Chapter 8~ Smile, For Me?

Lovely Royal

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(Tao 1st)

That night I was able to sleep a bit easier then I lately have. I am not interlay sure why, maybe it was because Luhan was able to make Eunhae smile. Whatever it is, it provided me with faith that perhaps today would be decent. I stretched and automatically rose out of bed, mindless. I was so used to my morning routine by now I had no need to ponder about what to do next, because I was already doing it. Taking one last glance in my mirror, I opened my door. Though I did not get very far, for under my foot I had noticed was a letter. It was addressed to me by appa, and so went my faith. Tearing the envelope open, out came a short note. Appa wished to see me in his study, right about now. I sighed to myself, I never do receive a moments rest. Returning the letter to my desk, I wandered down the hall to appa’s office. The aura the room itself gave off was not a pleasant one, however we all know what happens when appa becomes angry. So, I knocked. “Come in.” was my signal to come in. “You sent for me. Appa?” “Neh, I myself have received a letter this morning.”

“And you wish to discuss it with me?” this would not have been the first time. “It is from the Kim palace, Jongin is arranging to visit in two days’ time.”  “Mueos? Two days?” still not bothering to look up at me, “Neh, and I expect you to be the one to make him feel comfortable.” Of course he shall ask me, because what better matters do I have to take care of. Yet instead of arguing, I bowed. “Of course, appa. I will be sure to make him feel welcome.” Waving his hand at me, I was dismissed. I had already predicted his arrival, I knew he was to come. Yet so soon? … Maybe he is just eager to meet Eunhae? Which reminds me, I must tell her of her…echem, fiancés arrival. Judging by the sun she would not have woken up yet, she will be surprised. Picking up my pace just a bit, I turned the corner into her room. Her maid was about to open her door but I stopped her. “Miss please, allow me to wake Eunhae this morning?’ she stood a moment before answering me. “N-neh, of c-course….your h-highness.” She bowed and backed away. Smiling I nodded, “Thank you very kindly, miss. Oh, and you may call me Tao.” Her face flushed red. “N-n-neh~ T-Tao!” carefully, I peeked in her room. As she should be, asleep in her bed. Not bothering to shut the door, I moved to shake her shoulder. “Yah~ Eunhae, it is time for you to wake up.” Without question, she switched and rolled out of bed. I found it amusing how she was not yet aware of my presents, nor the lack of her maids. “You are not too aware in the mornings are you?” she stopped rubbing her eyes and looked at me, blinked, then blinked again. “Oppa?” her voice was heavy with sleep. “Neh, it was about time you noticed.” “W-what are you doing here?” I rolled my eyes, not even a good morning. “Well, I would inform you, though… I have not been given a hello yet.” While this behavior was unlike me to most how knew, it was no surprise to Eunhae. She knew oh too well about my teasing. ”ah oppa~ Good morning!” she laughed, she did not always mind my jokes. “Oh good morning Eunhae, you know I am here to inform you of Jongin’s arrival.”   Instantly, she dropped her smile. “When?” “In about two days’ time, appa has out m in charge of welcoming him.” “Ah, I see.” “Well now is not the time to dwell on it.” She nodded, “Hn, I suppose so.” I undoubtedly just devastated the rest of the day.

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(Eunhae 1st)

Two days, two days is all they are giving me to be naive and have the slightest sliver of hope. I try to look at the slight bright side, soon I will be able to put a face to that name. In an attempt to lighten the mood for oppa, I lightly shoved oppa’s shoulder and back. “Yah oppa, you need to take your leave! Unless… I do not suppose you are assisting me in dressing this morning?” “How un-lady like of you, Eunhae.” We looked at each other before laughing at our foolish words. “Ah well, I must inform the staff of our guests upcoming rival. I shall see you, Eunhae.” And like I had kidded a few minutes earlier, he left. I slightly smiled to myself, it was comforting to know we could always have time to fib with each other. Rather than waste time calling for Miyoung, I would allow her a break and dress myself once more. 

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However, Miyoung did not acquire a very extensive respite. She came not a moment later with a bright smile playing on her lips. “Oh, have you heard? The Kim Jongin shall be here to see you within two days!” I am glad to see someone is joyous of my arranged marriage. To keep her in her high spirits, I play along. Perhaps if I fool Miyoung into believing I am pleased about my wedding, I will also be able to fool myself. “Neh, indeed. I have only recently been informed.” Miyoung continued to squeal in delight, while I stared and laughed. “Do you know what this means, Eunhae?” “That I am soon going to be married to a man I do not know…” she stopped and looked towards me, eyes filled with compassion. “You needn’t fret, I am positive he will be good for you.” “Let us not dwell in the matter, tell me. What does this mean, Miyoung?” she seemed hardly convinced, yet continuing as to not go against my wishes. “Well, this mean there will be two days of preparation! Why don’t we start now, neh? I suggest choosing a hanbok now.” Chuckling I remarked, “Shall I pick a hanbok because it would be best to ready, or do you merely wish to play dress up with me?” pulling on an innocent face, Miyoung countered my sly mark. “But how could I not? After all I cannot help you look stunning in every hanbok I provide you.” “Ani, I suppose you cannot.”  Taking a quick glance at each other we giggled much like a bunch of little girls who had just done something immoral, and had gotten away with it.

