10 years later...

The Heart-rending Love

10 years later

Late after midnight, in the sapphire blue room of a certain apartment, a torso was tossing and turning on the bed, seems to be having difficult going into deep sleep. Sweat beads started to form on the forehead, as if he is having some nightmares that caused the stress. The eyebrows were snitched close to each other, a clear frown can be seen on the handsome face.


"No..." Choi Siwon whispered.


He tossed once more to his right, his hand clenching on his chest.


"No~!" He breathed.


He tossed to the left, hands still tightly clenched to his chest, where his heart is.


"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" He screamed awake.


Siwon sprang up from his bed, eyes were wide opened, panting heavily. He removed his grip on his chest, and held his left hand tight, where a clear long clear scar can be seen on the wrist of his left hand.

He got up from his bed, and walked towards the toilet.


He washed his face fiercely from the sink, and faced himself in the mirror.

The handsome face remains the same as before, or even more handsome than before, with his features much more sharper. Dark orbs from his eyes that look even darker, and slight wrinkles can he seen at the edge of his eyes.

This is the 28 years old Choi Siwon.


And it was a true miracle that he survived the jump 10 years ago.


A real miracle. 


But, that was where the nightmares began. And he lost Cho Kyuhyun...

For 10 years, he has no idea, where or how is Kyuhyun. Is he dead? Or is he still alive same as Siwon?


Siwon wiped his face with a towel next to him, and back to his bedroom.

But he couldn't get back to his sleep, afraid that the nightmare came back once more. So he lied on his back, and stared directly at the ceiling.


This is the very same room where he had his first time first night with Kyuhyun. Everything remains the same, not removing a single thing that belonged to Kyuhyun. Including the white piano that is still laying at the corner of the room.

He still can smell the scent from this bedroom, Kyuhyun's sweet scent. Somehow this calmed him down, knowing that Kyuhyun had once lived and slept in this apartment.

Thinking deeply about the times he had with Kyuhyun, he could sense the mixed feelings. First he smiled, recalling the happiness with Kyuhyun. Then he frowned, thinking of the hardship Kyuhyun had been through. And last, he teared, when he recalled the last dramatic moment with Kyuhyun.

Everything about Kyuhyun is enough to stir his mood totally.


"Kyuhyun... Where are you?" Siwon sobbed, as he clenced his left hand tight once more.


"Kyuhyun!!" Siwon opened his eyes and sat up from the hospital bed. He could feel the sudden brightness of the room, and so he tightened his eyes to close up from the brightness.

Then he could feel the pain on his chest and his left hand.

And there, he learnt from his doctor, that he was in coma for a week. Surgery was done straight once he reached the hospital. The jump was saved, as he was fallen on a flat surface about a storey away from the edge of the cliff. He was still breathing after the fall. However, his situation was a critical one, where many of his ribcages were broken and one was almost punctured into his heart. It was a true miracle that he survived the situation, and even woke up after a week of coma.

"You were hugging a person when you fall, so the body fell straight on your chest which caused the broken ribcage. The broken parts were healing well at the moment. However, your left hand was severly injured, that the nerves on the left wrist couldn't be repaired. So... I am afraid that you are not able to perform well with your left hand when it comes to tedious movement." The doctor explained.

"Where is Kyuhyun? The one who fall with me?" Siwon was more anxious about Kyuhyun.

"...." The doctor remained silence.

"Doctor! Where is he?!" Siwon screamed as he grabbed the sleeve of the doctor's coat with his right hand, not worrying about his hurting chest.

"I am afraid, I can't answer that. His family forbade the hospital to disclose any information regarding him." The doctor spoke.

"Is he still in the hospital?" Siwon tried to get out from the bed, wanting to pluck off all the needles that were poking in him.

"I am sorry, he is nowhere in the hospital anymore..." And the doctor stepped out of the ward, to avoid anymore questions from Siwon.

Siwon slammed back to his bed. He couldn't believe that he survived the fall, and worst, he has no idea where is Kyuhyun now. Dead or alive...


