


Fairytales make everything seem nicer.

But what if there's no such thing as happily ever after

Especially the world we live in.

"Stop pretending to be nice when you're obviously not."

"I want to be alone."

"Pretending you know me doesn't mean you do."

"You're fake. He's fake. Everyone's fake."

"I like being alone because I know I'll never get hurt."

The world is indeed beautiful, real. Just not the people living in it.



He's insercure. He's quiet. Attention is his enemy. Despite his demure looks, he is actually rather sarcastic. He is constantly skeptical with everyone and  finds that there isn't a reason to be happy. He can't stand busybodies. He is Luhan


He's way too kind for his own good. He thinks that life is beautiful and that everyone deserves to be loved. He is Sehun





He had three wishes

To be deeply, crazily, uncontrollably in love with someone

To do all his firsts with that special someone

To die with no regrets and without a trace

Little did he know that time's ticking for him.

And those wishes were the cause of it

A/N: This is an original story i thought of. Some parts of this story is inspired by the things in my life. Do not plagarize. Do not translate without my permission. If there is any similar stories, it is pure coincidence. Ignore my errors in this fanfiction cause i did not edit yet. Do subscribe,upvote and comment. I write cause i need to improve my english and writing is fun. 


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:O Nice story!
Mmm... Update please? ^_^
Chapter 1: This is interesting. Please update soon author nim....