Chapter 7

Remember me




There it is again. He left me another rose on my desk for the fourth time. I took the card that was attached to it.

I hope you're having a good day Seohyun-ssi. Are you getting annoyed with the roses I sent you these past few days? I hope not. Because there's more of that to come. Keke. ;)

I felt a smile crawl up to my lips. I was shocked the first time I received it, because I didn't know where it came from at first. But he texted me later that evening to confirm if I received his rose.

It has been four days since the interview and he never failed to place a rose on top of my desk everyday.

It has also been four days since I last saw him. He was piled with photoshoots after photoshoots after he took his vaccation.

The day after the interview, I got a little sick for running on the rain. So I had to take an absent from work. It was a good thing, because seeing him was the last thing I wanted after that day.

But when I finally came back to work the next day, I found the first flower that he placed. He found out that I was sick and hoped that I was already feeling better that day.

I took the new note that was on the flower and put it inside one of the drawers of my desk, where the other three notes were also located.

I finally finished the article for the interview last night. I only need Hyoyeon unni's approval.

I took the folder which contained the article and walked to Hyoyeon unni's office. She was busy typing something on her computer when she looked up to see who came in.

"Oh? What is it Seohyun ah?" She said fully focusing on me now.

"I already finished the article unni. Let me know what you think." I said as I handed her the folder. I sat on one of the chairs in front of her desk.

She was reading slowly and quietly as if digesting every word that I typed. I was anxious to know what she thinks.

Finally, she puts down the folder on her desk. And gave me a big smile.

"So, do you like it?" I asked as I smiled nervously.

"I don't just like it, I love it! Chincha the introduction that you made was just daebak! And their interview, everyone would fall for this couple. Seohyunnie this will be the best cover story that this magazine will have." Hyoyeon unni praised me continously.

"Chincha unni? That's a relief then. I'm glad that you liked my first work." I said as I smiled genuinely at her.

"Just forward the files to the layout artist later. And oh! I haven't seen. Yonghwa's photos of the interview, please choose what you think will be best to put in the magazine. Just ask him where the files are." She said as she turned her attention to her computer screem again.

"De unnie." I was suppose to stand up, but unnie asked another question.

"Oh! How was it working with Yonghwa? Did he give you a hard time?" She asked curiously, her attention back to me.

"De? Uhm... It was okay unnie. We did our job well on our own." I answered awkwardly.

"You two know each other since high school, right?" I nodded.

"Then, why are you both awkward? I called Sooyoung-ssi to asked how the interview went. She said it went smoothly, but the atmosphere was tense because of both of you. Is there something I should know of?" She asked, looking at me intently as if she was trying to read me.

"Aniyo unnie~ nothing like that. I guess we both just woke up at the wrong side of the bed that day. Nothing to be worried about." I said with a straight face.

She looked at me as if I was saying a big fat lie. But finally she was convinced. On my defense, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed that day, which caused me to lash out on him while it was raining.

"Okay. If you say so hyunnie." I stood up. But as I was taking my leave, she called me out again.

"Seohyun ah! By the way, we haven't formally welcomed you. And it's tradition here that if there's a new member of the family here, all the crew would go clubbing. That's why you must be there this saturday. We'll dance the night away! Woot woot!" Hyoyeon said with excitement.

"Do I really have to unnie?" I said with pleading voice.

"Of course you do. Besides, we rarely do this, so everyone is excited for this. Anyways, run along now. I need to finish this other article that I'm working on."

With a sigh, I left hyoyeon unnie's office. 

I need to get a copy of the interview photos from yong oppa so that it can finally be submitted to the layout artist.

I went back to my office, and after contemplating for about 10 minutes. I took my phone and finally had the courage to text him.

Don't get me wrong, this is the first time I texted him first, that's why I need to muster up enough courage in me.

Yong oppa, can we meet up for lunch?



"Alright! That's a wrap!" As I took one final shot of the models. I bowed to the crew and packed my equipment. 

Aigoo~ my only break for today is at lunch break, after that I have to head off to another photoshoot.

I curse myself for taking a vaccation.

I grab my phone from my camera bag. And I saw that there was one message. I opened it, and. I got the shock of my life.

Seohyun texted me.

I mean, she always texts me when I text her first. But this is the first time that she actually texted me first.

Yong oppa, can we meet up for lunch?

Keke~ Seohyun wants to have lunch with me!

How should I reply?

I'd be happy to...

Nah. I sound like I was desperate.

Sure, never thought you'd ask...

Nope, she'll thing that I was expecting something from her.

Yeah, sure Hyun.

Now, that's cool. I pressed send and waited for her reply. 

3 minutes later; longest 3 minutes of my life, she replied.

Can you also bring with you the photos of the interview?

Aish~ so that's why she asked me out for lunch. And here I am thinking that she just wanted ti spend some time with me.