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(Luhan 1st)

As of right now I was hurrying to the kitchen. Tao hyung has requested I instruct the chef to prepare the finest meal he can, and be complete to serve in two days. So, we will finally meet this notorious Kim Jongin. And so sudden, he is a pain to me already. And why is it the emperor is not doing this, he could not be arranging the wedding just yet! No matter, I will just have to do it myself. Maybe I could see Eunhae later?

After directing the cook, I was reporting back to Tao to see if there was more I needed to do. Indeed there was…

“Ah, thank you Luhan. Now, if you please take this to Eunhae’s room?” he passed me a lumpy package, I pondered. “What is this exactly?” he answered me while continuing to fill out papers, placing the finished ones in a pile next to him. “It is a new Hanbok for Eunhae, sent from the Kim palace.” Or maybe the emperor is already planning, seeing everyone is sending gifts! “The Kim palace? What is this like a peace offering?” he roughly set his pen down and sighed. “See here, Luhan. As you are aware, I do not enjoy this any more than you. So please, just bring them to her.” I felt shame, I am forcing him be even more stressed then he already is. “N-neh, hyung. Gomawo” With a bow and no more words, I left to bring Eunhae her gift. Scowling at the darn package the whole way here.

I can hear Eunhae and someone talking inside her room, must be her maid. Knocking, I waited for the sound of footsteps to halt. Once they did, I straightened a little. Standing in the doorway, was indeed her maid, “Miyoung, who is it?” Eunhae’s head peeked from behind Miyoung and smiled. “Ah, Luhan oppa! Come in, come in.” Miyoung moved to the side to allow my access, eyes the lump in my hands. Eunhae was viewing her hanbok in the mirror,

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  “What do you say, Luhan oppa?” what do I say, well Eunhae looks great in whatever hanbok she wears so I am at a loss. “You can’t ask me, I will say the same thing every time. You know that.” Oh yeah, my mind is off today. “Before I forget, these are for you. It is a new hanbok, I guess for when Jongin comes.” “Oh how wonderful, from whom?”  I opened my mouth to say, yet the words stuck. So I cleared my throat, “From the Kim palace.” From behind me I could hear Miyoung squeal. “Do you suppose they are from him? Oh then you must wear it, go on open it!” I laughed looking at Eunhae, her maid sure was excited. You would think she was the one getting married… “Luhan oppa?” Eunhae was in front of me, gesturing for the package. “Oh, right. Here” Still in a daze of my own thoughts, I handed her the paper wrapped clothing. I watched as she placed it on the bed to open it and Miyoung ran to her side, wanting so badly to see what Jongin had sent. “Oh~ it is so beautiful you need to wear it, please?” “Luhan oppa, could you for a moment leave. I need to try it on.” I only nodded. I strolled towards the door that Miyoung had opened for me and walked out.

Not too long after I could her Eunhae calling for me to come back in. and when Miyoung opened that door...   

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“If I do say so, Jongin seems to have very good taste!” Miyoung looked like she was about to rip the hanbok off Eunhae and take it for herself. “Do you really think so…?” Eunhae, being modest as always. Stepping next to her and taking her hand, I gave it a reassuring squeeze. “I really think so, you should wear it…I’m sure Jongin would be pleased.” The last part came out as a whisper. Eunhae looked back over at me and smiled warmly at me. She continued to smile as she looked down at our linked hands, “I hope he will.” I didn’t feel like answering her that time, if she was happy… so was I.

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(Eunhae 1st)


I find that recently all I need to do is pretend to smile, because if I smile so do they. If I laugh, they join in. If I am happy, so are they… and that is all I want.

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Some tension is building here in this chapter, I'm on edge and I'm the one writing it!.Oh boy. plus a lot of POV changes, who's do you like the most? ~Jlugo24

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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 18: I love this fanfic and i hope the other silent readers do to! i think either one is fine! but i recommend you finish the fanfic in private so you can take your time! then you can upload it when you feel like you finished and wrote it well...anyway i hope this helped! im looking foreword to the next chapter when you update this fic ^^ fighting!!
Blackjack27 #2
Chapter 15: Actually to be honest I usually don't read fanfics with princesses and surprisingly this is my first fanfic of that sorts!! I really like it and I just started reading it in one go! You kept on updating and it took me by surprise but when I read it I was really happy on how good it was!! I hope you continue to update quickly like you did a couple of minutes ago!! Fighting!! ^_^