I think I have fallen in love with you.


Have you met the notorious Kim Heechul? He holds the record for most anti fans in South Korea. His eyes are sharp, he can see your flaws before you mention them.

This man is many things, but he is better known for being rude and disrespectful. His temper is as bothersome as an alarm, the more one doesn't pay attention, the more infuriating the noise gets.

In his heart, some say there he houses a living demon. Heechul has been the centre of attention, bringing in shame to his home country with his string of scandals, humiliation of other celebrities, and
even dishonor to South Korea's president himself.

Almost everyone in the country has heard of his name once or twice, even children.

Although Heechul may have the most ill-mannered personality, he still tries to find a girl who will one day understand the pain underneath his pride. Deep, deep inside this man of many faults is a
scared child. No matter what others see in him, Heechul does not care.

He is the king of liars.

Indeed his personality is difficult to handle, but when a woman named Ha Mi steps into Heechul's life, will he be able to change? For better, or for worse?


The other day, I was web camming around with this really sweet guy. I don't know if he was serious or not, but by the looks of it he was, lol.
He wasn't very good in english, but it can pass. He told me he fell in love with me already. It was pretty cute, but I disconnected because I was scared my mom'd come in or something.
He was like, fourteen or fifteen? Good thing we were just at the same age range, huh?

Miss you Takehiko. ^^


Stranger: I want to be speaking as much as possible with you.
You: Why?
Stranger: It is because of love to you.

Anyway, sweetest thing ever. Bonus points for him, he wasn't ing when we met. cheers.

Oh yeah, a few words of warning:
This story is fluff. I don't know, I love fluff ;A; cold personality dude for the win. I don't have anything against cold guy stories, but the plot is always the same.

Cold guy -> meets obnoxious but sweet girl -> girl changes guy -> The end

Don't worry, it's not like that, at all. ^^


P.S- Thanks to timemachine for the poster. I love it to bits! Hopefully I can request some more from her. Everyone check er' out. ^^

Oh, and I also made a trailer if anyone's interested in seeing it. I guess you can get a clearer view of the story in there.



^ That's a second trailer. ^^ The music is very nice, and Heechul is.. Yeah. *_*

Out of the two trailers, guess which one is more accurate to the real ending. Hehe!

Thank you for taking your time to look at my stories. ^^


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lalalaFSJ #1
new reader here :) love ur story, hehe.. very very nice <33 update soon!
Pandaaa #2
I saw your blog post. I love this! HOPE YOU UPDATE SOON (: HWAITING!
heenim95 #3
update soon!! n__n