That Was Then

When I Lost You

A new year, a new goal, a new person. Ahri had this mindset as she threw the day's outfit on her bed. She was thinking of going for the "it's a bright, new day" look. She laid out a pair of navy blue skinny jeans and a dark blue tank top with white polka dots to match. After showering she applied the new bb cream her mom bought her and fixed her hair, putting it to the side and pinning one side with her lotus flower hair pins. She put a thin layer of natural colored lip gloss and slipped on some black sneakers with a blue threading for color. When she finished preparing, Ahri was off to start a new year at school. 


A small line of students made their way into the school, finding their way around the campus. First years huddled with one another trying to figure out how to get around. Second years were already at their lockers grabbing books for the first class that wouldn't start for another thirty minutes. Third and fourth years had this routine down and waited for all the youngers to flush out before moving about the school. As a fourth year, Ahri didn't worry about getting to class late like the underclassmen. She knew her schedule well before she entered the school and prepared for the flow of traffic caused by students. 

"Ahri unnie!" She heard her name called out. Ahri closed the door to her locker after putting up something behind her door. The girl who called her was no other than Minah: her only underclassman friend. 
"Unnie! How was your summer? Which class do you start first? Do we share any?" Minah started bombarding Ahri with questions. Ahri laughed and replied to each question in order. 
"It was good. I start with history. And I don't know? Do we share any classes?" Minah swiped the piece of paper in Ahri's hands and read the schedule to her leisure. 
"Yes! We have the same history teacher! We both have Mr. Kim. I heard he's really hot." Minah made sure to whisper the last part as if it were a secret. Ahri rolled her eyes,  but secretly took a curiosity of who this hot teacher was. She would be the judge of that. 
"You take AP classes now, Minah?" Ahri asked, taking notice of Minah, a third year, being in a fourth year history class. Minah nodded with the utmost enthusiasm as her head bobbed up and down with a proud smile on her face. 

The bell rang signaling the first class of the day to get started. Minah and Ahri walked together to class passing by eager and less eager students. 

"Oh and I like your outfit today unnie. You look so much girlier than you usually dress." Minah pointed out. Ahri looked herself up and down at the comment and shrugged. She didn't see how it was much girlier except for the tank but accepted either way. Every now and then, Ahri wanted to be like a girl, feel like a girl, and look pretty like a girl, not just a tomboy.
"Maybe you'll get the attention of a certain teacher hm, Ahri unnie?" Minah looked at her and wiggled her eyebrows with her catty grin. 

"Oh shut up." Ahri shoved Minah and they entered the class together. 



Class started and the history teacher walked through the door not a moment later than when the bell stopped ringing. There was silence when his footsteps entered the room and his textbooks slammed on his desk. With a gentle smile, he turned to the class and greeted everyone. 

"Welcome students. My name is Mr. Kim and this is my history class. Don't eat, sleep, throw things across the room or throw raves when I am not present. The only person in this class who can eat, is me. You can talk to your friends while you do your work, you can listen to music, but you CANNOT copy one another. I will personally walk up to you, gracing you with my presence, and rip the assignment that will then meet the trash bin. Any other questions?" 

The class shook their heads in unison, all their eyes on the teacher. Minah elbowed Ahri next to her with a discreet curl in her lips. Ahri knew just what she was thinking. Mr. Kim was definitely attractive. His height was probably around the range of 5'9, he had black spiked hair, and he had an amazing complexion that made all the girls in the class both jealous and swooned. If Ahri didn't know any better, he looked like k-pop star. 

"Good. How about an icebreaker then?" Mr. Kim suggested. The whole class sighed and some even moaned at the suggestion of such a tedious routine. Mr. Kim laughed in a devilish way then clapped his hands. 

"Everyone! Stand up!" He ordered. The class did as he told and stood up awkwardly out of their seats. 
"Excellent. You all know how to follow instructions. Listen up. I'm going to yell a number and you guys have to form a group with that many people in it. And when you form that group you have to introduce yourselves to one another. Got it?" The class stared at each other around the room. Everyone had the same thoughts. 

"Mr. Kim, isn't this a children's game?" A brave student asked. Mr. Kim smiled with a tilt in his head. 
"Good job. Yes it is. Which is why we're playing it." He said condescendingly. Minah giggled next to Ahri, making her crack a smile as well. 

"Ready?" The students started to fidget and look for their friends around the classroom. "3!" Everyone scrambled for groups of three, taking much longer than Mr. Kim had intended. 

"Yah, don't waste time looking for your friends. The point of this game is to meet new people. So socialize! It's good for your health." Mr. Kim yelled with a hint of annoyance. "Again!" 

A few rounds went by and the class seemed well acquainted with each other, considering people who didn't know each other before were talking amongst themselves saying this game used to be so fun in elementary school and now it's just tiring. 

"Okay, one last time then we'll call it a day." Mr. Kim announced. The students got ready for the last round, making signals to people they wanted to group up with. With a bang Mr. Kim yelled, "6!"

Groups formed in the blink of an eye, leaving only a few lingering students. One of them being Ahri. Minah was dragged into a group before Ahri could even look and she was left alone. Suddenly someone pulled at her wrist and smashed her against their side. Ahri yelped when she almost tripped over her own foot but the hand that seized her kept her balance. 

"U-unnie..." Ahri saw Minah on the other side of the group circle. She winced and stood up straight until she noticed Minah's eyes grow big. Ahri knew what that meant. 

"Oppa..." Minah's weak voice gave her away. Ahri slowly shut her eyes then opened them to regretfully glance at the figure beside her. 

Yoo Youngjae.







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Loveexo1 #1
Chapter 4: I think this needs a sequel! :D
superjuniorcheonsa #2
Chapter 4: "But, I'm not okay."
Aaaaaa youngjaee my baby!! So sad rite, but it was ur fault tho..
Maybe this need sequel?:3
HitGirl #3
Chapter 4: Yay! I like this story! It's not depressing, it has a strong female lead who can walk away! I like this!
ZakhirahMeyh #4
Chapter 4: SEQUEL! OMG! ><
Chapter 4: Yesssss!!! Finally! Good girl not going back to a cheat like that guy. Good stuff, fellow author ^^
Chapter 4: The story line is really good!! But it's not a happy ending~~~ :'( Thanks for writing!! ^^
Chapter 3: You are a really good author! Keep it up!!!!!! :D
superjuniorcheonsa #8