Property of Siwon.Choi
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Siwon whistle giddily as he unlock the parlour door and glides in with far too many sassy bounce on him.  Looking at the two lying on the couch, Siwon knew it was a wise choice to lock them in the parlour while he went home to sleep.  

He quickly went to check the two drunken students if they were still in the back room.  And true to his assessment, they are.  Lastly, the one whom dare to anger(?) him last night.  Unlocking the door from outside, Siwon was half expecting to see the grumpy kitten  awake and half hoping he wasn't so he could tease his sleeping face. 

The light snoring from that cute bundle was ringing clear on this early morning.  The shades was down, courtesy of the very gorgeous but easily aggravated parlour's owner.  Siwon pull the cord, allowing some light to enter the room.  That's when that bundle grunted as the light hit directly on his face making him reflexively turn to his side.  Bad move...

"ooww~~~" And Siwon smirk, loving the sound of that.

The whimpering bundle quickly turn sulking and pouting as he sat himself up and reach to rub against that awfully sore part of his body.  ....cheek.  Upper -cheek to be precise.  But before his hand could reach down, the lost, confused boy found his wrist tightly gripped.  Making him finally came to realise another person was with him and how he have no clue just where about he's at. 

Those messy soft bed hair was screaming for Siwon to ruffle them.  But his better judgement got a hold of him.  He only gaze charmingly with his usual smirk as he watch the boy's brain trying so hard to work out just what the hell was happening or happened. 

The pouty, frowning, yawning one slowly worked out bits and pieces.  He remember drinking a lot last night with his two best friend becos he was moping, he also remember someone suggesting to get over something, and then, pretty much it.  But as he sat in this stranger place with this guy holding on to him.  He wasn't feeling too well all of the sudden, then came

"Well, at first I was against it... you see its not my style to take advantage of drunken cuties"


"yea...but then you were begging and nagging so much..." Siwon look criminally guilty but seductive at the same time. 

"b-beg..." The clearly puzzled bundle couldn't help the stuttering, it just came out like such.

Siwon release the wrist as he swoop some free fall strains of hair away from the bundle's forehead.  He noted how those eyes are less red compare to last night, but having the same blinding alluring element.  His cheeks are tinted with a dash of rosy red, whereas last night was crimson.  Everything of him has weaken, even his demanding attitude and voice.  But one thing Siwon certainty noted, was the way how his whole body was attracting him to near unbearable.  Like a magnet signalling and pleading the other to join.  His hand finally came ruffling those bed hair that he wanted to do to eagerly. 

"Oh yea...remember, you might need some pain killer, I tried to go easy on you.  But you want it hard and fast.  So...well.."

"..... *cue astonished expression with raging blush..."

"hmmm...you should see yourself after I was done... gosh you were soo satisfy..." That annoying, ridiculous dazzling smirk again, it might be the last thing the student saw before his tears soon come boiling out. 


When the teaser starting to hear muffling whines, Siwon was surely taken aback.  Perhaps his taunting smirk has to do with it.  See, after years as a gangster, you tend to hold a confident, cold, snappy expression even you didn't realise it.  Its a survival skill. 

"YA!..y-you were asking for it.. so don't go crying now" Those words haunt the sniffling one with an extra kick, plus he wasn't going to cry, No~~~ he sure wasn't. Well he wasn't planning on it, until he heard that husky voice saying those pestering words. 

Alcohol! Begging! Satisfy! Pain! ! YOU??!! And with that the heavy frown soon turn weak while his eyes blur out pretty much all over.  How much the crying baby was hoping he'll drown with his own tears right then and there. 

"yah! yah! I said no crying!" Siwon's mocking attitude took a whole new turn when the body he so wanting to touch turn flappy and thrashy while those piercingly bewitching eyes turn mushy.  OH~ siwon you are an !

The sobbing didn't stop nor it dial down just by Siwon's few comforting(?) words.  Instead the owner found himself rather frustrated in what to do.  A silent chuckle was made in his mind, when he noted its the second time already that this person manage to get him all lost with ideas or way out. 

"shhh... shhh... come on... Kyu.hyun come here!" Siwon reach out as he pull the sobbing mess into his embrace.  He wasn't sure which worked, the tighter than needed hug or...

"How did you know my name?"

ah~~ that!

"I know more than that..." Siwon coo as he pull away just a little, not holding himself back from landing a feather light kiss on Kyuhyun's temple, the reaction was awestruckingly beautiful.  Kyuhyun grew staggering glowing with tinted cheeks, as he tries to pull an angry expression by fail that ended with a very coy smile and resort in burying himself back into the crock of Siwon's neck.  "How you're 3rd year in uni, Aquarius, lives with your two best friend, loves to drink and eat, favourite subject is maths, a stalker in leisure time..."

Kyuhyun gasp as he held onto his breath, he wasn't sure if he heard right.  But it was certainly something he's being doing for a while now. 

"...and you're also sooo adorable that I could eat you up right now." Siwon chuckle at his own sappiness while softly runs the back of his hand across Kyuhyun's heated cheek removing those bitter tears, and hopefully catching those eyes of this cutie pie.


Siwon thought about the question more than Kyuhyun liked, hence the little tug on his shirt and that weak frown to hurry him up made him show those dimples again.  Siwon also added impatient to the KyuList.  Poking one of those dimples like how he dying to do, Kyuhyun quickly retract his hand when Siwon tries to eat it.  Slowly and gently, Siwon tuck a strain of hair behind those bloomy ears before tilting the chin up so he could clearly look into Kyuhyun's eyes.


"SIWON!!!!" The voice of Donghae came blasting through, shockingly killing all three birds with one stone.  The voice that still echoing in the room guy was paralyses from toes up, where Kyuhyun nervously fidget in failing to push Siwon off him, while Siwon simply refuse to let go. 

"Not now Hae" Siwon stated in that no-bull tone which Donghae somehow didn't realise he haven't heard in years. 

"KYUHYUN!" A voice Siwon didn't recognize then came right before Donghae could leave.  Which was adding oil to Siwon's fire, leaving Donghae motioning the incoming Eunhyuk to back off as well. 

Kyuhyun could only turn his head as Siwon determinedly lock-in on holding him there.  But when he yelp ever so slightly, as if not wanting to accidently hurt the cutie

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Chapter 3: Thank You.
game-chingu #2
stalker wonkyu ?
should be amusing
Chapter 3: If only there were more... Yeah, greedy, I know, but it's great. Stalker Wonkyu!
afiwonsj #4
Love ur story <3
danian #5
nice story authornim..good job..keep writing and hwaiting..^^
Chapter 3: So both of them stalk each other but not knowing it???
Oh that is sooooo funny...ahahahaha,but
how did ChangMin know it?
and poor JongHyun...
he really be bullied by Min ah~~^U^
ahahahaha this is perfect dear...thanks^^
Chapter 3: so kyu was stalking while siwon was staking him hahaha funny couple please make a sequel
chichi2 #8
Chapter 3: Sequel please....
MasiChoiFan #9
Chapter 3: Ok...so both of them were stalkers? I knew it!(?)

Sweet and funny story, with a happy ending. Couldn't ask for more~

Thanks for this! :^)
Chapter 3: I have only one word to say wow hehehe.... kyu misunderstood siwon's words n i'm too but in the last i can't stop my laugh totally 180 degree turn :))) ....... sweet as always :*