Happy Birthday, Hannie!


Heechul calls Hangeng on his birthday. This was a request from nightroof for Hannie's birthday (sorry it's late, babe!). Note to Hanchul shippers: I'm not a Hanchul shipper, I don't know much about Hannie, or their relationship (except what I can glean from other fics I've read where they show up together). That's why this is light and fluffy. Call off the dogs.


Disclaimer: This is my own brain droppings. I do not own the idols (unfortunately). This story is for entertainment purposes only.


Feedback: Is the bread to my butter, the breath to my life.


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Chapter 1: these are too short. They are more like drafts xD
I liked this very much. :)
Chapter 1: OMG it's so sad. Oh god my hanchul feels got hurt.
I can imagine it... Im sure they talked each other just like Hannie said he talked with teuk when his dad and grandma's died.
Chapter 1: Aaaaaaww yeah thank youuuuu >.<
That was a simple call and I want moreeeeeee tho' >O< Anyway thank you! <3