Dear Uncertainty,

Dear Uncertainty,

A/N whispers heavy on the dialogue! Not too good at descriptions either so sorry;; Wrote this because no inspiration for others stories (sorry;;) and because I've been writing a lot of angsty stuff (or well at least in my mind) so I want to write FLUFFY stuff:)

ps. cue cheesy Sehun+unrealistic plot!


"What are you doing Sehun?"

"Writing a letter," Sehun replies, scribbling a few more words on the sheet of paper.

"To who?" Lu Han asks, curiously peeking over the younger's shoulder.

"To the girl of my dreams."

Lu Han laughs, "That's cheesy."

"So what if it is?" Sehun responds, "It's the truth."


"Dear Uncertainty, 

Today is February 2nd; today marks our anniversary. Well technically, it's not an official anniversary, and please don't throw this letter out before you finish reading. I swear I'm not as creepy as I sound. One year before today was the first day I met you. You probably don't remember me; it's okay, no hard feelings, I didn't really expect you to. Anyway, I was at the little coffee shop you work at. You were wearing that unfashionable uniform they make all the employees wear, but somehow you still looked incredibly stunning. Your hair was in a ponytail, a few strands left astray, but that's okay it only made you look more y. Sorry was that weird? Is this getting weirder? I'll try and control myself more from now on.

Okay so where were we? Oh that's right, coffee shop. So, I was next in line to order my usual caramel frappé with extra cream, extra sugar, and extra caramel when this extremely rude man just stepped in front of me. I was in a fairly good mood, considering today was the start of my new dream job (I'm a model, by the way. Yeah, that's right. Does that score me any points? I mean, girls like guys who are models right? I have a six-pack if that means anything...okay so maybe it's a four-pack bordering on a no-pack...) so I didn't mind too much that the guy just cut in front of me, but then, and here's the good part, once he gets his coffee (black coffee, no sugar or cream or caramel by the way; horrible taste for a horrible man) he turns around and bumps into me, spilling his coffee in the process and says, "Sorry sport, didn't see you there." 

Can you believe that? I am 5 foot 11 inches, 5 freaking foot 11 freaking inches (model height as you know)! How could he not see me? I just stood there, in my drenched Armani suit, the coffee dripping down to my toes (my GUCCI shoes), when I realized that I did not get a proper apology from him. I was about to get out of line and give that man a piece of my mind, when I heard a rough-sounding voice yell out, "NEXT!" Do you know who that voice belonged to? If you guessed you, then yep you're right. YOU.

There I was, standing in line, thinking, "Ugh could my life get any worse?" when I hear your rough and gruff-sounding voice. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to hurt your pride or anything. "Rough and gruff" isn't meant to be an insult, it's a compliment. I found your voice oddly pleasantly appealing.

Anyway, I looked up, and I saw a rather petite looking girl, with curly black hair and dark eyes. The first thing that caught my eye was your face. Well, obviously (where else would I be looking?). You had a smile on your face that was so painfully and obviously fake. You didn't look mad, no, you looked nervous. I guessed that maybe it was your first day working there or you were just really bad with people. Have no fear, I was going to solve all those problems! I stepped right up to you, a friendly grin on my face, and said, "Why, hello there." You looked at me uneasily and asked what you could get me. I replied with, "How about you?" I saw you scowl, and call over your superintendent who then proceeded to tell me that I either order or get out. I laughed but then realized he was serious and would really throw me out. I ordered a caramel frappé, extra sugar, creamer, and caramel. Then I left.

And voila, that's the story of how I fell in love! 

Ha, just kidding. You didn't really think that was it, did you? I'm not one of those people who fall in love so easily; it takes time. So what really happened? Well, it's a long story so I'll give you the sparknotes* of it, and if you really want to know all of the (painfully cheesy) details then you can call me (@ xxx-xxxx-xxx) and ask me out for a cup of coffee. We can talk, amongst other things.

The second time we met was a complete accident, really, it was. I wasn't stalking you, I promise. I was at the grocery store shopping for my vegan and gluten-free recipes (because as a model I have a job to keep in tip-top shape you know?), but you do not understand how hard it is to do that. It's pretty easy to say, but then when you're at the store browsing through the aisles, and the meat aisle keeps calling your name, it isn't so easy anymore. I decided that one lb (or two, maybe 3, perhaps 4?) of samgyeopsal* wouldn't hurt my vegan diet too much. I grabbed the juiciest looking one and threw it into my basket. Well, I thought I did, but really I guess my toned (model) arms were too strong or something because I threw it too far, and the package happened to hit someone. Any guesses to who it was? Did you guess you? I bet you did, but you are WRONG. Nope, I didn't hit you. I hit your mother (and I feel terrible about it).

