c05: His Wrath

This Everlasting Devotion







“AGRHHHH! So boring~ How long has it been since Jieun left?” Woohyun shouted to break the suffocating silence, protesting by kicking his legs dramatically. His loud voice echoed through the deep valleys as he sat on the top of a mountain on Earth.

“633 hours, 41 minutes and 25 seconds,” Sunggyu replied instantly, staring into the distance across the mountaintops faintly hidden by the fog.

“…How long is that?” Woohyun gave the guy a weird look, as he demanded a simpler answer.

“Hmm… Roughly 26 days?”

“Next time instead of telling me 600 hours, 50 minutes and 30 seconds—”

“633 hours, 41 minutes and 25 seconds,” Sunggyu corrected.

“Ugh, whatever! Can’t you just say ‘almost a month’ or at least ‘26 days’? Why bother with the hours and minutes and seconds?” Woohyun said with frustration.

“Well, just like you, I’m waiting for her. Since I have nothing to do, I’ve been counting the time. Problem?”

“Hmph!” Woohyun finally stopped nagging as he turned his face away with his arms crossed over his chest, emphasizing his annoyance.

*You have been counting even the seconds until her return…? * A soft pang emerged in his heart as Woohyun thought about Sunggyu’s words.

Oblivious to the other’s feelings, Sunggyu glanced over to see Woohyun sulking and chuckled secretly. *It's hard to get tired of this guy.


“Oppa.” Jieun patted Sunggyu’s shoulder. “I have to leave soon.”

“Huh? To where?”

“Here and there in the universe. The Great has summoned me for a job. I have not received the details yet, so I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone.”

“Hmm… I see. Take care of yourself, okay?” Sunggyu reminded her with a caring tone, and smiled at her.

“I will, I will. Let both of us take a break from that annoying thing too!” She frowned at the mention of the unwanted man.

Sunggyu laughed at her words. “Yeah, let’s do that.”

How Sunggyu wished Jieun knew how wrong she was. Ever since Jieun had left, Woohyun had been constantly following Sunggyu around everywhere. He wanted to be the first to greet her when she returned from the mission. Knowing that the first place she would go was definitely wherever Sunggyu was, he made the decision to stick with Sunggyu 24/7, like a chick to its mother.

“YA! Are you even listening?” A loud voice boomed into Sunggyu’s ears, bringing him out of his trail of thought and back into reality.

“Yes, yes. I’m listening,” Sunggyu replied in a monotone.

Woohyun scoffed. “Yeah right! What did I just say? I bet you can’t get that right, God of Darkkkkkkk-ness.”

Sunggyu sighed at the demand. *Jieun ah, looks like you’re the only who is actually getting a break…*

“I’m leaving,” Sunggyu said, having had enough of Woohyun’s constant nagging and talking. He walked away, slowly fading into the darkness surrounding him that had appeared out of nowhere. Yes, while Woohyun liked to teleport in the grandest manner, Sunggyu simply liked to disappear into the darkness, much like his element.

“Ya. Where are you going? Ya. YA!” Woohyun yelled, when he realised he had been left behind.


Yet another two months passed by, and still there was no sight of Jieun in Paradise. During the time she was gone, the Gods of Darkness and Light became close friends. Thanks to Woohyun persistently leeching off of Sunggyu, after only three months, the two now knew exactly what kind of a person the other was — as if they had been friends for hundreds of years.

“Ayyyyy-la-hee!” Woohyun chanted his favourite nonsense phrase as he jumped out of the teleportation hole.

“Now… where in the universe am I?” He pondered as he looked around. In every direction he looked, there was nothing but white, fluffy clouds. It was not the kind of place that one would expect the God of Darkness to be. 

After looking around for a while, Woohyun’s brow started to crease as he made a disapproving face. “Tch tch. Of all the places, he just had to choose this place. THIS,” he emphasized with both arms up to the sky, “is MY territory. With him dressing in all black, did he think he could hide away from me among these pure white clouds?”

