Science Is Gross and So Is Paperwork And Weed Is A Thing

Over The Intercom
Warnings: Mild Cursing, Mentions/Hints of Drug Use
Science Is Gross and So Is Paperwork And Weed Is A Thing
Mid-August, Two weeks before the start of school
Ew. Step. Ugh. Step. Gross. Step.
I stopped at the top of the railing. Why the am I out of breathMaybe a summer of marathoning Star Trek and Glee wasn't a smart idea.
I looked up, Sea Mount stretched in dirty, weathered letters across the top. There's no sea or mountain anywhere near us but I guess it didn't matter(I'm pretty sure it's part of some government conspiracy.)
Guess they cut the janitors pay too. I feel ya buddies.
This year they decided to put more money into the science and math programs, so science teachers have nice fancy new textbooks and cute little HP Windows 8 notebooks and projectors that stick out from the wall with awesome speakers and and bunch of expensive computer software because SCIENCE.
And that's totally not because I failed AP Chemistry, you know it's a wonder I even got into AP Chemistry.
I huffed and kicked a Tobacco Free School sign in my defiance. Hell yeah, I'm such a rebel.
I fixed my cute little cardigan and sighed.
No I'm not. I'm a ing loser.
I swung open the heavy metal and glass door, as violently as I could--Another act of my anarchist ways. I quickly stepped inside and took in the main lobby as if looking for any changes, even when I knew there would never be any. Occasionally we add a motivational poster here and there, just to add a little color.
The cream coloured walls and brick were still gross. The weird speckled tile on the floor was still gross. The fluorescent lights still made me look un-cute.
At least they scraped the gum off the brick outside the main office.
The halls were empty, everyone else already in their classrooms or offices. No I'm not ing late, everyone is just here early. Really. Something about being 'excited' and 'looking forward to the new school year'. Teachers get into these weird inspired no-child-left-behind attitude that usually dissipates by the first month. 
The main office was the exact same as it was last year, except I wouldn't be able to tell until a couple of days since there was an ungodly amount of papers and file boxes filled every inch of the fern-green room. It made me kinda want to walk right back out the door; into my car and cry.
Two heads popped up from behind a desk with a stack of papers so high it would at least been 12 inches. The two heads and the bodies connected to them were my friends--Tao and Luhan.
They both scrambled across the room trying (and failing) to avoid hitting the paper. I watched in amusement. Ahh yes these are the little s I have placed my affections on.  We've been working here for together for 2 years, Luhan had been working here for one year before Tao and I were hired(I guess the whole flamboyant gay secretary thing worked for them).  I honestly don't know how Luhan survived working here without any other fabulous male secretaries. 
As soon as they reached me I felt warm fuzzy feelings and all I could think was: Friends!!!! Friend! Friend! Yay!  Friends!
Feelings kinda ruin my reputation of being a heartless .
Our hug was a mess of awkward limbs and elbows and ribs--What else can you expect from a 3 person hug? I freakin' love hugs.
We probably sounded exactly like a bunch(Pack? Mob? School? Flock? Herd?) of teenage girls. But I mean, what's the difference?
"Just wait till you hear all the that's going down here." Luhan started.
"It's an absolute mess. And we get stuck with the dirty work." Tao didn't like dirty work. Neither did I.
"Wait, what's all this mess about?" I really don't like dirty work. It's a wonder I got through college. 
"I'm getting there." Luhan took a large breath, "So apparently we got a new database program and it's supposedly a ton better than our old one. But there's a catch. We have to redo all that paper work we entered at the end of the year last year."
"I still don't understand why we have to do it all over again!" Tao whined. 
"Apparently they never really put those documents into the system. They're all here now--and we have to revise them and enter enter them back Into the system." Luhan continued, "So all the schedules, class placements and courses are practically non-existent and the ones that did get through are hella messed up,"
"Hella.", Tao agreed.
Oh heaven's NO.
"So, I don't know if you've noticed but none of the teachers are here. They're all enjoying this little 'mishap'  by getting a few extra days on their vacation. Hmph. I'm gonna make the first weeks of school living hell for all of them." Luhan said the last part more himself than to us.
"So..." It took me a second to process it all.
 "Well we're ed."
The teacher's lounge is located in this weird corner on the left side of the building--away from the lunch room. Because the lunch room is really gross and I pray for the souls that have to monitor those wild chimpanzees I mean-students. It's hard to find but that's probably intentional. The teacher's lounge has two soda machines filled with non-diet options unlike the student drink machines that only have diet, two snack machines--again with a lot more variety than the student ones, a few kitchen appliances, and some tables here and there. The walls a plain and have probably never been painted since the opening of the school. There's a lone dry erase board that's usually used to write announcements and .
We usually don't hang out here since there's a mini version of this in the main office. But sometimes we pop in here to hear about teacher gossip. Administrator gossip gets boring sometimes. We find it funny how administrators talk about teachers and teachers talk about students and other teachers. No one talks about us. Talk get hit.
We walk to the teacher's lounge in a daze--our brains fried due to all the mindless sorting. Luhan took out his keys to unlock the door when when the door swung open.
"What's up, homos--I mean homies!" Jongdae a conniving little with cheekbones that were probably carved by the Greek gods themselves was one of our two counselors. He opened the door and scurried us inside before closing the automatically locked door behind us.
There were three other people in the room other than Jongdae. One of them being Minseok, the other counselor who had a cute face that almost always looked 5000% done with Jongdae's . Minseok nodded at us and then returned to the National Geographic magazine he was reading. (Jongdae then returned to his own TIME magazine.)

