Chapter: Three

Lost Between Both Worlds: Lostlings {Editiing}

                                                     ~ Alice POV~


             N? I want to meet this N really bad. She doesn't seem too bad, maybe a little unstable on the emotional side, but hey if Baekhyun likes her then so will I! But if she ever dares to hurt him I will wring her neck. The curiosity is killing me!

          “What are you doing fat head?”, Baekhyun asked. He walked over and offered a small carton of milk.

          “Shut up. You said to come early and I did. No one is here yet. Don't you think we're trying too hard? I never really cared about clubs”

          “Well Suho said it's just to keep us busy so deal with it”, Baekhyun laughed. Suho was one of the "mentors" in the club for Lostlings. Kris, Suho, Lay, and now Luhan were the mentors for everyone. When you join, a mentor is assigned to you to make sure you don't do something stupid. I was assigned to Kris though, and never really talked to Suho, but I saw him around a lot.

          Eventually the meeting for the stupid club started, but there were more people than I thought there was going to be. Suho, I guess he's the president, kept trying to talk over the loud people. They didn't even spare him a glance, like seriously? You could see the frustration in his face. I knew his speech by heart because he was so excited, he kept going through it over and over again. Yet, look at these rude people.

          “So for those who are interested in tennis club then please take-“, Suho announced.

          “He's so cute!” A girl squealed.

           “Did you see the other guy? I don't know his name but he's in the contemporary dance club”, another asked.

           “And for those of you who are here for the first-“

           “Did you see that new movie starring Kim Hyun Joong?” A guy from the other table asked. This is ridiculous! I looked to Baekhyun and he also looked annoyed.

          “For those of you who are here for the first-“ I spoke up. I was practically yelling over the other rude people.

          “This club ”, the girl who called Suho cute commented. Other people around her laughed and she smiled. Oh? Thinking you're cool now huh?

          “Oh I'm sorry, did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?” I insisted. She finally stopped smiling her ugly grin and gave me that “excuse me ?” look.

          “Well yeah, thanks for noticing!” She sneered. I rolled my eyes crossed my arms against my chest.

           “Are you annoyed? Did I offend you?” She asked. Now everyone was quiet and stared at us, but I didn't care. Someone needs to put her in check.

          "No I'm not annoyed! I'm just rolling my eyes and speaking in a condescending voice because your ING fantastic!" I snarled. Baekhyun grabbed my arm and told me to sit but I kept my cold eyes on her anyway. All her little girlfriends scoffed and the guys in the room were giving high fives.

          "What's your problem!" She yelled.

           "How about you listen for once and hold out on your little side conversations!" I argued.

           "Alice!" Baekhyun yelled. My head wipped up and I saw a red faced Suho about to cry. Instantly, I felt like a . Baekhyun grabbed me and left the room.

           "You saw how she was!" I protested. He was leading me towards Xiumin's infirmary. Baekhyun was not even listening to me.

            "Just...I know but just calm down now", Baekhyun said. Hey if I wouldn't have done it, Baekhyun would have. In fact, she's lucky I was the one to speak up instead of Baekhyun.


             "He'll be fine", Baekhyun said.

             "Where the hell are we going!" I yelled. Baekhyun knows that I don't mean bad when I curse. I just have no filter, and it's not like Baekhyun is some kind of angel either. You shouldn't see the fights we've had, and surprisingly they're not all entirely my fault! I know right? Shocker!

             "Shut up! Why are you yelling! Huh? I'm right here! You want me to go deaf!" He yelled. He raised my hand and opened my clenched fist. He unfolded my fingers and revealed small cuts and a little blood. "Are you stupid! Do you not feel this?! Your long nails were digging into your hand you ing idiot!"

             I didn't argue anymore. I was tired from yelling. We were almost to Xiumin and Lay until we came across another fight involving three people. It was Mei, a guy I didn't reconize, and Hana. That guy and Hana were practically yelling at eachother, while Mei just stood there with a wide eyed expression. It was the first for me to see Hana like this. All agressive and stuff.

