Stick to Reality

Stick to Reality

Sulli’s Pov

                We are currently at my house to introduce him to my parents. I looked at him and I saw him frowning when my Appa immediately asked me who he was.  “Princess..” I smiled at him sweetly as I held his hand really tight. I quickly shifted my gaze and saw  Appa very confused, “A-Appa, h-he’s K-Kai.. M-My boyfriend.” I know that Appa doesn’t like me having a boyfriend but I was shocked when he smiled at me and patted Kai’s back.

                “You better take care of my daughter, okay? I’ll watch you closely.” Kai smiled at Appa then pulled me closer to him. “Yes sir.”




                I stood up from bed as I wipe the tears that started to fall down my eyes. My dream.. it’s about him.. It’s about him and I hate it.. I don’t want to dream of him. To be very honest, I really don’t want to because they said that if we’ve already dreamt of it, the thing we dreamt of will not happen in real life. I entered the bathroom to take a shower and I keep on remembering my dream and I hate it. I really hate it.

                As I went out the bathroom I looked around the house and sighed. Seriously, when will this house be full of joy? My parents are always out of town because they’re always busy with stuff. My siblings are far from me and whenever I ask them to meet me so we’ll have time to go out, they always turn me down, saying they still need to do things. I sighed and started fixing my things for school, a paper suddenly fell down from my notebook and I placed the drawing on the desk and left.

                Wondering what’s on the paper? It’s… It’s the drawing of my best friend.  A drawing where Kai and I are together. Ah, what is this feeling? I feel happy and sad at the same time. Happy because I’m having my hopes up that it’ll happen on the future, sad because there’s a part of me that knows that it’ll never happen.


                -at school-

                “Sulli!!” I looked at the direction of the voice that called me and I saw Luna waving at me so I waved back at her immediately. Luna and Amber ran to me then tackled me in a bear hug. “YAH! They’re already preparing for Mrs. Kim’s birthday party and we still need to help them! We better hurry up because Mr. Secretary was already screaming at us earlier.” Amber said then started dragging me to our room and as soon as we enter our room, Mr. Secretary is ordering our classmates to do things and I looked at Amber who’s currently making faces. “He still thinks like he’s the president? Duuuh. He’s just a secretary.” I chuckled and started helping.

                Amber and Luna sat beside me as we watch the others preparing for their special number for the party, I suddenly remembered my dream, “Hey.. Amber.. Luna.. I dreamt about him..” The both of them looked at me immediately with a confused look on their faces. “Mm?”

                “I dreamt of Kai and do you still remember what Mr. Jung said? That if we’ve already dreamt of it, our dreams will not happen in real life anymore” Amber patted my back and said, “You should’ve worn a dream catcher necklace”

                I facepalmed myself at her comment and my classmates told us to be quiet since Mrs. Kim is on her way to our room. As soon as Mrs. Kim entered, we started singing happy birthday and the boys started yelling, “MRS. KIM WE LOVE YOU, CAN YOU GIVE US OUR BELOVED 5 MINUTES BREAK AGAIN?” Mrs. Kim glared at the boys and walked to her ‘throne’.

                The party started with our president, giving Mrs. Kim a rose and started dancing her around. All of the boys gave her a rose and for the final dance, we invited Mrs. Kim’s grandson. Yohan entered our room with bouquet of roses on his hand and he even kneeled in front of Mrs. Kim as he hand it to her. Ah. That is just so sweet. The both of them danced around and I didn’t even notice my tears that are starting to fall down. I quickly wiped them and I saw Luna looked at me with a worried face.

                She pulled me away from the others, “Hey, I don’t know if this will help or not but..” She searched her bag and brought out a book.  She scanned it and pointed something at me, I looked at it and smiled,

                                ‘The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.’

                She patted my back and I looked at her, “You’re reading books? Wow. Luna, it’s a miracle! Haha” She tried to flick my forehead but she’s too short so she ended up doing nothing. “But Luna, thank you.”



                We’re currently on our way home when I received a text from Kai, telling me to be careful since he’s far from me and that he couldn’t fetch me.

                ‘Yes, I will and you better be asleep when I check my facebook account.’ I smiled as I type my reply. He often sleeps late because he wants to talk to me and I appreciate his effort for that but I’m still worried about his health, it’s not good for him.

                I immediately received a reply from him. ‘But Princess, I still want to talk to you. And I don’t need sleep. Talking to you gives me energy <3’ Ah, this guy is really stubborn. 

                “Bye guys. Be careful!” I waved at Luna and Amber who’s currently waving at me too. I entered the house and as soon as I got into it. I feel lonely again. Ah, I hate this feeling.

                When I opened my facebook account, I quickly checked the chat box if he’s still online and when I am already sure that he’s not that’s when I started replying to his messages.

                ‘Princess, do you know what love is?’ I chuckled and started typing my reply. ‘Love? What is it? O u O” I was surprised when I got a notification from him, replying on my comment. I thought that he was already asleep. Damn. This guy is really stubborn.

                ‘Love: it's a feeling that I feel when I’m around you, Princess.’ What the.. Butterflies in my stomach. Omy. They’re flying really fast or I am just hungry?

                ‘Omy. If someone asks me what is the meaning of love, should I answer them with that?’  Sulli

                ‘No. You only answer that with me, Princess. WITH ME ONLY. Okay?’ Kai

                ‘Understood. <3’ Sulli


                We were still talking about that love thingy when he posted a status. How did I know? Well, you know, the close friend thingy on facebook! Haha.

