The one that got away

How did I fall in love with you
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       Eunjung sighs cuz she really didn't want to be there. The table was full of silence until Jiwon notice the atmosphere . "Ahem" she cleared before speaking. "So..Jiyeon shi, how will you make long a distance relationship work?" She was really interested in knowing. "Dae??" Jiyeon  was confuse about what she was talking about. "Oh you know.. You and Qri unnie." She smiled without knowing what was going on. Eunjung eyes grew wide and she kicks the girl legs across from her. "Aish'!" Hyomin yelps in pain. "Yah! You better watch it!" She hits the table and yell directly at Eunjung. Eunjung was embarrassed she kicked the wrong person, so she pretend not to hear the other girl yelling. "Ah. Jiyeonnie. What's your plans later on today?" Eunjung quickly change the subject. Hyomin let out a huff. She couldn't believe once again Eunjung ignored her. Really frustrated, she sat there with a mug plastered on her face. "Wait-- what did you say??" Jiyeon ignored the question Eunjung asked. "Qri unnie. Hold on, you don't know that she's leaving today??" Jiyeon looked away in pain. A part of her wants to stop her from leaving, but at the end of the day, she knows they will never work out. Jiyeon was the type to hold a grudge.  "I'm sorry, I suddenly don't feel well. I'll be going now. Bye unnies." Jiyeon excuse herself from her seat. Just when Hyomin was about to chase after her. Eunjung held back hyomin's hand. "Let her go. She needs sometime to herself." Hyomin looks at her and at their hands. "No.. She needs me."   She pulls away her hand. For some reason Eunjung heart wrenches as she watches her walk away. 

       "Hey." Hyomin greet Jiwon at school. She was by herself this time. Although she said hi to her,her mind and eyes were elsewhere searching for a certain someone. "Looking for Eunjung?" "What... No!" She raised her voice without realizing. Jiwon shook her head.."pabos" she said underneath her breath. "Well if you should know! She's talking to her therapist so she won't be in school today." Somehow Hyomin felt a bit disappointed. She was also curious to know why she needs to go see one. "So where's Jiyeon??" Jiwon search her surroundings. "Oh. She's still not feeling well so she stayed home." It became silent so Hyomin quickly cut it short. "Well, see you at lunch." "Yeah! Can't wait!" 

       Meanwhile.. "Eunjung does that make you feel?" "I don't know, I feel like I should've died. There's so many people fighting for their lives and here I am."  "Was there anything particular that you've seen before regaining conscious? "I saw flashbacks.." "Mmhm..Of what?" "I was going towards the light. And then I saw Jiyeon..every happy moment we spent together." "Do you love her?" "Of course I do." "Do you think she's the key to all of this? Why you're feeling this way or depressed per say ?" "I don't think so." "What else did you see? If I may ask." "That was it." Eunjung thought but then it hit her. After all the flashback, the last image she saw before coming back was.. "Hyomin.." "Hyo--min?" "She's just a girl I met through Jiyeon. She drives me crazy! She's arrogant and strange. Not to mention annoying!!! Like a sour patch, she's mean at first than become sweet, nice..caring and .." Eunjung bad mouths her then realize she was saying good things about her. Her therapist smiles aimlessly at her. "Am I missing something?" Eunjung asked confused with the smirk being given to her." "No. But you do realize the last image of what you saw may have meant something more to you than you realize right?" 

       After school Hyomin headed to Jiyeon's house with prepared food. Jiyeon-ah.. I brought you some soup. "  "who let you in?" She sniffles while having her face hidden. "Your mom did." "I told her not to let anyone in." She glanced at Hyomin. Her voice sounded very irritated and stuffy from crying. "Jiyeon-ah.. Gwenchana?" Her heart aches every time she see her cry. Judging from her eyes , Hyomin can tell that she's been crying for hours or more. Jiyeon was faced towards the wall. She didn't want to show her face bec

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Eunyeon12 #1
Chapter 17: Will this still be updated?? Huhu
liaaharada #2
Chapter 17: This story is great :)
Thanks so much for this story...
Good luck for next chapter, author :D
Hahmcha #3
Chapter 17: many many hearts involved..i like it a lot..can't wait for the next chap..
Chapter 17: Everything is messed...Why Hyomin doesn't listen to her heart sound???
like the story... thanks for it
Chapter 17: luckily I can still remember the last chapter so i didn't have to re-read it... you're a good author so please update soon~ :)
1123 streak #6
Chapter 17: Poor Jungie but luckily Jiwon is always there forher even if it hurts her... why do Eunjung keeps on blocking out? Authourssi make Hyomin realize that her feekings for Eunjung is stronger than for Jiyeon...
finna57 #7
Chapter 17: I think eunjung is sick :(
Chapter 17: Oooohhh yeessssss!!!!! You update this!!! Its been awhile, i missed characters appearing in this chapter... I wonder what will be their role in this story... This is really interesting... Anyway thanks for updating this... Will wait for the next chapter :)
J_T-ara_M #9
Chapter 17: I used to be like minyeon but... recently eunmin is really so attractive... so.. i'm give 100% support for eunmin!!!
Can't wait too for reading your other eunmin!!
greenjade21 #10
Chapter 17: Thanks authorssi for the update! I really missed this story! I'm glad that Eunjung finally confessed her feelings to Hyomin, and I hope she doesn't stop! And maybe, the idea of making Hyomin jealous by being close with James and Yoona seems a good thing! Well, she doesn't have to be with them but, befriending them wouldn't hurt! Hopefully, Hyomin will realize how strong her feelings for Eunjung were! This is getting more interesting every time you update! Can't wait for the next update! Good luck authorssi! :)