            "Why Luhan!" Hana yelled.

            "Why are you acting like this!" Luhan yelled.

            "You're not listening to me! You're wasting your time!"

            "What are you talking about!"

            "It's useless Luhan! She's never going to change!"

            "She has nothing to do with you! Kris has put her under me, what I do or think I should do, does not involve you. Think about what you`'re doing! You went behind my back, and disregarded my words! Is this how you're going to act from now on?" Luhan snapped. Oh...let's apply some cold water to that burn Hana. He was red in the face and his vains were showing from his neck. Hana seemed to realize what she was doing and walked away with her head down. Baekhyun tugged me in a direction to quickly hide but, of course, we couldn't. There was no where to go. I tried to push Baekhyun to the side so we weren't standing in the middle of the hallway at least. Oops, got blood on your shirt. Baekhyun gave me a disgusted look and I smiled mockingly. We just sorta stood there awkwardly until Luhan grabbed Mei and left the opposite direction which led to a heavy metal door to the roof.

            "No wonder they couldn't hear the fight outside", Baekhyun said. Xiumin and Lay were both asleep. They were sleeping across from eachother on the small desk. Lay and Xiumin were deep sleepers and one minute they would be arguing and the next, they were asleep. They were almost narcoleptic.

           "Here, I know where Lay keeps the bandages", Baekhyun said. I sat on the pure white bed and observed Baekhyun as he fumbled around the drawers and cabinets. Baekhyun was not as all as Kris, or had broad shoulders like Luhan, but he was still perfect and sassy in every way.

            "Are you this nice to N too?" I asked, slightly jealous.

            "I have to be or N will kill me", He laughed. I wonder who this N is. Baekhyun doesn't really have a lot of friends. He only hangs out with me or Suho and maybe Kai and Kyungsoo, but sometimes Lay. How could of he met her then? Was she at the meeting? That's probably why he wanted to go so bad!

            "Was N at the meeting today?" I asked.

             "Of course. Why else would I go?"

            "I just wanted to know", I said as he cleaned the tiny cuts and wrapped them in the bandages.

            "Today wasn't a good day though", he said indifferently.


             "During the meeting, N was being treated rudely"

             "Aww is it me?" I teased. Baekhyun slightly laughed. He went to put the medication back into the cabinet and didn't say anything. It got quiet all of a sudden and something stirred in my stomach.. Oh my it me? "I was just joking Baekhyun....haha..."

              "Fat head! You're so fun to mess around with! It's not you idiot haha! Stop being so conceded!" Baekhyun laughed. I felt my face get hot in embarrassment, but I couldn't help but laugh too.

              "Ugh...Baekhyun? Alice? What are you doing here?" Lay moaned.

              "Xiumin! Lay! I need you to find out more about Yoseob right now!" Chanyeol barged in. He was alarmed and frightened. Xiumin jumped and was confused of what was happening. The atmosphere got cold and thick really fast.


                                               ~ Mei POV~

                I didn't know what to do. It all happened so fast! One moment Hana is telling me some sort of “truth”, the next, Luhan comes storming in and that's when the yelling match started. I didn't even get half of the things they were arguing about. Something about Kris and more about listening? I don’t know! What's even more embarrassing is that two, not one, but two people walked in on the argument!

                Luhan was leading us to a large metal door when I felt a certain pain in my chest. My breath shortened and my heart was pumping so loud that I heard it in my head. Luhan didn't notice in his fit of anger and kept pulling me and pulling me. Luhan banged the heavy metal door open so hard that I thought it was going to break. Once we got on the roof I crumbled down and clutched my chest. I think I'm having a heart attack! How could that be when I'm dead?