With a victorious smirk, Woohyun then rolled up his invisible sleeves on each arm. “Hmph! It’s going to be an easy task finding a black sheep among the white herd.”

An hour later.

“Well, well, just where are you hiding from me? You better run because I will find you soooon. Very very soonnnn~”

Three hours later.

“Tch. How well can that stupid Darky Darkness hide among these white things? I must have missed him somewhere…” Woohyun mumbled as he thrashed around among the clouds. No matter how hard he searched, he just couldn’t find Sunggyu. Even his alarm senses were not helping.

Twelve hours later…

“I swear— t-that guy must have won a championship in hide and seek or something…” Woohyun was now panting hard, all out of strength from the constant searching. The sky was endless, as was the search for Sunggyu. Woohyun mainly relied on his senses to find him, but for some reason this time he couldn’t. Whenever he thought he was getting closer, the feeling would suddenly disappear, as if Sunggyu was far away. Then it would just as suddenly come back again.

“Aish… Is there something wrong with my senses?” Woohyun hissed as he hit his own head in anger. He flopped down into a chair made of cloud. Woohyun thought deeply as he rubbed his temple with one hand.

*Now… let’s sit down and think calmly about this. I know for sure he is here… but for some reason, I can’t pinpoint his location. He seems to always be on the move... on the move… on the move…* Woohyun’s eyes shot open. *That’s right! That must be it! He’s always on the move! He’s avoiding me on purpose. Bastard!*

As Woohyun cursed him in his mind, he suddenly felt an alarm sense again. He sat straight up, hands holding onto the armrests of the chair as he scanned his surrounding.

“It’s getting stronger… He must be coming closer…” Woohyun mumbled as he continued to look around with his hawk eyes. It was then that a certain object caught his eyes. All the clouds in the sky moved because of the wind current. But this certain giant cloud had a rather strange pattern of movement. Woohyun had seen it before multiple times, but he hadn't thought  about it much. Now that it had caught his attention, he realised that the cloud was not moving along the wind current. Although it was well manipulated to look like it was moving with the flow, it could not fool the God of Light who basically owned the sky.

“Hmm…” Woohyun cautiously stepped closer to the cloud. When he felt the alarm sense getting stronger, he immediately picked up his pace and chased after the cloud.

“I knew it! He’s hiding in there!”

He reached out his right hand, and a beam of light shot out of his palm. The end of the beams split into many thin golden strings, which then wrapped around the suspicious moving cloud and trapped it. Woohyun caught up to it in no time and immediately searched it thoroughly. Soon enough, he found Sunggyu sleeping deep in the core of the cloud.

*Found you.* Woohyun grinned as if he had won a major race. He then stepped into the cloud, attempting to wake the guy up. However, his feet halted half way. Woohyun still remembered the time when Sunggyu had trapped him with his weird purple-black smoke. In fact, that was not the only time he had been attacked. After months of sticking to him, he had discovered Sunggyu’s crazy weird habit of attacking people in his sleep. In order to ensure his own safety, Woohyun made his way towards Sunggyu at a slower pace with caution. Shifting his shoulder, Woohyun released golden mist that surrounded his body, which was an indication that he had released his power, ready to use a high-level magic. After all, he needed to be prepared for any incoming surprise attacks.

“I have already been attacked more than ten times. I already know all your tricks. Whatever it is… Bring it on!” Woohyun declared as he looked around with his power at the ready. He also made sure to have a shield made of light surrounding him as an extra layer of protection. Strangely, he made it to the sleeping figure without any casualties.

“Yay! I’m safe!” The poor innocent God of Light didn’t think that it was strange, as he was too busy cheering for his first success. Unconsciously, he turned off the shield and put away his power. The moment the golden mist surrounding his body faded away, he felt a finger softly tracing the back of his neck.

