The Answer Is You

The Answer Is You

                Hakyeon looks at himself one last time before heading out the door. He pulls out his phone and reads the new text message Hongbin sent him.

                “Hyung, this is for your own good. You need to stop moping around and thinking about her. You need to see other people. Remember the date is at 7 at the Café Fin. Have fun and don’t be late hyung!”

Hakyeon scoffed at the message as he slips his phone back in his pocket and he hails a cab. On the way to the café, he starts to feel nervous. This is the first time he’s started seeing other people since you two broke up 3 months ago. All he did in those 3 months was play sad love songs that made him cry and sleep all day. His dongsaengs were fed up of watching their oldest hyung waste his life away. So Hongbin set up a blind date for him and forces him to go.

                Hakyeon arrives 5 minutes early so he finds a table and sits down to wait. He looks around to see if he could find the girl whose name he just can’t remember for some reason.

Five minutes pass and someone stands in front of him. He looks up to see a pretty girl with long brown wavy hair. She smiles and says

“Hello, are you Cha Hakyeon by any chance?” He quickly stands and bows.

“Yes, that is me. And you must be…” he pauses trying to remember her name.

“Im Eunmi” she bows.

Hakyeon slides out her chair for her as she takes her seat. She doesn’t stop smiling. Hakyeon kicks himself as he regrets not remembering her name. What kind of idiot doesn’t remember his date’s name?

As they order their food, Hakyeon takes in all her features. She really is quite pretty he agrees to himself. He notices a small black mole under her right eye and notices how cute it looked on her. Then he remembers you, the small mole on the right side of your mouth that he always jokingly teased you for looking like a spot of chocolate on your face. He thought it was cute nonetheless and would always receive playful slaps in the arm whenever he joked about it. He smiles to himself remembering your pretty face and your almond shaped eyes. They were similarly shaped like Eunmi’s eyes. He notices how her eyes are covered with a layer of make-up similar to yours. His mind starts to wander thinking about you.


             “Yah, what’s taking so long?!” Hakyeon yells down the hall, “we’re supposed to meet up with Jaehwan and Wonshik in 10 minutes and you aren’t even ready yet!” He continues yelling. You don’t respond so he gets up and forces his way into the bathroom. “What are you doing?!” you yell as the door hits you in the back. “Ah, I hate how small this bathroom is” he says, “what’s taking you so long? What could be so important that you’re gonna make us late?” He stares at you as you carefully apply your make-up. “I have to make sure my make-up is good.” You say as you steadily apply the black eye liner on your top lid. “Why do you fuss so much about your make-up, I don’t even like it.” the last part he says in almost a whisper. You stop what you’re doing and look at him. “You don’t like it?” you say with sadness in your voice. “I don’t mean it like that, I mean you’re prettier without it.” “Really? But I don’t really like the way my eyes look without it.” You stare at your eyes in the mirror. “Your eyes are beautiful just the way they are. No need for make up.” He says as he kisses your cheek. “Now come on, before Jaehwan starts calling me 10 times asking where we are.” He kisses you again as he leaves the bathroom.

                Hakyeon snaps himself back to reality as the waiter walks away to get your orders. Eunmi just smiles at him and he smiles back. She is first to break the silence.

“So, Hakyeon-ssi, Hongbin-ssi tells me you are amazing at singing.”

“Umm, yeah. I mean I like to sing, but I don’t know if I’d call it amazing.” He says as he laughs.

“Do you ever go to noraebangs often?” she asks.

“Yes, I do sometimes. My friends and I go there to have “bad singing competitions” once in a while.” He says with a smile.

“Oh really? What is that?” She says intrigued. Hakyeon pauses, remembering all the times you, Hongbin, Jaehwan, Taekwoon, Wonshik, Sanghyuk and himself would go to the noraebang and have such a great time.

“Well, we would all try and sing songs as badly as we can and see who can sing the worst out of all of us. It’s usually Jaehwan that wins because he is a gags genius and always finds some way to win it all.”

“Hmm, well maybe we should go try it out sometime.” She offers. He suddenly feels a pain in his stomach. He remembers that the idea came from you and now the group doesn’t do it anymore. It wasn’t the same without you there.

“Sure, it’ll be fun.” He says with a forced smile.

“What else are you good at doing?” She asks.

“Well, I can tell you one thing, I’m not good at cooking.” She laughs and asks why. Hakyeon remembers. He remembers almost burning down your apartment because he burned pancakes. He remembers you making fun of him for his bad cooking skills.


                BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The smoke detector goes off as smoke starts to fill your apartment. “Quick! Open a window!” You yell as you run towards the kitchen. Hakyeon runs to open the windows to let the smoke out. “Oppa, what did you do?!” you ask as you turn the stove off and remove the very black circles burning in the pan. He roughly scratches the back of his head. “Ahh, I’m sorry. I thought… maybe I would make you some pancakes… but then they…and I couldn’t… ahh…I’m sorry.” You just laugh at his frustration and clean up the mess he left in the kitchen. After all the smoke cleared, you walk over to him and give him a hug. “How about we just eat some ramen. I’ll cook this time.” You say as lead him back into the kitchen. “I’ll even show you how to cook it correctly.” You joked. “Yah! I know how to make ramen!” he says as he grabs a pot. “Sure you do.” You joke again as you both laugh.


                “I burnt a lot of stuff in my life. So I tend to stay away from the kitchen as much as I can.” Hakyeon says as the waiter puts the food on their table. Eunmi giggles to herself as they dig into their food.

During the middle of their date, it starts raining outside. The rain is heavy and consistent. After a few minutes, lightening can be seen in the sky, and then thunder following after it.

