Chapter 2


Baekhyun's P.O.V:

That night was by far the worst. I have those lucid dreams night after night, but none have been as haunting as that. That thing, dragging me, seemed too real to be a figure of my imagination. The pain was just too authentic. I wasn’t even sure how I would make it to school the next day, but somehow I did. I doubted whether I would make it through the day, I’d had next to no sleep that night, after that nightmare I couldn’t fall asleep so I’d stayed awake all through the early hours of the morning; shivering and shaking in fear, hiding under my duvet. I tugged at the dense, soft material, pulling it up around me like a shield, protecting me from all the evils out there.

I got myself ready and faked a smile. I had to be okay, not just for myself but for Sehun and my dad. I’m all my dad has now, it’s been this way ever since mum died, and it will remain this way until the day he joins her. I did my usual morning routine then waved goodbye to my dad as I got into my piece of crap car and drove to school. I went to my locker to get my books for first lesson and then, across the hall, I saw her. Tae Ra. Tae Ra is the most bewitching of all the girls here. She has long, flowing, hair the colour of mahogany with larger eyes of a matching colour except with streaks of emerald growing out from her inner iris. She had light cover of makeup, a subtle covering of pink blush on each cheek; a miniscule amount of peach lip gloss and mascara to make her stunning eyes stand out. She looked more perfect than I had ever seen her. That day she was wearing a cream dress that fell a few centimetres above her knees and hugged her torso in all the right places, a pair of tan pumps with petite bows on the front and a pale denim jacket.

I watched Tae Ra as she looked into the mirror inside her locker and checked her flawless reflection, applying another layer of lip gloss. She then put her lip gloss back into her bag then reached for a book in her locker, her arm extending gracefully and hand clenching as she took the book into her hand.  She closed the locker gently behind her and walked in the opposite direction to where I was standing, on her way to lessons. I’m friends with Tae Ra, but I guess you could say I’m slightly obsessed with her, she knows about all of the strange things that happen around here. It’s one giant magnet for all things supernatural. I was in my own little world when the bell rang and made me jump, my locker slamming shut from the force of my body. It was time for class.

I anxiously walked through the deserted, unnerving corridor to get to the classroom. Everyone else seemed to be gone already, which was unusual. I took my time walking to class because honestly I was dreading every second of it. When I arrived I took a deep breath, calming myself before opening the door. As I walked into the room, everyone’s heads turned to stare straight at me, making my hands clammy and my stomach do flips. People judge me now, I can see it in their eyes. They’ve been judging me ever since the day I had that panic attack in school after having one of those damn nightmares in class while I was awake. They think they know me, but they don’t know anything. The ones who don’t try and empathise with me just think I’m crazy and belong in a mental institute with all the other whack jobs in town. They want to lock away, keep their distance from me. And I don’t blame them.

I moved between the desks until I found the only empty one, coincidentally between Sehun and Tae Ra. Everybody lets them sit next to me because they’re afraid they might catch some kind of disease from me or something. But I’m not physically sick, just mentally.

It was history, and my teacher was possibly the most tedious man alive. His voice was so monotone that it could send you to sleep. But sleeping in class was probably a more than bad idea considering what the effects could be. He was blabbering on about something to do with whatever war we were learning about now, I really didn’t pay attention in history.  I slammed my head down onto the desk, thinking maybe if I hit it hard enough I might die and be excused from class.

“Baekhyun!” sir shouted viciously. I sat upright rapidly, pretending I had actually been listening to him all this time.

“Yes sir?” I replied.

“Would mind summarising what I was just explaining to the class?” Just great.

“Actually sir, I haven’t been listening…” I admitted.

“I thought so…perhaps you wouldn’t mind reading page 103 of the textbook to the class. And stand up the front so we can hear you loud and clear”. This was just what I needed.

I paced up to the front of the class and stared down at the textbook placed on the teacher’s podium where he spoke when teaching lessons. I looked up from the book and saw 30 faces all staring intently at me. A couple of them even looked afraid of me. I could feel their stares burning into my skull. I gulped then returned my gaze to the text book. I tried focusing in on the words, but it all looked like a jumbled mess. The words started sliding off of the page until it was blank besides images.  I didn’t know what to say or do. How was I meant to read when there were no letters on the page? If I spoke what was on my mind then I everyone would think I was even crazier than before. My hands started to become moist and I rubbed them together warily. Sweat formed on my forehead and I felt sick to my stomach. My temperature was rising and my chest began to tighten. It was agonising, the feeling that I was losing the ability to breath. I tried to regain control of my body and didn’t take my eyes off of the empty page. I heard the sound of a chair scraping and then another. Then came the feeling of someone pulling gently at my arm before I was being pulled out of the room. As I was being torn from the class full of people, I looked back at them but all I saw was one colossal blur. My vision was practically gone. As I was led through the corridors by the two mysterious figures everything was distorted. The corridor were shrinking then growing in size and everywhere the monster from my dream could be seen. I started to scream out in horror and desperately tried to escape the grip on my arm so I could get the hell out of there. I was then dragged into the gym changing room, and pushed down onto the floor. My vision was starting to come back and I could just about see the boy and girl in front of me, shaking me violently.

“Baekhyun! Baekhyun please!” it was the female voice that spoke.

The chest pains didn’t stop, in fact I felt my time running out with every unsteady breath I took. My lungs felt like they were about to burst. Before I could take even one more breath, I felt a pair or lips crash onto my own. The surprise caused me to have a sharp intake of breath and I found myself kissing back. Once the girl had removed her lips, my breathing had returned to normal and when I looked up to see who it was I saw Tae Ra. I had just kissed the girl I loved, but she only did it to save my life, not because she was in love with me to. Saying that this isn’t how I imagined our first kiss is an understatement.

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sabbyexotic #1
Chapter 2: Woahh this plot is hella similar to teen wolf season 3's plot. I mean, did u get ideas and inspirations frm that drama too??? Cus i love the drama sp damn much <33
Amarillia #2
Chapter 1: oh no, a cliffhanger! I hope you update soon because i want to know what happens! :)