                “Breathe…breathe…it's going to be alright. Why didn't you tell me, uh?” Luhan gasped. He was still angry, but worried too. He didn't seem too surprised which is why I think he knows what wrong with me. How? I don't even know what wrong with me myself! Maybe it's just something that lostlings have to deal with?

                “How… how did you know?” I asked. He was looking down as he was fixing his hair.

                “You…I didn't. What's wrong with you do you have a heart condition?” Luhan asked. He winced. Why would he suggest that?

                “I just thought you already had known because you didn't seem that alarmed”, I said. A big bright flash appeared and I out. In this flash back I was numb. My vision was blurry and dark and all the voices echoed. There was no pain which I was forever grateful for.

                "What's wrong with her?" Someone asked. Both of the voices sounded a bit familiar.

                "She has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It is a condition in which some muscles in parts of the heart is thicker than the rest, which makes it harder for blood to leave, making the heart pump faster", someone explained. A doctor maybe?

                 "Can she die from it?"

                "The tissue around the heart can tear because of the irregular pumping the heart has to endure. When the person's heart tissue tear, they can eventually bleed to death"

                  "She never told me..neither did Carter"

                  "Maybe she didn't want to worry you"

                  "We're not that close"

                  "You're her fiance"

                  "It doesn't matter"


                                             ~ Luhan POV~

                "I just thought you already had known because you didn't seem that alarmed”, Mei said. She flinched and was knocked out cold just like that. I panicked and started patting her uselessly to wake her up. No response. What the ?

                 "Wake up!" I yelled. I picked her up and ran for the infirmary. The blood red door was already wide open. Inside, Chanyeol was talking to Xiumin and Lay until they noticed us and took care of Mei first.

                  "What happened?" Xiumin asked, oddly calm.

                  "She fainted"

                  "Are you sure that she fainted or is she remembering something from her past life?" Xiumin asked. The whole room paused. I thought only Lay knew how to deal with memory loss. Xiumin pushed me aside and lifted one of her eyelids. Lay looked sorta confused and shrugged his shoulders. They're so calm! Even Chanyeol just sat there dazed!

                  "She can't die Luhan", Xiumin reminded me after studying my face. I was confused at first with what he was trying to say,but then it hit me and I feltlike an idiot. I wanted to face palm myself. Chanyeol laughed but quickly tried to hide it, and he failed miserably.

                   "I... I was just worried", I stuttered.

                   "Mm...", Mei mumbled. Her eyes flew open and she quickly searched the room. "Luhan...."

                   It was then that I have begun to feel a new sensation. The fear of what she might of remembered, and when she would remember. The fear that at any moment, any day, she will finally remember me and turn away.

                   "Who is Carter?" She asked me. I did what I could only do, I tilted my head slightly and shook my head. Her eager eyes died down and she looked to Xiumin and Lay. "Were you a doctor?"

                   I saw Xiumin's confused expression and wondered if I mirrored him. I probably looked even more lost, since I actually knew Mei and might of had a clue of what she saw. But never once have I seen Xiumin. Xiumin seemed to be thinking really hard when something flickered in his eyes and he looked up. I followed the trail his eyes went and sure enough, it was Lay. Lay seemed frozen with wide hollow eyes. That's when I also remembered. That day, the day that everything started to go downhill, he was the intern that had told me of Mei's condition. I never once thought I'd meet him ever again, especially here.

                                                ~ Lay POV~

                I don't remember Mei. I was, however, an intern at a hospital. Who would of known that we'd meet again right? It's also pretty tragic when you think about it. I wonder when she died though, as morbid as that may sound. Xiumin and I exchanged looks and that was all it took to wipe out our remaining energy. Arriving here depends on your time of death, out!

              We have been relying on that theory ever since forever, but of course that changed when Mei came. Ever since Mei had come, all of our theories were cut down one by one. Kim Sung Gyu's notebook was getting harder and harder to decipher that we had to do our own research. Also, because to Mr. Kim, this was his notebook. Not some text book he put facts and statistics on, although he had some, but a notebook he wrote everyday things into.