I at first didn't even notice there wasn't any meat in my basket. It only occurred to me that it was gone when a short lady behind me poked me in the back. I thought she wanted my autograph at first (I mean who wouldn't?) so I shooed her away, but she came right back and poked me again.

"Excuse me sir," she said, "But you seem to have misplaced your meat on my face."

Well that was embarrassing. I apologized quickly, and took the meat back after thanking her for returning it (and praying she wasn't going to press charges or go to the tabloids). It wasn't until later that I saw you again. You were next to your mother, examining her face.

"Mom, what happened to your face? Why does it look like someone smacked you?"

"Oh, it's nothing deary." Your mom replied, but the frown that appeared on your face said you didn't believe her.

"Mom, what happened?" You asked, and spoke more sternly this time (it was kind of a turn on to be honest).

"It's nothing." Your mom said, and then a couple of seconds later exclaimed, "Oh! I think we forgot the potatoes!"

It was a poor attempt to hide the fact that I hit her with a couple pounds of samgyeopsal, but nevertheless I am grateful. Tell your mom thank you for not suing me for smacking her with meat, and that I have now mastered the art of throwing meat in a cart.

So yeah, we didn't 'talk-talk' at the grocery store, but I did see a side of you I hadn't at the coffee shop. Not only did you have a gruff, rough voice, and almost get me kicked out of the shop, but you were also a caring daughter, with a mother who I am indebted to (once again I apologize for the meat mishap).

How did I fall in love with you then you ask? I didn't, well not yet at least. Falling in love is a long and tiresome process that I wish we could just skip ahead so we can do the bootychooty* or whatever they call it nowadays.

The third time I met you was at the park. And let me tell you, I almost had a heart attack when I saw you there. You were with a kid. A kid. You may think I'm stupid for thinking this but I thought the kid was yours, and my mind has this weird thing where it jumps to conclusions too fast and that led me to thinking that maybe you were married and this kid was yours. It gave me a slight heart attack. I have no idea why; it shouldn't have mattered to me, but for some reason it did. I later found out when the mother of the child came and picked up the kid, thanking you for the work well done.

That time I saw you I saw the understanding part of you. How you always seemed to know what the little kid wanted. What seemed like cries of pain to me were actually the kid singing, or it was the sign of a diaper needing to be changed. I saw the smile on your face when the little kid hugged you goodbye, how you tried to hide the look of worry on your face when you saw her fall, or the laughter you let out when you were playing together. This side of you made me notice you, like really notice you. Before they were just weird, coincidental encounters, but now they were pleasant memories, that I'd keep forever (unless I forget, because my mother tells me I have a terrible memory, but that's a different story).

Your probably wondering why I was at the park. Am I kid person? Do I like spending time with children (in a non-creepy way)? The answer is no.

Sorry, I do not.

I mean I like them, just not like that, if you know what I mean. I'm not a kid person, or a people person. Lu Han, my best bud, says that I have many talents, and that 'socializing' and 'people' are not one of them. Which I frankly think is ridiculous because, hello have you seen me (many times, actually, you just don't remember)? But who cares what Lu Han thinks? Ha, not me (well not too much anyway. Don't tell him I said that though).

The fourth time we met was at a concert. It was an EXO concert, that dumb band chicks seem to really dig, which of course is why I was there. I mean who doesn't love  chicks  EXO? Anyway the crowd was screaming, and jumping up and down in excitement while 12 boys onstage danced to a song called "Wolf." And let me tell you this, that song is probably the most unromantic song out there, but that night it was the most romantic. It was our song, kind of.

It was dark out, the only source of light being the stage, and those fanlights that everyone there seemed to have  except me. I mean, where do you even buy those things? Do they give them to you or something? Because I didn't receive one when I walked in.

And that's when I saw you. Not that you stood out or anything (okay maybe a little), it's just that you were the only familiar face I saw. I decided to come over and talk to you, which of course was easier said then done considering the huge crowd of girls (and like, one or two boys) screaming their heads of and flailing like a bunch of fish out of water. It was a treacherous journey; I almost got smacked in the face with a hand, but with my theme song "Wolf" playing in the background I knew I could do it.

I finally reached you, out of breath and wheezing, and I opened my mouth to start a conversation with you when what do you know, the song ends, and EXO exits the stage; some crazy people at the concert decide to run and I mean run straight at EXO. Thus encouraging other fans (yay, not) to run with them, which of course meant that we were both swept away in the crowd, my long hard fight to reach you completely wasted. Thank you, people at the concert who ruined my moment.