Siwon spent another week in the hospital to heal himself. Liveless, having no clues with what had happened to Kyuhyun. He did not have the mood to eat anything not more than five mouthful of food. And his left hand hurts during the night time, which always woke him up. It hurt so badly that he had to rely on painkillers. At the end of the one week, he was like a skinny malnutrition boy, with all his gradiant of a handsome young man was gone.

Something bothered him much though, as he remembered that the polices were actually chasing after him for a so-called kidnap case. Yet, the days when he was in the hospital, no policeman appeared to question him. 

Until the day where he was given the permission for discharge. He was told that his hospital bill was fully paid. Feeling puzzled, he asked the hospital about the detail. And it turned out that, it was his father who paid for his hospital bill. 

And it struck Siwon, that it might be his father as well, using his influence on the police to drop charge on the kidnap.


After the discharge, Siwon went straight to the Cho house. But to his surprise, the house was vacant. No sign of people living in the house for at least the past week. And it was put to sale. He tried to get more information from the property agent, but all he could get from the agent, was the owner has no hurry to sell the house fast.

Feeling devastated of having no clues about Kyuhyun's whereabout, he left the Cho house, with his heart broken into a thousand pieces.


Next, he went back to his own house, and was even more surprised to see his motorbike was parked nicely at his house. This confirmed his logic of his father's influencing in the situation. 

But he did not plan to return home for good. 

Unexpected that his father was home, despite being in the middle of the day. He thanked his father for the hospital bill, and his influence to get the police to drop the charge. However, he repeated himself that he will not stay in the same house with the person who hurt his mother, Kyuhyun's family and Kyuhyun himself. His father agreed, but with one condition.

"Finish your schooling and find a place to stay, I will pay for your school and the house. Then I will not step into your life anymore." This is the least he could do as a father, to compensate his son for his losses.

Siwon did not have the strength to argue anymore, so he accepted the conditions. As he took more of his belongings and as he leave the house, he saw Park Eunjung, his father's personal assistant, standing in the living room with a slight bump on her tummy. And so he realised, she was pregnant. She was getting ready to be the mistress of the Choi house. 

Park Eunjung mouthed a word of "Sorry" towards Siwon, when she caught him looking at her. Siwon did not acknowledge her apology, however a string of tear flowed down, as he walked out of his house for the last time.


Because of his injured left hand, he finds it hard to ride his motorbike. He could feel the pain whenever he uses too much strength on his left hand to control the motorbike. He managed to reach Cho house before his left hand finally gave up. And there he understood, he could no longer ride his motorbike like he always did. Still sitting on his motorike, he clenched his left hand to his chest, and sobbed hard enough to let out his frustration.

He couldn't protect Kyuhyun, couldn't protect his left hand, and couldn't even protect the Choi house from being taken away by another woman. He hated himself for everything that he cannot protect.

So he decided, he will at least have to protect Cho house, from being taken away as well. He will wait, till the day he found Kyuhyun. Be it Kyuhyun is dead or alive, he will find Kyuhyun, and bring him back home.

With that promise to himself, he pulled himself up, and looked for the property agent.

The Cho house will be his house from now on...


"Mister, we have reached." An air stewardess shook the sleeping figure on the plane seat, who has his earphone on.

The sleeping man stired from his sleep. He blinked and rubbed his eyes awake, only to find he was the only one left on the plane. He plucked out his earphone and stood up hurriedly, and knocked his head abruptly on the top part above his head.

"OUCH!!!" He yelped and rubbed the bump on his head. The air stewardess giggled upon seeing the cute scene from this cute guy.

"I am so sorry. I will leave now." He bowed and hurried to take his stuffs from the top compartment. And he bounced off the plane.


He ruffled his thick messy brown hair, big almond eyes were scanning around, the familiar yet unfamiliar surrounding.

Damn, you are so damn. You better pray this trip is not a waste of time...

While waiting to check through the immigration, he looked around at surrounding once more. It was like a deja vu. Did he passed through this immigration before? Yet why...he can't seems to place the puzzle together?

Before he can continue with his thoughts, he was ushered to check out.


"Jung Kyuwoon?" The custom officer called out his name.

"Yup thats me." He smiled.

"Welcome back." And his passport was given back to him.

"Thank you."


Once Kyuwoon stepped out of the arrival hall, he breathed. This is rather familiar too, a scent of home...

