Chapter 1

Phone Call




Sorry that it took me for a long while o update this story. Anyway, here's my first update and chapter.

So sorry if it wasn't something liked what you guise hope it would be.






“Where is he?”

A deep voice asked as he was standing in the living room. He was wearing a suit which is perfect for him and made him even handsomer despite with his cold face.

“He’s in his room sir. He just fell asleep again”

The maid, reported it to him, full with politeness. The man in suit nodded before spoke again.

“Make sure he goes out from his room to take fresh air. I don’t want him to get sick again liked the last time. He kept on staying in his room which made me worried too often”

“I understand” The maid once again said, showing the man that she understood about what she should do.

“I’m going now. I’ll be back early today to go out with him. Tell him that he should already be ready once I’m back.”


He said once again before walking out from the house. He immediately drove his car once he hopped in to go to his workplace.


On the other side, the boy was sleeping in his room after took his breakfast that was brought by the maid early in the morning. The house is quite bigger and its’ surrounding are in peace. There are only one maid and one butler in the house and they didn’t have many jobs to work for.


The sleeping boy hate places that too noisy because he will get dizzy easily. His antibodies aren’t strong enough which the reason why he got sick easily and it happened too often.


He was cold and unreadable. His poker face had never leaved his face even once. At least not after the accident which killed his own father and he also almost died too. Ever since that day, his world has changed. The accident gives big impact to his inside and outside. His health had decreased, he also are quiet. His expression had never changed. He barely went out from the house or at least from the place because he didn’t like going out too much. For him, going out two times in a month were more than enough.


He also got nightmares about the accident too often. The scenes kept on occurred in his mind because of it.


His brother, step-brother, Kris, despite knowing that Sehun is his little step-brother, poured all of his love to the fragile boy. His mother remarried again with Sehun’s father after his real father died due to his disease when he was in his 4.

After that, few years afterwards, their mother died when Sehun was still in 3 because of sick which left only the two of them together with sehun’s real father. His little brother who still didn’t know anything those times didn’t receive enough love from his mother.


But after the accident occurred one year ago, now only both of them left after one by one, the persons that they loved leaved them. That is why Kris really loves his little brother. Sehun is important for him. He would do anything for him because his blood runs in him.







Chen called as soon as he saw his friend at the cafeteria. Other students in it turned their heads towards the voice because of his loudness.


“Tsk! Chen, you’re so loud!” Chanyeol smacked his head not too harsh. Chen rolled his eyes as he thought Chanyeol was louder than him at few moments.


“It’s not that you’re not loud sometimes” Chen crossed his arms as he took a seat beside Baekhyun but before he could even sat on the chair, Chanyeol pulled him away and took the seat. Chen grunts in response while Luhan and Baekhyun just stared at the two.


“Could you be even more than this obvious?” Chen said and took a seat beside Luhan as he tsk-ed. “Seriously. Baek--mmph” Chen’s muffled as his mouth had been cupped by Chanyeol’s large hand and his eyes were glaring at him, sending a message ‘I’ll-kill-you-if-you-dare-telling-him!’ and Chen quickly raised his both hands in defeat.


“Seriously, both of you should stop fighting. You two give me headache sometimes” Luhan said with both arms rested on the table. Baekhyun nodded as he asked.


“What are both of you talking about thou--”


“Nothing!” Chanyeol quickly said which earned a roll eyes from Chen, apparently. Luhan just shrugged, mouth curved into a small smile.





“So..What do you guys planned to do after school?”


Baekhyun asked while eating their lunch. Upon the question, Chen immediately lit up and raised his right arm.


“Let’s play games at my house!”


The three others rolled their eyes as their response. Chen raised his eyebrows with a questioning looked.


“What? You guys don’t want to?”


“No Chen-ah. We just played that yesterday. Boring okay?” Luhan pointed. Chanyeol who was kept on eating his bread, nodding in agreed. Baekhyun who already finished his lunch food, rested his arms on the table and think about something.


“Let’s go to bubble tea store”


“Huh? For what?”


“Duh, Chanyeol. What do you think?”


“Oh. Baek, you sure have a big appetite. Still I wonder, why you didn’t get taller” Chanyeol opened the bottle of orange juice and drinking on it though his eyes on Baekhyun.


“You’ll get fatter than now Baek” Chen said and Baekhyun glared at him.



