You're Just Jealous Of Me!

My #1 Hater

Erin woke up to Woohyun's face in front of hers.

"Aish! Woohyun!" He chuckled and backed his face up a bit.

"Sorry. And call me Woohyun oppa. It makes me happy." Erin ruffled Woohyun's hair.

"Maybe when your balls drop, I'll call you that." Woohyun was flabbergasted.

"I thought you liked me! You're suposed to be nice!" Woohyun pouted and faced the other way, while folding his arms.

"Aigoo. Woohyun oppa, I'm sorry. You know how I am, right?" Erin patted Woohyun's head and got up to go take a shower.

"Wait, you're taking a shower? Can I join you?" Woohyun asked hopefully.

"Sure." Erin answered and just continued walking to the bathroom.

The rest of Infinite saw Erin walking to the bathroom with Woohyun trailing behind her, already shirtless.

"Ehh, Woohyun, where are you going?" Sungjong asked, kind of scared for the answer.

"Erin said I can take a shower with her." Before he could even take a step into the bathroom, Erin had already closed the door, locking Woohyun out.

"Ahahahah! I'm sure you're taking a shower with her now." Infinite laughed at their rejected member.

Woohyun got up on his feet and banged on the door, "Yah! Erin! You lied to me!"

"Maybe some other time, Oppa! I'm tired and I want to shower alone for now!" Erin yelled from the bathroom. Woohyun just grinned towards his other members.

"Hear that guys? She said she'd shower with me some other time. Hehehe~ I can't wait." Hoya rolled his eyes.

"Dream on pretty boy. Anyways. I heard a car from outside. Maybe it's Erin's sister.


"Coming~" Sungjong yelled before getting to the door and opening it open.

Standing there were two girls, who had similar features to Erin. The younger and shorter of the two immediately walked in and pinched Sungjong's cheeks.

"Ahhh! So cute!" She ran towards Myungsoo and smiled at him.

"Oooooh! You're more handsome in person!" The older of the two also walked in and closed the door.

"So, where's Erin now?" Tsuri asked. Sunggyu jerked his thumb towards to the bathroom door.

Almost suddenly, the shower stopped running and all of Infinite rushed into Sunggyu&Woohyun's shared bathroom, leaving Tsuri and Kimmy in the living looking at each other confused.

"Hey guys~ What're we doing today?" Erin stepped out of the bathroom in only a towel and stopped when she saw her sisters.

"Ehhhhhh! What are you scake eaters doing here?!" Erin pointed accusingly.

"Geez, thanks for the warm welcome...." Kimmy rolled her eyes and went to hug Erin.

"Yeah. my almonds, you jerk. Infinite called me while I was watching.... something. And they told me you were homesick. You ." Tsuri rolled her eyes.

"Ehhhhhh! Homesick? No. Yes? Maybe. Whatever. And I'm not a ! You're just so trashy that you don't realize it." Erin retorted.

"Ahahah! You're funny." Tsuri folded her arms.

Kimmy looked between her two older sisters, "Uhh.... guys...."

"You're just jealous of me! I was always the best child." Erin laughed evily.

"Lies! Sorta... if mom and dad found out that you're not even a !" Tsuri pointed out.

"No! Don't you dare tell them!" Erin tackled Tsuri to the ground.

"Umm.... Tsuri... Erin? Guys...." Kimmy looked at her two sisters on the ground and joined them in wrestling.

"Owww! Kimmy! What the heck!"

"Hey! Whoa! Don't touch me there, Tsuri!"

"Yah! Stop it, Erin!"

Infinite had stepped out of their room and their jaws dropped when they saw the 3 sisters rolling and fighting on the ground.

"Should we stop them...?" Sungjong asked, concerned over their wellbeings.

"No. This is hot." Woohyun sat on the floor and just continued watching.

"I agree." Sungyeol highfived Woohyun.

The girls finally stopped wrestling and were left on the ground.

"I missed you guys!" Erin hugged Tsuri and Kimmy.

