The Angelic Instrument, The Rise of The Angels


Hordes of demons were coming in really fast. And the four were losing energy in great amounts. Minna was also getting very tired in protecting me. I needed to do something. But how? I don’t know what to do. The only thing to do was to ask for divine assistance from the Lord through the intercession of the Mary. I asked for her intercession to help us 6. I was losing hope.
Light within. Light within. Believe in its Creator and do not doubt of its great power. See inside, lies your might.
The voice was again calling. Light within? What does that mean? Then I looked down. I was shocked to see the locket, which my mom gave me when I was still kid, was here with me. I had lost it before she died. And some sort of urge made me open it. And a blinding light came from it. And the feeling of happiness surged within me.
Then I heard the sound of breaking glass. I was like freed from a long prison. The illuminating light then bounded me into a fuller form. Wings came out from my back. I was flying. And in my hands were 2 swords. I have
transformed into an angel.
“She has transformed. She has awakened!”, cried a demon far away
And I was free. The surge of holiness within me made me feel better. Then swiftly like an eagle, I attacked the monsters-I really don’t know if it was me. Slicing, stabbing, grinding them with the power God has given me. Screaming, they ran for their safety. But the least survived. The bits and pieces of the demons that were left, dissolved into a gray and a very smelly ash like substance.
“Amazing.”, Minna cried with astonishment
“How’d you do that?”, Andy asked, also with surprise
“Welcome to the group, Hope!”, Amber said
I glanced at them. I was going to reply when some kind of energy drain came and I fell asleep. I felt peace… but I was wrong.
A voice cried out in the darkness.
“Who is in there?”, I asked
“I told you before… not to interfere!”, it replied
“What… who are you?!”
“I am your worst nightmare.”
“What do you mean coward!”
“Ha! Coward, eh? You amuse me angel. Your courage to say that to me is really amazing.”
“I know right!”
“But, what do you think might happen to an angel… if she burns in Hell?”
“Don’t you dare?!”
After his last reply was silence. A great and deafening silence.
“Where are you?!”, I shouted
It laughed. I kept on calling for the mysterious voice but it kept on laughing hideously. The atmosphere was getting scary and my adrenaline was rushing again. The laugh continued and continued. Then time after time, the darkness smelled awful. It was like the scent of corpses being burned. It also became hot every second.
“Crap! What is this?!”
“Ha! Ha! Ha! Welcome to my Kingdom!”
Then fire rose from the surface. It was like a world of endless fire. It burned me. It felt hotter this time than my usual nightmare dilemma. I was being burned alive. It hurt. The scorching flames coming closer to my body. Worse, some thing was choking me.
“Ughh! Let go of me!”, I demanded
“Ha! Ha! Ha! I’m far more powerful than you angel. No one can ever escape this sweet torture. Ha! Ha! Ha!”, it replied
Angel. I’m an angel. And God is with me. And He will never leave me.
“If you renounce your divine nativity and come with us. I will free you.”, it offered
“Never! For God is the only one. And I will only kneel to Him!”
At those words, the piercings were gone. The temperature lowered. And the Devil squandered off, screaming in disbelief and anger. Then I woke up, sweaty. Surprisingly, I was back in my room. It was raining outside and was very cold. I then went outside to the living room. It was still the same. There was no sign of a devil homecoming. I watched the grand father clock in the living room, it signaled 5:55 am. My sisters and my dad are still asleep. Was it just a dream? I took a towel and wiped the sweat off my neck and found my answer-the locket. The locket is still here with me. It wasn’t a dream at all.
“Hey! Morning sis!”, someone called out from upstairs
I turned to look and saw my sister Heart, perfectly fine. The bruises and the cuts were gone. A perfect sign that nothing happened last night.
“Hey?! What you looking at?”, she asked
“Nothing, do you remember what happened last night?”
“Last night? What do you mean?”
“Uhmm last night, like something creepy of hideous that happened?”
“Hideous? Well, I do remember something.”
“What is it?!”