“One, two thr—“


Before Luhan could even count to three, Chen already ran out from the cafeteria with Baekhyun behind, chasing him. This earned laughs from the remaining males.


“Chen is stupid. He know how sensitive Baekhyun is when he was being called fat”


“He is stupid. Though, fat or not, my feelings for him would never change”


Luhan nodded and smiled as he and Chanyeol stood up from their seats.

“Baek is lucky for having someone liked you”





Luhan, Baekhyun and Chanyeol are now in the bubble tea store with unwilling Chen trailing behind them. He didn’t want to go but Baekhyun had managed to make him to go.


Luhan being the fan of Bubble tea lined up first with Baekhyun at the other counter, ordering pancakes. Chanyeol and Chen took seats by the glasses wall of the store, mouth moving as they were talking about some random talks.


As soon as Luhan got his and Baekhyun got his own, they went to where both Chanyeol and Chen seated themselves.


“Who want pancakes?” Baekhyun asked as he placed the tray with a large plate that had pancakes on it on the table. Chen immediately raised his hand.





“Where are we going, hyung?”


Sehun asked, now in a car together with Kris who was seated on the driver’s seat. Kris turned his head towards his little brother.


“Going out, of course”


At the mentioned of it, Sehun sighed and looked in front as Kris started drove out from house once again.


“You barely get out from the house Sehun. You need fresh air and your body should get it for you to get healthy”


Sehun just nodded lightly, cannot argue back to his hyung since he was right. He barely got out from the house since he didn’t like the outside too much. Seeing cars and road a lot made him felt dizzy.


“Let’s get you some new winter clothes. Winter is coming around soon and it would be bad for your healthy”


Sehun nodded again, hands clutched to each other and rested on his hips. Kris took a glance of his brother and smiled at his cuteness. He knew that Sehun would always obey him. Even though he never heard the little guy spoke too much, he knew that he was happy.


Kris also knew it that Sehun love him. He knew that he was important for Sehun just as how important the boy was to him even though the boy never spoke it to him.


However, actions it better for the boy. Sehun always showed his love by making actions to his brother since he had always felt shy to spoke it out loud.


“Hyung, stop at the bubble tea store later okay?”


Sehun said as they were now headed to home after done shopping. Kris chuckles softly at it. He knew that Sehun will ask him to stop by at the bubble tea store to buy his favorite drink. He will always told him that whenever they went out liked today.


“Sure” was Kris’ answer.


They’re now at the bubble store. Sehun unbuckled his belt and opened the door but before he could go further, Kris grabbed his wrist and took out a wallet. Sehun doesn’t have his own wallet due to the reason that he didn’t go out frequently and he only went out with Kris with him. So..Kris can be called as his credit card.


“You forgot this”




Sehun blushed slightly at his clumsiness. Kris grins as he handed the wallet to his little brother. Sehun was totally a clumsy person when he was too eager about something.





Luhan was watching outside through the glasses wall when he spotted a very young handsome man went in to the same bubble tea store as they were in. He looked young and he concluded that he was in a same age as him.


He continued watching the guy as he was standing still on the counter, waiting for his bubble tea to get done.

Luhan kept on staring at him. He observed the figure of the guy. Long legs. Slim body. His eyes slowly trailed up of the man’s body. Broad shoulder. Sharp jawline. Pinkish lips. Eyes were---


He taken a back and his eyes were widened as the guy was looking straight at him. Heck. He’d been captured for staring at him. Luhan quickly looked down, feeling so embarrassed.


“Sir, your Chocolate Bubble Tea is here. Thank you for waiting”


The guy just nodded and handed the money for a payment at the same time as he received the plastic consisted of two bubble tea in it. He took a slight moment of glancing at Luhan before completely walked out from the store and hopped into the waiting car in front of it.


Luhan who only dare to look up when the guy already went out, watched as the car brought the guy away from the place.


Silently, he smiled but then turned red as he remembered the way of the guy was looking at him when he had been captured staring at him.






I hope you like it! < 3

Sorry for any errors. Maybe will fix it later.

Leave some feedbacks eh? keke

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MyungHee #1
I'm waiting for you to update! :D
chokochipp #2
chokochipp #3
Gaahhhhh!!!! I am seriously super duperly invested!!!!!!!!! ^-^