
How they met

Daehyun was a tiny little thing, just slightly taller than his little brother,  so Junhong was surprised when he found out that the petite boy was actually 4 years older than him. Not that he minded dating older man. Junhong was always up for a little adventure. 

They met at a book shop, where Daehyun was having a little trouble reaching the top shelf for the book he wanted. Junhong watched with amusement and mischievous twinkling in his eyes. He thought of teasing the other by acting out one of those clique scene in many romance novel. Instead, he stood silently and continued to watch the petite boy struggle to get the book he wanted. 

Daehyun stood on his toes and reached his hand as far as he could. As far as it went, his attempt failed. He groaned in frustration, because who made shelf this high? Was this an intended mocking toward people with average height like him?

He was about to give up when a longer hand stretched out from behind him and grabbed the exact book Daehyun wanted. The older boy turned his head back, and he swore he just saw the tallest Korean he had ever met in his life. Albeit his young and child-like appearance, the other boy was as tall as a building. Daehyun wasn't sure if people was suppose to be that tall. 

"Here." Junhong grinned as he handed the older the book. "You want this right?" The older accepted the book with a smile and a mumble of thank. "No problem kiddo." Junhong grinned, and the other raised his eyebrows. 

"How old are you to call me a kiddo?" The other asked, and Junhong guessed he couldn't be any older than him. 


"Well for your information, I'm 22. So you shouldn't be calling others kiddo, kid." The other retorted. Junhong's eyes widened in surprise. He almost blushed in embarrassment, but Junhong doesn't blush. He coughed. "Well I'm sorry. You look tiny and young. I didn't think you would be 4 years older than me." The older quirked his eyebrows in amusement. "Can I ask you out for a drink?" The younger blurted out. 

Daehyun almost laugh. "Did you just ask me out?" The younger boy grinned slyly, and Daehyun nodded. "Sure. Why not? But first, let me pay for this book." 


Junhong took much interested in the older man. He liked the way his kissable lips move when he talks. He like the way his tongue dart out to moisten his lips. He liked the way the other man laughs, carefree and beautiful. He liked the way the older man would looks at him, like he was something more, even though they met only once. 

Junhong thought he would meet the older man again when they linked a promise with each other. 

He didn't. 


Daehyun just disappeared out of his life, like a gush of wind, came and never comeback. Junhong didn't have his contact, and he cursed himself for that. 

So he waited. Everyday. At the same place they first met. 

He would waited until it was time to pickup his little brother from middle school. And every time, he would left in disappointment. 

He was a little more than just infatuated with Daehyun. 


Junhong thought maybe he should give up. After all, they coincidentally met. There was no string attached, no fate between them. 


But then he found himself taking glance into the bookshop everyday, with that tiny little hope he'll see the other again, maybe that fate didn't let him down. 


2 years quickly passed. 

Junhong quietly flipped through the magazine, occasionally glancing around the shop. 

No sight of Daehyun. 

He sighed and turned his attention back to the magazine on his hand. He'll just waste his time here reading the magazine.

It was time he needed to go pick up his brother, and Junhong closed the magazine and put it back. He was about to leave when he noticed a boy struggling to get a book from the top shelf. He was standing on his toes, trying hard to reach the shelf. 

The scene was too familiar to him. 

Without him thinking, Junhong walked toward the boy. He reached out from behind and grabbed the book with ease. The shorter boy turned his head back. His brown orbs widened in surprise, and then he smiled. 

"Hello Junhong. Nice to meet you again."

"Hello Daehyun." 


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Chapter 2: !!!!Haaaaaaa!!!!
!!!!!SEQUEL!!!!! !!!!!!SEQUEL!!!!!!!
LODAE FOREVER (^ 0 ^) ( ♡ ~ ♡ )
!!!KISSSS!!! !!!KISS!!!
marksphuong123 #2
Chapter 2: Hi author-nim ^^
The oneshot is so cute!!! Can I have your permission to translate it into vietnamese? I promise to give credit fully to you. Thanks <3
bdz357998 #3
Chapter 1: Sooo cute!!
ItSafiyAdha_94 #4
Chapter 1: *melting point,fangirlin overload* aahh i dont what i to say its just that and this and asjjjjfjghjdks aahh MY FEELSSS
vhopeisreal #5
Chapter 1: Awwwww~ this is so lovely!~
A sequel would definitely be nice!
Update soon<3
Axiela #7
Chapter 2: Sequel?! Yes please!!! :-):-):-)
Anbabsvsva #8
Chapter 1: Please have a sequel ???? Please please please please!! >_<
Chapter 1: Can you please make a sequel? I need to know more, please. I am begging you on my feet right now.