“Ahh~” A moan escaped his lips. His legs weakened, and he fell to his knees. The sensation on the back of his neck was so overwhelming that it caused his body to shiver strongly as he lost all his strength.

“Hmm…? Safe from what?” A deep voice whispered in his already-hot ear. To make the situation worse, a soft breath was blown into Woohyun’s ear, causing him to shiver even more. The back of Woohyun’s neck was his weak spot, and the only person who knew this fact was…

“SUNGGYU!!!!!!” Woohyun screamed, half in anger and half in surprise. He immediately backed away from the now-awake figure. In fact, Sunggyu had never been asleep, thus explaining why there were no attacks when Woohyun had attempted to wake him up.

“Y-You cheater!” Woohyun shouted, his eyes slightly teary as he held onto the back of his neck protectively. Looking at the teary guy with a flushed face made Sunggyu laugh. The fact that the almighty, over-confident God of Light had such a petty weakness was too funny.

“Oh excuse me, I didn’t know we were playing a game. What kind of game are we playing that would make me a cheater?” Sunggyu asked with a teasing tone. His hand reached out, attempting to Woohyun’s weak spot again.

“YA! Stay away!” Woohyun flinched and frantically scooted away from Sunggyu.

“Hmm?” Sunggyu chuckled. “I only wanted to fix your hair…” He made his way towards the cautious Woohyun again. He laughed softly as he watched Woohyun constantly glaring at his hand, which was reaching towards his head.

“There you go.” Sunggyu finally stepped back and sat down a comfortable distance away from Woohyun. He simply sat there and stared at the other, who was still flustered. It amused Sunggyu even more to learn just how sensitive Woohyun could be. With one light , Woohyun was left in a defenceless state. The flushed and teary expression of Woohyun was burned deep in his mind against his will (Actually, he didn't really mind it afterwards).

“Ya! What are you looking at?” Woohyun asked, uncomfortable under Sunggyu’s stare and still holding onto the back of his neck protectively.

“Nothing.” Sunggyu chuckled, then stared off into the distance. His eyes were glazed over, as if he was searching for something, waiting for someone. The more Woohyun observed him, the more he realised that Sunggyu often stared off into the distance with a look of helplessness. Whenever he did, Woohyun felt a hint of sadness from the sight of his light grey eyes. A feeling of emptiness and void. A past that Woohyun never dared to pry.

It was strange enough that the usual carefree, ignorant and indifferent Woohyun was able to notice such details. It was even stranger that Woohyun felt somewhat sad from Sunggyu’s mysterious, dark abyss.

“Hey Darky, how long has it been since the goddess left?” Woohyun asked in an attempt to distract Sunggyu from his thoughts. He rested with his back against Sunggyu's, pretending to yawn awkwardly.

“Darky?” Sunggyu questioned the strange nickname.

“Yeah. Naggy, lonely, lazy, crazy, sassy, bully, darky,” Woohyun said as he listed all the nicknames on his fingers, “and more. But I’m settling with Darky, since you’re the God of Darkness.” He grinned.

Sunggyu rolled his eyes at Woohyun's explanation and later on remembered the latter's initial question. He then looked up in the air and thought for a moment before replying. “…Nearly two months now?”

“Ohhh~ Finally you’ve stopped with the hours, minutes and seconds! Congratulations!” Woohyun cheered with sincerity.

Sunggyu gave the guy an unpleasant look. “Well, I haven’t been counting properly for a while…”

*Because you’re always distracting me.* Sunggyu smiled, knowing that Woohyun couldn’t see him. *I guess it isn’t so bad to have him around. Thanks to him, it isn’t as lonely as I thought it would be without Jieun.*

“Do you want to know the details? It’s 1399 hours, 17 minutes and—” Sunggyu continued with a teasing smile, as he knew how Woohyun would react.

“BLAH blah blah. Stopppp!” Woohyun cut the other’s words off with his loud voice, covering his ears with both of his hands.