             One time Xiumin and I spent 4 whole days deciphering five sentences. Guess what it was? "Today Sungyeol actually believed me that the balloon Hoya and I gave him was full of Hydrogen. He tried to in the air to make his voice all high pitched. He said, “I want to sound like L”. L got all hurt but he teased Sungyeol back and we all just kind of started a funny diss battle. We've been good lately".

             Sometimes it was nice to see how the other people before us were, but sometimes we spent a lot of time, thinking we were finally going to get somewhere, but then ending up with a sentence like, “You know today, we watched a movie on the big white wall of the infirmary, Dongwoo suggested it to me, but woohyun wouldn't move his big head, and sungjong wouldn't let go of me”.

             It was slow and frustrating and yeah I've been listening to Xiumin about how it would be easier if we knew how and when the people died but asking them like that out of the blue is just wrong. After all, Xiumin barely even wants to talk about his death. Only I know about it. Only he knows about mine too.


                                                ~ Past ~



         “Hurry! He's suffering from cardiopulmonary arrest and is not responding, he needs CPR!” A nurse said.

        “Dr. Zhang-“

         “Got it!” I answered. He was pretty young about 18 to 19 years old, yet he had a heart disorder ever since he was diagnosed with it from 7. It's people like him that is the reason I want to become a doctor. People like him who remind me of my sister. You see I wasn't always hard working and motivated. Actually back then, if things didn't happen the way they did, I would have been happy with playing games all day.

          It was a hot summer night, and I had just came back from one of my friend's party. Dad and mom went to sleep early because it was Sunday. Only Hui Zhong was awake. She sat in the living room watching some kind of child television.

          “Zhang Hui Zhong. What are you doing still up?”

          “I was waiting for you!” She said.

          “Yeah right, go to sleep. You're 7 and the shortest in your class. Aren't you tired of Jason bullying you?”

          “Jason is a big bully, don't talk about him”.

          “Okay”, I said. I took her to her room and tucked her in. My eyelids drooped as I walked to my room. The minute I fell into the bed I was gone. I kept tossing and turning as for some reason the hot summer night got even warmer. Eventually I woke up from the large amount of sweat I was producing.

           A tugging sensation inside me knew that something was wrong, really wrong. I stretched my legs when I notice smoke under my door. Oh crap! There was no working fire alarm and it was so quiet. I lightly touched the door knob with the back of my hand to see if it was hot. I opened the door and ran down stairs. I didn't know what to expect, but there in front of me was the red and orange inferno swallowing up my kitchen. Purple smoke coated our couches and suffocated my lungs.

          "Mom! Dad! Hui Zhong!" I yelled. Mom and Dad came running down stairs and dad immediately ran into the blazing inferno. "Dad!"

          "Yixing! Hui Zhong is in there!" Mom yelled. My bones shook and my palms sweated. No, I just tucked her in bed! Mom started coughing from the smoke. I ran to our front door and tried to open it, deadlocked. We're locked in! Adrenaline rushed through me and I grabbed a chair and started smashing it into the glass. By the time I smashed through the window mom had collapsed and dad and Hui Zhong hasn't come out yet.

          "Dad!" I yelled. Dad came out of the yellow and orange monster, covered in purple smoke holding Hui Zhong. As they were trudging out, a broken beam fell on top of dad, pinning him to the ground. "Dad!"

           "Take Hui Zhong and your mother out!" He ordered. He was usually a quiet serious man. Seeing him yell like this shocked me. "Now!"

            I shook Hui Zhong awake and ran to my mom with Hui Zhong in my arms. Mom was concsious but confused. Mom, Hui Zhong, and I stumbled out of the house to find the fire trucks and ambulance finally arriving. The minute they were out of their cars they came running to us and our house.