But yet, he can't picture more of the surrounding. Shrugging, he carried his luggage and stuffs, and moved out of the airport.


Just then, he knocked onto someone while he was eyeing at the surrounding of the airport.

"So sorry!" He apologised. 

Then it happened again.


A fuzzy image of him knocking onto someone with a luggage trolley appeared in his mind.


"I....I really sorry! I didn't s...see you standing from the b...bench. I...I am so sorry..."


But he couldn't picture the person whom he knocked onto in the fuzzy image. 

"Damn it! Not again?!" He stood at the ground not moving an inch, to let the fuzzy image in his mind disappear on its own.

After the image was gone, he sighed and carried on with his plan.


After checking in the hotel, Kyuwoon dialed the number that he is the most familiar with, the only person he knows who lives in here. 

"Eunhyuk!" Kyuwoon beamed brightly when the call got through.

"Yes I am here now." He walked around his hotel room while talking to his friend, "Of course I am alone! They didn't come back with me."

Kyuwoon stopped at the window, looking at the view outside the windown, "I....didn't let them know..."

He pinched his temple, while listening the nags from his friend, "Yah! I am a grown up! I don't have to report every single thing about myself to them! Yes yes, I know they love me, and I love them too. But there are some of the things that I need to find out..."


"Yes... I want to know the meaning of those fuzzy images..."


"And don't you dare tell them me being here!" Kyuwoon threatened, "Anyway, hyung will not forgive you, if he knows as well." And he smirked at his own joke.

"So I will see you soon! Bye Hyukkie!" And he hanged up, with his eyes still fixed staring at the views outside the window.


I will make this trip a worthwhile trip... To get to the bottom of all those fuzzy images that kept appearing in my brain like a movie marathon...


"Aish this brat. Always so spoilt..." Lee Eunhyuk hanged up the call, and complained.

"Who is that?" Siwon who is sitting opposite of Eunhyuk, with a desk in between them. His eyes were on his documents, not looking at his friend at all.

"A friend of mine I know when I was at Los Angeles." Eunhyuk took the documents from Siwon's hands, which caused Siwon to lift his head up to face him, "And you, Choi Siwon, you need to eat! Come on, lets go for lunch!"

"I am not hungry. I need to look at this now, before I purchase a new batch of piano..." Siwon laid his head at the back of his armchair and pinched his temple.

"Hello mister, you are NOT immortal! Please, look at you!" Eunhyuk exclamined, "You are skinny! Ok, you do have muscles and the disturbing biceps and six-pack, but you are still skinny! And I thought I am the one who should be the most skinny here..."

"Eunhyuk, you know my appetite is not big anyway. And I got a meeting with the private investigator...."

Eunhyuk sighed, "About him again? Your lover?" 

Siwon did not respond, instead, he snatched his documents back from Eunhyuk and resumed his reading.

"Siwon..." Eunhyuk pleaded.

"....Fine. Give me another 10 minutes." Siwon gave up.


Siwon stopped at the reception of his music center and spoke directly at the female receptionist, "Luna, I am going out for lunch. Please call me if there is anything important that need my attention. I will be back..." 

"2 hours later!" Eunhyuk interrupted from behind. Siwon stared at him.

"Sure, boss." As Siwon turned to leave, Luna thumbed up with Eunhyuk, as she picked up the ringing phone, "Hello, this is WK Music Center...."


At the restaurant, Eunhyuk kept putting food on Siwon's plate, making sure he eat more than expected. With such affection, Siwon was feeling a little uneasy.

"Eunhyuk... You are putting all your food on my plate." Siwon pointed out.

"Because you are not eating much!"

"I can survive well without much food... And you don't have to feel sorry about what you have done to me. That was years ago." Siwon replied.

"Yah, you think I am guilty that is why I am good to you? I really treat you as my friend now. And as a friend to care for a friend, isn't it correct? Anyway, you don't have much friends around too..." Eunhyuk pushed more food towards Siwon.

"....Fine. I will eat. Just stop nagging. You are behaving like an old woman now." And he took a piece of steak into his mouth.

"Good boy." Eunhyuk smiled, as he cued for the waiter to order more food.