Sunggyu chuckled softly, then proceeded to stare into the distance again. This time, he hovered his hand over the cloud just in front of him. The spot was immediately cleared, and in its place, a sort of magnification mirror appeared.

Curious, Woohyun turned around and sat next to Sunggyu. He peered into the mirror, trying to figure out what Sunggyu was looking at. Then he shot Sunggyu a confused look, as all he saw was a normal human café.

Sunggyu noticed the confusion on Woohyun’s face and pointed at a certain figure in the mirror.

“Him. I’m looking at him.” Sunggyu pointed at a barista that was serving a busy line with an ever-present smile.


“No reason. He’s my successor, Dongwoo.”

“Oh really.” Woohyun immediately lost all interest as he laid upside down for a more comfortable position. “He looks ugly. Mine is more handsome.”

Sunggyu was speechless at Woohyun’s judgment. The guy cared way too much about appearances.

"Ahem, he is not"

“Oh look, here he is!” Woohyun exclaimed in excitement at the coincidence. His successor came into the coffee shop as a customer. Upon his arrival, all the girls in the shop were unable to take their eyes off him. 

“Would you look at that? My Ho—something. Argh, I can’t remember. Hoyo Hoyi Hoya something. Whatever, Hoya it is. Look at how hot my little Hoya is. Very good, my boy. As my successor, you pass!” Woohyun cheered excitedly as he looked into the mirror.

“Shh. You’re so noisy.” Sunggyu knocked Woohyun’s head lightly to stop the guy from talking.

“Tch. Naggy Darky,” Woohyun muttered quietly under his breath as he flipped over, lying down next to Sunggyu.

Hours passed. While Sunggyu silently watched over Dongwoo until his shift was over, Woohyun was dying of boredom as he constantly rolled around and messed around with Sunggyu for attention.

“Finally, he left that shop. Isn’t he bored? Doing the same thing every day.” Woohyun stared into the mirror again as it followed Dongwoo.

“Humans live different lives from us. They have to work, in order to survive.” Sunggyu explained.

“Hmph! How boring. They try so hard to survive, even going to the extent of killing their own kind. They are never satisfied. Those greedy little things will do anything for their pathetic lives, when it may end the very next day.”

“Woohyun…” Sunggyu noticed Woohyun’s tone getting harsher.

“Honestly, if I was them, I wouldn’t care. What’s the point of living if we’re all just going to die anyways?”

“…I don’t know. I am not them,” Sunggyu answered, then glanced at the mirror again, watching Dongwoo skipping down the street with a bright smile. “But don’t you think that living like there is no tomorrow has its own good points?”

“Huh?” Woohyun raised an eyebrow.

“Look at us Gods. We have everything. We control the world and we don’t even fear death. Death to us means nothing. Why? Because we already have everything in life and we have nothing binding us in life; when the time comes, everyone will go together. Furthermore, nothing can kill us besides our opposites. Humans, on the other hand, are very weak – both mentally and physically – which is why they have to try every day, harder and harder just to survive. Because they don’t know when they will die, they always try to live life to the fullest. Because they don’t have everything, they will always have a goal in life. Because they are weak, they learn to live together. Of course, there are bad sides. Everything has its good and bad points. Have you ever tried looking at their good ones?”

Woohyun kept his mouth shut.

Sunggyu smiled kindly. “How long has it been since the Inheritance Party? Five… no, six months. So I have been watching this guy for six months, huh? Oh, he's back. Have a look.” He pointed at Dongwoo, who now was arriving at a shabby home. Woohyun was surprised at the living conditions he was in. It was barely enough to meet basic human needs.

“Surprised? I was too, when I first saw his house. What is more interesting is that no matter what happens, he is always smiling. Isn’t that strange?” he looked into the mirror once again. Dongwoo was getting ready to go somewhere else, probably another job.

