Park View

Park View

Yesung lives in an apartment right across the park. 

From the window of his room, he can see the full view of the park. One of his hobbies is observing people, who always seem to be in the park. The familiar ones are…

Siwon, who likes to jog around the park every morning. No wonder he has a fit body.

Eunhyuk seem to have a hobby of climbing trees. Maybe that’s why he’s being teased “monkey”.

Shindong and Heechul often seen having a picnic every weekend. Heechul still maintained his iness though.

Sungmin would take his dog out for a walk in the park every now and then.

The park seem to be a meeting place for Kibum and Donghae when they go on a date.

Ryeowook, who would sit on one of the park benches. He would take out a paper and a ballpen and write a poem or compose a song. Every now and then, Ryeowook would smile or wave at Yesung. They both know each other’s hobbies.

The unfamiliar ones are…

“Omigawd! I see a couple making out. Actually, that’s normal but what’s not normal is that they’re 2 guys making out!!! They awfully look familiar…..OMIGAWD!!! IT’S KANGIN AND EETEUK!!!” Yesung freaked out as he found out that it was the president and vice president of the student council. He immediately closed the curtains and tried to erase the memory from his mind.

When Yesung finally gained the courage to open his curtains, he saw someone unfamiliar. This unfamiliar guy greeted and talked with Ryeowook for a while. They seem to know each other as there was no sense of unfamiliarity between them. Then the guy sat beside Ryeowook, pulled out a book and started reading. Both became quiet and absorbed in what they are doing.


It’s been a year since Yesung observed the unfamiliar guy, who is now a part of his familiar people list and named Kyuhyun. He observed that…

Kyuhyun would sit on the same park bench and read a book almost everyday with or without Ryeowook composing, writing and sitting beside him.

Kyuhyun got a dog, met Sungmin and both would talk while playing with the dogs.

Kyuhyun had some picnics with Shindong and Heechul.

Kyuhyun would jog with Siwon sometimes.

Kyuhyun even became friends with Eunhyuk and climbed trees with him.

Kyuhyun was there to make peace when Donghae and Kibum had a lover’s quarrel.
It was in the park that Kyuhyun met a nice girl, dated the said girl and even broke up with the girl. After the break up, Kyuhyun wouldn’t read a book. Instead, he would just sit there on the park bench and stare into space. This went on for a few days and to the point of ignoring his friends.

“He should snap out of it.” It was said with a Chinese accent. A Chinese guy named Hankyung has been Yesung’s roommate. Hankyung sometimes tend to observe when Yesung is observing. “Why don’t you do something about it?”

“I’m just an observer.” Yesung replied.

“Maybe you should start being IN the park instead of being OUT.” Hankyung advised. “Don’t you ever wonder what it would be like if you’re actually a part of their lives? In their daily routine? In the park WITH them?”

Yesung always wondered about those things. It should probably be time for him to step in the park and do something. He decided to make the first move and approached Kyuhyun. “Why don’t you just cry and move on? You’re simply wasting time by being heart broken, staring into space and doing nothing. You even hurt your friends by ignoring them while they are doing their best to be there for you.”

“Who are you to tell me what to do?” Kyuhyun glared at him. Never had Kyuhyun spared Yesung a glance in the past year and now, they are having eye contact with each other for the first time. It took Yesung’s breath away. Even though Kyuhyun was angry and glaring at him, Yesung found Kyuhyun really handsome.

“Just somebody who is concern.” Yesung reached out and touched Kyuhyun’s face. He wanted to make sure that he is really talking to Kyuhyun and that this is not just a dream.

Kyuhyun stopped glaring at Yesung. He is simply now staring at the stranger in front of him. Who is this guy that suddenly appeared right in front of him out of nowhere? At first, Kyuhyun didn’t like the guy because the guy seem to talk as if they know each other, as if he knows Kyuhyun really well. But now, he could just see the sincerity coming from the stranger.

“Kyuhyun, don’t be sad anymore. Your friends are sad seeing you like this. It’s sad to not see you smile.” Yesung took Kyuhyun’s hand and placed a handkerchief. “You’ll feel better after crying out though it’s a girly thing to do but it really works. Tomorrow, I don’t want to see you in this park without a smile.” With that, Yesung left but he didn’t directly go to his apartment. He knows that Kyuhyun is looking at him and he doesn’t want Kyuhyun to know where he lives. Not yet.