I tried to find you amongst the people but had no luck, and it wasn't until after the security had gotten a hold of the situation that I finally found you. You were talking to a girl who was crying, her arm was bent at a odd angle. You were comforting her and asking if there was a medic around. When she cried and told you she couldn't find her sister, and not to leave her, you didn't. Even when EXO came around the back all the others followed. You stayed, and helped her find her sister. This side of you I have to say may be my favorite, the compassionate side. The side that doesn't leave even though everyone else already has. You seemed perfect, so, so perfect.

The fifth time I met you I wished I hadn't. This isn't one of my more memorable moments, thinking of this one only brings me pain.

You were at the movies for some stupid cheesy chick-flick that was out, and no I didn't want to see it. Lu Han did, and he forced me to come along. He loves these movies, I don't know why but he does maybe it's cause he looks like a girl. whoops. Sorry, not sorry. I saw you in line buying popcorn and I was about to ask you if you wanted to sit together, but then a man, who was short with a slim build came and slung an arm of you. You laughed and nuzzled into his chest, he pecked your nose, and I almost threw up because ew get a room.

You sat in the 10th seat back, Lu Han and I sat in the 11th, right in behind you. Lu Han had asked me why, I  lied and told him it had a better view, but really I just wanted to keep an eye on you two. Halfway through the movie I had fallen asleep only to be awakened by quiet sobbing coming from Lu Han, apparently the girl had just found out her boyfriend had terminal cancer, and that they were planning to kill themselves together so they wouldn't have to live without one another (Lu Han told me after the movie ended when I asked what happened).

I decided to get some fresh air and I headed out to the concession stand. That's where I saw it. You and your boyfriend were arguing, there was another girl too. Tall and pretty, but I bet she wasn't as fun around to be as you. She was off to the side filing her nails, I almost didn't even know she was part of the argument until your boyfriend, (or should I say the cheater-mc-cheatster?) pulled her over by her waist and kissed her.

I froze, and so did you. The look on your face I will always remember. The mixed emotions I saw flash through your eyes, anger, sadness, betrayal, disappointment. I saw your jaw clench, your fists bunched up in your shirt, the watery eyes, and the slight tremble of your bottom lip. I wanted to step in, and tell the guy off, tell him he just made the biggest mistake of his life, but I knew that wouldn't do either of us any good. Besides, you're strong, I knew you could handle this.

This is where I saw your strong side, the side where I remembered that you, just like everyone else is not perfect. But it's those slight imperfections that make people like you more.

You stood your ground, but I knew you wanted to run away. A soft chuckle escaped your lips, and you told them you wished them the best. Then they left, without so much as a sorry or goodbye, I saw you walk to the arcade and hop on a game. Tears streaked down your cheeks as you played, only to have you quickly wipe them away.

I think this is where I might have fallen in love, but who knows? Maybe it was the first day I met you or maybe the many times after that. All I know is that I feel I can't hold it in any longer. I have to let it out, let the world know that I, Oh Sehun, like you. Yes, I may be a model, with stunning looks, and abs, but I can't seem to let this go. First I thought maybe it was just a physical attraction, or one of those once and done things, but the more sides of you I saw the more I wanted to know.

So hopefully throughout this letter I haven't sounded too creepy, and hopefully I made you want to know more about me, because I want to know more about you.

I'll leave you with this cliffhanger, wanting to know about the mysterious Oh Sehun, and how he fell in love (if I am in in love that is. Love is a complicated thing, who even knows if I am?).

I wrote this letter as "Dear Uncertainty", because one, I don't really know your name, and two, who knows how this'll end. When I hand you this letter will you read it? Toss it? Read it then toss it? Even if you accept my feelings, who knows how we'll end up. Things could end horribly and both of us will go our separate ways, or things could end nicely, but we still separate. We could even end up getting married one day, who knows?

You may wonder how I can maybe/maybe not fall in love with someone I barely know but it's possible. It's weird and strange, and definitely dangerous, I know. But it's like being a little kid all over again and seeing all your dreams in front of you and how they seem so impossible and far away, and all you can do is hope and dream that they come true.

But here I am, in my early 20s and I've accomplished those dreams that seemed so impossible back then. So maybe the idea of us being together isn't so impossible either?  

I'm willing to give this, us, a chance. Are you?

Dear Uncertainty, will you be my girlfriend?"






