Tuna Sandwich


"Good morning, umma!" I walked into the kitchen. Umma looked up with a surprised look on her face.

"You're up already?" she asked.

"I wanted to see you before you left for work." Umma smiled. We don't see each other very often during weekdays since she leaves for work early and doesn't come back until late at night. I noticed a can of tuna and a loaf of bread on the counter.

"Tuna sandwich! Yesssss!" I thought. My favourite lunch. I haven't had it in ages!

My umma is the best cook in the whole wide world. Everything she makes tastes good, but her tuna sandwiches are the best. I don't know how she does it. I swear, I'm only going to marry if I find a girl that cooks as well as my mom.

I left to take a shower. After, I came back and and ate breakfast (a bowl of cereal and an apple). Suddenly, my mom handed me a ten-dollar bill.

"Here's your lunch money, sweetie." I took the money and stared at it.


The tuna sandwich isn't for me.

Then who is it for? Umma doesn't like fish...

Wait a second.

Kim Naim.

I can't believe it.

Umma made lunch for Naim but not me.


"I'm leaving now. Have a good day at school! Saranghae!" Umma called.

"Saranghae..." I mumbled back. Umma grabbed her bag and keys and left. I sighed. Naim beat me again, without even trying. It may not seem like a big deal, but my mom has never done this before. She's never done something that shows that she prefers Naim over me. She spends a lot of time with Naim, but that's because she has to. It's her job. But this..... At times like this, I can't help but compare myself to Naim.

I decided to walk to school early. I grabbed my backpack and left, locking the door behind me. Along the way, I stopped by Ricky's house.

"Yah. Wake up."

"DUDE! It's 7am! We have one more hour! Leave me alone!"

"I'll buy you a donut after school."

"Mwoh?! Really?"

15 minutes later, Ricky and I walked to Niel hyung's house.

"Eh? Huh? What?"

And then L.Joe hyung's place.


Chunji hyung's house.

"Seriously, guys?"

CAP hyung's house.

"Why are you guys so cranky?"

We arrived at school one hour early.

"I can't believe you dragged us out here ONE HOUR EARLY." L.Joe hyung grumbled.

"I couldn't sleep!" I said.

Everyone glared at me.

"You're buying everyone TWO donuts after school." Ricky grumbled.



Later that day at lunch...

I sat down next to Niel hyung at our table with my lunch. Rice, kimchi, and a mysterious brown and green glop. I sniffed the stuff and grimaced.

"It's not that bad, actually. I think it's tofu, spinach and some kind of meat with sauce. I'm not sure, though..." Ricky shoveled a spoonful into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully.

At least it was edible.I glanced at the table to the right, where Naim was sitting with her friends. I watched as Naim opened her lunch bag and smiled. She took out the tuna sandwich wrapped in plastic wrap.

"Hey. Changjo." Niel hyung waved his hand in front of my face. I looked away from Naim's table.

The other guys noticed me looking at Naim.

"Just ignore her." Chunji hyung advised.

I sighed and poked at my food. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Naim bite into her unwrapped tuna sandwich. Seeing her eat something that my umma made while I ate sloppy cafeteria food was just....unbearable.

I stood up and walked out of the cafeteria. I kept walking until I got outside.

It didn't make sense. Why would umma do that? I couldn't stand it.


I turned around and saw CAP hyung.

"You know your umma loves you. Just because she spends more time with Naim doesn't mean she prefers her over you."

"I know..." I replied.

CAP hyung and I stood there for a few minutes in silence.

"Umma made Naim lunch and didn't make lunch for me." I blurted.

"There has to be a reason she did that."

"I know! It's just..." I sighed in frustration.

"You should talk to your umma."

Hyung was right. If I didn't talk to Umma I would probably end up hating Naim for no good reason.

"Alright...I'll do it tonight."

"Good. Let's go back."

CAP hyung and I went back and sat down at our table. Suddenly, Naim turned and looked at me. I was surprised. The look on her face was....concern.







Was it too short? It was supposed to be twice as long but...turns out it's difficult writing during a road trip. I was so tired.....I don't know when the next chap is going up. Chapter 4 is going to be Changjo's POV continued...it's so hard writing in a guy's POV! I have no idea how a guy thinks! >.<

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CarmenL #1
XDD Just imagine that you are Changjo when you write POV=D<br />
Well..I don't understand what guys thinking=u=<br />
<br />
It's kinda cute plot=D Is it like Changjo's mom is my step mother or she is a friend of my mom?=0
ehyc0211 #2
Agh. WAY TOO SHORT. I'm so sowwy....
Minnie_Luvs_Vanilla #3
Ya update! It's okay! I hope your road trip is fun! So they're both jealous of each other. Thats cute. Can't wait for your update on Saturday.~
minshi #4
update please! :)
Minnie_Luvs_Vanilla #5
I like it update soon!