I Just Want To See You

I Just Want To See You

Disclaimer: Not mine. And never will be ;A;


Yixing heaved a tired sigh as he followed Kris into the waiting area of Beijing Capital International Airport.

He stopped for second while Kris asked for directions and pulled his phone out of his pocket and pressed the button to activate the screen.


You have no new messages.

You have no missed calls.


And dammit, his balance was low.


He heard Kris thanking whoever he was asking for help and heard him turn around and say

“You wanna use the restroom? I need a quick refreshening.”


Yixing tore his eyes from his phone, waved his free hand in front and replied, “Nah, you go. I'll watch over the luggage.”

“Thanks, man”


Yixing watched his friend walk off across the area to the men's restrooms and smiled as the leader mirrored his previous actions with his phone. Only he tried calling from his phone to hang up a few seconds later looking dejected.


Poor Kris, thought Yixing, laughing quietly before sitting down on one of the metal chairs with a groan. He pulled their luggage closer to his feet and relaxed against the chair, leaning his head back on the support.

The events during the past one week flashed through his mind and he gently closed his eyes trying to picture the day they had left for China.


He remembered Tao clinging to Kris in their room, hugging him, pleading with him not to go and Kris laughing at Tao's silliness, gently disentangling him and telling a tearful Tao that he'd return fast.


He remembered Chanyeol hugging and wishing them both a happy journey and Baekhyun clapping a hand on both their shoulders and declaring the list of items he wanted as souveniers.


He remembered Jongin and Sehun helping them with their luggage, huffing slightly while grinning, Kyungsoo packing them something to eat along the way for their early flight and Luhan muttering in Mandarin how lucky they were to go to their homeland even if it's for work.


But mainly, he remembered the other leader at the doorway, dilligently crossing out a mental checklist of the things they should be carrying and the things they should be saying at the interview.

Kris had waved him off genially, telling Suho to “take it easy” and “we'll be fine”. Suho had given him a quick hug and Yixing had heard Kris whisper something about Tao to the shorter man. Suho had nodded, smiling gently at Kris and had pushed him out the door with a cheerful “Have a good trip!”


Then he turned around and, suddenly, Yixing didn't want to leave.

He didn't want to say goodbye even though he'd he be back in a few days. He didn't want to get out of bed without hearing Suho's chiding words telling him it was time to wake up.


He wanted to hear Suho's gentle voice when talking to s whether it was about housework duties or advising them about their problems or helping during practice.

He wanted to see Suho's affectionate smile when he was with their EXO family.

But above all, he wanted to see Suho's smile for him.


“Yixing, you should get going now”, Suho's words had pierced through his thoughts.

“Yeah, I guess I should”, Yixing had replied, hauling his packback onto his shoulders and moving out through the front door.


Suho had followed him out and the rest of the members were slowly coming out as well. Yixing could hear their early morning squabbling and wondered in amazement how his roommate took care of the bunch.


“Well, then, I'll be off”, Yixing had said softly and was about to turn away when Suho reached out for him and pressed himself against the taller man's chest.

It was as if time stopped and for that one moment, Yixing had felt nothing but them exist.

Then time resumed its duty and Suho had released him but not without a quiet “Come back soon”.


Yixing was sure he felt the other man's lips graze his cheek and had hoped there was no visual indication of his burning cheeks.

He had managed to let out a husky, “I will”, before clearing his throat to shout out a “Bye, guys! See you in three days!”


That had been six days ago.

They had attended the interview and had run into some old friends. The prospect of spending some precious moments with them was too tempting so they had managed to postpone their return trip.


Yixing had been concerned with Tao accepting the news readily and when he had voiced his thought, Kris had laughed it off saying that Tao would understand.

But he had often caught Kris looking worriedly at his phone and silently snickered thinking about the tantrum Tao must be throwing by then.


They had managed to relay the information that their return trip would be delayed somehow through the breaking connection and after that they had not managed to get a good connection on their phones. Neither did they try too much with the amount of fun they were having with their old mates.


They did call home on their last day from the hotel recepetion, however, to tell them their flight timing and Yixing felt a pang of longing when he heard Suho answer the call.


“Ah, so you'd be reach home by- hold on- around 10 – 10:30 at night?”, Suho had asked.


“Yeah”, Yixing had replied, “Hyung, what are you doing?”, he asked when he heard Suho grunt slightly.


“Carrying the groceries. Speaking of food, should we leave out dinner for you guys?”


“Wait, I'll ask Kris. Hey”, Yixing had turned away from the reciever to ask Kris who was standing behind him checking their luggage, “Will we be having dinner at home or what?”


Instead of replying, Kris had just spoken into the receiver, “No dinner for us. We'll eat and come.”

And then, he turned away to help get the luggage loaded into the taxi.


Yixing had smiled into the reciever, “Well, you have your answer, hyung!”, he exclaimed and had felt his heart pound a little harder when he heard Suho chuckle.


His train of thought was abruptly broken when he heard his flight being announced and listened for the gate number. Kris was already picking up his backpack off the floor, gesturing to Yixing to get up.


In a matter of twenty five minutes, they were seated in the plane and before he knew it, they were in the air.

He turned away from the dark window to see Kris listening to music, eyes closed serenely, his fingers thrumming lightly on his thighs the only indication of him being awake.


Yixing turned towards the window again and once again got lost in his thoughts.


It was silly, but the only thing he could think about right then was the day when Suho tried wake him up and Yixing had caught his hand shaking him awake and pulled him down on to his torso.