                ‘Coffee doesn't keep me up anymore. I think I should go back to taking my damn insomnia pills.

                 I immediately called him on the phone and he answered.

                 “Yah! You should sleep early. Sleep now!” Sulli

                 “I can’t, Princess. I have insomnia. It’s hard” Kai

                 “Then you should start taking your pills again. Oh wait. I sound like your mother.” Sulli

                 “I will, when I refill them  and you do. Want to be my mother instead? Come here omma~”  Kai

                 “You're older than me though, Prince.”Sulli

                 “True. Hm... then let me be your Appa!” Kai  [[ a/n: uh yeah.. Kai is older here. So.. orz. ]]

                 “Haha. Alright then. Appaaaaaaa!” Sulli

                 “Ah, that sounds weird. Haha. I love you, Princess” Kai

                 My eyes widened at what he said. Uh.. My heart.. it’s beating really fast. Uh…

                 “I- I love you too, Appa” Sulli

                 “No. No. No. Don't call me Appa, it sounds so weird.  But I'm glad you love me back” Kai

                 “Well, I am also glad that you love me back. But, hey. Uhm. Sleep now. It’s already 3 am there. Good bye.” I ended the call and touched my chest. Uh..  My heart.. it feels.. so… wonderful.


                  We’re very far from each other but I really don’t mind the distance. I’m just happy that he’s mine and that we’re in a relationship. I’m in Korea and he’s in England, I met him through my cousin that lives in England. It may sound funny but yeah, we got into a relationship last October 23. The way he asked me to be his girlfriend was so so so so sweet. Ah, my feels. Haha.



                   Christmas break, the only thing I’m waiting for. Haha. Well, I can talk to him often now since I am not busy with my studies anymore. Amber and Luna are in my house since they wanted to hang out with me.

                    He’s currently sick and I want to take care of him. I called my mom to ask her a medicine that could make him feel better.

                    “Ah, why are you even asking for that baby? Are you sick?” My mom asked me back.

                    “No mom, I am not sick. But Kai is. I want to go to England so I could take care of him. Just tell me a medicine that could make him feel better, Mom.”  She sighed and I was dumbfounded at what she told me. “Baby, just stop it. Stick to reality, please? Stick to reality that even if you try to take care of him, you couldn’t. He’s so far from you.”

                     “Mom, how could I even stick to reality? You are not even here. He’s the only one that can take away my loneliness. He’s the one that makes me happy all the time. He’s the one that loves me so much. He’s the one that makes me feel that I’m his Princess. Now mom, tell me. How can I stick to reality when I already found someone that makes me feel special even though we’re miles apart.” I ended the call and cried. What kind of reality does she want me to live in? The reality that I’m alone? That I don’t even have someone to talked to?





                    It has already been a month since my communication with Kai stopped. I don’t even know the reason why he wanted me to move on. Remember that time when he was sick? Starting that day, he seldom goes online and when he did, he told me to move on. I don’t want to move on though. I am still hoping that he’ll come back to me. I’ve already planned my Valentine’s Day with him. He better talk to me on that day. He better.. or else… or else…  uh.. I don’t know! I really don’t know.

                    “Baby, I told you.. Just stick to reality… that you can’t be with him. Okay? Stop it and move on already.” My mom keeps on telling me that “STICK TO REALITY” phrase. I’m sick and tired of hearing it from her.

                    “Mom, I love him. I won’t move on that easily. I still want to hold on. I’ll wait for him. I’ll wait for him!”  I know it’s sounds stupid but guess what? I don’t care. I love Kai! I love him very very much!


“Yah, Prince. How are you? I’m missing you so much.”

“Yah Prince. I love you. You know that right?”

“Prince, I always read our past conversations. It makes me happy.”

"Prince, I love you so so so so much."


                I sighed in defeat and then started typing my last message to him,


“I want to be with you, I want to hold you,

I want to hug you, I want to kiss you.

I want to make you feel how much I love you..

But, I can't.. because they told me that I should stick to the reality,

that I can't be with you.



                I always spam his inbox with messages, I was hoping that he will seenzone me or something but there was nothing. I think I should follow my mom, that I should just stick to reality. I really want to stick to reality. I want to but my heart, it is still hoping that he will come back to me. That he will still come back to me.  But I guess, they are right.. That I should stick to reality that I can’t be with him even though my heart yearns for him.



                “Prince, can you come back? Well, not like we used to.  I just want to talk to you once again. I want to hear your voice again. I want to blush again because of you. I want to.. I want to… I want to feel loved again…”


                As I type those, I can feel my heart beating fast. I don’t know but when I clicked the send button… I felt…happy…

                I am about to close my facebook account when I saw his account online.. and when I looked at the chat box… he’s currently typing..


                ‘Did I make you miss me too much, Princess? Sorry.’

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jannet #1
Chapter 1: So does kai still love her?
f5sulli #2
Chapter 1: Ohh nice ending but I thought it would be longer but oh well :)
f5sulli #3
This seems interesting,kailli :)
laysmyoxygen #4
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
azuraes #5
ohhh sounds interesting and its a kailli yey!
please update soon <3
Yess..i like your proloque authornim! First chap plss..
Isamost2012 #7
This idea seems nice, update soon, please?