Siwon gave a small smile, thinking of how he met Eunhyuk a few years ago. A disaster but earned him a friend in return...


Siwon was sitting by the bar counter, drinking his Nth glass of wine. Feeling a little tipsy, he laid his head on the counter table, sobbing softly.

He couldn't sleep through the night, as the nightmare hit him once again. Feeling depressed thinking of Kyuhyun, he came to the bar, trying to drown himself with alcohol. One glass after another, he lost count on how many glasses he consumed. Yet, the image of him falling off the cliff with Kyuhyun did not go away.

"Kyuhyun... Kyuhyun.... Kyu...." He called out Kyuhyun's name, as he teared silently.


The more he thought, the more angry he felt to himself.

If only they did not jump from the cliff...

If only he allowed the policemen to take him away...

If only he let go of Kyuhyun for him to return back to his family...

Will he still be able to see Kyuhyun around? Even if they are not together, at least he can still see him, knowing that he is alive and kicking... Isn't it?


He got so angry with himself, that he smashed the glasses onto the floor, which caused a commotion right away. An angry man stood up and confronted Siwon for throwing the glass, where the glass shards cut his arms. 

"Yah!!!!! What is your problem?!" The man pulled Siwon's collar and shouted in his ears.

"Kyuhyun... You took my Kyuhyun away!" Siwon punched right into the man's face, and stumbled backwards because of his tipsiness.

"How dare you punch me!!!" The man punched right back into Siwon's face, which caused Siwon to fall right on the floor.

The man hovered over Siwon and pulled his collar once more, to throw another punch in his face.

"If you are drunk, just get out of here! Don't create trouble here!" The man grabbed Siwon up, and pulled his left hand to throw him out of the bar.

"AND STAY OUT OF MY BAR!" Without looking at Siwon again, the man walked back into the bar.


But he never expected that Siwon was still lying on the floor when he closed his bar.

Like a lifeless corpse.

Feeling panicked, he checked on Siwon, yet there was no respond. So he called the ambulance.


And that was where he got to know about Siwon, who had a surgery before that was closed to his heart where a broken rib cage was near punctured through the heart. So even though the surgery was a success, there will be side effect whereby he cannot take blows harshly. The man started to feel guilty, punching right in the face without knowing Siwon's real situation. So to compensate Siwon, he stood by Siwon till he wake up.

Siwon was shocked of course, to see a stranger by the hospital bed.

"Erm... Hi. I am Lee Eunhyuk. You must be thinking why am I here. But, hey, I am not a bad guy. Its just that...." And Eunhyuk continued with what had happened earlier.


And so, the two became friends. Well, more of Eunhyuk being the persistent one, probably feeling guilty over throwing Siwon out of the bar without knowing the cause. However, Siwon gradually opened up to this new friend, telling Eunhyuk the story between him and Kyuhyun. Since then, the two got closer over the years.


"By the way, are you looking for a teacher to teach singing in your music center? I heard that Yonghwa is leaving to pursue further studies overseas." Eunhyuk asked, while still pushing more food to Siwon.

"Why did you asked? Are you going to help me find?"

"Well, I can ask around. There are many potential singers in my bar." Being a true friend, Eunhyuk would never hesitate to help Siwon. In any way.

Siwon nodded. Though these years he has been working hard in maintaining the music center, due to his cold character, it is rather difficult for him to obtain friendship without help from the third party. Eunhyuk has been the one who helped him in finding teachers for his music center, including the soon-to-be leaving Yonghwa, all these while.


Just then, Eunhyuk's phone rang. One look at the caller ID, Eunhyuks sighed. 

"This brat." Eunhyuk muttered, yet he pressed to answer the call, "Yes my dear boy."

Siwon looked at Eunhyuk curiously.

"What do you mean you have nothing to eat?! You can ask for room service. It is not as if you have no money with you." Eunhyuk replied.

Eunhyuk montioned Siwon to eat, as Siwon had stopped eating while looking at him.

"Yah! Fine. Let me treat you then, is that ok? This is what you want right, wanting me to treat you. Tsk." Eunhyuk shook his head, "Yah yah. I will send you the direction to the restaurant. Bye." And he hanged up the phone, to share the location of the restaurant where he and Siwon are currently at now.


