I'm different, so what?


Too late for Kyu's birthday but too early to Siwon's. Well...

Note: Thank you @dancingberry for allowing me to use her wonderful drawing


Pairing : WonKyu, a little bit of YunJae

Genre : RomCom

Word Count : 3,625 words


Kyuhyun hated being different because that made him a prey to those mocking kids. But someone convinced him that being different meant he was special.


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Merettevan #1
Chapter 1: Sweet, cute and warm!!! I loved it, small Kyu was too cute for words!!!!
Luhma1817 #2
Chapter 1: Very cute and a lovely Kyubaby.
richan24 #3
please update soon!
Chapter 1: 6. My baby was 6 and fell in love with 2 people in just a few weeks... Oh baby Kyu... :)
Chapter 1: I was giggling when eunhae couple show up. The story was cute.
sweetajeng #6
Chapter 1: i just read this today...
huwaaaaa so cuteeeeee <33333
Chapter 1: So sweet :) ♥♡ they're so cute.
Chapter 1: >.< >.* *.* ^.*.^.^ 0.0 0.o *o*
Mydeluluworld #9
Chapter 1: Oh God, this is so sweet ^_^
richan24 #10
Chapter 1: it was so cute....