The now interested Woohyun watched over Dongwoo together with Sunggyu. Dongwoo left the house almost immediately after changing into some sort of fieldwork uniform. He biked at a fast speed towards a big mansion. When he was finally let in, he began to work on the house’s majestic garden. His job was taking care of the plants and keeping the garden neat. That included getting rid of the weeds.

“Aish… All these weeds by today? I swear he will be the death of me.” Dongwoo stared at the green ground in exasperation, then looked up at the sunny sky. He sighed and put on a straw hat. “Let’s do this!” Dongwoo pumped his fist in the air and immediately set to work at an incredibly fast pace.

“…What is he? Super human?” Woohyun stared at him in disbelief. “He is working almost as fast as a grass cutting machine!”

Sunggyu rolled his eyes at Woohyun’s exaggeration. That expression immediately turned into a wince when Woohyun screamed in his ear.

“AH LOOK! LOOK! IT’S HO—what is it? AH HOYA! MY HOYA!” Woohyun screamed in excitement. “Look at that guy lying on the rooftop. This must be his house. I knew it. My successor ought to be in the top even if he’s a mere human.”

Sunggyu scoffed and was about to say something, but Woohyun jumped in before he could even open his mouth.

“Wait a minute, why is your successor at my successor’s house?” Woohyun raised a question that piped Sunggyu’s interest. “Earlier… when Hoya was at the coffee shop, it looked like Dongwoo became gloomy when they talked.”

“Oh really? I didn’t notice,” Sunggyu said as he now paid extra attention to the two. It was true that he often saw the two of them together for some reason, but he had never paid attention to their relationship, as his main focus was on Dongwoo and his life only. Now that he thought about it, it was true that Dongwoo became somewhat uncomfortable around Hoya most of the time.

“Really? I guess you’re not good with details,” Woohyun laughed. “I thought my guy wanted some sun, but looks like that’s not the case. He’s peeping at your guy from the rooftop.”

“That’s a strange place to peep from. He could just do it from the house,” Sunggyu pointed out.

“Oh, that’s true. Did he want to do both at the same time?” Woohyun wondered.

Sunggyu finally gave up with Woohyun’s wild deduction. He shifted his attention to Dongwoo and saw that he was sweating a lot from the heat. Trying to help, he used his magic to move some of the clouds over, covering up the sunlight above Dongwoo.

Notice Sunggyu’s actions, Woohyun decided to be a little mischievous. Using his power, he moved the clouds that were covering Dongwoo away, exposing the poor guy under the raging sunlight. Sunggyu frowned at the scene and forcefully moved them back. Thus, the tug of war began.


“What’s with the weather today? Is it just me, or did it just change from cloudy to sunny?” Dongwoo wondered as he looked up at the now-sunny sky. Staring at it with suspicion for a while, he resumed his job. The moment he bent back down, the sky became dark again. He immediately stood straight up and looked at the sky, which, to his surprise, was sunny again.

He shook his head, even knocking it a few times. “Ya. Jang Dongwoo. Get yourself together. There is nothing wrong with the weather. It’s just your imagination.”

*But why do I feel like something bad is coming? * He thought as he looked at the now-clear sky.

Little did he know, something bad really was happening beyond the sky.

“Woohyun! Stop this at once.” Sunggyu shouted.

Not taking his anger seriously, Woohyun continued to mess around with Sunggyu. After a while, he realised Sunggyu had given up.

“Ahaha. You give up already? You’re such a loser—” His voice trailed off when he saw the furious Sunggyu. It was not the usual glare that he saw, nor was it the naggy Sunggyu. The fact that Sunggyu wasn’t even shouting at him was scary. It was the first time he could feel such a menacing aura coming from silence itself. Sunggyu’s face was cold, yet his eyes were burning with irritation — or worse, rage.

“S-Sunggyu?” Woohyun stuttered in fear. Sunggyu remained silent as he slowly stood up. He looked down at Woohyun, burning the latter with his deathly glare.