"Ayeee" Yixing the art teacher 'greeted' us from the ugly green couch. It makes me nauseous.

"Hey." Kris said. Kris--I mean Mr. Wu is some sort of special 'Dean of Students' that some how has more authority than the actual principle. And is ten times more of a . Ayee He also gets his own special office in the 900 building--A building made like a 5 years ago to make way for math and science classes(that they're only putting in now apparently).  It's literally isolated from the rest of the school, it's probably the most tranquil area of the school. That lucky bastard.
He's slumped over a bottle of Water? Vodka? Something that probably shouldn't be allowed at school and a bowl of cereal.
 "What the even is the school board." He started as we sat down at out own table and I pulled out a bag cheetos. It's what I had left from my Star Trek marathon, don't judge! "They bring me downtown and I'm like 'Well who has two thumbs and is getting a promotion!' Well, guess what not me." Tao, Luhan and I looked at each other and decided to humor Kris by actually listening. 
Keep in mind that through all this Jongdae and Minseok are doing 'counselor things'. (AKA not giving  a and silently listening in.)
"Mm-Hm" Tao sympathized.
"So then I get there and they sit me down like 'Sea Mount has been specially selected to be the first school to implement higher learning science and math bull!' I mean really, really, no one cares about that man!  What happened to the cool reading and writing programs!"
"Preach." Again Tao. Luhan and I were honestly more preoccupied with our phones and trying to regain full mental capabilities at the moment.
"Yeah, man. Don't let the government and corporations oppress you!" Yixing drawled. Yixing loves 'sticking it to the man' as much as he as he loves smelling his sharpies. And smoking weed
 I'm not actually sure if he's a pothead?? The art room always has this weird smell and Yixing's kind of a hippie so??
Wait...Why is he even here anyway? 
"Yo, like why are you even here anyway?" I voiced. Kris stopped his ramblings and turned to Yixing. Even Minseok and Jongdae looked up from their own hushed conversation. 
"Yeah...Why are you even here? You're the only teacher here you know." Minseok cocked his head in wonder.
Yixing looks pensive for a few seconds before he responds, "Well I'm the art teacher. There's nothing else I can teach so it's not like I won't know what class I'm teaching or what room I'm in. And hey I think I say the band teacher doing something over in the band room earlier..." He trailed off, eyes dazed and looking a bit jaded. Weed??
"Hey, you gonna have the rest of those cheetos?" Weed.


Hey hey, It's ya girl thugpanda with an update that I have literally procrastinated since February. It's pretty bad at the beginning and sorta bad at the end of this chapter but I worked hard so it's okay :n: (i ignored the rules of grammar because it just doesn't fit the tone of the story-I keep telling myself, not because i'm very lazy)

Okay so as you probably know this is very much inspired by Office Antics, Broken News, Clubrooms & Weirdos as well as the very cool counselor that works in student services at my school(aka eyeliner man who reminded me of baek)

And few more official things I need to note

Baek may or may not spend a lot of time on tumblr

he may or may not be sassy diva that likes to wear cardigans 

And he is most definitely a closet trekkie

​p.s I'm looking for a beta that won't hound me too much on grammar and more on 'does this flow well or not?'. 


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Haha okay yeah I'm gonna take like one more week to get the next chapter I'm just not feeling all that jazzy


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CrazyTine #1
Chapter 1: LOLOLOLOL. I was expecting some irony and imagining that Yifan is the art's teacher. :3
Chapter 1: I like the way you write! Keep going; it's really good :)
jiosne #3
Chapter 1: Haha, lol. Update soon. XD
I like it so far, update soon! :)
Chapter 1: update soon :)
Oh this seems interesting~ I can't wait for an update :3