Only One You Need
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To say Key was embarrassed was an understatement, he was mortified. He found out the hard way that he was reading the signals all wrong, if there were any signals to begin with, and he wanted nothing more than to go back in time and stop himself from falling for his teacher.

Jonghyun didn't come into the café for a week after the almost-kiss. Kibum thinks it was probably for the best; class was already awkward enough. All week, Key barely responded to the roll-call, he kept his head low (avoiding Jonghyun's gaze at all costs) and hadn't answered a single question – not that he had been called on either.

Jonghyun wouldn't admit it, but he was struggling. He felt bad for leaving Kibum the way he did, but he also knew that if he had stayed he would've let his student kiss him – and he wouldn't have let go.

It was bad enough when Key was, to him, just a pretty stranger walking in the rain. It was only made worse by the fact that the younger was now his student, yet Jonghyun still couldn't keep Key off his mind. He told himself that first day that he would stop thinking of Key in a romantic light, or in any light at all. That was made almost impossible when the boy also worked at the first nice café Jonghyun found in this part of the city. It must've been fate that the two had met three separate times in the same day, right? Well, who was Jonghyun to deny fate?

Admittedly, it was probably a mistake to allow Kibum to call him by his first name, and to walk him home that first day. In hindsight, Jonghyun also shouldn't have offered Kibum to sit with him during the student's break the next night, or the following night, or the night following that night...the point is, Jonghyun should've known better. He was the adult, the teacher, he should never have allowed his attraction to grow into this – real, legitimate feelings.

Over the course of the week he had distanced himself; it was his responsibility to fix this. He stayed far, far away from the coffee house; he went through the roll-call quickly and professionally, strictly no lingering on Key's name or those beautiful brown eyes of his; he wouldn't even call on Key to answer questions, not unless the younger raised his hand (which he never did, anyway).

He would be lying if he said he didn't miss the younger's company, he did. It would be an even bigger lie if he said he didn't think about what would've happened had he stayed for the kiss. Would they have kissed again? Would either of them regret it? Would they be together now?

“Kim Kibum, can you see me after class?”

Jonghyun wanted to slap himself. The words had left his mouth before he even realised he was speaking. His eyes sought out Kibum (not that his gaze ever strayed too far from the younger) whose head shot up from his conversation with Taemin and was now staring wide-eyed at the teacher.

A long, awkward moment passed before Kibum closed his mouth and gave a small nod before immediately burying his head in his notebook.

“Why does Mr. Kim want to see you after class?” Taemin asked quietly once the man in question resumed the class.

“No idea,” Kibum answered shortly, though he did have a bit of an idea; the almost kiss.

Surely that's the only thing Jonghyun could want to see him about – he hasn't gotten into any trouble, he's maintained his grades, he's even beet quieter in class so not to draw unnecessary attention. What else could it be? He couldn't tell Taemin that, of course, so he settled for avoiding the younger's question and pleading ignorance.

“Ooh! Maybe it'll be like in the dramas and Mr Kim is going to profess his forbidden love for you~” Taemin teased quietly.

Key gulped, his mouth suddenly dry. “I-I don't think that's it, Tae...”

“Don't worry, I’m just kidding,” Taemin said with a nudge to Key's shoulder before continuing, “could you imagine, though? A forbidden romance with the school's hottest teacher? I’m sure that's half the school's dream – even some of the teachers,”

“Well, not mine,” Kibum lied through his teeth. He was sure that if he were even to joke about his feelings for the attractive teacher Taemin would see right through him.

Taemin shrugged, “I guess we'll find out later. Do you want me to hang back with you?”

“No!” Key answered almost too quickly, and a little too loudly as he received a few curious stares. Blushing, he lowered his head and his voice, “Um, no thanks. I'd rather just get it over and done with,”

“Suit yourself, hyung. Just make sure you give me all the gossip!”

“Yeah,” Key agreed, looking away, “sure thing...”


Taemin wasn't at their usual lunch table when Kibum arrived, tray of bad cafeteria food in hand. His eyes subconsciously scanned the lunch room for the younger as he took a seat, and Key found him almost instantly, feline like eyes widening and brows shooting up into his hairline.

Across the cafeteria, in a corner by the door, Taemin leaned against a wall, twirling a lock of hair around his nimble finger as he talked to another man – a man that was leaning far too close to Taemin for Key's overprotective liking. Tae had a light blush dusting his cheeks, Kibum could see the stars in his eyes from across the room and he was biting his lip between laughter and soft smiles.

Taemin obviously liked this guy, so why hadn't Key heard about him? He had to admit, even if only to himself, he felt a little let down by the fact that Taemin didn't immediately come to Key to gush about his little crush.

There was a voice in the back of Kibum's mind that reminded him he didn't exactly run to tell Taemin all about his fluffy feelings for a certain brown haired, almond-eyed teacher of theirs, but Key quickly reasoned that that was different. Jonghyun was their teacher, surely Taemin wouldn't understand if Key were to delve into that, and Kibum wasn't prepared to lose his crush and his best friend.