“…Darky?” Woohyun said quietly. “I-I’ll put the cloud back, so don’t get angry at me.” He immediately pulled the clouds back over Dongwoo as soon as he finished the sentence, but the anger did not dissipate. Not at all.

“Stand up.” He ordered with a strict tone. At the same time, Sunggyu flung his arms sideways aggressively and the mirror disappeared.


“I said, STAND UP!” Sunggyu's voice boomed across the sky. The force was enough to turn the once pure white clouds grey, and a clap of thunder filled the air.

Shocked, Woohyun slowly stood up. He had never seen Sunggyu this angry before, and he was terrified. Not that he was weak, but Sunggyu’s aura was extremely powerful. With every step Sunggyu took towards him, he could feel himself growing smaller as he squeezed his eyes shut, hence failing to see Sunggyu's eyes turn red for a second. Woohyun flinched when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

“Never... Ever… Make me angry again,” Sunggyu whispered in Woohyun’s ear. With that, Sunggyu walked past Woohyun and disappeared into the dark purple-black smoke.

The moment that he was gone, the thunder stopped and the grey clouds slowly turned back to white. Woohyun once again felt his legs becoming weak and fell to his knees, although this time for a very different reason. His feelings were a mixture of fear, anxiety and confusion. He was confused as to why Sunggyu would get so angry. He had messed around with Sunggyu multiple times before, but the kind Sunggyu had always let him get away with nagging and a few hits at most. Knowing Sunggyu’s personality, Woohyun knew that Sunggyu would not harm him no matter what, and thus took advantage of that. But he never went over the limit. He knew that Sunggyu normally would never get angry at something like this. Was it because Dongwoo was involved? Whatever the reason, there was one thing he knew for sure.

He was in trouble.










“I'm just trying to clean up some weeds for money here. Why are you protesting so much, God? Sunny, then cloudy, then sunny, then cloudy. Suddenly it turns grey with thunders, and now it's all sunny again. I guess it's better if I don't take weeding jobs anymore. I need money though… Aish!!”




Happy New Year!! Omg almost 200 subscribers already :o Thank you so much for supporting the story! xD I have two news in this chapter: 

FIRST, I would like to thanks joytotheword16 for her super detail, accurate and fast beta reading. Thanks to her, I'm able to update this by New Year! If you can, drop by her wall (click her username) and shower her with wishes ;) 

SECOND, as a New Year gift for you all past/ current/ future readers, I will be giving a spoiler between 500-1500 words for the next chapter when I'm done writing it! However, I will only choose up to 10 readers. If you want the spoiler, simply answer these simple questions: 

  • Which part in the do you like the most so far? -- Just personal opinions I guess. Detail is important. 
  • What do you think will happen in the story? -- Did you pick up any hint? ;) 
  • What do you wish to happen in the story? -- Let your imagination runs wild~ 

You don't have to answer all, but I'll be picking the best ones. Keep in mind that even though I said "up to 10", it might ended up with just 3 or possibly 15. Comment below or PM me your answer if you want it to be private. Remember, I'm looking for quality! xD I hope many will join this little stupid thing....




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[180107] Story status: writing on hold, editing in progress – I will be adding and changing a few details. Worry not the plot will not be affected.


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Come on I want an update..you can't do this with me..!!
I want to read whole story and then re-read it agian and again and again...!!!
This story is so good..!! You can't do this to me..!! You can't leave the story in ...
This is a worse cliffhanger😅😭 I really want to know what's next..
If only I could read ur mind...!!!
Nwh91yuna30 #3
Chapter 19: Please 😭😭 update
Chapter 19: This is so good.. Loved reading each and every chapter.. ❤️❤️
Now only I came across this story. Gonna read this❤️
Hello author nim it's been a long time how r u?
I really miss you hope you are doing well
Author nim how r u? I really miss you and your story plz update soon.
I really love this story. I hope that you are not abandoning this beautiful story. It is too good to be wasted. Will you be able to update soon? Please?
baby-tree #9
Chapter 19: When will you update authornim?