“Joonmyeon, five more minutes”, he had muttered, sleepily.


It was worth opening his eyes to see Suho's expression.

His cheeks were red and he had a dazed look in his eyes and his mouth was agape in bewilderment.

Yixing had playfully closed his mouth with a gentle upward swipe of his hands and an amused grin and Suho had sputtered unintelligably.


“Yixing, get up now!”, Suho had managed to stammer out while lifting himself off the younger man.

It was cute how his cheeks turned red every time they locked eyes that day. Baekhyun had kept asking loudly if Suho had a fever and that he could take over as leader if the other wasn't feeling well. Suho had firmly declined, avoiding Yixing's eyes.


The memory dissolved to form another one and Yixing remembered it as a lazy Sunday morning when even Suho had slept in a bit.

He had woken up first and turned to his right to see Suho stirring slightly, sleepy eyes cracking open and, without thinking, he had outstretched his right arm to softly his soft cheek.


JoonMyeon”, he had whispered.


Suho was more awake then and, for a moment, he had looked almost curiously at Yixing before shyly grabbing the hand on his cheek and smiling brightly at him.

Yixing never thought he could be blinded by a smile and right then, he wanted nothing more than to soak in the warmth of Suho's smile.


“Good morning”, Suho had mumbled his voice slightly hoarse. He was getting up, throwing back the covers and smoothening it down.


“Good morning, sunshine”


The words had slipped out of Yixing's mouth before he could stop them.

Suho had swung around at the greeting and Yixing could see his cheeks were stained pink.

It was ridiculously cute.


Suho was coming near him and Yixing knew it was to get him up so he had begun propping himself up on his elbows with all the determination in the world to get up when Suho sat down on his bed near his waist.

As Yixing looked at him in surprise, Suho had placed a hand on his risen chest and leaned in to kiss him firmly on his mouth.

Get up, Yixing”


Suho had whisked away almost immediately, but Yixing had caught a small smile on his face.

He could get used to being woken up this way.


They had been smiling secretively at each other the whole day, so much that Baekhyun had dubbed them the “Mona Lisa hyungs”.

Tao had been persistently asking Suho about their secret, even showing his cute pout. But Suho remained evasive, grinning and shrugging him off while looking at Yixing right in the eye.


Yixing shuddered at that memory.

He still remembered that night. When they were going to bed, Yixing had teasingly asked,

“No goodnight kiss?”


He had not expected that kiss. But he welcomed it just the same, lifting his arms to encircle the older man's lithe frame.

Suho's hands had started at the base of his cheeks and ended up at the back of his head, fingers curling into his hair as the kiss deepened.


He would never forget his face after that. Never.


Red, swollen lips and eyes glistening with an emotion he could identify now.


Yixing groaned, sinking into his seat.


Oh God, make this plane reach Seoul faster.


__ __ __


Yixing was shaken awake by Kris about half an hour before they landed. After going to the restroom and freshening up, they both waited impatiently for the plane to land.

Kris kept playing with the straps of the seatbelt and Yixing was staring hard at the dark window. As the city came into view with its bright lights dotting the darkness like brilliant stars, Yixing could physically feel the other man's agitation rise.

Well, somebody was missing their lover boy.



Yeah, me.

The thought struck Yixing before he could stop it.


An announcement rang around them that the plane was about to land and that everyone should fasten their seatbelts.


Both of them quickly put on their seatbelts and Yixing noticed Kris' hands fisted tightly at the armrest. It was obvious that he wanted to get home to Tao as fast as possible.

Yixing controlled his urge to let out a loud cheer.

I'm coming home, JoonMyeon.


__ __ __


They were exhausted by the time their manager had dropped them off at their dorm. They fumbled slightly with the keycard to their dorm and entered silently, not wanting disturb the members.

Kris moved swiftly towards his room and came out looking glum.


Yixing noticed the light in the kitchen and went over to take a look. Ah, there's the panda cub. “Poor thing looks so miserable”, he thought as he called out for Kris.


He acknowledged Kris' thanks with a shrug and made a beeline to his room, too tired to say anything and too eager to see his roommate.


He wasn't surprised to see Suho fast asleep. He was, however, slightly surprised and very, very delighted to find Suho asleep in his bed.

Yixing grinned at the way Suho was curled up among his blankets, hair tousled and his face relaxed, free of all the responsibilities he carried around everywhere.


He slowly approached the bed, sat down and slowly his forehead.

“Joonmyeon. I'm home.”, he whispered in a low voice.


Suho stirred in his sleep and slowly opened his eyes. Sleepiness gave way to incredulous disbelief and Yixing grinned down at him.

“Good morning, sunshine.”


The next thing he knew was Suho hugging him tightly and exclaiming his thanks to the good Lord above.


Yixing held him tight and kissed his forehead, as he felt Suho nuzzle into his neck.


“Miss me that much?”, asked Yixing, smirking slightly.


His grin widened as Suho pushed him down and kissed him passionately.


“Oh, you have no idea.”





A/N: a side story to Be With Me. This one's for my sister who insisted that I write a SuLay fic. Once again, please forgive any grammatical mistakes and comment~! Everyone who comments gets a cookie (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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Chapter 1: So sweet and cute~^^ I loved it!!
sapphire0taku #2
Chapter 1: ..sooo beautiful... T.T
Chapter 1: Cute Sulay is just irresistible <3
Chapter 1: awwwwww
so adorable, sweet and cuteeeee
sulay FTW !
ivytlz #5
Chapter 1: awww this is so cute!! great job :)