“It’s getting really bad out there.” Eunmi says as she looks out the window. Hakyeon only nods, as he is thinking about how scared you get during bad storms like this. He thinks about how he comforts you and sings you to sleep as you cry in his arms. He feels sadness inside him. He misses holding you close. He misses whispering sweet words of comfort in your ear making you stop crying. He misses all of it. He shakes himself from his thoughts and forces himself to listen to Eunmi. He can’t be thinking about you now. Especially, since he’s trying to get over you. He makes a comment about how pretty her matching necklace and earrings are.

“Thank you.” she says as she shows him a matching bracelet that goes with it.

“I have a really bad habit of buying too many accessories.” She confesses.

 “I always tell myself to stop but I never do.” She laughs. She continues talking, but Hakyeon doesn’t hear it. He doesn’t hear it because he is too busy thinking about how you have a really bad habit of biting your nails when you get stressed or anxious. He shakes out his thoughts again.

“Do you want to try some of my shrimp?” he offers.

“No thanks, I’m allergic.” She says with a smile.

“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t know,” his voice fades.

“It’s okay. Do you have any food allergies?” Eunmi asks.

“No, but I’m allergic to cats.” He says as he sticks the shrimp in his mouth.

“Do you have a really bad reaction to them?”

“Yes, if I breathe in the hair, my throat starts to swell and I can’t breathe. Once, I had to be rushed to the emergency room because it was so bad.” Hakyeon explains. He stops and thinks about that time. It was your cat that caused him to have an allergic reaction. He forgot to tell you about his allergy and was rushed to the ER.

“That must have been terrible.” She says. He didn’t think it was that bad since you were there with him. You held his hand as the nurse gave him medicine.

Hakyeon is getting frustrated. Everything he is saying about himself involves you. Everything about him, what he does, what he likes. It all led back to you. How can he possibly move on when all he’s doing is talking about you.

At this point, he isn’t even listening to her anymore. He’s looking at her but his mind is somewhere else. Her words don’t reach his ears. He’d hear bits and pieces of what she’s saying but all he could think about was you.

“my brother…” she says, but he thinks about how your brother hated him the first time they met, but slowly got used to him.

“new perfume…” he thought about how your perfume smelled of warm vanilla.

“coffee…” you took your coffee with 3 creamers and 4 sugars.

“best friend…” your best friend moved away when you were 16.

Thoughts of you were endlessly running through his mind. They won’t stop, he’s trying to clear his head but they won’t stop…

“So what about you?” She asks as she looks at him. He wasn’t paying attention and blinks at her. 

“Sorry, what was that?” he says.

“I asked, what do you like to do on your free time.” She smiled.

“Oh, I like to ride my bike to the park sometimes.” He says.

“Really? Me too! I like having picnics there when the weather is nice.”

Picnic. He remembers the time you two went on a picnic and got rained on. You both ran for cover under a pavilion. He remembers it well because that was the day he told you he loved you.

He is fighting with himself in his head. He starts to feel sad and lonely the more she talks. He sees her smile and laugh but doesn’t do the same. He feels guilty because she is so nice and he can tell she really likes him, but the feelings aren’t mutual. He feels sick to his stomach and just sits there and doesn’t say a word for 20 minutes.

“Are you feeling okay?” Eunmi finally asks, “you don’t look so good.” As she reaches over and feels his forehead. He flinches a little and moves away from her hand.

“I just have a little headache is all.” He lies.

“If you want, we can end this date a bit early, if your head hurts.”

“Are you sure? I feel bad if it has to end early.” He lies again.

“No, no it’s okay. You should go home and rest.” She smiles. Hakeyon sighs to himself. He needed to end this date before he got even more sick.

He helps Eunmi hail a cab and sends her off.

“Are you sure you’re gonna be okay going back by yourself?” she asks.

“Yes, I’ll be fine. Get home safe. “he says as he shuts the cab door close.

Hakyeon starts walking home in the rain. He doesn’t care that he’s getting wet. He doesn’t care that the date ended early. He just doesn’t care anymore. He’s angry, sad, frustrated and his chest hurts. His pace starts speeding up faster and faster to the point where he is running down the street not knowing where he is going. His feet lead him to your doorstep. He stands there breathing heavily hoping you are home. He knocks on the door, trying to catch his breathe. You open the door, surprised that an exhausted, drenched Hakyeon is on your doorstep.

“Why are you here Hakyeon?” you ask in a monotone voice. Even though you ask the question, you know the answer. Hakyeon knows the answer. Anyone that knows you guys would know the answer. It’s the same answer he gave Eunmi question after question that was asked. It’s the only answer Hakyeon only seems to know.

He stands there still breathing heavily, staring into your eyes. The rain continues to pour on top of him. You know what he’s gonna say. You know exactly what he is gonna say because the answer is,






a/n: hello! this is my first one shot/story like ever. i'm just trying out writing fanfiction to see how i like it. i hope you enjoy ^^




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SheKyuMustNotBeNamed #1
Chapter 1: Oh my Gooosh, this was totally lovely and all sorts of well written! Really. Chapeau. Oelr whatever you'd say for the utmost respect. If this is the first piece you've ever written, then I'll just admire you for that. The atmosphere, concept, the characters (even Eunmi, and I guess that's the point: she seems lovable but is still not his ex), the perspective (so fitting!), the details, I really liked them a lot!
I couldn't stop reading and though I'm content with the twist and the ending (classy, hoe you leave that open for imagination), I can only look forward to more of your stories. If you want to write again. You should. :D *makes N act cutely to convince you*
Chapter 1: for a first, its good enough
Chapter 1: Great story. That real love when everything you talk about makes you think of that person.
shidragon #5
Chapter 1: Screammssssss you are great idk why you were so worried.
Tomboy84 #6
Chapter 1: It was a great one shot! It was really sweet!