Taking a bite of his apple, Kibum eyed Taemin and the other boy closely, watching as the boy shot Taemin a thousand-watt smile, followed by a small wave, and clapped him on the shoulder before joining the basketball team at their table. The redhead stared dreamily after the boy's retreating back for a few long moments, before he seemed to snap back into reality. He grabbed his lunch tray, which had previously been sitting on an empty chair beside Taemin, and made his way over to his and Key's table. He looked up and met Kibum's gaze. His lips stretched into a wide smile as he waved a hand enthusiastically in Key's direction. Key waved back, chuckling quietly to himself at Taemin's antics.

“Key~!” Taemin called out, far too loud for being now only two feet away from the table. He all but slammed his tray onto the table, dropping onto the seat opposite Key. “What are you doing this Saturday?”

Key's eyes narrowed sceptically, wondering what the younger had signed him up for.

“Working,” he answered, “why?”

Taemin pouted, making him look much younger than he is. “Do you have the night shift?”

“No, morning; Amber takes over at noon,”

“Yes!” he squealed, clapping his hands together in excitement. “You need to come out with me! There's this thing at this pub – don't worry, it's not as dodgy as it sounds; it's a good pub, not one of those dingy ones like in the movies. There's going to be a few kids from school meeting up there, plus it's open mic night and there's said to be some pretty good performers,”

Key sighed. Crowds weren't really his thing; he's never been good at blending.

“This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain basketball captain and student body president I saw you talking to, would it?” he questioned.

Taemin's face turned a hue even a tomato would be jealous of.

“Pfft!” he said, looking away from Kibum and stuffing a spoonful of green Jell-o into his mouth while exclaiming a barely understandable “no!”

“What's his name again?” Kibum wondered aloud as he ignored Taemin's obvious denial, tapping his chin exaggeratedly as he teased the younger, watching the way the other blushed deeper. “Lee something? Lee Jinyo-”

“Lee Jinki!” he quickly corrected, before clearing his throat and eating some more Jell-o. “His name is Lee Jinki and, okay, yes, he may have mentioned he was going and yes, he may have said that he'd like to see me there and he said I should bring 'that guy I’m always with' so now here I am, asking you, and you just have to go, Kibum, please! You don't know how much I like him, it'll mean so much to me and I'll owe you forever but I'm too scared to go on my own and what if he doesn't even talk to me and I'm left there, rejected and sad and alone without my best friend and-”

“TAEMIN!” he cried, effectively shutting the younger up, “Take a breath, Tae baby,”

Taemin nodded, breathing in deeply and out again slowly.

“Let me get this straight; you want me to come to a social gathering, at a pub, where I won't know anyone, so I can third wheel for you?”

Taemin placed a hand on his chest in mock offence. “Kim Kibum, I can't believe you would think so lowly of me! I simply want you there as a friend and maybe a wingman,”

“And what am I supposed to do when you and Jinki leave me to have in the bathroom?”

“Please, I have some class Key; we'll only make out in the bathroom, the will happen in his car,”

“Terribly sorry to have doubted your standards like that,” Key deadpanned.

Taemin nodded and smiled. “Seriously though, if you're worried about being left on your own just bring a date. I know a certain leather-wearing bad boy who would love to take you out again,”

“Taemin, I already told you. I just-”

“Just see him as a friend, yeah, yeah, I know,” the younger answered for him, “I want you to be happy, that's all, and I don't want to be like Baekhyun and Chanyeol! I don't want to leave you to watch while Jinki and I face and you're just sitting there, on your own, thinking about how horribly single you are! You deserve love too, hyung!” Taemin exclaimed with a slam of his fist on the table.

Kibum raised an eyebrow.

“Not speaking from experience or anything there, are we Tae?” the black-haired male teased with a smirk.

In reply, Taemin sunk down in his chair and let his forehead fall onto the table with an exaggerated sob, “why did I get stuck in a group with those two?”

“Life is cruel,” Key concluded with a nod.

Taemin looked up at Key through his fringe. “Are you sure you don't like Jaehyo?”

“Yes, Taemin,”

There was a huff from Taemin.

“Okay, fine. Will you at least come out with me on Saturday?”

And then a sigh from Key.

“Yes, yes, alright,”

“YES! You're the best, Key!”

“And don't you forget it.”


“I'll see you later, Key hyung,” Taemin said with a wave as he shuffled out of the hallway.

With a sharp intake of breath, Kibum entered the classroom, closing the door behind him to give himself and Mr. Kim some privacy to discuss whatever it was that needed discussing. Taemin thought it was sure to be important if it required Kibum to be kept late.

The moment the door closed, Kibum was suddenly aware how uncomfortable the situation was. He hadn't been alone with Jonghyun since he made such an idiot of himself. All he wanted was to forget it ever happened, forget he ever knew Mr. Kim as more than a teacher, but that was hard to do when the man was standing not three feet away from him; looking cool and calm with his hands in the pockets of his cardigan and his eyes baring into Key's soul.

“So, um,” Key stared, swallowing the lump in his throat as he realised he wasn't sure what he wanted to say, “what did you need to talk to me about?”