"Your friend is coming?" Siwon asked.

"Yup. This brat. Complained that he has no money to eat. Tsk, all he wants is me treating him. Always taking advantage of me." Eunhyuk complained.

"Even so, you still treat him well. He must be a good chap for you to befriend with."

"Yah Choi Siwon, are you indirectly saying that you are a good chap as well?" Eunhyuk mocked. But he felt relieved, to see Siwon feeling slightly better.

Eating and talking normally. And it is getting better over the years. Eunhyuk smiled to himself. 


"Don't smile like this, you look creepy." Siwon muttered.

"Yah! Aish... You are so ungrateful."

"I need to go. You can continue eating with your friend." Siwon wiped his mouth with the napkin, preparing to leave the restaurant.

"Hey! Don't go. You can make new friend. My friend is a good chap, like you said. Its time for you to make new friends anyway." Eunhyuk looked alarm.

"You can introduce us next time. I need to go meet the private investigator." Siwon stood up, and dropped his napkin on the table, "I will see you around."


Siwon stepped out of the restaurant, pulling his coat closer to himself as the weather started to chill.

But before he made another move, he was stunned with the scene in front of him. Totally stunned, as he couldn't believe his eyes. It doesn't look real to him, it was like a dream, yet he doesn't want it to be a dream. He didn't dare to blink his eyes, and his stares were fixed at the person who was walking towards his direction at the moment. As the figure getting closer to him, he held his breath.

And he lunged forward to catch the figure in his arms. With tears.


"Kyuhyun!" Siwon cried. 

Yes, the face, the body, the warmth, the scent. Everything about this man, is telling Siwon that, HE IS KYUHYUN! HIS BABY!


"KYUHYUN!!" Siwon cried out once more.


The shocking man that was took into Siwon's embrace, was speechless. What is going on?!

"Yah! Who are you?" The man struggled in Siwon's arms, trying to push away.

"Kyu~" Siwon muttered, breathing against the neck of the man.

"YAH!!!!" The man pushed once again, finally being released from the tight hug.


And he gave a slap across Siwon's face.

"ERT!" He yelled. 

Siwon was shocked, "Kyuhyun?"

"Who the hell was that? Mister, you got the wrong person. I don't even know you."




"Kyuwoon?" Eunhyuk called out, who had stepped out from the restaurant after witnessing the scene inside the restaurant.





Ok before any confusion, Kyuhyun is now named as Kyuwoon in the following next chapters. I am sorry I have to change his name, to suit the flow of the story. But no worries, he will still be called Kyu.

And now the big challenge begins, for Kyu to remember Siwon once more. I can't believe I have gone so far for this story.

Thank you all for the support. Though I know many wanted to hunt me down and get me to jump with them. >< They are not dead, but with side effects... T-T I hope I can be spared from the hunt...


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Luhma1817 #1
Chapter 30: Beautiful story about an unwavering love. Thank you for your hard work, authornim.
joannaxdiaz #2
Chapter 30: so beautiful that I even read this story twice.
thank you.
Chapter 12: Soo good author-nim thankyou. Well Kyu is never snoring at fanfict when in reality he's loud hahahaha cute kyu
kimjonginssi #4
Chapter 9: owwwh gawd!!!!!thisis kyute!!!!!i need this kind of fluff in my fangirl-life.....!!! ">.<"
kimjonginssi #5
Chapter 6: this is so gorgeous!!!and i like the ending with sooyeon!!!!that girl really something :)))))))
Chapter 30: having overall the time is really amazing day even honeymoon.
Please be entwined you hands to be forever.^^
I love this story
thank you for making a good idea.
Chapter 29: everything had been clear..
They were inseparable to forever.
Congratulation for your wedding.
Enjoyed your night XDDDD
Chapter 28: this is so along time to wait kyu wake up but i hope not as before. Fast to wake up kyu :)))))

soo who is married? Siwon? Eunhyuk?
Chapter 27: HUHUHUHUHU they same as got pain...
Please safety him. Kyu? Pls don't die. You should fighting!!
Chapter 26: OMG? Is dream of kyuhyun will happen? Oh no.. Why no one followed them? Hopely not any terrible things happen to siwon or kyu