My Queen, My Queen


In the royal kingdom of Seoul, there was a man named BaekHyun. He dared to rebel and was faced with consequences. Instead of facing death sentence, he had to become the top security for the queen and had to swear to secrecy to protect her with his very own life. Little did he know, him and this queen had a special connection before he rebelled with life.

"You honestly do not remember me?"

"I'm sorry, I do not, my queen."

"Then let me tell you this: You shant fall for me for you will go  back to your death sentence. Understand?"

"Understood, my queen."


I made this story because yolo.

Just kidding.

I thought of this when I was in the shower, lol.

So. When you reach a scene of her in the shower, then you got the glimpse of my small ostrich mind.

"My turn to cry" by EXO is stuck in my head, btw.



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