Emotional rollercoaster

How did I fall in love with you
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       Eunjung woke up groaning as she felt on her head. "Aish." She murmured, since she still feels pain. "Where am I?" She looks around curiously until she spotted a photo on  a study desk. It's of Jiyeon and Hyomin smiling happily. Eunjung admired the photo..she got up and held it in her hand. "They look so happy." She started to think that maybe they're better off together because she had never seen Jiyeon smile like that. "Yah! What are you doing?? Touching my stuff !" Hyomin startled Eunjung, making her drop the picture. "Mianhae!" She apologizes and picked up the cracked frame. Hyomin looked angry. She walk toward her and snatched it out of her hands. "Yah...I said I'm sorry and It wasn't even my fault in the first place. You scared the crap out of me." "Whatever." Hyomin answer in a not so good mood. Eunjung noticed it too so she try not to make it worse. "I promise to replace it." Awkwardly Eunjung stomach suddenly grumbles loud. She was embarrassed as she held her tummy. "I made breakfast , you can have some if you want." Hyomin offered. "Are you you okay? Are you sick?" She was not used to Hyomin trying to be generous. "Or are you trying to poison me ?" Eunjung lift her eyebrow. "No thanks. I'll just show myself out." Eunjung responds cooly and walked away. Hyomin eyes widen. "Yah! Get back here! How dare you talk to me like that after all I did for you!?" She stomps her feet repeatedly. 

       "An-yeong Eunjung shi!" Soyeon unknowingly greets her happily. "An-yeong!" Eunjung replied with a grin across her face and walking out the door. "Eunjung shi?!?" Soyeon said cluelessly. She realized she wasn't just seeing things. Hyomin left the room and went back into the kitchen. "Since when did you guys become friends??" "We're not!" "Then why is she in your room?" Soyeon kept asking questions. "Are you two dating?" "We're not!" Hyomin answered more harshly. "Then is she single?" "Aissh!! I'm not answering you anymore. Why don't you just ask her yourself!?" She slams the pan on the stove. Soyeon was a bit intimidated. "Jeez are you on your period?" She mumbles and roll her eyes. 

       School started, Hyomin was as grumpy as ever. "Unnie, why do you look so tired?" "I was up all last night, developing pictures." When In reality, most of the time she was taking care of Eunjung. Making sure nothing else happens again. "Oh. Can I see??" Jiyeon looked at the photo's in wow. "Waaaaa! I really want something like this done for me and Qri Unnie." She admiringly said without thinking about Hyomin's feeling. Hyomin's  face expression changed automatically with just that sentence. Jiyeon notices it and apologized. "Sorry unnie.." She tried to  acknowledge her feelings."Jiyeon-ah it's fine. Just speak your mind." She gave a fake smile. "So tomorrow's the day huh?" "Yea.." Jiyeon didn't want to answer her and make her feel even more upset. "I hope you have fun on your date." Hyomin simply said making Jiyeon feel a bit guilty. She didn't know why but it felt like a squeeze to the heart whenever Hyomin made a supporting remark.  In class, Jiyeon try to make conversation with Hyomin but she would never be in the mood to talk. Everytime Jiyeon would say something, the only response from her was  "okay, yeah, sure." Eunjung observed her so she purposely put her arms around Hyomin's neck to gain a reaction from her. "Yah!!! Get off of me ert." She smacked Eunjung's hand away with her face really red.  "Oh so you do know how to talk." Eunjung smirked. She wonder what was bothering Hyomin but she didn't want to seem like she cared. Jiyeon looks at them weirdly, like there's something going on. She kind of felt envious of their playfulness. "Eunjung shi, do you want to go on a date with me?" A random shy girl asked fiddling with her fingers. "Yah! Have you no self respect?? Eunjung already have someone she likes. Shoo!" Hyomin shoo the girl away. Jiyeon and Eunjung was shock to see Hyomin speak for her. At the moment she didn't care, she was just annoyed by everything. They both turn to look at her Intriguingly.  "What was that?" Jiyeon whispered in Hyomin's ear. "Yah! Stop telling secrets, I'm right in front you you!!" Eunjung whines because she's a little jealous of close they are.  Hyomin didn't realize her actions so she just chuckle nervously. 

       "Hey! Wait up! Unnie" Jiyeon caught up to Eunjung before she went up to the rooftop to nap. "What is it Jiyeonnie?" Eunjung pats and messes up her hair. "Stop it Unnie! I'm not a little kid anymore." Jiyeon snickers like a little dinosaur.  "Do you want to grab lunch together outside of school today?" Jiyeon says

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Eunyeon12 #1
Chapter 17: Will this still be updated?? Huhu
liaaharada #2
Chapter 17: This story is great :)
Thanks so much for this story...
Good luck for next chapter, author :D
Hahmcha #3
Chapter 17: Wow..so many drama..so many hearts involved..i like it..like it a lot..can't wait for the next chap..
Chapter 17: Everything is messed...Why Hyomin doesn't listen to her heart sound???
like the story... thanks for it
Chapter 17: luckily I can still remember the last chapter so i didn't have to re-read it... you're a good author so please update soon~ :)
1124 streak #6
Chapter 17: Poor Jungie but luckily Jiwon is always there forher even if it hurts her... why do Eunjung keeps on blocking out? Authourssi make Hyomin realize that her feekings for Eunjung is stronger than for Jiyeon...
finna57 #7
Chapter 17: I think eunjung is sick :(
Chapter 17: Oooohhh yeessssss!!!!! You update this!!! Its been awhile, i missed this..new characters appearing in this chapter... I wonder what will be their role in this story... This is really interesting... Anyway thanks for updating this... Will wait for the next chapter :)
J_T-ara_M #9
Chapter 17: I used to be like minyeon but... recently eunmin is really so attractive... so.. i'm give 100% support for eunmin!!!
Can't wait too for reading your other eunmin!!
greenjade21 #10
Chapter 17: Thanks authorssi for the update! I really missed this story! I'm glad that Eunjung finally confessed her feelings to Hyomin, and I hope she doesn't stop! And maybe, the idea of making Hyomin jealous by being close with James and Yoona seems a good thing! Well, she doesn't have to be with them but, befriending them wouldn't hurt! Hopefully, Hyomin will realize how strong her feelings for Eunjung were! This is getting more interesting every time you update! Can't wait for the next update! Good luck authorssi! :)