Spring is here.


I still remember the first moment I saw her, she caught my eye even though she wasn’t doing anything special. My eyes were just drawn towards her energy; I suppose I fell victim to that pull. It wasn’t like this was out of the norm to notice people at school. We go to a school full of beautiful people, so do I feel so drawn to her? I suppose it could have be her infectious laughter that happened to affect anyone caught in its sound wave. I often think about those moments when I hadn’t known her, when we were both so lost and off in two different worlds. 



“Oh sorry” I smiled awkwardly clutching my head in pain. The girl tried to hold her laughter in for my sake, knowing I had no reason to say sorry. I looked at the locker that my head had happened to find as I was walking. She smiled closing her locker before redirecting her attention to me.

                “No problem, I’m sure the locker won’t mind.” She smirked patting the locker where my head had mad impact, almost as if it had feelings.  “Hey you’re from my drama class” She asked as she held her books tightly.

                “Yeah, I am. It’s weird to see a younger grade join our drama. But I suppose we see why you’re in it now, you really do well.” I tried to compliment the girl, but my head kept reminding me of my stupidity earlier.

                “Yeah well I suppose you bumped into our locker friend on your way there right?” she smirked again as she teased me. I rubbed my head as a nodded trying not to allow myself to slip further into the awkward that was me. “Let us go together?”

I smiled as I followed her into the class; we sat down next to each other. Although we had never talked prior to the locker event we sat like we knew each other. I began to think how lonely it would be to be the only one your age in this class, most of the people that attended believed they were the best. Not trying to put down the others of course, but they really angered me some days. We watched as one girl tried to get through her rushed monologue, I tried not to laugh as I saw the confidence on her face.

                “Are they always this stuck up when they ?” She whispered to me, clearly she thought the same way as me. I smiled nodding my head; she smiled back trying not to laugh at her own comment. “By the way, I’m Bomi”


“Bomi, do you think this dialogue is okay? I mean we can change it if you’d like?” I smiled towards the younger girl who I knew felt awkward being in the group with the older students.

                “Chorong, I’m fine. It’s great actually, you guys did a really good job” Bomi smiled awkwardly, the bell rang telling us class was over. I walked over to her side trying to smile myself by I couldn’t.

                “I’m sorry they didn’t let you have any input. They’re just stuck up snobs, you know.”

                “I know I just wish people didn’t just see me as the young kid.” She huffed pouting. I smiled at her cute antics and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

                “Come on I’ll drive you home.”

Once we reached Bomi’s house she invited me inside. I smiled as I awkwardly sat on her bed waiting for her to bring me a glass of water. She poked her head into the room with a big smile; she opened the door revealing a bag of cookies. She laughed to herself before walking over passing me the drinks so I could put them on the stand next to the bed. She jumped on her bed next to me still holding on to the cookies.

                “You must really love sweets.” I laughed as I reach to take a sip of the cold water.

                “You’ve hung out with me for two months, and you’re just now noticing?” She opened her eyes like I had said something shocking.  

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Chapter 3: ooh it's a rather open ending, but there's quite a sense of hope too. ahhh this is a lovely little story and it's got my heart squeezing a bit to wonder what that could mean.. but Bomi ahhh, her smart response really feels sweet.. and it makes me feel like Chorong has a chance! Ahhhhhh my head my heart >.< thank you for writing~
Thank you so much for reading <3
Lubov17 #3
Chapter 3: Well written. It's a short but pretty story. :)
Chapter 3: Awwww cuuute~
Chapter 3: I like it ^^
Its well written :))
hellosone #6
Chapter 3: more chomi stories pls :) tuis is great
Chapter 3: Awww bittersweet