
Empty Heart



“LULU you’re here!” I screamed whilst tackling my best friend.

“Yes I am, but Baeki I’m going to fall if you dont’ let go.”

“Oh sorry.” I pulled away from my friend and grabbed his bag for him since he couldn’t carry it while being on crutches. “So what do you want to do?”

“Um I don’t know you suggest something.” I love it when my friends trust me with something. Even though I can be very untrustworthy. 

“I have a great idea! But first let’s get Channie and Xuimin.”

“Ok.” We walked over to our cabin and I set Luhan’s stuff next to his bed. 

“Hey guys I have a great plan.” 


“Yes Channie?”

“I really don’t like it when you say you have a good plan.”

“Well to bad ‘cause Luhan agreed to letting me pick what we’re going to do.”

“Thanks Luhan.” Luhan just smiled in response.

“So my plan that we should go take a hike in the woods and get to be friendly with nature.”

“That sounds creepy.” 

“Come on guys it’ll be fun.”

“Fine.” They all murmured  in response. We headed towards the wood after letting our teachers know where we were going. There were some other kids in the woods but I decided to take the trail opposite them. We walked for quite a while enjoying the scenery, singing songs, and playing random wacky games. 

“Hey Baeki.”

“Yeah Channie.”

“It’s getting dark and I think we’re lost.”

“We’re not lost. Don’t worry Channie.” I looked around hoping that I would find the trail again or find someone who knew where they were. Maybe we were lost. 

“SOMEONE HELP US!” That’s one way to find our way back. We all stayed quiet for minute hoping that someone had heard us. 


Nothing. “We are all gonna did!” Way to be optimistic Chanyeol. I looked around again trying to find something that looked familiar. 

“How ‘bout we just chill for a moment and then pick a direction and just walk.” I suggested but it didn’t seem like anyone heard me. “Hello…anyone listening?”

I got Luhan’s attention, whose face looked very concerned. “That may work, but what if we end up walking in the complete opposite direction of the camp?”

“We’ll find civilization eventually.” Just as I said this to Luhan, Xuimin panicked and started to run in a random direction. “Xuimin don’t leave without us!” I screamed after him. I thought about running after him, but with Luhan on crutches it would be impossible. This is not good. What if we lose Xuimin? Now we are all definitely going to die. “Chayeolie! What do we do?”



“THIS WAS YOUR IDEA!” Chanyeol screamed at me as he started to run away in the same direction as Xuimin. This is bad what do I do. 

“CHANYEOL! WAIT!” I screamed after him. My instincts took in as I started to run after him leaving Luhan all by himself. . Should I turn back? I don’t want to leave either Chanyeol or Luhan alone.

“It’s ok, Baekki! I’ll be fine.” I hear Luhan scream. That god he understands how much I care for my Channie. I continued to run after Chanyeol until he finally stopped running.

“What do you think you are doing Park Chanyeol?” I ask him, while trying to catch my breath. I hope he has a good reason for running off with no reason.

“I got scared.”

“So because you were scared, you left Luhan all alone in the middle of the forest?”

“Well you didn’t have to follow me.”

“Of course I did you idiot! I can’t leave my happy giant.”

“Aw Baekki. You love me that much?”

“Of course I do.”

“Thanks Baekki. I love you.”

“I love you too Channie, but what are we supposed to do now?” I looked around trying to figure out which direction we came running from, so that we could maybe get back to Luhan “I have no idea which direction we were running from.” 

"That's okay we can just start walking north."

"Okay so which way is north?" Chanyeol looked around with his cute adorable face and pointed in front of us. It's probably not north but I grab his hand and start walking.


Hey guys:)

This was a really long chapter so hope you all enjoyed...

and for those who are going crazy over the whole Kris thing, it's okay I am too



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afiercesong #1
I enjoyed this, thank you!
Chapter 8: Hunhan is so cute and awkward ....