Chapter 2

Bottled Love

I pushed her off of me. This girl was clearly crazy. What was she talking about, genie? "Get off!" I pushed her away. She fell back, just missing the orchids behind her.

"Master!" She whimpered. "Listen miss, we're closed." I opened the shops front door with a ding, trying to guide her out. Instead she got back up and happily latched onto my arm. "But don't you want your wishes?" Once again I pushed her away from me. She passed the threshold of our store and I closed the door behind her, making the little welcoming bell jingle furiously. I sighed. "So weird." Twice in one day, two crazy people came into the shop.

I turned around and ran into someone, almost knocking me down. "Master!" It squealed. "What the hell!?" It was the girl again. "How'd you get back in here?"
"Don't you know master, genies are magic." I couldn't believe this girl. She kept calling me master and saying that she was a genie. There was no such thing. The last time I checked my name was Baekhyun, not Aladian. "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." I whispered to myself. "Fine then, genie. Grant me a wish." In an instant she went from being lanky and cute, to stuff and serious. Her posture became as stiff as a ruler as she waited for my command. "I wish...." I racked my mind for something to wish for. If this was real I could have anything, but if it's a prank I'll look selfish, wishing for money or love. "I wish I could be the best florist in Seoul." She nodded. "Yes master!" She clasped her hands together, and stood still for a moment, almost as if she was praying.

"Now what?" I asked when she looked back up. "It's done." She smiled. "I don't feel different." I groaned. "It's done." She said again, this time with anger. "Okay then, I believe you." I said, half trying to appease this crazy woman, half trying to scarf down my own embarrassment for believing her. "Master let's go home!" She grabbed my hand. "Home?!" She dragged me out of the store, making me trip the whole way. We walked down the street for a few minutes until arriving at my house. " did you know I live here?" I yelled, scared that this woman was stalking me. I snatched my hand away from hers.

I searched my pockets frantically, trying to get my keys. I felt my fingers run over a coin and some lint, but no key. I checked my back pockets as well, digging in deep. I finally felt the jagged edge of a key. With a relief filled sigh I opened my brown front door and without hesitation shut it in this girls face. I melted onto the door. Leaning my back against the cold barrier. Today was a crazy day, I was just happy to be home.

"Master!" My eyes popped open. I sat up while the hairs on my neck cringed. How did she get in here. "What the hell!?" I screamed, scratching my head. She was in my house. I just locked her out yet she somehow got in. Maybe she really was magic. I shook my head. No, that's crazy.

"Master, I'm tired." Without letting me answer she rushed towards my room. When I got enough sense to follow behind her, she was already plopped down onto my bed, snoring softly. I rolled my eyes and walked out towards the living room.

Laying down I curled up into a ball, closing my eyes, trying to end this crazy day. 

"Master! Wake up!" I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes and saw the girl standing in front of me. "Good morning!" She grinned. I sighed, it wasn't a dream after all. I got up and picked up my Galaxy phone. "She still hasn't called." I whispered, looking at the blank screen. I unlocked it, just to be sure. I opened or text conversation, still nothing new.

Just then my phone vibrated. It was ringing, for a second I had hope, until I realized it was just my boss. "Hello?"
"Baekhyun! Come to work now! It's super busy!"
"Okay, I'll be there soon!"
"Good, all of these customers are asking for you!"
"For me?"
"Of course, after all you're the number one florist in Seoul. I have to go, just hurry up." She hung up the phone with a click.

I turned around towards the young girl, who claimed to be a genie, who claimed to grant my wish. "It worked!" I yelled, happy, yet still confused. "Of course it did, I told you it would!" I ran towards her, picking her up. My dream came true! "it finally came true!"

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