Jonghyun was silent for a few moments. What did he want to talk about? At this point he just wanted to hear Kibum's voice and the words had slipped out of his mouth without him even realising.

Should he bring up what happened the other week? Jonghyun honestly wasn't sure what he could say about that without making everything between them worse. It was pointless to tell Kibum it was wrong of him and Jonghyun never wanted that kind of relationship with the younger – he would be lying and it'd only serve to make Kibum feel more guilty and stupid than he already does. Were he to tell the truth, that he wanted to kiss Kibum and more, to be with him properly, would only give false hope as nothing could happen between them.

“How are you, Kibum?” he asked after what felt like a lifetime of silence.

A laugh bubbled out of Key's lips, but it wasn't the loud, happy, carefree laugh that Jonghyun was used to; it was cold and incredulous and almost cynical.

“Seriously?” Key snapped. “You embarrass me by calling me out in the middle of class, make me worry thinking I’m in trouble for something and waste my time by keeping me here late just to ask how I'm doing?”

The older man said nothing, so the student continued.

“How do you think I’m doing, Mr. Kim,” the way he spat Jonghyun's title at him made the elder flinch. He didn't realise how deeply he'd hurt Kibum. “I feel like a fool. I know I read the signs wrong; I saw signals where there were none and even if there were, I acknowledge that it was wrong of me to try and kiss you, but we were friends at least, weren't we? And maybe that was wrong too, but you didn't have to rub salt in the wound and ignore me like this. I can barely look at you from the embarrassment and that's on me, but you didn't need to make me feel like so ashamed of how I feel,”

“I didn't...I didn't think of it like that,” Jonghyun admitted, looking away from Kibum. He was being selfish and he knew it, but he couldn't seem to stop. He may not be able to be with Kibum how he wants but he can't seem to stay away either, “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have handled it like that, it's just, I still think about you, Kibum, I miss y- our friendship,”

Jonghyun avoided Key's eyes and hoped the younger didn't notice his hiccup.

Key shrugged, “I miss it too, but after all this...I don't think it'll be the same again,”

“Maybe you're right, but we can still try, right?” Jonghyun offered a hopeful smile. He wanted Kibum in his life, in any way he could have him.

“I don't know,” was the answer Jonghyun received. It definitely wasn't the one he was expecting. “Maybe we just need to let it go? We had some good times, made nice memories, but who were we kidding? You're my teacher and it was inappropriate for us to become so close, I realise that, especially now that my feelings have grown into something more. I think our relationship should stay that of a teacher and a student; I don't want things to be bad between us, but I need time and space to get over you. I can't do that if we remain friends,”

Realistically, Jonghyun knew that was the only way their relationship could go. He knew he had to let Kibum move on, as he had to do himself, so why did the words feel like such a kick in the stomach?

Jonghyun nodded and returned to his desk. H

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Just updated chapter 5! I posted from my phone because I needed to stop procrastinating so the formatting may be bad but it will be fixed tomorrow ~


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KaratKookies #1
Chapter 5: It’s been almost two years, but daaaayumn this story is so good T-T I really hope you update
Chapter 5: I read all 5 chapters the other night and I really love them. Can't wait to see what's going to happen next. Who will find out first? Maybe Taemin or Minho?! hmmm... i want more...
Chapter 5: Yippi!! An update!!!!!!
I felt really bad about Kibummi's situation....
Jongluv83 #4
Chapter 3: I’m at work reading this. I’m sitting at my desk making all types of faces. This story has held me hostage in the best way possible.
Jongluv83 #5
Chapter 1: This story is giving me all the feels even though Key is 17. I just think of him older so I don’t feel like a .
Chapter 4: please update? /puppy eyes/
mikijan029 #7
Chapter 4: I love this so much!! I binge read the entire thing today and I really can't wait for the rest. I've been a Jongkey junkie for years and I love your writing :)
Chapter 4: So beautiful! They finally kissed! I hope everything would work between them!! My Jongkey heartu!!!
Chapter 2: I pictured Jjong well in this part! Your words are flowing like movie. Love so much how those simple sentences could bring pictures behind my eye lids.
Chapter 3: I'm here again.. in the middle of the night. Re-reading this fiction you wrote years ago.. no words or worlds are enough to describe how much this fiction means to me. Nothing can describe it. My tears fall uncontrollably as I type in these words in the dark, in a corner of my room. How can someone from the opposite side of the world effect you so grratly, so vastly? It's a miracle.. we humans have that power. This never ending longing I feel for this creation of yours is eating me. I wonder if there was a day when I didn't think of this. I guess there is none. I wish you could see how much my face lights up when I read this.. for the nth time, I must confess, but never fails to awe me. Saying I love this piece of writing is a huge huge understatement. It's painful, the want and desire I have for this. But it isn't completely bitter. It's sweet. It's bittersweet. I hope you can end this pain soon. But I also hope you take your own time doing things you like. But I'll be here, I'll always be here, waiting for you, longing for you, hoping you could feel the pain from my heart and maybe, maybe help me end it. Peace. Amen. XOXO