When You Were My Man

When You Were My Man


Gif not mine. Credits to owner.

"Do you want to dance?"

Youngjae lend out a hand in front of her when she gradually took it.

"Of course."

As he led her to the center of the dance floor, she gently moved her body with his. A smile appeared on her face when she accidently stepped onto his shoes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"Finally." Youngjae chuckled, looking at her, "You're finally going back to yourself."

"What do you mean?"

He looked at her, "You were trying to be all poised today and I didn't like it. I want you to be all clumsy and cute again. It's weird seeing you act like someone different." 

"I was worried you might get embarrassed of me. I mean come on, I'm not part of a rich family like you and I feel so out of place. I felt like if I became poised and looking rich, I might not embarrass you." 

His eyes softened, "You will never embarass me. I like you just the way you are. If I was embarassed of you, I wouldn't have invited you to this party." 

"Why did you invite me, then?" She curiously asked, looking up at him.

"First, because you're my girlfriend." She chuckled hearing his words. "And second of all, I know you like to dance. Especially ball room dancing." 

She looked up at him, "Really?"

"I see you looking at these videos online and trying to memorize it yourself, I'm not dumb." He pinched her cheeks, "Right?" 

She looked down, covering her face with her hair, not wanting to let Youngjae see her red face, "Right."

"The real dance is coming up soon, so let's show everyone what we got. Right now, I have to go to a meeting for the branch we're going to merge with next week. You'll be okay alone, right? Or do you want to come with me? It'll be boring, though."

She shook her head, "Of course you have to do your business. I'm fine. I'll just be eating and watching others dance." She winked, "And maybe I'll learn more dances so we can take over the dance floor later."

He laughed, kissing her cheek, "And what if we don't?"

She shrugged, "I'll just accidently step on their feet." 

Youngjae laughed again, petting her head gently, "Okay, I'll be back real soon. I'll call you if anything else happens, okay?"

She gave him an 'ok' sign, "I'll see you later."

As she saw Youngjae disappear from the crowd, she looked around the ballroom. It was big, roomy, and very beautiful. Everything was organized gently and she couldn't help her excitement when she was finally at this placce. She was shocked when Youngjae asked her to come, but then again, she was grateful that he did.

Siipping on the champagne gently, she looks around the crowd to see a familiar face across the floor. The tall lean man with brown hair had his legs crossed as he sipped on the wine.

Looking around the crowd, he looks at her and they both make eye contact. Seeing her, a smile lits up his face as he gently waves at her. Feeling the warmth, she gently walks over the dancefloor and walks up to him.

"Chanyeol." She saw him stand up, "It's good to see you here. I didn't know you came to these parties." 

Chanyeol smiled, "It's good to see you here too. Yeah, my father's business is wanting to merge with another branch from this company. How did you get here?"

"My boyfriend is the song of the branch your dad wants to merge with. Wow, isn't that a coincidence?" She asked when Chanyeol rubbed the back of his neck.

"It sure is." He looks at her, "I see you are doing well. You seem happier." 

She blushed, pulling her hair behind her ear, "You think so?"

"Yeah, you look much happier than you were when you were with me." He whispered.

She looks up at him, feeling the awkward tension rise, "Yeah, thanks."

"I see he's treating you well, right?"

"Of course. He's great. He's very nice and he treats me well." She fiddled her fingers, "Did you find someone new as well?"

Chanyeol shook his head, "I don't think I'll be looking for anyone anytime soon. I mean, I already lost one, I'm not down to lose more."

"I'm sorry, but you should find other girls too."

Chanyeol chuckled, "I was just playing with you." He touched her shoulders, "I hope you weren't offended."

She shook her head.

He released himself from her, "But no I don't have anyone. I've been quite busy and I haven't met the right one for me yet. I'm sure she'll come sooner or later."

She nodded, touching her hair.

"It was your birthday recently, correct?"

Her eyes lit up, "Yeah, it was my birthday."

"Happy belated birthday." He whispered, "What did your boyfriend get you?"

"He bought me flowers." She let out a small smile, "Tulips, my favorite."

Chanyeol cocked his head, "I didn't know you liked flowers." His eyes softened, "I'm glad he got you something you really liked."

"Yeah, he sure did." She looked around for Youngjae when he wasn't near. As she sighed, Chanyeol fiddled his fingers.

"I'm glad you're doing well, though. It's great to see you happy again." 

"I see you're doing well, too." She pointed out.

He shrugged, "Ah, could be better but I'm getting there."

As they both smiled to each other, she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

Turning around, she sees Youngjae with a bright smile, "Sorry I'm late."

She shook her head, "It's okay. Oh, Youngjae, this is Park Chanyeol. He's my--" She stopped for a moment, not knowing how to introduce them together.

"I'm Park Chanyeol, the son of Sun's Corporation and ~~~~~~'s friend. It's nice to meet you. I see you are her boyfriend. Congratulations, she sure is a keeper."

Youngjae shook Chanyeol's hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Yoo Youngjae, the son of Moon's Corporation. I'm glad you know my girlfriend well. Yes, you are right, she sure is a keeper." He gave her a peck, "If it's not a hassle, is it okay if we go to the dance floor? I promised her I would dance with her."

Chanyeol eyed her, "I didn't know you  liked to dance."

She smiled, "Yeah, I really like to ball room dance. It's been quite a while since I've been interested." 

Chanyeol nodded, "I see." He looked at Youngjae, "It was a pleasure to meet you. I hope our families will be able to make a big corporation with you." He looked back at her, "It was nice seeing you again. You guys should go dance now, I have business to take care of."

As Chanyeol walked off, Youngjae lend out a hand towards her, "Would you like to dance, my lady?"

She laughed and took it, getting pulled to the dance floor. As she gently moved her body with his, her eyes followed Chanyeol as he stood by the door.

He was swirling the wine class between his fingers and looked up, closing his eyes and breathing hard. She couldn't tell if he was tired or if he was in a train of thoughts.

"What's wrong?" Younjgae questioned.

"Nothing, I was just looking at other dancers." She lied as she couldn't stop staring at Chanyeol.

As Chanyeol glanced towards her, he gave her a small smile and rose his wine glass towards her, as he put his hands in his pockets and walked out the door.

Feeling his lonely back stare into her, she looks back at Youngjae and gives him a small smile.

I hope you buy her flowers and hold her hand.

Give her all your hours when you have the chance.

Take her to every party cause all she wanted to do was dance.

Do all the things you should've done, when you were my man. 

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khaniaNYN #1
Chapter 1: Cool story ^3^
This is my favourite song from Bruno Mars and you made something based on it ♥ brilliant! 2 thumbs up~
zelover_ #3
Chapter 1: i love it ! ^^
last-sowon #4
Chapter 1: Amazing <3
20 streak #5
Chapter 1: nice story, thumbs up! ^^
Chapter 1: I really love this story. Please write more story in the feature! :)