Here Kitty, Kitty~


Opposites attract, right?

Or do they richochet away from each other so much,

that they end up tearing apart any kind of connection they may

have made, no matter how brief?


Ha. No idea what i'm writing rn.  Bare with me?  I'm horrible at descriptions, so i'll just give you a preview/prologue thing....

also, i have no idea if i'm going to make this , or just fluff... or both.


I growled low in my throat as the obnoxious wails of my alarm clock broke through my sleeping state, effectively jolting me awake.  I lay in the bed, hoping the offensive object would turn its self off.  Keyword being hope.  I blew out an exaggerated sigh and drug myself into a sitting position, slapping the bedside table for the alarm clock’s snooze button.  Blessed silence filled the room and I flopped back onto the bed, getting comfortable again and was about to drift off to sleep when my bedroom door slammed open with a resounding bang, shocking me up and onto the floor.

                “Junhongie~ Time to get up!” Jongup’s cheery voice filled the room and I curled into a ball on the floor, trying to get away from the noise that was my best friend.  I swear to god something is wrong with him.  He enjoys morning way too much.

                The smell of cedar and lilacs became stronger, meaning Jongup had come closer.  I heard the rustling of clothing and then a hand on my shoulder, coaxing me out of my ball.

                “Junhong, we have classes today.  Do you really want to start university by being late on the first day?”  My eyes shot open at that and I bolted to my feet, nearly bowling over poor Jongup, who had been hovering over me.  I scurried to my closet and began to throw clothes on the bed, not caring if it didn’t match.

                I heard a stifled chuckle behind me and turned to glare at Jongup. “What’s so damn funny?”

                He cleared his throat and then motioned to the top of my head.  Gasping, I dropped the skinny jeans that I had been holding and reached up to my head.  And sure enough, my hand made contact with soft feline ears, protruding from tufts of blonde hair.  I lowered my hand and chanced a look behind me and groaned in defeat and the jet black tail swishing behind me drooped in response.

                That’s right.  Cat ears and cat tail.  I’m what pop culture calls Kemonomimi, Neko, Catboy. Cliché right?  Well, that’s where the similarities stop.


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Chapter 1: Finally got a chance to read this. Zelo makes a gorgeous kitty.
Gukkie is just hot, perfect description.
Good for you trying to write. I promise to be here and comment.
Oh I adore Neko fics. Looking forward to this.