“Your snores were awful”, she snickered
“I do not snore!”, I defended my self
“Ha! Ha! Ha! I was just joking little sis. Prepare yourself ok? We’re going to mass.”, she said while going to the kitchen
“Ok!”, I replied while marching to my room
That was weird. She doesn’t remember anything that happened last night… how strange. I hurriedly went my
bathroom and looked at the mirror. There was also no sign of injuries. The wounds and the bruises were also gone. This is really confusing me so much. I was going to turn on the faucet when water started flowing. Then the toilet bowl water came rushing out. The shower was also pouring out some water. The window in the comfort room made way for some gallons of rainwater, too. Dripping with water, I went downstairs to meet everyone which is all awake now.
“Whoa! What happened to you?”, Faith asked while cooking something good
“The attack of water. I don’t know what happened to the sink, toilet and the showers. They suddenly bombarded me with water.”, I explained while getting a dry towel from the newly ironed laundry
“Well sis, that’s what they are meant to do. They bring us water.”, Heart answered, amused
“Very funny, eonnie Heart.”, I said, clearly pissed
“Well, that’s strange. The plumber was here the other day.”, my dad said
“Well dad, I think he didn’t make a good job though.”, I replied while wiping myself dry to my bedroom
But my bad luck didn’t stop there. While in church, the air blew gusts that creatively destroyed my hair and blow away my offertory donation. After the mass, some tree roots tripped me and made me fly, face first, into a puddle of mud. While cooking lunch, my omelets got over cooked and the gasoline fire burned my apron, leaving a very large and noticeable damage.
“Grr! I hate this day!”, I mumbled to myself while lying on my bed
Suddenly, my phone rang. It was a message from Minna.
“Hope-chan, we have something to tell you. I have sent someone there to fetch you. The others and me are going to wait, ok? Please come, its very important.”, the message stated
I then dashed downstairs. Got an approval. I got a blue shirt and a pair of jogging pants. A blue cap and my Gucci watch. I also stashed my sling bag with my personal necessities. I went outside and saw nothing but a broom stick on our front yard. I got near it and held it with both hands.
“Ha! Ha! So funny, a witch will always have this traditional flying broom stick. But I hoped that she told me of “something” not “someone.” Like I was expecting of an older brother though.”, I said
“Are you making fun of my Midori?”, a voice called out, obviously angry
“Who’s there?!”, I looked back and saw a very handsome boy
“Someone told me to fetch you though. So, what are you then? A werewolf, a vampire… or a complete maid?”
“What?! Well sir, for your information, I’m Hope… an… an…”
“An angel. Well, you don’t look like one and I don’t feel your aura too. They must have mistaken though.”, he said, quite dismayed about me being so human
I didn’t argued again. He then took the broom and rode on it.
“Aren’t you gonna ride?”, he said
“Duh! I have wings.”, I said, angry
“Well, if that’s your choice dear angel… I’m off to go. Meet you there.”, he said waving goodbye and flew away on his broom stick
“Hey! It was just a… joke.”, I shouted
He then stuttered back to our yard
“Hop in brat.”, he said gesturing to me
I sat on the broom stick in girl position on a motorcycle. And I held tightly on the broom’s handle. Then swiftly, we flew into the sky. The sights were very breathtaking in this position. But the fear of being carried by the wind is still there. So when he did turns, I held on immediately to his waist, and I could hear his faint giggle which made me release my hold on him. After the frightful 5 minute ride, we reached a castle in a forest clearing. He then turned to land. And on the other side of the clearing, Minna and the others were there.
“Hope-chan!”, shouted Minna, with a huge wave
We landed smoothly on the grassy clearing. Minna then ran towards us. And hugged me by the hip.
“Hope-chan, I knew you would come.”, she said lifting her gaze towards me
“Of course, you called me.”, I answered while look at her
“I think you met my older brother, Kei-kun.”, she said turning her eyes to the boy I rode with
“Bro-brother?! He’s your brother?!”, I asked, in disbelief
“Yes, Hope-chan. Kei-kun, this is Hope, the angel I was talking to you about.”, she told Kei
“Well, nice meeting you, Angel.”, he said then smiled a crooked smile at me
I gulped.
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