Okay hyun. Where should we meet?

We decided to meet at an Italian restaurant in Gangnam. The restaurant was filled with people but I spotted her immediately sitting at one of the tables near the window.

I approached her and she greeted me with a smile.

"Sorry I'm late. I had an errand to run earlier." I said as I sat down.

"Gwenchanayo oppa. Shall we order now?"

We ordered our food and ate the pasta that we ordered. We talked freely with each other as if what happened four days ago, didn't happen at all.

When we were finally done eating, we asked the waiter to clear the table. I took out my macbook and inserted the SD card that I used for the photoshoot.

While the computer was reading the card, I wasn't able to breathe properly. Because she moved her chair beside mine. And she was sitting super close to me. It's not like I didn't like it, I REALLY REALLY LIKE IT. But.... I dunno. I'm just nervous.


I didn't realize that the SD card finished reading and it automatically opened the files inside.

Sh*t! I forgot about this one.

I laughed nervously as she stared at me surprisingly with forming a perfect "O" shape.

"Op... Oppa... Why are there pictures of me here?"

Quick! Think of an answer! How can I be that stupid?! I should've immediately transferred those pictures. What's worse is that her stolen photos we alot more than those who are being interviewed themselves.

All of it were taken without her knowing, of course.

But.... Ugh! 


"Ahem.... Uhm... Uhhh... I.. I was.... Uhm... Testing what angle would be good for the interview." I said avoiding her eyes.

"Huh... Is that so? But why are there so many?" She looked at me curiously. Those big pool of her eyes that might get you lost when you looked at her.

"Uhm.... I... Uhh... I didn't get the right angle, not until later." I said again.

"Ahhh~ I see. I look weird in those photos." She snickered.

"Ani, you don't. You look pretty as always, hyun." I said as I finally looked at her. She gave me a shy smile.

"Aigoo~ anyways, we need to choose which photos will fit best for the magazine."

We spent another 15 minutes just choosing photos. I had another schedule that's why we had to end early. We went out of the restaurant. i decided to take her back to the office since it was on the way on my next schedule. Besides, it was only a 15 minute ride.

When we finally arrived at the building, I went out and opened the door for her. I accompanied her to the lobby and the guards greeted me.

"Uhm... You should get going now oppa." She said to me with a smile.

I smiled back. I turned my back at her but she called me back.

"Oppa~" I turned around again to look at her.


"Uhm... I'm sorry for lashing out at you a few days ago. Uhm... My emotions just got the best of me. It... It wasn't your fault."

IT WASN'T MY FAULT?! If only you knew hyun. It was all because of me.

"Uhm... But did you really mean what you said to me before? That you would help me forget him? Completely?"

"..... I really mean it Seohyun-ah. Will you give me a chance to do that?"

"Ahem... I kept you long enough oppa. Sorry about that, you should get going now." She smiled at me again. 

"Answer me first Seohyun ah~" I said with frustration.




"Palli~ give me an answer Seohyun ah"

She still silent.

"Wha... What if I said yes?"

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JustAnotherUser #1
Chapter 8: Hello, authornim. :)

I just finished reading this story of yours & I actually liked it. I found the story to be interesting & I am actually curious on what will happen next. Well done, authornim. :)

I dont know if you would continue writing this story or not, but if you did I would definitely look forward to your update. Fighting, authornim. :)
Bonny23 #2
Chapter 8: Author-nim Great plot and writing style you have going here, please don't stop. We will wait patiently for the next update :D
With lots of love and encouragement, <3
seohyun97 #3
Chapter 8: Hi new reader here! Your story is so nice and interesting im so curious what will happen next :)))Please update soon!
Bonny23 #4
Chapter 8: This is getting better please update soon. <3
Chapter 8: hello modu da ! Yeorobon i'm a new reader here ! Please treat me well ^^ ! I love your story author~ssi ! Update soon <3
fighting !
HanaYui #6
Chapter 8: Uwaaaa more interesting kekekeke...i wonder what next between yong and hyun and is wogeun hyun's boyfriend or not? Yong just fight for hyun please...and also can't wait ur update...kekeke
ela2807 #7
Chapter 8: Yeah, just admit it hyun, you still love him. Jung Yonghwa, take her back to your side. Dont waste your time,, aigooo... Revenge is not good to your health hyunnie. Believe Unnie.
Bonny23 #8
Chapter 7: Please update this story
Really soon!!! The wait is killing me lol! >.<
jingga8 #9
Chapter 7: please.... update the chapter sooooooon!! can't hardly wait to read the next of your nice story author nim... ^_^
ciel_san #10
Chapter 6: you're right Yonghwa! you gotta work harder to win him back since you got a silly reason to broke up with her..
probably in the next chapter, one of them might get sick and another one taking care.. just saying^^