Chapter 39

Undercover in the Government {Hiatus}
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"Oppa, wake up." The girl wrapped her arms around him and slid closer to him in the bed. 

"Seungri ah." She gave him two kisses on his neck. 

He rolled over on his back, making her laying on top of him. He put his face into the crook of her neck.

He sniffed in her scent, "mmm, you smell good." He rubbed his hands down her back to her .

"Yah! Rat!" Chaerin spit

He looked at her, "what" he said innocently.

"You need to take your son to school."

"Appa." A little boy that looked like Seungri ran into the room. Chaerin quickly rolled off of him and hid under the covers because of her showy gown. 

"Appa, I'm ready for school." he climbed up into the bed with his parents.

"Are you sure?" He pulled the little boy into his lap.


"Well, I don't think so you still have on your pajamas." 

"Oh." He looked down, at what he is wearing. "I have to get dress. I've got to impress the ladies."

"Omma did you set out my best clothes, so I can look good for the ladies." He crawled over to Chaerin.

"Neh, sweet go get dress so you will not be late."

"Ok." He jumped off the bed and ran out the room.

Chaerin got up out the bed and put on her robe.

"That is crazy."

"What's crazy?" Seungri gave her a back hug.

"Your son is just like you." 

"Is that a bad thing?" He turned her around.

"He is a player, Seungri. He is only in his first year of school and he is a player." 

"F.Y.I I used to be like that, then we started dating. I had found my true love, Lee Chaerin." he leaned in and gave her peck on her lips. 

" I think we should try for another child." she whispered. " You know so he will not be so lonely. Plus I am tired of taking him to play dates. He can have a sibling right here to play with." she continued to talk.

"Chaerin, Shh. I think we should start right now." they smiled and he captured her lips. 

He pick her up bridal style, "ahh!" he laid her on the bed.

"I love you." he said between his kisses.

" I love you, too."


Seungri shot up from his sleep and looked around. He looked around to see that it was still dark outside. 

"That dream seemed so real, too real. I can't dream about my ex girlfriend like that. Reminder to self you have a girlfriend that you love, you have a girlfriend, you have a girlfriend, you have a girlfriend."

He chants to he dozes off to sleep again.



All the girls decided to cook breakfast this morning instead of the maids. they turn the radio volume up and danced to the music and cooked. 

Seungri walked in to be caught off by them all in the kitchen cooking. 

"Good Morning." They all said except Chaerin age tried to keep focus on the fruit she was cutting.

"Jagiya, what are you doing in the kitchen do you need something?"

"Oh, I just came in for a bottle of water." he took his eyes off of Chaerin and looked down at Hara.

"I will get you some water just hold on a little bit." 

His eyes had went straight back to Chaerin. Her, Minzy, and Dara had started dancing. The way she swung her hips in her short shorts made him want to be closer to her. He wanted her legs wrapped around him just like last night and the way her lips felt againist his. 

"Jagiya, heres your water."

"oh, thanks babe."

Before he left she had gave him a kiss. It made him think back to last nigh- What! Was he thinking about he has a girlfriend that he loves and accepts him the way he is. It is over between Chaerin and him.



Breakfast time had arrived and everyone was eating the delicious food. 

"The food is good." YG said and the rest of the guys agreed.

 "Hara how is your special medical training going?" Daesung asked.

"Good I have been learning so many new things." 

These past few days Hara has been in the library learning about people with special powers and how some of their bodie

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I_LoveBOM #1
ashlyna #2
I just read the whole story and I lovemit! Anxiously waiting for an update (:
darya_tnt #3
Chapter 46: Nice story
darya_tnt #4
Im sorry for joking but i think top should have the power to move furniture
Chapter 45: of course we enjoyed, tQ author-nim^^~
iNyLmYa #6
i'm still confused about bom & seunghyun relationship right now..are they a couple or not..married or not...or they just together raised their kids without spesific relationship..thank ypu for the update authornim...
bernie20 #7
Chapter 45: Looking forward for next button authornim...
Chapter 44: topbom topbom!
jennypish2012 #9
Chapter 44: omo omo! Still can't get enough of your story author-nim.. Hope evrything will end up fine for everybody.. And oh! I love your TopBom part..hayi and mark's so cute!...
dhonn14 #10
Chapter 44: I'm the first reader for this chapter? ^_^ I love it! #AlienCouple