Revow - Part End


Revow - Part End


Genre: Oneshot, Fluff

Rating: PG

Synopsis: #OnlyHappyThings4YongSeo  



1. Sorry for any grammatical error, english is not my primary language.

2. This is YongSeo fanfic, solely my own imagination.




Yong stopped the car in the quiet neighborhood of Jeongdongjin Beach. It’s only 5 o’clock in the morning. The sky was still dark with north star twinkling above. He looked over to the beach and seeing nothing but glitters of waves upon waves. It became so dark when he turned off the light, and so quiet when he switched off the key.


He glanced to his passenger who was also quiet. She was looking to the sea. She looked so calm and serene, with her hair down, without any touch of makeup, she was his angel on earth. “We’re here.” He whispered, didn’t want to break the spell.


“Yes, we’re finally here.” She turned to face him. “And it’s nostalgic really. If only we could have visited that coffee shop again.”


“It doesn’t open at this hour. At that time, it’s because of PD and the crew.”


“And some cash.”


“Yea, and some benefit. I’d kill for some coffee right now.” He sighed.


“I’ve got it cover.” She said then brought a big bag from the back seat. She opened it and when Yong sneaked to see what’s inside. He found his breakfast heaven in there. “Oh, Hy--un, you’re my angel, really really angel.”


She just smiled smugly. “Let’s taste if this coffee is still warm, if not, this tumbler can be charged by usb, we can warm it up with the car plug. It’s morning and pretty cold, hot coffee would be better than a cold one.”


Yong just blinked, if he didn’t have her as his wife already, he would have asked her again and again. Oh, the best wife in the world, Yong gleefully shouted silently and she was all .. mine.


When he started the car again to warm his coffee up, she gave him a sandwich. “It’s tuna, Oppa, or do you want ham?”


“Tuna is fine, Hy--un.”


When he was munching, she proudly said. “I’ve made them myself.”


“It’s very good, Hy--un.” He said while raised his tumbler to salute her effort.


When food all vanished, Hyun brought up her tiny notepad and gave one piece to Yong. “Let’s think of what we’re going to say.”


“Can it be the same we said?”


“Hmm, I think it won’t rain today, so we can read our vow, not just a sentence like before.”


“Ok.” Yong also got a pen from his Hyun. Then they both thought hard what they were going to write.


“How long will the sun rise?” Hyun asked.


“I’m not sure.” Yong mumbled, still focused wholly on his note.


"It's not going to rain." She looked up to the sky.


"Let's hope so."


“We won’t miss it today.” She strongly insisted.


“Yea, sure.” He was busily writing and scratching.


“Why does it take too long, Yo--og? I’ve finished already.”


“Just wait a minute, I’m not good at writing.”


“Not good at writing? you’re a songwriter.”


“Well, with keys and notes, they all make it easier.”


“Finish yet?”








She saw his intent expression, then decided to let him be. She tried to see the sky if there was any indication of the sunrise. The sky was clear enough with the cloud scattered around here and there. Hyun only wished they wouldn’t turn into raining afterward.


Then she had an idea, she brought her phone out and duam-ed for sunrise time. “Oppa, Pali, pali, we have only ten minutes. Oppa, pali.” She then opened her door and went out to the beach. “Oppa---, Pali---.”


“Okay, okay.” He followed her out, then they walked down to the beach together.




They stood facing the sea. The wind blew messing up their hair. It’s not much different from the previous time. Only that it’s not raining and, of course, no camera man, no bystanders. It’s only two of them this time.


They stood silently, just was waiting for a sign of sunrising.


And at the horizon, there’s a beginning of orange-blue light. They held their breath, the air felt like a magic and it’s time.


Their eyes met. “I’ll go first.” Yong said and she nodded.


He had his note ready in his sweaty hand. Why did a simple kind-of-childish vow become sacred? It must be atmosphere, he thought. However, when it became real, let it be real. He wanted this to be real from the first time she walked into his life in that studio's lobby.


So, he began. “To Hy--un, it’s been 4 years already. I wish to be with you for next 40 years, 400 years and for..ever. Through thick and thin, we’ll be together. I love you. From Yo--ng.”


She was listening to him quietly and she smiled when he finished.


When she was just standing staring at him, he raised his eyebrow. “Your turn.”


She grabbed his hand with hers and put her note into his palm and held there. Then she met his eyes with hers. “I’ll love you for..ever.”


He waited a beat for the next sentence, but when she didn’t offer more. “Jashik, that’s why you finished so fast, it’s just one sentence.” He exploded with cheeky smile.


“You have problem with that?” She darely asked.


“Of course.”


“And your problem is?”


“My problem is I want to hear it over again.”


“Say please.”


He playfully pouted but obliged. “Please.”


“I’ll love you forever.” Hyun said.


“And I love you.” Yong said.


With magic in the air, by the first sunrise, their vow had been re-established. The commitment that stamped in their heart and and bound into soul.


Then, finally, they sealed it with a kiss.


- END - >> Almost!!


“Hyun, I think you’re better.” Yong said while he was driving back.




“Yes, of course, a lot better.” Yong touched his lips and little devil on his right shoulder, rubbing his fork-tail, smirked.


“About what?”


“About kissing.”


“Oh. Well.”


“Well, what?”


“Well, I’m practicing.” She said proudly.


“Wae!?!?! Practicing with whom?”


“Who's else?”


He snorted. “Don’t tell me about those drama and musical. I’ll crash the trees right now.”


“Oppa, those’re just a peck and is it a kind of kiss you complimented me about?”


“Hmm.” He thought about their kiss scene earlier. “No.”




“You’re practicing that’s kind of kiss with me, right? Definitely with me, only me, right?”


She sighed. “Who's else?”


“Definitely, absolutely?”


“Of course.”


“Okay.” Then he was silent for a minute.






“Do you ready for the next lesson?”


- END -


Author Note: Happy 4th anniversary to YS, wish that’s beginning is still opening the road for you two to continue to walk together on.


Thx for reading.


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pipopanda #1
Evil Yong and choding yong...
yurissi #2
Chapter 2: hahahaha evil yong wkwkwk
i laughed at the last paragraph wkwkwk
'Are you ready for the next lesson?'
love it anyway :))
HanaYui #3
Chapter 1: Nice story but i expect more chapter kekekeke
Chapter 1: this was really really cute! i felt like a byuntae when i kept thinking what hyun's plans are. hahaha. cnsd's complaints were so funny and cute! poor managers and the eldest unnies being single. hahaha. thanks for this nice one shot! ^^
blue_jiea24 #5
Chapter 1: Whoaaaa so sweet authornim~

Sequel please...hehehe