




“Before you know it, it’s 3AM and you’re 80 years old and you can’t remember what it was like to have 20 year-old thoughts or a 10 year-old heart.”


“Bull,” Kris mumbled as soon as his roommate slash boyfriend finished reading yet another Tumblr post and Sungmin couldn’t help, but to shoot the man a rather deadly glare. Hey, the post was ing damn good and that insolent brat should probably appreciate the things he sees on the internet a bit more often. Not everything are full of bull like his useless brain.


It’d always been like this. Sungmin was a writer, Kris was a plain ol’ business man taking over his father’s car franchise. It’s rather odd that this happened--them. Back in those times, maybe almost a decade ago, they hated each other. Y’know; the same old captain of the basketball team being the bully and the nerd being the bully’s victim. , man, those were some good old times. An inward smile crept onto Sungmin’s lips at the thought. Oh, how he wished he could go back in time and re-watch how ridiculous they probably looked trying to run after each other’s affection through bullying. High school was fun.


However, those were only memories, and the reality of them now was adulthood. Right. Adulthood. That’s the part Sungmin hates most. To him, children, young minds, love, hearts, peace, and innocence between two people or maybe even the whole world, those elements are what makes life beautiful. Being a writer, his creative mind thinks a bit deeper than a simple-minded individual (Kris) would go. Youth is what defines happiness to Sungmin. And reading this simple sentence on Tumblr makes him think about the things that had happened once before…


It’s scary.


He doesn’t quite remember them anymore.


“Well, don’t you look fluttered,” Kris, then, said quietly and took a seat down next to him. Sungmin sighed and looked down at his computer screen. His finger tapped softly on the touch pad and reblogged the post, only to sigh to himself once again, regardless of the multiple notifications popping up on the side of the screen. “I’m just tired,” he brushed it off, “nothing too bad to worry about.”


Who the was he even talking to? Kris wasn’t dumb. Of course he’d know if something’s wrong, and of course, he’d know how to fix that. Within a matter of seconds, the same routine came by again in which Sungmin’s chin was lifted by Kris’s fingertips, his eyes meeting with the younger one’s own. “You’re a terrible liar” His deep voice reminded.


“No, you’re just too good at guessing.” He retorted, gaining a low chuckle from the male. It was like the time stopped and the world paused to watch them as their lips met. Sungmin’s heart beats ran off track and that feeling came back. Like the first time they met, like the first day of Freshman year. Like the fire in their hearts lit, from a simple touch of soft skin. Their touches passionate without being overly inappropriate, and it finally reminded Sungmin. It wasn’t necessary, the old memories. There wasn’t anything he could’ve done with them anyways. With him here, it’s still all the same. Fireworks will forever continue to light as long as they were together. For the past six years that they’ve been dating, there wasn’t anything they needed more than each other’s affection. Sungmin needed nothing more than that. The tips of their tongues didn’t even need to touch, and the two of them were more than content. Even with Kris’s overly busy schedule and Sungmin being bipolar 24/7. It’s what makes them them. If Kris was home a bit more often, as nice as it would be, Sungmin’s longing for his affection would decrease, and somehow it’d soon disappear, and he’d lose interest. If Sungmin stayed emotionless or if he stayed being happy, or sad, or angry all the time, one day, Kris was going to grow bored out of it, too. This. This is what they needed. Each other. Their souls connected. Nothing more.

Never mind that he couldn’t exactly remember the old times as well as he used to, never mind that it doesn’t feel like all of it had only happened yesterday; because every time that their lips touched, it will always be like the first day.



a/n: you don't understand how much I ship this.



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I really like this ^^
Michestming #2
Chapter 1: 대박 !! I biased Sungmin!! and I ship kyumin. bt this is totally incredible crack pair ever!!
bonchan #3
Chapter 1: Thumb up for you to write such a very very rare pairing. Honestly I fell in love with this pairing once I read a hot M-rated fanfic about them in AFF, I thought I would never find someone who would write about them again, but I found yours kkkkkkk xD. Thanks for sharing ^^