            "My dad is in there!" I yelled. Worry crossed their faces and minutes later they came to tell us the news. Dad died, mom, Hui Zhong, and I were hospitalized in intensive care. Three days later mom also passed away. Hui Zhong was struck in the head by something in the kitchen and was diagnosed with AE, muteness. She heard us perfectly fine, she just couldn't speak. I had to go through respiratory therapy because of the amount of damage the smoke that coated my lungs did to me.

            Over the years I struggled to support me and my sister without our parents. I never once broke down and cried. It's not that I was heartless, although maybe I might have been, it just never was in me to cry. Finally, after all the hard times, I was an intern at a hospital, I was almost achieving my dream.

           "Dr. Zhang stitch up this patient"

            "Okay", I said. It was a women in her early twenties. She had old scars and bruises around her face and wouldn't look up.

           "Where is that !" A large bulky man stormed into the E.R. People were screaming and hiding. He is holding a gun! He scanned the room and spotted me. The woman I was stitching on screamed and cowered behind me. Training never taught me about what I should do in this situation.

            "Is he the man? Is he the ing man from last night!"

            "No! No he's not!" She cried. He charged at us and I instinctively blocked her. He stopped and glared at me.

            "You don't have to do this", I reasoned. I didn't even know what I was doing. All I was acting upon were the stuff I saw on movie and tv shows and hoping I would not get shot.

            "Get the away!" He yelled as he pointed his gun to me. The way his hands shook made me sure that he had actually never shot someone before. For a second he was about to lower the gun, but the team of cops and security came running. He grabbed me by the hair and jabbed the gun to my neck. .

             "Don't come! I'll shoot him!" He warned. I can't lie, I was very scared. I'm pretty sure he didn't know and it was just a coincidence that he had pointed the gun to my neck, but with a gun shot to a neck there was more of a possibility that it'll hit my carotid and bleed to death. The woman I was stitching earlier jumped on him and he punched her. The cops started shooting and one bullet hit him in the arm.

             "!" He yelled. He pulled me by the hair again and this time without missing a chance, a fire shot. I heard screams and gasps and multiple gunshots. I think one bullet grazed me in the arm. He fell onto the ground with eyes open. His body was mutilated by holes. I fell into my own pool of blood and that's when I realized that I was shot in the neck. Doctors and nurses started rushing over to me to pull me into surgery, but it was too late.

              I felt my energy being from me and my last breath drew out. I can't believe I was dying this way. I had so much to offer in the future! What is going to happen to Hui Zhong! She was turning 13 tomorrow. I was going to bring her to visit mom and dad and we were going to eat at her favorite restaurant. Since I died with my eyes open, I saw how the nurses cried and the doctors that cowered in the corner. Even my director was there, mourning. At least I was loved, although I will never love my sister again. Soon, everything went dark and quiet.

             "How do you not remember?"

              "I don't know!"

              "What's your name?"

             "Xiumin. I already told you!"

             "We've been here for a week!"

             "What exactly is here?"

              "I don't know"

              I woke up with a cramped neck and quickly tried to locate the hole. None. I was in an all white room and there were two other guys. One was tall, the other was pretty short. They immediately looked up from their arguement and stalked over to me.

             "Hey...", The shorter one said. "My name is Xiumin"

             "Lay...", I said.

             "Do you already know-"

             "That I died? Yeah....", I said. A weird liquid of stickiness ran down my neck. For the first time in my life, I cried.

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iminlovewithluhan #1
Chapter 35: This chapter made me cry abit poor kyungsoo one thing I wanna know is that what happened to sehun is he still alive or dead
iminlovewithluhan #2
Chapter 34: Wow this is getting sooooooooo good I can understand more :D
iminlovewithluhan #3
Chapter 32: Wait what just happened waa Jinjah this is really confusing so it was luhan not sehun who killed mei ugh im so confused
iminlovewithluhan #4
Chapter 27: No its finished I want more updates this is getting sooooooooo interesting ♥♥♥
iminlovewithluhan #5
Chapter 15: Daebak I love it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