"Hello sir, do you need something?" You asked, as a man approached you. Sharp jawline, and a smirk adorning his lips. He looked quite intimidating, but also just like one of those kids in class who are full of surprises and make you want to laugh.

"My name is Oh Sehun. I'm 24 years old. I like macaroni and swiss cheese on rye. My favorite movie is Scary Movie 4, and I'm afraid of robots taking over the world. I'm an only child, who doesn't have the best relations with his parents. I've been told I'm difficult to live with but that my dashing looks and good humor make up for it. Ever since I was 6 years old I wanted to be a model, even after everyone told me I couldn't be. I've finally achieved my dream but there's one more thing I want," the man takes a deep breath, and looks at you. His brown eyes staring into yours. The smirk gone, and is replaced with one of nervousness, his hands fidgeting. It's almost cute how nervous he seems. "It's you."

"W-what?" You ask startled that a complete stranger is talking to you and spouting random facts about themselves at you.

"" The boy known as Sehun says. "I really, really like you."

It takes you awhile to register what he just said. The wheels in your head spinning. "But we don't know each other," You say simply after awhile. "You're a complete stranger."

Sehun grins, "I didn't hear a no." 

Your cheeks turn red, and the blush runs up your face. You aren't used to random guys confessing their feelings to you on a Sunday evening, in the middle of February, in the rain. With your hair a mess and flopped on your head in a messy bun, your shirt-tails untucked, and your makeup undone.

He hands you a thick blue envelope and smiles.

"While you're waiting and thinking of all the reasons as to why you shouldn't like me back, read this letter. Besides, we're not strangers, we've met many times before."

Before you can even say a word back, or tell him that again you've never met before he pulls his hood up and jogs away. You debate whether you should run after him but decide against it. Why run after a complete stranger in the rain?

"Babe, what are you doing outside?" Your boyfriend Jongin asks, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. 

"Nothing really..." You mumble, smoothing the envelope in your hands "Some strange man just ran over to me and gave me this letter. "

Jongin peers over your shoulder curiously, "Well are you going to read it?"

You shrug your shoulders, "Maybe."

"Oh well then how about we go get a bite to eat while you decide? Noodle shop sound good to you?" Jongin asks.

You grin, and nod your head, "Sounds like a plan."

You stuff the letter into your pocket, the mysterious boy from before pushed to the back of your head. Both maybe forever forgotten.  

Maybe you'd accidentally put your jacket through the wash, the letter's words getting washed away in suds. Perhaps you'd drop it on the dirty streets on the way to the noodles shop. Or maybe you'd never read it and toss it away as soon as you got home. But maybe, just maybe one day you'd read it and smile. To know someone could write such beautiful things about you without ever really having a proper introduction. To know that someone thought of you as they fell asleep. Or that you were the reason they couldn't sleep.

But who knows? Maybe you'd fall in love with a boy named Sehun. And maybe he'd fall in love with you too (and maybe he already had). 



A/N OKAY I AM NOT PROUD OF THAT ENDING! :( I really don't like it. I wanted it to end as more of "reader's choice" i hate when authors do that tho...but then it ended up like this and I guess it's still uncertain but like ugh i hate it. I may tweak it later or write an alternative ending.

*sparknotes, is an online American study tool for literature classes, and it's literally a life saver for any high school student. Especially when you read shakespeare/old literature. It basically summarizes+gives you character charts for the stories+the storie's themes+setting+plot. Shmoop is also like sparknotes. Of course reading the book is always more reliable but some old style writing is hard to understand.

*samgyeopsal, is a fat slices of pork belly.

*bootychooty, i think y'all know what that means.

*crossed out lines are there on purpose.

*This was fun and kind of spur of the moment. I really did have fun writing this. it was supposed to be funny but I have a really cheesy and bad humor. lol Happy (late) Valentine's day!



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Onepenny #1
Chapter 1: Am I a bad person? When I saw this line I thought maybe it could become a M rated story lmao sorry. "Excuse me sir." she said, "But you seem to have misplaced your meat on my face."
Chapter 1: Sehun and his imaginations...we'll not really but like..u know what I mean right??
This is by far the most hilarious oneshot I've ever read. Wow. I applaud you, author-nim!! 너는 짱이다~~~ the ending though... ㅠㅠ is there a chance of this having a sequel? ;;
Chapter 1: Haha! I loved all the humor in this story. The ending where she had a boyfriend kind of upset me though; Sehun put so much thought into that letter! Anyways, Keep up the good work, author-nim! ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
Heyinpiniteu #5
Chapter 1: I totally support this story !:-))