Girls Girls Girls

Girls Girls Girls


Gif not mine. Credits to owner.

He leisurely walked in, putting his hands in his pockets. Looking around the cafe, he found the girl he was looking for. Smirking, he fixes his hair back a little and walks towards her.

She was sitting down. She had long straight hair and was wearing a cute pink shirt with shorts. Her little black back was next to her and she was wearing converse. It wasn't anything special compared to how he imagined, but he could deal with it.

She was reading a book when he cleared his throat. Looking up, she closes her book and smiles at him.


"Hey, darling." He pulls open the seat in front of her and yawns, "Sorry for the late, I was in traffic." 

"It's okay. I didn't know there were traffic at this time of day. You must live pretty far from here." She responded when he laughed.

"Who said anything about cars? I meant the girls. Ah, they're such a pain in the . They just don't know when to stop." Kris smiled. His smile slowly turned into a frown when she just nodded and put her book inside her bag.

Scratching his head he clears his throat again, "Anyways, my name is Kris Wu, you must be ~~~~~ correct?" 


As she spoke, she didn't look up at him and only at the coffee in front of her. Swirling her fingers around the cup, he gives her a chuckle.

"You can look up you know. I know I'm very good looking, but you don't have to look down a lot. I am your blind date, after all." He wiggled his eyebrows.

After Kris spoke those words, she looked up at him and gave him a stare, "I'm not looking at you because you're good looking. I didn't want to look at you because you are the type of guy I hate." 

He gawked at her. Did she really say he was the type she hated? 

Putting the coffee down, she stands up, looking down at him, "Listen, I'm sure you don't want to sit here and talk to me while your lady friends are outside squealing over your looks and height, but if you excuse me, I am quite busy myself." 

"Wait, are you leaving?" Kris questioned, glancing up at her.

She nodded, "Yeah. I can see you're not my type and I am quite disappointed at Krystal for setting me up with a guy like you. She said you were a catch." She rolled her eyes, "I have no idea how she got that idea."

Brushing past him, he grabs her arm, moving his jaw, "Sit down."

"I said I'm busy."

"Just sit down, let me talk about this. I don't quite understand what you're trying to say." As he pulled her back to her seat, she crosses her arms.

"What is there more to say?"

"Did you just say you're not interested in me? Why?" Kris looked at himself on the camera of his phone, "I'm good looking, tall, and very classy. Don't you see the girls waiting outside trying to be with me?" 

"Yes, I see that." She shrugged, "I asked Krystal for a nice guy who think about others and said that looks and height will also be a plus but I'm not generally looking for those traits. You on the other hand only seem to have the height and the looks. Not my taste." 

"What are you trying to say?" Kris eyed her.

"I'm saying Krystal has a wonderful boyfriend. Although Suho is short, he thinks about others and not cares about his looks or his height. You on the other hand is the opposite." She sighed, "I thought Krystal would help me find someone like him, but I guess she was wrong. I'll be leaving now."

"Wait, you would pick Suho over me? Look at me! I can think of others too. Suho's short, you don't want a short boyfriend, do you?" Kris asked.

"Hm, a short boyfriend that has the perfect personality or a tall boyfriend with the nastiest personality?" She eyed him, "What do you think?"

Kris swallowed hard. Was she trying to play hard to get or was she being serious?

"Now if you excuse me, I have to go." Walking past him, he sulks in his seat. Was he being rejected? Was he being put down? Was he being stood up? 

"Don't you know that those girls only like you for your looks?"

Kris turned his head towards her who was by the door. She looked through the windows to the many girls outside squealing and calling out his name with flowers and many gifts.

"Look, they only want you for your looks and height. They only like your outer personality. What's the point of having a girlfriend that only sees the outside of you?" She shakes her head, "To me, that's very sad. You should find someone that looks at you from the inside and out and then judge you for who you are, not just by your looks." She held open the door, "Look, I know you're a great guy. Krystal is a very close friend of mine and I'm sure she set me up with you because you're a good person, but I can't tell with the mask on your face."

Kris looked down and then back at the window towards the many girls outside squealing after he stared at them.

"See? They don't know what you did and they're just squealing. If you cursed at me and said really meann things to me, they would still be happy to see you because they won't hear what you said and just by your looks you looked good looking." She shrugged, "I'm jut saying you should work on your mask. It may fool a lot of girls, but it won't fool me." 

Walking out the door, she put on her sunglasses and walk towards the crowd of girls, finding her way on the other side of the street.

Sulking in his seat, he opens his phone from a text message from Krystal.

"How did it go? Did you like her?"

Kris looked back outside the window to see her disappearing figure when he gave out a faint smile and replied.

"I like her. You should give me her number." 


"What? But Kris said he liked you."

She laughed, "He's just saying that so he doesn't feel like he was rejected."

"That's weird. Kris wouldn't do that. He's a very straight forward person, he would say he didn't like you, then and said, 'Not my style'." 

She shrugged, "I don't know, but things didn't really end up in good terms. Thanks for trying Krystal, but I think I'll be better off looking for my own match."

