. XD Kyu is such a Magnae on Top. He would rather cake himself that have the members cake him. Oh, Kyu. Only you, only you. Then threatened to kill the members once the show was over. And his Chinese. Just everything. XD Mwahaha, you so evil.

Speaking of 13, thank you, my subscribers! I've hit 13! What a great number on KyuHyun's birthday! :)

Updated: 02/03/12

~Kira :3

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qinyin1023 #1
Chapter 16: update soon~ ^^
Chapter 15: Wahhhhhhh!!!!!!
Finished catching up to this story last night!
And i have to say, i love it~~ :D
It's interesting and there were some parts where I got confused, but I think I caught up with everything after reading all the chapters! :D Such a total twist in the whole story. Tbh, I got scared at some parts.. lol.. IDky though.. I just did.. hahaha..
But I have a feeling that she doesnt like Kwonnie at all and that by the end of the story, she will end up with BBomb? idk.

But omg.
are you ever gonna conitnue this story??
It says that the last time you updated this story was like a year ago.. lol. you should totally update some time soon again.. :) I really enjoyed reading this story.. ^^
Geez~ you did make dongjun a significant character xD
So...Haneul doesn't love Kwonnie? D:
But that was...
unexpected O-o
Can't wait for next chapter :D
ShadowYin - In due time it will be revealed...I'm glad you enjoy Kwoneul~ :D They are very cute and cuddly...Ch 16 will have super cuddly makes you want to barf cute and cuddly Kwoneul. :P
hahaha~ So curious as to what happened that no one wants to tell her about it D:
Kwonnie and Haneul are really cute together~ kekeke ^__^
Awesomeness unnie~ update soon :)
ShadowYin - Yeah..."Heart for 2" is such a wtf chapter in general...>>
LOL! All the way xD!!!
Chapter 12 was awesome xD so random though, and yes, confusing!!! ><!!!
RinDesign - Yeah, his explanation was a bit fast because he just wants to tell her the parts of their meeting that he thinks left the biggest impression on her to trigger her memories.<br />
ShadowYin - Yesh, that was the point. XD She's supposed to be very different from how she was first portrayed. :) I'm glad you enjoy this chapter. ^ ^
Ohh, well it's interesting! It took me a little while to realize who was who in this chapter since the point of view changed but I figured out it was Kwonnie telling her the story in 1st person. It's a bit weird, it all went kinda fast, I mean the explaining of how they met and all that, but I get it, well at least I think so, haha.
Awesomeness chapter :P<br />
Haneul seems so different from how she was portrayed before O-o <br />
But it's cool~<br />
update soon~~ ^_^<br />