"That's great, but can you put some clothes on? Infinite's looking...." Erin blushed and walked towards the room.

"Hi Infinite! I'm Kimmy Nishino! The youngest of the Nishino sisters." She had given an eyesmile at Infinite and they immediately took a liking towards her.

"I'm Tsuri Nishino, the oldest. And then Erin would be the middle child. Anyways, how has she treated you? Did she hurt any of you...? She can get a little crazy every now and th-" She was cut off when Erin came back out of the room and smacked her sister.

"I'm not crazy, Tsuri! Anyways, where are we going, Sunggyu oppa?" Erin turned to look at the leader.

"We're gonna do karaoke and walk around the city at nighttime. It's more fun that way." The Nishino sisters highfived each other.


Infinite didn't realize it, but the sisters definitely made their wallets feel empty. When they went to eat lunch, they ordered alot. Same with dinner. When they went to stores, they bought a whole bunch of clothes and shoes. When they went to Noraebang, the girls ordered many drinks.

Kimmy had fallen asleep and Erin made Myungsoo carry her. Tsuri was yawning alot and Dongwoo offered to carry her, but she had declined. Erin had also fallen asleep and Infinite plus Tsuri made Hoya carry her.

To Hoya, Erin was rather light-weight. Plus, she smelled like watermelons.

"Oi. Hoya, if you do anything bad to Erin, I'll hunt you down and murder you." Dongwoo laughed his insanely cute laugh.

"Ahahahah! Tsuri! You're so damn funny." Tsuri just shrugged. "I know I am."

The gang had reached their destination. Myungsoo put Kimmy into the passenger seat of Tsuri's car and making sure no one was looking, he quickly kissed Kimmy's forehead.

"Bye Infinite! We had fun today! If Erin ever feels sad again, you can either call us or stick close to her. She likes when people care about her. Oh, by the way. I saw that Myungsoo. You're dead." Tsuri smiled and waved, before getting into the car and driving off.

"That was fun, but my poor wallet...." Sungyeol sighed.

"Nnnggghhh.... Hoya...." Everyone stopped when Erin suddenly spoke, especially Hoya's name.

"Don't.... touch.... my undies.... you ert...." Erin contently leaned closer to Hoya's neck and he could feel her pressed against him.

"Ahaha.... so cuute!" Infinite took her phones out and took pictures, making Hoya blush.

"Hoya's blushing!" Sungjong yelled before running into the house.

"You better run, maknae!"

⇔FINISHED! :D Introducing Tsuri and Kimmy Nishino! Sisters of Erin! They'll appear from time to time in the story. But Erin is definitely the MAIN character.

What else...? I might also make some WooJong(Woohyun&Sungjong) appear in this story, as well. AHAHAHAHA! :D

This chapter is dedicated to a special friend who ed at me to update.

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gett-n #1
great job!
Miyuki-chan2785 #2
Awe so cute!! I wish Hoya would give me a piggy back ride. :( Lol Dongwoo's lorn. Dirty Dinosaur!! Oh, um in chapter 5 when she woke up the way you wrote it made it seem like it was Hoya Sungjong and Sungyeol room, but later in the text you say Dongwoo L And Sungyeol's room. It's not that big of a deal but it's kinds confusing. Don't hate me I just wanna help!!:)
Aww Hoya~
Update soon!
awhh poor hoya... >.< but anyways thank for updating ^^; i just hope you update again ^^;
Spazztastic045 #5
D'aawww poor hoya. Man... Erin met two MORE guys. Lucky lucky girl. I sense some drama in the next chap, keep it up.
unnie it's me seobielover from the chat this story rocks update soon ^^
ChaeYo #7
HAHA, this is so funny XD<br />
please update soon ^^
inseupirit #8
i love the story! hahaha.<br />
hoya's bushing totally cute. kekeke~<br />
and woohyun always the ert one. LOL
aha , i love this chapter x)<br />
woohyun is .... -.-"<br />
<br />
update soon , hwaiting ! ^-^
Uncle_Ling #10
lol i'm loving this xD.