"I have another guy if you want." Krystal nudged, "This time, he's not that good looking or tall, but he is very cute." 

"Just cute?" She questioned, "I'm not looking for just cute. I'm looking for a man, okay?"

"But this guy is pure gold! He looks like a little lost baby."

"Yeah, I'm not down to look like his older sister or his mother." She spat when her phone began to ring. Looking at the caller id, she scratches her head, "Hm, weird. I don't remember this phone number." 

As she picked it up she looked at Krystal confused, "Hello? Yes, this is her."

Listening to the other voice on the phone, she gives a glare at Krystal, "How did you get my number? From Krystal?" She smacks her friend on the shoulder, "Listen, I'm sorry but I'm not interested and I know you're not either. Let's just let it all go and act like nothing happened. No need to call me and ask me for forgiveness because I said what I wanted to say."

"What is he saying?" Krystal whispered next to her when she nudged her.

"What? No, I'm hanging up. Bye."

She brushed her hair over her head, "Why did you give him my number? I told you I didn't like him."

Krystal bit her lips, "Well, that was before you said you hated him. He called me right after you left and told me he liked you and asked for you number so of course I thought it ended in good terms."

She shook her head, "Whatever. I'm not going to meet him again and if he calls or texts, I won't respond. If things get out of hand, I'll change my number or call the police because I'm not down to see him again." 

"Are you sure about that?"

She froze at the voice behind her when she turned around. Krystal waved, "Hey Kris."

Kris leaned on the wall and gave her a smirk, "I said I'm outside and told you to come out, why aren't you listening to me?"

She shrugged, "I don't see a reason to talk to you. If you excuse me, I am busy with work so please leave."

As she brushed against him, he grabbed her arm and smiled at her, "Hey Krystal, I'm going to go borrow her for a few minutes so cover for her, okay?"

As Kris brought her outside, she released herself from him, "What are you doing barging in on someone's work place. If the boss knows about this I'm fired." She glanced at him, "What do you want? I thought I told you I don't want to do anything with you. We went over this a couple of times, you know." 

He looked around, "Do you notice anything different?"

She looked and shrugged, "I don't know. What do you want me to look at?"

"Don't you see that there are no girls?"

Her eyes widened, "That's true. Where are they? What happened to all of them? Did you really bad mouth at them and they left?" 

He cocked an eyebrow, "I don't know if that's the right thing to say, but I did do something similar." He sulked, putting his hands in his pockets, looking up at the sky, "You were right by the way. I tried bad mouthing older people and loitering here and there to see if the girls would still like me for my personality, but they all left."

He sighed, "I guess it was really just for my looks and not for who I am."

"Why would you do that to yourself? You're not that kind of person." 

"And how do you know?" He eyed her, "You don't even know me. For all you know, I could be a cold hearted jerk who steals and eat babies." 

She took a step back, "For a fact I know you don't eat babies." He chuckled at what he said.

"But I do know that you're not a bad person. Like I said, Krystal is a really good friend of mine and if she said you're a real catch, I'm sure she's not wrong. I just feel like you're misunderstood."

He shurgged, "Who knows? Maybe I'm really misunderstood or maybe I'm really a jerk." He looked at her, "There's actually just one way to find out."

She eyed him, "How is that?"

"How about I ask you on a date? A real date this time. Not coming late or anything. I'll pick you up and maybe we can go eat dinner or catch a movie. I would like to get to know you and start over." He leaned ont he wall, "Besides, you made assumptions about me and I didn't get to make assumptions about you. It's only fair."

She brushed her arm, "I'm not sure. Like I said, you're not really my type."

"How would you know if you didn't even try?" He questioned.

She kept silent as she looked at the floor, kicking rocks beneath her feet.

"I'll show you that I don't yell at elders, loiter, steal, or even eat babies. How about that?" 

She gave him a small smile, "If you promise not to eat babies in front of me, I think I'll give it a try."

He laughed, "That would be a deal." He then leaned closer, "And maybe I'll show you why girls actually liked me in the first place."

She pushed him back, "You're coming a little too close." 

He took a step back, "Sorry." He then cleared his throat, "Girls girls girls they love me." He sang.

She raised an eyebrow, "This again?"

He just smiled, "Well, maybe just girl." He eyed her, "I'll just only show you my real side." 





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Chapter 1: just love it..don't know how to describe it.please put a sequel to this story!just jjang^_^
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 1: love itt <3
p3bbles #3
Chapter 1: Kris is so cute~ I can picture the whole scene in my head. Lolx.. u should continue the story, author-nim.
Parson #4
Chapter 1: Can you make a sequel I wanna see what happens next does she fall for him do they remain friends? It's a great story!
yixing_jongin99 #5
I luv Got7 & Exo!!! :)
I luv your story!!! :D
Chapter 1: Love it!! You should continue! I wanna see what happens next.
aylaisuf #7
Chapter 1: why did it end ????? it was soooo interesting..... u should continue that story!!!!! love it !!!!! ^.^ <3