The next day…

“You’ve finally gone back to your normal self!!!” Ryeowook exclaimed as he saw Kyuhyun reading a book instead of staring into space.

Kyuhyun looked up from the book and smiled at Ryeowook. “Somebody told me to cry my heart out and gave me this handkerchief.” He pulled out the hanky from his pocket to let Ryeowook have a closer look on it. “I didn’t exactly follow his advice so this hanky is still clean. However, he said some things that made me feel better.”  // It’s sad not to see you smile. // That line flashed in his mind.

Ryeowook took the handkerchief. There was recognition on his face. “He bought this hanky when we went to the mall last week. Hey, you own this right?”

Kyuhyun thought that Ryeowook went crazy and talked to the air as he waved his hand with the handkerchief. He followed Ryeowook’s gaze and ended up staring at an apartment window with a familiar person standing there. “That’s him!!!” Kyuhyun exclaimed.

Yesung gave a small smile and waved at them before. Then Hankyung appeared beside him and waved at them enthusiastically before Yesung closed the curtains.

“That was Yesung. Hankyung is his roommate. All this time, I guess you never noticed how I would stare up at that window apartment.” Ryeowook said as he returned the hanky to Kyuhyun. “Yesung likes to observe the people in the park. He knows a lot of people, who often comes here in the park but he’s not friends with any of them except for me. I noticed him, approached him and befriended him so I’m quite surprise that he was the first one to approach you. You must be special to him. Oh, here he comes. Have a nice conversation!” Before Kyuhyun could ask Ryeowook to stay, Ryeowook dashed away really fast.

“It’s good to see you in your usual self again.” Yesung said as he sat beside Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun stretched out his hand with the hanky. “It’s clean. I didn’t use it. I didn’t need to cry last night. Your words were enough to make me feel better.”

Yesung took the hanky and placed it in his pocket. Then there was silence…

“How long have you been watching me?” Kyuhyun suddenly asked.

“About a year or so~”

“How long have you liked me?”

“What?” Yesung made a sudden turn of his head to look at Kyuhyun, only to find out that Kyuhyun’s face is quite closer than expected.

“Ryeowook said that I’m the only person you took the initiative to approach and that I must be special to you.” Kyuhyun smirked.

“And you believe what he says?” Yesung raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t see why not. He’s a good friend. Besides, you touched my face yesterday. Guys don’t normally do that to other guys who they meet first time, are you gay?”

Yesung never expected Kyuhyun to be so straightforward. “You’re awfully too close, you know?” Yesung moved to sit further away from Kyuhyun.

“Maybe I want to be this close.” Kyuhyun wrapped an arm around Yesung waist and pulled him closer.

“Stop it. I’m not gay and I don’t like you that way.” Yesung tried to push Kyuhyun away from him but he didn’t expect Kyuhyun to be too strong with that lithe form of body.

“Okay, so you’re probably not gay but you still like me anyway.” Kyuhyun said with confidence.

“Where the heck did you get that huge ego of yours?!?!” Yesung asked. He realized that even though he’s been observing Kyuhyun for a long time, there are a lot of things that he doesn’t know. Observing is really different from actually meeting and getting to know the person.


In the next few weeks…

“OMIGAWD!!! Yesung and Kyuhyun are making out in the park!!!” Although they are hidden behind the trees, Hankyung still has a great view of the kissing scene from the apartment window.


A/N: This turned out longer than expected but I hope you enjoyed every part of it ^^ Comments please?

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Chapter 1: Funny story hahaha
404 streak #2
Chapter 1: "omigawd~" XDDD this is so nice to read~ so sweet tooo~ >___<
Chapter 1: this is just too cute to handle i super love this ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
Chapter 1: Haha~ this was really cute. ^^
Chapter 1: So cute story! I love the ending - lol Hankyung XD
natsukoi #6
Chapter 1: this is really cute!! haha!
Chapter 1: I need a hanchul sequel for this XD Hankyung now as the observer XD Hihihi
kaimybae #8
Chapter 1: LOL, haha, this is funny XD